Manual Transmittal

February 07, 2025


(1) This transmits revised IRM 2.4.40, IDRS Terminal Input, Command Codes RFRTM, RFADD, RFUPT, RFRMA, AFADT, AFUPT, and RFMRG.

Material Changes

(1) Updated all references of Taxpayer Services (W&I) to Taxpayer Services (TS). See Section IRM

Effect on Other Documents

IRM 2.4.40, dated July 14, 2023, is superseded.



Effective Date


Rajiv Uppal
Chief Information Officer

Program Scope and Objectives

  1. This IRM section provides the instructions for the use of Reporting Agents File (RAF) Update command codes RFRTM, RFADD, RFUPT, RFRMA, AFADT, AFUPT, and RFMRG.

  2. Purpose: These sections provide instructions for inputting and updating information in the RAF database.

  3. Audience: IRS Tax Examiners and Account Management employees.

  4. Policy Owners: The Director, Taxpayer Services (TS), owns the policies contained herein.

  5. Program Owners: Taxpayer Services (TS) is responsible for the administration, procedures, and updates related to the program.

  6. Primary Stakeholders: Taxpayer Services (TS), Large Business and International (LB&I), Small Business Self-Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE), and Enterprise Operations (EOPS).

  7. Program Goals: These are the instructions for using the RAF Update IDRS command codes.


  1. Reporting Agents File (RAF) is a computerized system of records which houses both the Reporting Agent Records and the Taxpayer/Client Records. Reporting Agents (RA) are authorized by their clients (BMF taxpayers) via Form 8655 to electronically deposit employment taxes and e-file tax returns on their behalf, as well as exchange other information with IRS on their behalf.

  2. Form 8655, referred to as the “Reporting Agent Authorization”, is what records the relationship between the business and the third party. By signing this form, the business taxpayer authorizes a reporting agent to sign and file specific business return forms as well as make federal tax deposits (FTDs) and federal tax payments (FTPs) on behalf of the business.

  3. Only Reporting Agents have authorization authority to sign and file Federal Employment Tax Returns

  4. The RAF database also contains:

    • Taxpayer Information

    • Reporting Agent Information

    • Reporting Agent Authorizations

    • Authorization Agreements

    • Notice Indicator

    • Source Document Locator Number (SDLN)

    • MFT and Tax Period


  1. The RAF Update command codes were developed as the principle means for entering and maintaining the information contained on Form 8655 on the RAF Database.


  1. Applications Development is responsible for the maintenance of Command Codes RFRTM, RFADD, RFUPT, RFRMA, AFADT, AFUPT, and RFMRG.

  2. The RAF Tax Analyst is responsible for policies and procedures surrounding data entry and review.

  3. The RAF Unit Team Manager/Lead is responsible for performance monitoring and ensuring employees have the tools to perform their duties.

  4. The RAF Unit Employees are responsible for ensuring the information contained on Form 8655 is correctly added to the RAF database. Certain actions may cause unpostable conditions that will need corrective actions taken.

Program Management and Review

  1. The RAF database was originally a hierarchical database on the UNISYS mainframe. In 2003 it was redesigned as a relational database and brought over to the IBM mainframe.

  2. The RAF database is accessed through embedded SQL statements within the code. This code includes COBOL Batch runs, CICS Command Codes, and Stored Procedures.

  3. The RAF command codes validate the user input and provide either a “Request Completed” message or an error message, prompting the user to correct the information.

Program Controls

  1. Access to the RAF Database by these update command codes is governed by SACS.


  1. Command Code Definitions RFRTM, RFADD, RFUPT, RFRMA, AFADT, and AFUPT are all command codes that will ADD or UPDATE a Taxpayer and the Reporting Agent whom they are granting authorizations to in the RAF database. The Inquiry command codes are prerequisites for these RAF add and update command codes. RFMRG is used to merge two Reporting Agents into one.


