Tax Tip 2022-115, July 28, 2022 — When taxpayers have a question, their first stop should be The Let Us Help You page is a great way to get answers to tax questions fast. People who call the IRS for additional help will need to have information available to verify their identity.
Tax Tip 2022-114, July 27, 2022 — Scammers often pose as the IRS to steal taxpayers’ personal information. They may reach out through fraudulent phone calls, emails, texts or social media messages. It’s important for taxpayers to understand how the IRS contacts people, so they don’t fall victim to identity thieves.
Tax Tip 2022-113, July 26, 2022 — The IRS2Go app helps people find IRS tools and resources faster and with less scrolling. Taxpayers can use the IRS2Go app on their phone or mobile device to check their refund status, find tax help and more.
Tax Tip 2022-112, July 25, 2022 — People with disabilities can use an Achieving a Better Life Experience or ABLE account to help pay qualified disability-related expenses. This tax-advantaged savings account doesn’t affect their eligibility for government assistance programs.
COVID Tax Tip 2022-111, July 21, 2022 — Some people may choose not to file a tax return because they didn't earn enough money to be required to file but may miss getting a refund if they don’t file.
Tax Tip 2022-110, July 20, 2022 — The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service. TAS protects taxpayers’ rights by striving to ensure that all taxpayers are treated fairly and know and understand their rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
Tax Tip 2022-109, July 19, 2022 — When a business hires an independent contractor, the employer is generally not responsible for withholding income taxes, Social Security, or Medicare taxes from their compensation. However, by law, business taxpayers who pay nonemployee compensation of $600 or more must report these payments to the IRS.
Tax Tip 2022-108, July 18, 2022 — People can get the latest IRS news through the agency's verified social media accounts and by subscribing to e-News services. These communication channels keep taxpayers “in the know” about important tax matters all year, not just during filing season.
Tax Tip 2022-107, July 14, 2022 — There are many ways people plan for retirement. Individual Retirement Arrangements, or IRAs, are a common one.
Tax Tip 2022-106, July 13, 2022 — From collecting stamps and woodworking to crafting and quilting, people have all kinds of hobbies – and most of these hobbies will never turn a profit. For hobbies that do earn income, people should know that they must report it on their tax return.
Tax Tip 2022-105, July 12, 2022 — Taxpayers who want to check their account information including balance, payments, tax records and more, can log into their IRS online account. It’s a simple and secure way to get information fast.
Tax Tip 2022-104, July 11, 2022 — Business travel can be costly. Hotel bills, airfare or train tickets, cab fare, public transportation – it can all add up fast. The good news is business travelers may be able off-set some of those cost by claiming business travel deductions when they file their taxes.
Tax Tip 2022-103, July 7, 2022 — As the old saying goes: When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Taxpayers with outstanding tax bills might be tempted by businesses who advertise and offer to help them reduce their tax debt.
Tax Tip 2022-102, July 6, 2022 — By law, all taxpayers have fundamental rights when they’re interacting with the IRS. It’s important that all taxpayers know and understand their rights. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights presents these rights in 10 categories.
COVID Tax Tip 2022-101, July 5, 2022 — The IRS’s new voice bot options mean less time on hold for taxpayers trying to verify their identity to set up or modify a payment plan. Voice bots run on software powered by artificial intelligence, which allows a caller to navigate an interactive voice response.
IRS tax tips from January 2011 forward.