- 2.8.5 AIMS Command Code AMSOC
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibility
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Account Short Closing Command Code AMSOC
- Error Messages Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-1 Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-2 Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-3 Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-4 Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-5 Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-6 Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-7 Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-8 Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-9 Command Code AMSOC
- Exhibit 2.8.5-10 Command Code AMSOCA
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 2. Information Technology
Chapter 8. Audit Information Management System (AIMS)
Section 5. AIMS Command Code AMSOC
2.8.5 AIMS Command Code AMSOC
Manual Transmittal
December 02, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.8.5, Audit Information Management System (AIMS), AIMS Command Code AMSOC.
Material Changes
(1) IRM 2.8.5 Replaced Wage and Investment (WI, W&I) with Taxpayer Services (TS) throughout the IRM.
(2) IRM Added new PBC 411 with EGC’s 7696, 7698 and 7699 to EGC/PBC Consistency Table.
(3) IRM Reorganized EGC/PBC Consistency Table to reflect new EGC assignments.
(4) IRM Added new PBC 411 to error message PBC XXX, DISP-CD XX, SURVEY REASON CD REQUIRED.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 2.8.5, dated December 08, 2023, is superseded.Audience
This IRM is intended for the general use of IDRS system personnel from all four Business Operating Divisions (TS, SB/SE, LB&I and TE/GE) and Appeals accessing the Audit Information Management System.Effective Date
Rajiv Uppal
Chief Information Officer
This IRM section provides the instructions for the Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) command code AMSOC. AMSOC closes cases that are non-examined. It transfers cases from one primary business code to another. It generates TC421 (FC) & (F3) transaction for short closings and TC428 (FD) transaction for transfers. AMSOCA – Appeals, AMSOCP – EP.
Purpose: This transmits revised IRM 2.8.5, Audit Information Management System (AIMS), AIMS Command Code AMSOC.
Audience: The audience for this IRM section are users of the Audit Information Management System (AIMS).
Policy Owner: Information Technology, Chief Information Officer.
Program Owner: Information Technology, Applications Development, Compliance, Business Compliance Management System Branch AIMS Related Section.
Primary Stakeholders: IDRS users from Appeals, LB&I, SB/SE, TE/GE and TS
Program Goals: To provide explicit instructions for the use of command code AMSOC in closing cases.
As a result of a study, it was concluded that Examination had a need for a new information management system. The study group recommended a terminal assisted Audit Information Management System (AIMS). A stand alone direct access terminal system was considered along with the enhancement of IDRS. Enhancement of IDRS was determined to be clearly the best choice for the Service.
This new system satisfied Examination Division's current needs for accurate and timely inventory controls, better control of assessments and up-to-date management reports. The system traces examination results through final determination of tax liability including Appeals and Tax Court.
After the successful implementation of AIMS for the Examination Division, control of returns in Appeals was added to AIMS. As of January 1, 1977 control of Exempt Organization returns was added and on October 1, 1977 control of Employee Plan returns was added.
During the summer of 1973, the Deputy Commissioner established a Task Force to identify ADP requirements of Compliance functions, and to make appropriate recommendations to satisfy their needs.
Headquarters AIMS Related Section is responsible for maintaining procedures related to AIMS programming.
Command Code AMSOC is managed by Work Requests which are submitted for changes and also by tickets which are submitted by users for corrections.
IRS implements access control measures that provide protection from unauthorized alteration, loss, unavailability, or disclosure of information.
SACS controls all the IDRS user accesses and permissions.
The following table defines acronyms frequently used throughout this IRM section:
Acronyms Definition PBC Primary Business Code EGC Employee Business Code SBC Secondary Business Code TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
This command code is used to enter: short closings when a return is established on AIMS and a decision has been made not to examine the return (i.e.: accepted as filed); or a decision has been made to transfer a case with disposal code 30. When disposal code 30 is used, the case will be transferred to the Primary Business Code input on the screen.
CC AMSOC has two modifiers. They are:
"A" which is to be used for Appeals accounts; and
"P" which is to be used for Employee Plan accounts.
CC AMSOC may be input as batch processing or as a single input.
The input documents for CC AMSOC are:
Form 5351, Examination Non-Examined Closings;
Form 5596, TE/GE Non-Examined Closings;
Form 5546, Examination Return Charge-Out; for Masterfile or Non-masterfile;
Form 10904, Request for Record Deletion from AIMS/ERCS.
