October 15 is the filing deadline for those who requested an extension
Taxpayers who requested an automatic filing extension should complete their 2019 tax returns and file on or before the October 15 deadline. Convenient electronic filing options, including IRS Free File, are still available. Although October 15 is the last day for most people to file, some may have more time. They include:
- Members of the military and others serving in a combat zone. They typically have 180 days after they leave the combat zone to file returns and pay any taxes due. For details, see tax information for members of the military.
- Taxpayers in federally declared disaster areas who already had valid extensions. For details, see the disaster relief page on IRS.gov.
Tax Deadlines Postponed to July 15, 2020
Most federal tax filing and payment deadlines from April 1, 2020, to July 14, 2020, are postponed to July 15, 2020. The postponements are automatic and apply to all taxpayers. You do not need to file other forms or call the IRS to qualify. Find detailed information in Filing and Payment Deadlines Questions and Answers.
If you need more time to file after the new July 15 deadline, or to file a form with a different deadline date, you may request a filing extension.
Latest Updates
- IR-2020-154, IRS reminder: File and pay 2019 business taxes by July 15; 2020 estimated tax also due
- IR-2020-153, IRS reminder: Taxpayers can get an extension to Oct. 15 to file taxes
- IR-2020-150, IRS gives tips on filing, paying electronically and checking refunds online; 2019 tax returns and payments due July 15
- IR-2020-148, IRS provides last-minute tips for last-minute filers
- IR-2020- 145, IRS.gov has answers about filing, paying and July 15 due date
- IR-2020-142, Taxpayers need to resume payments by July 15
Forms with a Deadline of July 15, 2020 for:
- Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
- Form 1040-SR, U.S. Tax Return for Seniors
- Form 1040-NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return
- Form 1040-NR-EZ, U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents
- Form 1040-PR, Self-Employment Tax Return - Puerto Rico
- Form 1040-SS, U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Additional Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico)
- Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts
- Form 1041-ES, Estimated Income Tax for Estates and Trusts
- Form 1041-N, U.S. Income Tax Return for Electing Alaska Native Settlement Trusts
- Form 1041-QFT, U.S. Income Tax Return for Qualified Funeral Trusts
- Form 706; 706-NA, 706-A, 706-QDT, 706-GS(T), 706-GS(D1), United States Estate and Generation Skipping Transfer Tax Return & Payment
- Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation Skipping Transfer) Tax Return & Payment
- Form 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income
- Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return
- Form 1120-C, U.S. Income Tax Return for Cooperative Associations
- Form 1120-F, U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign Corporation
- Form 1120-FSC, U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign Sales Corporation
- Form 1120-H, U.S. Income Tax Return for Homeowners Associations
- Form 1120-L, U.S. Life Insurance Company Income Tax Return
- Form 1120-ND, Return for Nuclear Decommissioning Funds and Certain Related Persons
- Form 1120-PC, U.S. Property and Casualty Insurance Company Income Tax Return
- Form 1120-POL, U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Political Organizations
- Form 1120-REIT, U.S. Income Tax Return for Real Estate Investment Trusts
- Form 1120-RIC, U.S. Income Tax Return for Regulated Investment Companies
- Form 1120-S, U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation
- Form 1120-SF, U.S. Income Tax Return for Settlement Funds (Under Section 4688)
- Form 8804, Annual Return for Partnership Withholding Tax (Section 1446)
- Form 8805, Foreign Partner's Information Statement of Section 1446 Withholding Tax
- Form 990 series: Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-N (e-postcard)
- Form 990-BL, Information and Initial Excise Tax Return for Black Lung Benefit Trusts and Certain Related Persons
- Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return (and proxy tax under section 6033(e))
- Form 990-W, Estimated Tax on Unrelated Business Taxable Income for Tax Exempt Organizations
- Form 8871, Political Organization Notice of Section 527 Status
- Form 8872, Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures
News releases
- IR-2020-154, IRS reminder: File and pay 2019 business taxes by July 15; 2020 estimated tax also due
- IR-2020-153, IRS reminder: Taxpayers can get an extension to Oct. 15 to file taxes
- IR-2020-150, IRS gives tips on filing, paying electronically and checking refunds online; 2019 tax returns and payments due July 15
- IR-2020-148, IRS provides last-minute tips for last-minute filers
- IR-2020- 145, IRS.gov has answers about filing, paying and July 15 due date
- IR-2020-142, Taxpayers need to resume payments by July 15
- IR-2020-141, Reminder to tax-exempt organizations: 990s, other forms due July 15; e-file best way to file
- IR-2020-140, IRS reminds members of the U.S. Armed Forces of special tax breaks, helpful resources as the July 15 tax deadline approaches
- IR-2020-135, IRS unclaimed refunds of $1.5 billion waiting for tax year 2016; taxpayers face July 15 deadline
- IR-2020-134, Taxpayers should file by July 15 tax deadline; automatic extension to Oct. 15 available
- IR-2020-131, IRS: July 15 tax payment deadline approaching; plan on scheduling multiple payments now
- IR-2020-118, IRS reminder: File now, choose direct deposit or schedule tax payments electronically before the July 15 deadline
- IR-2020-117, IRS reminder: Deadline postponed to July 15 for those who pay estimated taxes
- IR-2020-109, IRS reminder: June 15 tax deadline postponed to July 15 for taxpayers who live and work abroad
- IR-2020-70, REMINDER: Schedule and pay federal taxes electronically due by July 15
- IR-2020-66, To help taxpayers, the Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service announced today that Notice 2020-23 extends additional key tax deadlines for individuals and businesses
- IR-2020-58, Tax Day now July 15: Treasury, IRS extend filing deadline and federal tax payments regardless of amount owed
- IR-2020-51, IRS extends April 15 and other upcoming deadlines, provides other tax relief for victims of Tennessee tornadoes
Fact sheets
- IRS grants extension of time to file FATCA information returns
- Filing and Payment Deadline Extended to July 15, 2020 - Updated Statement
- Notice 2020-55, Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Ongoing Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, Related to Sport Fishing Equipment and Bows and Arrows Excise Tax Filing and Payment Deadlines PDF
- Notice 2020-48, Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Ongoing Coronavirus Disease Pandemic, Related to Sport Fishing Equipment and Bows and Arrows Excise Tax Filing and Payment Deadlines PDF
- Notice 2020-23, Additional Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic PDF
- Notice 2020-20, Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, Related to Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Filing and Payment Deadlines PDF
- Notice 2020-18, Relief for Taxpayers Affected by Ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic PDF