  1. The table lists commonly used acronyms and their definitions:

    Word or acronym: Meaning Example of use
    AFADT Input Command Code Screen Add the EIN name and address of the filer onto RAF database
    AFUPT Input Command Code Screen Change Reporting Agent information and add comments
    BMF Business Master File The BMF dtat can be accessed online
    cc/CC Command Code Use to speed up processing time when entering data onto RAF
    DB2 The type of database RAF exits on The RAF database is IBM DB2 one
    EIN Employer Identification Number The business Taxpayer identifier is called an EIN
    EPMF Employee Plan Master File EPMF contains various employer plans used for their employees
    EXT Extension number used with a telephone number The telephone number was 123-45-6789 with an ext of 123
    ID Identification An SSN and EIN are identification numbers
    IDRS Integration Data Retrieval System IDRS only contains accounts being worked on not all the accounts being maintain by IRS
    MFT Master File Tax code The taxpayer used Form 1040 which is MFT-30
    MF TRANS Master File Transaction By entering an Authorization on the database often cause a MF transaction being sent to the IDRS Master File
    N/C Name Control The name control is usually the first 4 characters of the Taxpayer’s BMF name
    NAP National Account Profile We check the NAP for every Taxpayer.
    RAF Reporting Agent File The database that stores the Reporting Agent tax returns
    RAL Reporting Agent List Accompanying Forms 8655
    RFINK Research Command Code Use to search RAF database for Reporting Agent Authorization
    RFINKR Research Command Code Use to search RAF database for Reporting Agents.
    RFRMA Command Code screen Use to input Reporting Agent Authorization onto RAF database
    RFRMAT Command Code screen Used to retrieve and change Reporting Agent information
    RFRTM Command Code screen Used to retrieve and change Authorization on RAF database
    RFRTMT Command Code screen Used to retrieve and change Taxpayer information on RAF database
    TC Transaction Code 960 and 961 Code that is use to send Transactions to Master File
    UPC Unpostable code 960 Transaction code that sends an unpostable transaction.

Related Resources

  1. The following are the primary sources of guidance on the RAF program. Together this material forms the operating rules and responsibilities for the RAF program.

    • IRM 2.3.16, IDRS Terminal Responses, Command Codes RFINK and RAFRQ for RAF Inquiry.

    • IRM 2.4.40, IDRS Terminal Input, Command Codes RFRTM, RFADD, RFUPT, RFRMA, AFADT, AFUPT, and RFMRG for RAF Update.

Overview of the Reporting Agents File (RAF) Terminal Response

  1. The Reporting Agents File contains information regarding the type of authorization that Taxpayers have given to their Reporting Agent for the employment tax modules and/or the payment modules in their account. This authorization allows the Reporting Agent to file the Taxpayers Forms 940 or 941 on magnetic tape or electronically, file other forms as shown on the form 8655, or make magnetic tape or electronic submission of federal tax deposits. The information from the authorization is used to direct copies of notices and correspondence to Reporting Agents when this has been authorized. It can also be used to determine whether an individual claiming to be a Reporting Agent for a Taxpayer is, in fact, authorized to receive the information he/she requests. There are seven command codes needed to update the RAF, RFRTM, RFADD, RFUPT, RFRMA, AFADT, AFUPT, and RFMRG ( See IRM These command codes can only be used by the RAF Team in Ogden, Utah. They are the only RAF unit currently allowed to perform adds, updates, and deletes within the RAF Database.

  2. The RAF Database resides at the Enterprise Computing Center-Martinsburg.

  3. Authorizations on the RAF are recorded by the type of tax (MFT Code, Form Definer, and Payment Indicator). They contain the Tax Period for which the Reporting Agent Authorization began. The authorizations remain in effect from that tax period until they are revoked, terminated by the Taxpayer, or terminated by the IRS.

  4. Transactions are generated to the Master Files to update the RAF indicators which is carried on the entity record for the Taxpayer.

    0 No authorization on file
    1 Authorization on file
    TC 960 Will be generated to set the RAF Indicators On. (Value 1).
    TC 961 Will be generated to set the RAF Indicators Off. (Value 0).

  5. Currently, RAF Transactions are sent to Master File from the Ogden RAF Team. When RAF Transactions do not post at Master File, an unpostable listing will be generated. This listing will contain unresolved RAF unpostables and should be worked by the unit responsible for RAF.

  6. The unpostable codes can be researched by using the common research tools available. These include the RAF command code RFINK ( IRM 2.3.16 ), command code ENMOD and ordering MFTRA transcripts.

  7. When unpostable codes 301, 303, 313 and 324 are generated, research these codes to determine how to resolve them and make appropriate corrections on RAF via CC RFUPT.

  8. When the current authorization is revoked or replaced the old record is end dated.

  9. If the Form 8655, Reporting Agent Authorization, for a Taxpayer is needed, a request should be made to the Ogden RAF Team. The RAF Team will pull the document by Reporting Agent and received date.