Following are the Error Messages for Command Code AMSOC:
320, 321, 323-325, 327, TRANSFER - REQUIRES SBC AND EGC Transfers to 320, 321, 323-325, 327 require SBC and EGC to be input 976/977PRESENT CANNOT CLOSE The account accessed contains a TC976/977 freeze and cannot be closed until the freeze is released at the Master File ACT-CD/PROJECT-CD INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory. A CURRENT OR PRIOR STATUS REQUIRES CASE TO BE UPDATED TO STATUS 55 BEFORE CLOSING Self-explanatory. ACT-CD XXX NOT VALID FOR CLOSINGS, MUST UPDATE ACT-CD. "XXX" = 231, 259, 281, 426, 427, 428, 429 ACT-CD XXX NOT VALID FOR TRANSFERS, MUST UPDATE ACT-CD. "XXX" = 281, 426, 427, 428, 429 ACT-CD 305 – SPECIAL-PROJECT-CD MUST BE 0999 & SOURCE- CD MUST BE 23 Self-explanatory. For EGC 79XX only. ACTIVITY CODE XXX IS NOT TAXABLE - CLAIM AMT INVALID Self-explanatory. ACTIVITY CODE/MFT INCONSISTENT The account contains an activity code that is inconsistent with the MFT AGING-REASON-CD 50 & 51 ARE ONLY VALID WITH PBC 212 Self explanatory AGING-RSN-CD 50 - EGC MUST BE 2XXX Self-explanatory ALPHA STATUTE CODE = FF/REFERENCE RETURN - CANNOT TRANSFER A REFERENCE RETURN Self-explanatory ASSESSMENT PRESENT Record accessed has a partial assessment indicated and cannot be short closed BLOCK 500–599 IS ONLY VALID FOR NMF MFT 74/99 Self explanatory BLOCK IN PROCESS FOR ANOTHER CC Block used by another CC, try again at a later time BLOCK IN PROCESS FOR MFT NN Block is being used by the MFT indicated. Try again later. BLOCK NUMBER INVALID WITH BATCH IND R Self-explanatory. BLOCK-SERIES/TRANSFER DISP-CD INCONSIST Blocking series not allowed with Disposal Code 30 BLOCKING SERIES 13X IS ONLY VALID FOR MFT 30 Self-explanatory. BLOCKING SERIES 28X IS ONLY VALID FOR BMF Self-explanatory CANNOT CLOSE, INFORMANTS CLAIM IND EQUALS 1 OR 3 Self-explanatory CANNOT CLOSE — TC424 RECORD Skeletal record cannot be closed with CC AMSOC CANNOT TRANSFER FROM AN AREA PBC TO CAMPUS PBC/CONTACT CAMPUS AIMS COORDINATOR Self-explanatory. CANNOT TRANSFER TO PBC 309 Self-explanatory. CANNOT TRANSFER — TC424 RECORD Skeletal record cannot be transferred with CC AMSOC CANNOT CLOSE, PCS CONTROLLED The record accessed has a PCS linkage CANNOT CLOSE-TC640 FREEZE TC640 posted, Short Closure not allowed CANNOT TRANSFER-STATUTE HAS LESS THAN 210DAYS REMAINING ** Self-explanatory CANNOT TRANSFER-STATUTE HAS LESS THAN13MONTHS REMAINING ** Self-explanatory CANNOT USE AMSOCP-MUST USE AMSOC Must use AMSOC for the case being processed CASE ALREADY TRANSFERRED Screen disposal code is 30 and screen PBC equals TIF PBC and case is not changing Service Centers.
Exception: 3XX to 3XX transfers will be allowed.CASE MUST BE CLOSED AT SC EGC 5XXX specifies that the case must be closed at a SC terminal. CC MODIFIER INCONSISTENT WITH ACCOUNT 1) For AMSOC (blank definer):
If AIMS-ACTIVITY-CD is 307, 310-312, 315 or 412 only the following conditions are valid:
a) AIMS-ACTIVITY-CD = 311 and MFT = 34 and EGC = 76XX ;
b) AIMS-ACTIVITY-CD = 310 and MFT = 76 and FILE-SOURCE-CD = 2.
c) AIMS-ACTIVITY-CD = 412 and MFT = 52 or 53
2) For AMSOCA:
If DISP-CD = 30, only the following condition is valid:
APPL-CD must be input.
3) For AMSOCP:
Only the following conditions are valid:
a) AIMS-ACTIVITY-CD must be 307, 312-315, 370, 383, 412;
b) MFT = 76 or 74 and File Source Code =0 or 6.CLAIM AMOUNT PRESENT, SOURCE CODE MUST BE 30 OR 32 FOR EGC 76XX Self-explanatory CLAIM AMOUNT PRESENT – CANNOT SHORT CLOSE Self-explanatory CLAIM AMOUNT PRESENT/DISP CD NOT VALID If the EGC is not 7XXX, the DISP-CD must be 28, 29, 30 or 99. CLOSING BLOCKED REINPUT AFTER NEXT MONTHLY REPORTING CYCLE Extraction Indicator is a "3" no closing or transfer is allowed. Hold closing until after the next monthly report extract has taken place. CORRESPONDENCE-RECD-DT PRESENT Case cannot be closed from Status 24 when CORRESPONDENCE-RECD-DT present. CRIMINAL-RESTITUTION-CD = 1, CANNOT CLOSE Self explanatory DATA INPUT ON LINE 24 Line 24 is reserved for operational messages, data may not be input, remove and try again. DISPOSAL CODE AND BLOCKING INCONSISTENT 1) If the blocking series is 1, (a) If the blocking series is 10X or 18X the DISP-CD should be 29, 33, or 36–41 and CC-Definer not P. (b) If the blocking series is 13X or 19X the DISP-CD should be 20–22, 25, 31,32, 35, 42 or 43.
2) If the blocking series is 2, the Disposal Code must be 20-22, 25, 31-33, 35, 42, 43, or 45.
3) If the blocking series is 6 and AMSOCP, the Disposal Code must be 20-22, 25, 29-33, 35, 44, 45 or 99.
4) If the blocking series is 6 and AMSOC (blank modifier), the Disposal Code must be 20-22, 25, 30-32, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45 or 99.
