SOI tax stats - 2008 Data Book


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Data Book, fiscal year 2008

The files shown below come from the Internal Revenue Service Data Book 2008, Publication 55B, Washington, DC, issued March 2009.

Complete 2008 Data Book Publication (revised March 2011) PDF

State data at glance

Tables by number

Tables by title

Links to previous Data Books

IRS Data Book 2007

IRS Data Books: 2004 - 2006

IRS Data Books: 2001 - 2003

IRS Data Books: 1998 - 2000

IRS Data Books: 1995 - 1997

The entire publication is in Adobe Acrobat PDF. A free Adobe Acrobat® Reader is available for download, if needed.

The following tables are available as Microsoft Excel® files. A free Excel Viewer is available for download, if needed.

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