RAF Command Codes for Updates

  1. RFRTMv—used to request the format CC's RFADD and RFUPT. (See Exhibit 2.4.40-1.). This command code must be preceded by CC RFINK. ( IRM 2.3.16 for a complete description of CC RFINK which is used to research the RAF.)

    1. RFRTM[slashb] - gives RFADD[M ] and RFADD[T] based on which accounts CC RFINK found on the file. ( IRM 2.3.16 for a complete description of CC RFINK which is used to research the RAF.)

    2. RFRTM[T] - gives RFUPT[T] format.

  2. RFADDv — used to add or modify authorization information on the RAF file. This command code must be preceded by CC RFRTM [slashb].

    1. RFADD[M] — This command code is used to add, revoke, end date, or delete modules to Taxpayer information already on the RAF. It is also used to update the W2 and 1099 indicators.

    2. RFADD[T] — This command code is used to add new Taxpayer information on the RAF.

  3. RFUPT[T] — This command code is used to update Taxpayer information on the RAF. This command code must be preceded by CC RFRTM. [T]

  4. RFRMAv—used to request the format CC's AFADT, AFUPT and RFMRG. (See Exhibit 2.4.40-1.). This command code must be preceded by CC RFINK. ( IRM 2.3.16 for a complete description of CC RFINK which is used to research the RAF.)

    1. RFRMA[slashb] - gives AFADT based on which accounts CC RFINK are found on the file. ( IRM 2.3.16 for a complete description of CC RFINK which is used to research the RAF.)

    2. RFRTM[T] - gives AFUPT format.

    3. RFRTM[A]- gives RFMRG format.

  5. AFADT - This command code is used to add new Reporting Agents on the RAF.

  6. AFUPT - This command code is used to modify Reporting Agents information on the RAF.

  7. RFMRG - This command code is used to merge the Taxpayers of one Reporting Agent with another Reporting Agent and its Taxpayers, once approved.

Terminal Responses — CC RFRTM[slashb]

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC RFRTM[slashb]:

    CC RFRTM[slashb] ERROR MESSAGES (displayed on line 24)
    DEFINER INVALID The input command code definer was not [slashb] or T.
    Correct and re-enter
    INVALID COMMAND CODE The input command code is invalid. Correct and re-enter.
    EIN INFORMATION MISSING —If CC RFRTM is input with definer [slashb], both Taxpayer and Reporting Agent EINs must be input with CC RFRTM. If CC RFRTM is input with definer T, the Taxpayer EIN must have been input with CC RFINK. Reinitialize. (Begin again with CC RFINK)
    N/R TXPYR-RA NOT ON RAF No record of Taxpayer was found and no Reporting Agent information was found on RAF. Reporting Agent must be present on RAF.
    T/P ON RAF-RA NOT ON RAF CC RFRTM was input with definer [slashb], when the preceding CC RFINK was input, no record of the Reporting Agent was found on RAF. CC RFRTMT and RFUPTT can be used to make changes to Taxpayer record. Reporting Agent must be on RAF to proceed with RFRTM[slashb].

  2. Valid Response for CC RFRTM [slashb] — The appropriate screen format will be displayed.

Terminal Response — CC RFRTM[T]

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC RFRMT[T].

    CC RFRMT[T] ERROR MESSAGES (displayed on line 24)
    NO RECORD OF T/P ACCOUNT CC RFRTM was input with definer T. When the preceding CC RFINK was input, no record of the Taxpayer was found on RAF. CC RFRTM [slashb] and RFADDT must be used to establish the Taxpayer on RAF. Reinitialize. (Begin again with CC RFINK)
    EIN INFORMATION MISSING If CC RFRTM is input with definer [slashb], both Taxpayer and Reporting Agent EINs must be input with CC RFINK. If CC RFRTM is input with definer T, the Taxpayer EIN must have been input with CC RFINK. Reinitialize. (Begin again with CC RFINK)
    DEFINER INVALID The input command code definer was not [slashb] or T. Correct and re-enter.
    INVALID COMMAND CODE The input command code is invalid. Correct and re-enter.