5) If AMSOC (blank modifier) and EGC not 7XXX and Disposal Code = 28, 29 or 33, then either blocking series must be 1 or blocking series must be 2 and the Disposal Code 33.
6) AMSOCP and Block Series = 1. Disp-Cd must be 33, 36, 40 or 99.DISP-CD 43 ONLY VALID FOR PBC 320, 321, 323-325, 327, or 330 Self-explanatory DISP-CD/PRIOR STATUS CD INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory DISP CD/STATUS CD INCONSISTENT a. If the activity code is not 3XX and the status code is greater than 06 but not equal to 57, the disposal code must not be 20–22 or 29 b. If the activity code is not 3XX and the disposal code is 35, the status code must be 08. EGC 56XX ONLY VALID WITH PBC 194 Self explanatory EGC REQUIRED WITH PBC 4XX Screen PBC = 4XX and Disposal Code = 30 and screen EGC not entered EGC INCONSISTENT WITH PBC 4XX Valid values for TE/GE PBCs and EGCs. PBC EGC EGC 401 7601-7612 7901-7915, 7919 402 7616, 7620-7630 7916-7918,
7920, 7923-7926,
7928-7930403 7631- 7638, 7642-7645 7723, 7921, 7922, 7927
7931-7944404 7646-7656
7946-7960405 7680 - 7690 7720, 7721, 7724, 7725, 7728, 7731-7733, 7961-7975, 7980, 7990, 7994 406 7613 – 7615, 7617 – 7619, 7639 – 7641, 7657 – 7658
7976-7979, 7981-7989407 7661-7667 408 7668, 7670-7675 409 7659, 7660, 7676-7679 7700-7719, 7722, 7726, 7727, 7729, 7730, 7734-7739, 7742-7799, 7945, 7991 410 7600,7669,
7992, 7993,
7995-7999411 7696, 7698, 7699 414 7203 - 7207 7210-7214, 7220,
7222, 7223, 7226,7227,
7288-7289415 7200-7202 416 7240-7269 417
7290-7299EGC MUST BE NUMERIC Self-explanatory. EGC/ACTIVITY CODES INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory. EGC/DISP-CD INCONSISTENT Self explanatory. EGC/SBC ONLY ALLOWED WITH DISP-CD 30 SBC and EGC are not valid input for case closings. EGC/SOURCE CODES INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory. EGC 1998 & 2998 ARE NOT VALID WITH STATUS 5X Self-explanatory EGC'S 1000-1099; 2000-2099;1850-1999; AND 2850-2999 REQUIRE AN SBC OF 877XX Self-explanatory EMPLOYEE-GRP-CD/PRIMARY-BUSINESS-CODE INCONSISTENT Self explanatory ENTER VALID TERMINAL SEQ NUMBER Enter a valid four-digit numeric in pos 16–19. EXAM-START-DT PRESENT, DISP-CD 43 NOT ALLOWED Self-explanatory FIRST TWO DIGITS OF THE TAX PERIOD MUST BE 19 OR 20 The century digits of the Tax Period must be in the first two characters of the Tax Period and must be 19 or 20 FOR MFT 99, ACT-CD 182 ONLY SOURCE CODE 26 IS VALID Self-explanatory. FREEZE CODE XX, CANNOT CLOSE (‘XX' is the AIMS-SPECIALIZED-FREEZE-CD).
Cannot close case because AIMS Freeze Code is A-Z, 1-99 exception: U, X or Z.FREEZE CODEXX,CANNOT TRANSFER CASE (‘XX’ is the AIMS-SPECIALIZED-FREEZE-CD)).
Cannot transfer case because AIMS Freeze Code is present and is not a nationally defined Freeze Code of H, K, M, N, O, P, T, U, X, Y, Z OR 1-29, 75-99.FREEZE CODE Z PRESENT Cannot close case when AIMS Freeze Code is "Z" and Disposal Code 29 is input. HAS NOT BEEN EXTRACTED FOR AUDIT RPT Appeals is attempting to transfer a record which has not been extracted for Exam. Reports. Hold transfer until after the next monthly reports extract and reinput. IF TIN CORRECT, NC/CD is VVVV If the TIN has been entered correctly, AIMS CD/NC is the one displayed on the screen. INCONSISTENT DISPOSAL CODE WITHIN BLOCK Transfers, either Examination or Appeals, may not be mixed with any other disposal code INCONSISTENT PBC WITH EMPLOYEE-TYPE PBC1XX and 2XX must equal 1XXX or 2XXX. PBC 3XX must equal 1XXX. INCONSISTENT PBC WITH SECONDARY-BUSINESS-CD The PBC is not consistent with the entire 5 digits of the SBC. INCONSISTENT PBC/SBC The PBC is not consistent with the first 3 digits of the SBC. INPUT APPEALS CODE EQUALS TIF APPL-CD Self-explanatory. INVALID AIMS-BOD-CD AIMS BOD Code 1, 2, 3 or 4. INVALID APPELLATE CODE Self-explanatory. INVALID APPELLATE CODE, TRANSFER Appeals is attempting a transfer to an Appeals office which is not valid. INVALID BATCH POSITION INDICATOR BPI is neither "L" or "R" or blank INVALID BLOCK NUMBER Self-explanatory INVALID BLOCK SERIES 1) For AMSOC (blank modifier):
Masterfile: must be 10b, 13b, 18b, 19b, 25b, 60b, 68b or bbb (Note: "b" = blank)
NMF: must be 100-199 or 500–599 or 600-699
2) For AMSOCA:
Masterfile: must be 70b, 75b, 76b, 77b, 78b, 79b or bbb (Note: "b" = blank)
NMF: must be 700-799
3) For AMSOCP:
Masterfile: must be 10b, 60b, 68b or bbb (Note: " b" = blank)
NMF: must be 500-599, 600-699.INVALID CC MODIFIER The CC modifier must be blank, "A" , or "P" INVALID CHECK DIGIT/NAME CONTROL Self-explanatory. INVALID CLOSING CODE Closing code for Appeals cases must be 30 (Transfer) or 45 (short closing). INVALID DISPOSAL CODE For Exam, valid Disposal Codes are 20–22, 25, 28-33, 35-43 and 99.