  2. Valid Response for CC RFRTM[slashb] — The appropriate screen format will be displayed

Terminal Responses — CC RFADD[M]

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC RFADD[M]:

    CC RFADD[M] ERROR MESSAGES (displayed on line 24)
    Invalid or inconsistent fields are followed by asterisks. If an asterisk follows an item, that item has been entered incorrectly.
    DATABASE ERROR REENTER A problem occurred while attempting to access the database. This may be a system error; attempt to re-input. If error recurs, notify Computer Branch.
    DEFINER INFO CHANGED, RESTART The definer brought to the screen by CC RFADD[M] has been altered. Begin again with CC RFINK.
    DUPLICATE MFT CDS TRANS INPUT The same MFT/Definer/Payment Type was entered on the screen more than once. Remove the duplicates and reenter.
    INITIALIZATION INVALID CC RFADD[M] was not preceded by CC RFADD[M] Reinitialize.
    MFT/DEFINER//TAX PERIOD/PAYMENT TYPE NOT PRESENT ON RAF An attempt was made to delete authorizations for an MFT/Definer/Tax Period/Payment Type that is not on the RAF file for this Taxpayer. Research further to determine proper action.
    NO AUTHORIZATIONS PRESENT FOR REVOKE No prior authorizations are on the RAF file for this Taxpayer. New authorizations should be added using Current Action Code of A.
    NO RA ON FILE There is no Reporting Agent on file whose EIN matches the Agent EIN input. Check the number and reenter.
    NO TAX MODULES INPUT No information for a specific MFT/ Definer//Tax Period/Payment Indicator has been input on the first screen line reserved for this information. If there is no information on the screen, put in the necessary and reenter. If there is a blank line before the line of input, move the information up to the proper line and reenter.
    PLEASE CORRECT INCONSISTENT DATA Two or more data elements are inconsistent. Correct the items identified with asterisks and reenter. The following are the inconsistencies which will generate these messages:
    1. Tax Period/MFT
    2. CC Definer/Current Action Code
    PLEASE CORRECT INVALID DATA One or more data elements is/are invalid. Correct the item(s) identified with an asterisk(s) and reenter.
    RA EIN INVALID The Reporting Agent EIN input with CC RFADD[M] differs from the screen generated Agent EIN. If the Agent EIN generated on the screen is correct, restore it to the screen and reenter; otherwise, begin again with CC RFINK.
    RA N/C INVALID The Reporting Agent Name control input does not match the Agent Name Control on the RAF file. Correct and reenter.
    RA NOT PRESENT FOR MFT/DEFINER/TAX PRD/PAYMENT TYPE No data is currently present on the RAF file for this Reporting Agent for this module, but Action Code D (delete) was input.
    RCVD DATE INCONSISTENT FOR DEL/REV The Received Date of the action input to delete or revoke a module precedes the Received Date of the module already on file. Correct the Received Date and Reenter.
    OLD SEQUENCE NUMBER Old Sequence Number entered but not re-entered for confirmation.
    SEQUENCE ACTION INDICATOR INVALID The Sequence Action Indicator ADD or DELETE or REVOKE or END DATE must be a 1. Correct and reenter.
    THIS MFT CD/DEFINER/TAX PERIOD/PAYMENT TYPE ALREADY ON FILE An attempt was made to add a module for an MFT CD/Definer/Tax Period/Payment Type which already exists for a Taxpayer. On the RAF file, a Taxpayer is allowed only one module for each MFT CD/Definer/Tax Period (Exception, one of the two modules is for a payment). The existing module must be deleted and the new module added, or the new module may be entered with a revoke.
    TXPYR-EIN-INVALID The Taxpayer EIN input with CC RFADD[M] differs from the EIN generated on the screen format. If the EIN generated is correct, restore it to the screen and reenter. Otherwise, begin again with CC RFINK.
    TXPYR N/C INVALID The Taxpayer Name Control input does not match the Taxpayer Name Control on the RAF file. Correct and reenter.
    TXPYR NOT ON FILE The Taxpayer EIN input on the screen does not currently exist on the RAF file. Begin again with CC RFINK to get the proper screen format for a new Taxpayer record.
    MORE THAN ONE CORP-EFTPS MFT Screen input has more than one of the following forms, 1041, 1120, 990C, 990T, 990PF.
    A CORP-EFTPS MFT ALREADY ON FILE Screen input has one of the corp-eftps forms and the database already shows one present.