For TE/GE, valid Disposal Codes are 20-22, 25, 29-33, 35, 36, 40, 44, 45 and 99.INVALID EMPLOYEE GROUP CODE Self-explanatory. INVALID EMPLOYEE-TYPE First character of the EGC must be 1, 2 or 5. INVALID INDUSTRY-AREA-CD RANGE Last 2 digits of the PBC must be 01-07, 12-14, 20, 21, 23-25, 27, 30, 90-99. INVALID MFT MFT is invalid, correct and re-enter INVALID PBC For Transfers (DISP-CD = 30), PBC input is invalid. Bypassed for AMSOCA. INVALID PLAN NUMBER The plan number input is not numeric INVALID PLAN-RPT-NUM Must be numeric INVALID PRIMARY-BUSINESS-CD Valid codes are 190-194, 201-207, 212–214, 295-299, 320, 321, 323-327, 330 and 398. INVALID SBC First 3 digits of the SBC must be 000-947, 949, 950, 951, 960, 970 or 980. INVALID STATUS FOR APPELLATE TRANSFER The account accessed is not in appeals status (80–89) INVALID SURVEY-RSN-CD Survey Reason Code must = A thru Z. INVALID TIN Format of TIN/File Source is incorrect INVALID TAX PERIOD Tax Period not all numeric INVALID TERRITORY-CD RANGE 4th and 5th position of the SBC must be 00-60, 70 or 80. IRS-EMPLOYEE-CD PRESENT - CANNOT CLOSE Self Explanatory MFT/TAX PERIOD INCONSISTENT Self Explanatory MFT 46/76/84/85/86 — PLAN-RPT-NUM MUST BE INPUT Self Explanatory MFT 96 NOT VALID FOR EGC 76XX Self Explanatory MFT = 29, EGC MUST BE 76XX Self Explanatory MUST BE NMF IF DISP-CD IS 28 Disposal Code 28 is valid for NMF only. MUST BE TRANSFERRED AT SC EGC 5XXX specifies that this case must be transferred by the Service Center MUST UPDATE TO STATUS CODE 55 BEFORE CLOSING Self Explanatory NAME CTRL MUST BE USED WITH INVALID TIN Self explanatory NEW DLN BLOCK NUMBER REQUIRED Block has been filled up, close and start new block NO SECTION 83 ON THIS RECORD TIF section 83 must be present for CC AMSOCA ONLY BLOCK 500-599 IS VALID FOR NMF MFT 74/99 Self-explanatory. PBC INVALID FOR AMSOCA PBC not blanks on input screen. PBC XXX - AGING REASON 99 (TAX EXAMINERS) NOT VALID PBC 320, 321, 323-325, 327, - Aging Reason 99 not valid PBC XXX NOT VALID FOR AMSOC First digit of PBC must be 1, 2, 3, or 4 for CC AMSOC PBC XXX, DISP-CD XX, SURVEY REASON CD REQUIRED SURVEY-RSN-CD required with DISP-CD 31 or 32 & PBC 201-207, 320, 321, 323-325, 327, 330, 401-404 or 406-411. SURVEY-RSN-CD required with DISP-CD 20 or 21 & PBC 201-207. PBC 2XX, 330 - EGC 1998 & 2998 NOT VALID - MUST UPDATE TO ANOTHER EGC Self explanatory. PBC 398 ONLY VALID WITH EGC 54XX/57XX/58XX Self explanatory PICF-CD OR AIMS-SPECIALIZED-FRZ-CD 6 MUST BE PRESENT FOR TRANSFER TO PBC 398 TRANSFER DIRECTLY TO PBC 398 NOT ALLOWED WHEN NO PICF-CD PRESENT OR AIMS-SPECIALIZED-FRZ-CD = 6. TRANSFER FROM 298 TO 398 WILL BE ALLOWED. PICF-CD PRESENT, TRANSFER TO PBC 398 REQUIRED TRANSFER DIRECTLY TO PBC 298 NOT ALLOWED WHEN PICF-CD PRESENT. TRANSFER FROM 398 TO 298 WILL BE ALLOWED. PLAN NUMBER MISSING The MFT on line 1 is 74 or 76 and this requires a plan number PLAN-RPT-NUM NOT VALID FOR NMF CASES Plan Report Number not valid for NMF MFT 46, 76, 85 or 86 cases PLAN-RPT-NUM ONLY VALID WITH MFT 46/76/84/85/86 Self-explanatory PREVIOUS AUDIT CLOSING An examined Disposal Code is present on the database account. Case can not be short closed. PREVIOUS EP CLOSING Once an EP account has been long closed, it cannot be short closed. PRIOR BLOCK CLOSED The last user of CC AMSOC closed the Block with an " L" in the BPI. If this has to be reopened, use an " R " . If this is going to be a new batch, use a complete input data line. PRIOR BLOCK NOT CLOSED The last input of CC AMSOC did not use an "L" in BPI. If this is going to be a new batch, input an "L" in the BPI and then reinput CC AMSOC for the new batch. If it is going to be a new batch, delete all elements on line 1 position 9 and following lines. PSCR DATA INVALID/START NEW BLOCK See Batch Position Indicator RECORD INVALID FOR AMSOC , OUTPUT CODE XX Record accessed cannot be closed by AIMS. Contact User Support. RECORD ALREADY CLOSED For AMSOCA: Record accessed contains a current Status Code of 90.
For AMSOC (blank definer) and AMSOCP: Record accessed contains a current Status Code of greater than 79.RECORD CORRECTED BY EXAM BUT NOT RE-EXTRACTED YET; REINPUT AFTER NEXT AIMS CUTOFF Self-explanatory RECORD NOT ON FILE Self explanatory REOPENED AIMS - MUST USE AMCLS TO CLOSE THIS CASE. Self explanatory. REOPENING-IND = X, MUST UPDATE TO STATUS CODES 55 BEFORE CLOSING Self-explanatory. RET-REQUISITION-IND AND BLOCKING INCONSISTENT If the blocking series is 13b or 19b or 28b the RET-REQUISITION-IND must be present. SBC 877XX ONLY VALID WITH EGC'S 1000-1099; 2000-2099, 1850-1999; AND 2850-2999 Self-explanatory SBC/EGC MUST NOT BE INPUT FOR TRANSFER TO PBC 398 EGC to be generated based on PICF-CD SBC/EGC IS NOT ALLOWED WITH PBC XXX Self explanatory SBC & EGC REQUIRED FOR TRANSFER TO PBC 212-214 Self explanatory EGC IS NOT ALLOWED WITH PBC XXX Self explanatory SCREEN EGC ONLY VALID WITH TE/GE TRANSFERS Self-explanatory.
Note: Message bypassed for LB&I PBC 3XX to 3XX transfers.SCREEN PBC = 201-207 OR 330, SCREEN SBC MUST BE 87700 OR BLANK Self explanatory SCREEN-PBC XXX — NOT VALID WITH AMSOCP Screen PBC not 4XX for AMSOCP. SOURCE-CD/DISP-CD INCONSISTENT
1) If the source code is 45 and EGC is 7XXX the DISP-CD must be 45.
2) If the Source Code is 45 and EGC is not 7XXX the DISP-CD must be 33, or 45.
3) If the DISP-CD is 45 the Source Code must be 45.
4) If the EGC is not 7XXX and the disposal code is 99, the Source Code must be 60.SOURCE CODE NN, CLAIM AMOUNT PRESENT Self-explanatory. SOURCE CODE NN, POS CLAIM AMT NEEDED Self-explanatory. SPECIAL-PROJECT-CODE 0153 NOT VALID Self explanatory. STATUS-CD > 08, ACT-CD 267 - NOT VALID FOR CLOSURES, MUST UPDATE ACT-CD Self-explanatory STATUS CODE/EGC INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory. STATUS-CD 12-19 ARE NOT VALID WITH SOURCE CODE 45 Self-explanatory STATUTE-EXTENSION-TYPE 872 PRESENT – CANNOT CLOSE Self-explanatory. SURVEY-RSN-CD NOT ALLOWED WITH AMSOCA Self explanatory. SURVEY-RSN-CD ONLY ALLOWED WITH DISP-CD 20, 21, 31 OR 32 Self explanatory. TC300 INDICATOR SET OR CUM ASSESS AMT PRESENT-MUST USE AMCLS Self-explanatory. TEFRA-CD REQUIRED - UPDATE USING AMSTU Self explanatory. TERMINAL SERVICE CENTER CD NOT EQUAL TO AIMS DATA BASE SERVICE CENTER CD Self-explanatory TERMINAL SERVICE CENTER CD NOT EQUAL TO PROCESSING-CAMPUS-CD Self-explanatory TE/GE FLOWTHRU ACTIVITY CODE/MFT INCONSISTENT Self-explanatory TIF EGC MUST BE 1000, 1014, 1017, 1099 OR 1917 FOR UPDATES TO EGC 1917 Self explanatory TIF PBC XXX — MUST USE AMSOCA Must use AMSOCA for PBC 6XX TIF PBC = XXX, CANNOT TRANSFER TO 4XX Self Explanatory. TIF-PBC = 4XX, CANNOT TRANSFER TO XXX Self Explanatory. (XXX is screen PBC) TIF-PBC XXX — MUST USE AMSOC First digit of PBC is 1–4, must use CC AMSOC TIF-PBC XXX — NOT VALID WITH AMSOCP TIF PBC is not 4XX. TIN CHANGED TO XXXXXXXXXXXX Record accessed had a TIN change TIN NOT ENTERED Self explanatory TIN/CK-DIGITS MISMATCH-CHECK TIN Check TIN for mis-key because check digits do not calculate to the screen input. TIN/MFT INCONSISTENT Format of TIN does not correspond to the MFT UPDATE EGC The record accessed contains an EGC of "0000" . In order to close, a valid EGC must be present. WRONG FILE SOURCE FOR BLOCK Case input is not the same file source as the other cases in the block -
Other Error Messages:
Single Input Display |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code AMSOC | |
2 | 1 | 6 | Command Code Modifier—Blank, or P | |
3 | 1 | 7 | Batch Position Indicator—1 character — always " L" on single input, (NMF) | |
4 | 1 | 9–10 | MFT Code—2 digits | |
5 | 1 | 12–14 | Block number or block series indicator | |
a) | Blocking series will be predetermined from data given to terminal operator and will be 2 digits for masterfile cases or | |||
b) | It will be 3 digits for NMF cases or, | |||
c) | it must be blank if the block consists of transfers (Disposal Code 30) | |||
6 | 1 | 16–19 | Sequence Number (blank for Disposal Code 30) Must be NNNN for all others. | |
7 | 2 | 1–12 | TIN & File Source—Enter the 12 digits | |
8 | 2 | 14–19 | Tax Period Tax Period — YYYYMM format | |
9 | 2 | 21–24 | Check Digits or Name Control—Enter the check digits or name control as follows: | |
a) | If the EIN or SSN is unaltered, enter two blanks followed by the 2 alpha check digits shown to the right just above the first name line | |||
b) | In all other cases, enter the four character name control indented, underlined or written in brown in the first name line area. | |||
10 | 2 | 26–27 | Disposal Code—2 digits | |
11 | 2 | 28 | SURVEY-RSN-CD - A thru Z. | |
12 | 2 | 29–31 | Primary Business Code — should be blank unless Disposal Code is 30. | |
13 | 2 | 33-37 | Secondary Business Code - should be blank unless Disposal Code is 30. | |
14 | 2 | 39-42 | Employee Group Code - should be blank unless Disposal Code is 30. | |
15 | 2 | 44–46 | Appeals Office Code — 3 digit appeals code will be entered when the modifier is 'A' and Disposal Code is 30. | |
16 | 2 | 48–50 | Pension Plan No.—This item is entered for Employee Pension Plan cases only. The entry is validated as three digits. Pre-July, 1987 MFT 76 cases (5330's) should be input with 000 in this field | |
17 | 2 | 52–54 | PLAN-RPT-NUM — This item is entered for MFT 46 cases and BMF MFT 76 cases. Valid values are 000–999. | |
18 | 2 | 79-80 | Blank,"OK" , "DR" ,"**" |
Computer Action for Single Input. |
The computer will perform a validity check between items of input for lines 1 and 2, and if no errors are encountered, it will display back the entire screen with the first 11 digits of the DLN in positions 37–47 of line 1 and the sequence number in pos. 56–59 of line 2 or "OK" in positions 79–80. In addition the line one sequence number (position 16-19) will be computer generated to the next available number. If Disposal Code is 28, 30 or 45, "REQUEST COMPLETED" will be displayed on line 24. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code AMSOC | |
2 | 1 | 7 | Batch position indicator—Literal "L" always "L" for single output (NMF) | |
3 | 1 | 12–14 | Blocking Series or Block Number (1) | |
4 | 1 | 16–19 | Sequence Number (1001) | |
5 | 1 | 37–47 | First 11 digits of DLN | |
6 | 2 | 1–12 | TIN & File Source (299–69–1234) | |
7 | 2 | 14–19 | Tax Period (197312) | |
8 | 2 | 21–24 | Name Control (WEBE) | |
9 | 2 | 26–27 | Disposal Code (21) | |
10 | 2 | 56-59 | Sequence Number (1000) | |
11 | 24 | 1–17 | "Request Completed" Literal |
a) | For NMF records (non-master file) after a single entry has been completed with the message REQUEST COMPLETED on line 24 of output display and the serial number of the DLN in positions 34–35 of Line 2 has been noted the terminal operator will then clear the screen and call up Command Code AMBLK to record the complete DLN for the short closing just completed. |
1) | CC AMBLK after CC-AMSOC Input Display for NMF records |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Record Element Description |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | CC AMBLK |
If no errors are encountered in response to CC AMBLK , after CC AMSOC, (short closing) command code AMBLK will display the first TIN, MFT and tax period and also the DLN of the last closing.
CC AMBLK after CC AMSOC Output Display |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
2 Record Element Description |
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Literal "Block" | |
2 | 1 | 7–12 | Literal "Closed" —always "Closed" for single input | |
3 | 3 | 1–11 | Literal "First Entry" | |
4 | 3 | 13–24 | TIN and file source of first entry | |
5 | 3 | 26–28 | Literal "MFT" | |
6 | 3 | 30–31 | MFT of first entry | |
7 | 3 | 33–35 | Literal "TPD" (Tax Period) | |
8 | 3 | 37–42 | Tax Period of first entry | |
9 | 5 | 1–10 | Literal "Last Entry" | |
10 | 5 | 13–24 | TIN & File Source of Last entry | |
11 | 5 | 26–28 | Literal "MFT" | |
12 | 5 | 30–31 | MFT of last entry | |
13 | 5 | 33–35 | Literal "TPD" | |
14 | 5 | 37–42 | Tax Period of last entry | |
15 | 7 | 12–19 | Literal "Last DLN" | |
16 | 7 | 22–38 | DLN of last entry. |
a) | After the DLN appear on the screen in response to CC AMBLK, the terminal operator will depress the "Print" key which will cause the screen to print-out. The printed copy will then be attached to the front of the document just closed. |
b) | The information on the preceding pages of this section has dealt with Valid responses to Command Code AMSOC for single input. |
Batch Input Display |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code"AMSOC" | |
2 | 1 | 6 | Command Code Modifier | |
3 | 1 | 7 | Batch Position Indicator — may be L, R, or blank. (NMF cases only) | |
(1) | Literal "L" indicates last closing in block will be on this page | |||
(2) | Literal "R" would indicate that the last block processed on the same day, is to be reopened if a new page is entered with an R | |||
(3) | If not "L" or "R" , must be blank. | |||
4 | 1 | 9–10 | MFT — 2 digits | |
5 | 1 | 12–14 | Block number or block series will be predetermined and given to the terminal operator. May be 2 or 3 digits. Must be blank for transfers. Leave blank on second and following lines input. | |
6 | 1 | 16–19 | Terminal Sequence Number | |
7 | 2–23 | 1–12 | TIN & File Source. Enter 12 digits printed on label or the literal ‘R’. | |
8 | 2–23 | 14–19 | Tax Period — if blank, it is assumed to be the same as preceding line. YYYYMM Format. Enter as printed on label. | |
9 | 2–23 | 21–24 | Check Digit or Name Control. Enter check digit or name control as follows: | |
(1) | If the EIN or SSN is unaltered, enter 2 blanks followed by two alpha-check digits shown to the right just above the First Name Line. | |||
(2) | In all other cases, enter the four character name control. | |||
(3) | If blank position 1 must equal "R" | |||
10 | 2–23 | 26–27 | Disposal Code — 2 Digit. If blank, it is assumed to be the same as on previous line. | |
11 | 2–23 | 28 | SURVEY-RSN-CD - A thru Z. | |
12 | 2-23 | 29–31 | Primary Business Code — should be blank unless Disposal Code is 30. | |
13 | 2-23 | 33-37 | Secondary Business Code - should be blank unless Disposal Code is 30. | |
14 | 2-23 | 39-42 | Employee Group Code - should be blank unless Disposal Code is 30. | |
15 | 2-23 | 44-46 | Appeals Office Code — 3 digit appeals code will be entered when the modifier is 'A' and Disposal Code is 30. | |
16 | 2-23 | 48-50 | Pension Plan No.—This item is entered for Employee Pension Plan cases only. The entry is validated as three digits. Pre-July, 1987 MFT 76 cases (5330's) should be input with 000 in this field | |
17 | 2-23 | 52-54 | Plan Report Number — This item is entered for MFT 46 cases and BMF MFT 76 cases. Valid values are 000–999. | |
18 | 2-23 | 79-80 | Line Validity Indicator — Blank, OK, DR & **. |
a) | Batching is done in groups of one to 100 documents for short closings. Line 1 of the input screen is to be used to input data which refers to the entire block. |
b) | Computer Action for Batch Input the computer will perform validity checks between items for input for line 1 and lines 2–23. Each line beginning with line 2 is to be considered an individual entry, a maximum entry input per page will be 22 documents, to include line 2 thru 23. Line 24 is reserved for operational messages. |
c) | In the following display the five closings may be entered on one page |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
a. | For NMF cases the "L" in position 7, line 1 indicates that the last closing in the block is on this page (in this case line 6) |
1. Where the tax period or disposal code is blank, it is assumed to be the same as the previous line. For instance, in the input display, lines 4 and 5 are tax period 197412 and line 4 would be assumed to have a disposal code 21. | |
2. When an entire block (more than 22 closings) cannot be entered on one page the "Batch Position Indicator" "L" will not be entered in line 1 of that page and the terminal operator will input the entry code and proceed to the next page by depressing the "Enter" key and omitting the MFT and blocking series from line 1 of the next page. When the last entry for the batch has been entered on the screen, the terminal operator will then enter the literal "L" in the seventh position of line 1, input entry code and depress the "Enter" key. | |
3. When the literal ‘R’ is entered in the first position of any batch line 3–23 the TIN, Disposal Code, and Name Control entered on the previous line is repeated for the current line if those fields are left blank. For example, if an ‘R’ is entered in position 1 and positions 21–24 (name control) is left blank the name control from the previous line will be issued. If position 21–24 is not left blank whatever value is entered will be used whether or not there is an ‘R’ in the first position of the line. |
(a) | Batch Input Display |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 1 | 1–5 | CC AMSOC |
2 | 1 | 7 | Literal "L" |
3 | 1 | 9–10 | MFT Code — 2 digits |
4 | 1 | 12–14 | Block no. or series ind. |
5 | 1 | 16–19 | Sequence Number |
6 | 1 | 37–47 | First 11 digits of the DLN |
7 | 2–6 | 1–12 | TIN & File Source or literal "R" |
8 | 2–6 | 14–19 | Tax Period — YYYYMM Format. If blank it is assumed to be the same as on the preceding line. |
9 | 2–6 | 21–24 | Check Digit or Name Control |
10 | 2–6 | 26–27 | Disposal Code — if blank it is assumed to be the same as on the preceding line. |
11 | 2–6 | 29–31 | PBC — Blank in this case. |
12 | 2-6 | 33-37 | SBC - Blank in this case |
13 | 2-6 | 39-42 | EGC - Blank in this case |
14 | 2–6 | 56–59 | Sequence Number — NNNN |
a) | For Non-Master File records, after a batch entry has been completed and the message "REQUEST COMPLETED " has been received, the terminal operator will then clear the screen and call up command code "AMBLK" to record the complete DLN for the batch of short closings just completed. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 1 | 1–5 | CC AMBLK |
b) | If no errors are encountered in response to CC AMBLK after a batch of short closing have been completed, CC AMBLK will display the first entry in the batch and the TIN, MFT, Tax Period and DLN of the last entry in the batch. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Literal "Block " |
2 | 1 | 7–16 | Literal "Closed " or Literal "In Process" |
3 | 3 | 1–11 | Literal "First Entry" |
4 | 3 | 13–24 | TIN & File Source of first entry |
5 | 3 | 26–28 | Literal "MFT" |
6 | 3 | 30–31 | MFT of First entry |
7 | 3 | 33–35 | Literal "TPD" — Tax Period |
8 | 3 | 37–42 | Tax Period of first entry |
9 | 5 | 1–10 | Literal "Last Entry" |
10 | 5 | 13–24 | TIN & File Source of last entry |
11 | 5 | 26–28 | Literal "Last Entry" |
12 | 5 | 30–31 | MFT of last entry |
13 | 5 | 33–35 | Literal "TPD" |
14 | 5 | 37–42 | Tax Period of last entry |
15 | 7 | 12–19 | Literal "Last DLN" |
16 | 7 | 22–38 | DLN or last entry — NNNNN-NNN-NNNNN-N format |
c) | After the DLN appears on the screen in response to CC AMBLK, the terminal operator will depress the "Print" key which will cause the screen to Print-out. The printed copy will then be attached to the front of the batch of documents just closed. |
d) | Erroneous Entries 79-80 | |
1. | Each line beginning with line 2, CC AMSOC, is to be considered an individual entry. Each line or entry will be processed one at a time until all entries of input display are processed or until an error is detected. In either case, all entries on the screen will be displayed back. | |
2. | After each successful entry, the sequence number will be generated in positions 56–59. In addition the line one sequence number (position 16-19) will be computer generated to the next available number. | |
3. | If there is an error encountered on the input screen "**" (double asteriks) will appear in positions 79-80 of the erroneous line entry when displayed back, and an error message will be generated on Line 23. |
Output Display of Erroneous Entry

AMSOCA is used for short closing Appeals cases in Status 86. It is also used to transfer Appeals cases (status 80–89) from one appeals office to another. The database where the case was established will show the case in a transfer mode and will also show the Appeals Office where the case was transferred. The input document is Form 5570, Appeals Short Closing. |

Please click here for the text description of the image.
1 | 1 | 1–5 | Command Code"AMSOCA" | |
2 | 1 | 6 | Command Code modifier"A" | |
3 | 1 | 7 | Batch Position Indicator | |
4 | 1 | 9–10 | MFT Code — Must be 2 digits and a valid MFT | |
5 | 1 | 12–14 | Block Number — Must be 700–799, 70b, 75b, 76b, 77b, 78b, 79b, bbb, (bbb and 700–799 valid only with Disp Cd 30). | |
6 | 1 | 16–19 | Terminal Sequence Number | |
7 | 2–23 | 1–12 | TIN/FILE SOURCE — shown on label, Form 5570 | |
8 | 2–23 | 14–19 | Tax Period — YYYYMM Format, shown on Form 5570 | |
9 | 2–23 | 21–24 | Check Digit/Name Control — shown on Form 5570 | |
a) | If the EIN or SSN is unaltered and the check digits are present, enter 2 blanks followed by the 2 alpha characters. | |||
b) | In all other cases enter the name control, which may be underlined or written in brown in the first nameline. | |||
10 | 2–23 | 26–27 | Closing Code — 2 digits; must be 30 or 45. | |
11 | 2–23 | 29–31 | Primary Business Code — should be blank unless Disposal Code is 30. | |
12 | 2-23 | 33-37 | Secondary Business Code - should be blank unless Disposal Code is 30. | |
13 | 2-23 | 39-42 | Employee Group Code - should be blank unless Disposal Code is 30. | |
14 | 2–23 | 44–46 | Appeals Office Code — 3 digit appeals code will be entered when the modifier is 'A' and Disposal Code is 30. | |
15 | 2–23 | 48–50 | Pension Plan No.—This item is entered for Employee Pension Plan cases only. The entry is validated as three digits. Pre-July, 1987 MFT 76 cases (5330's) should be input with 000 in this field. | |
16 | 2–23 | 52–54 | PLAN-RPT-NUM — Item to be input for MFT 46 cases and MFT 76 BMF cases. |
(a) | Processing for CC AMSOCA is similar to CC AMSOC; there are only two closing codes valid, 30 and 45. Closing code 45 will short close the record on the TIF. Closing code 30 will generate a transfer. |
(b) | The output display is similar to CC AMSOC and the DLN and Serial Number will be generated in the same manner. For closing code 45, the DLN is refile and for closing code 30 it is not a refile DLN. |
(c) | The error messages from CC AMSOCA are included with those for CC AMSOC . |