  2. Valid Response — The message " REQUEST COMPLETED" with new sequence number will be displayed on line 24.

Terminal Responses —CC RFADD[T]

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC RFADD[T]:

    CC RFADD[T] ERROR MESSAGES (displayed on line 24)
    Invalid or inconsistent fields are followed by asterisks. If an asterisk follows an item, that item has been entered incorrectly.
    DATABASE ERROR REENTER A problem occurred while attempting to access the database. This may be a system error; attempt to re-input. If error recurs, notify Computer Branch.
    DEFINER INFO CHANGED, RESTART The definer brought to the screen by CC RFRTM has been altered. Begin again with CC RFINK.
    OLD SEQUENCE NUMBER Old Sequence Number entered but not re-entered for confirmation.
    DUPLICATE MFT CDS TRANS INPUT The same MFT/DEFINER/PAYMENT TYPE was entered on the screen more than once. Remove the duplicates and reenter.
    INITIALIZATION INVALID CC RFADD[T] was not preceded by CC RFRTM Reinitialize.
    NO RA ON FILE There is no Reporting Agent on file whose EIN matches the Agent EIN input. Check the number and reenter.
    NO TAX MODULES INPUT No information for a specific MFT/Definer/Tax Period/Payment Type has been input on the first screen line reserved for this information. If there is no information on the screen, put in the necessary and reenter. If there is a blank line before the line of input, move the information up to the proper line and reenter.
    PLEASE CORRECT INCONSISTENT DATA Two or more data elements are inconsistent. Correct the items identified with asterisks and reenter. The following are the inconsistencies which will generate these messages.
    1. Tax Period/MFT
    2. CC Definer/Current Action Code
    PLEASE CORRECT INVALID DATA One or more data elements is/are invalid. Correct the item(s) identified with an asterisk(s) and reenter.
    RA EIN INVALID The Reporting Agent EIN input with CC RFADD[T] differs from the screen generated Agent EIN. If the Agent EIN generated on the screen is correct, restore it to the screen and reenter; otherwise, begin again with CC RFINK.
    RA N/C INVALID The Reporting Agent Name Control input does not match the Reporting Agent Name Control on the RAF file. Correct and reenter.
    TXPYR-EIN-INVALID The Taxpayer EIN input with CC RFADD[T] differs from the EIN generated on the screen format. If the EIN generated is correct, restore it to the screen and reenter. Otherwise, begin again with CC RFINK.
    MORE THAN ONE CORP-EFTPS MFT Screen input has more than one of the following forms, 1041, 1120, 990C, 990T, 990PF.
    A CORP-EFTPS MFT ALREADY ON FILE Screen input has one of the corp-eftps forms and the database already shows one present.
  2. Valid Response — The message " REQUEST COMPLETED" with new sequence number will be displayed on line 24.

Terminal Response — CC RFUPT[T]

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC RFUPT[T]:

    CHANGE DATA NOT PRESENT No change data is present on the screen.
    INITIALIZATION INVALID CC RFUPT[T] was not preceded by CC RFRTM[T]. Reinitialize
    TXPYR N/C INVALID The Taxpayer Name Control input does not match the Name Control on the RAF file for the Taxpayer. Correct and reenter.
    NEW EIN PRESENT ON RAF The new EIN entered on the screen is currently on the RAF file. This could mean the Taxpayer is on the file under both numbers. Research to determine correct number.
    TXPYR EIN INVALID The Taxpayer EIN input on the screen differs from the EIN generated on the screen format. If the EIN generated on the screen format is correct, restore it to the screen and reenter. Otherwise, reinitialize, using the correct Taxpayer EIN.
    DEFINER INFO CHANGED RESTART The definer brought to the screen by CC RFRTM has been altered. Begin again with CC RFINK.
    PLEASE CORRECT INCONSISTENT DATA One or more data elements are inconsistent. Correct the items identified with asterisks and reenter. The following are the inconsistencies which will generate these messages.
    1. New Taxpayer Name
    2. New Taxpayer Name Control
    TC960 HAS NOT BEEN SENT TO MF After the transaction is returned, if they don't match, RAF unit has to change information on MF and set the TC96X to 0, send again.
  2. Valid Response — The message " REQUEST COMPLETED" with new sequence number will be displayed on line 24

NAP and FRC error messages for — CC RFADD[T], RFUPT[T]

  1. The following table lists the NAP error messages for CC RFADD[T] and RFUP[T]:

    TXPYR NOT ON FILE The Taxpayer EIN could not be matched against the National Accounts Profile (NAP) Database. Check to make sure the EIN is correct. If it is, this message means that this Taxpayer is not yet on the Master File.
    NAME CTRL MISMATCH ON MF The Name Control input does not match on the NAP Database. Use the correct Name Control provided by Master File and reenter.
    INVALID EIN TYPE or MASTER FILE SOURCE ON NAP REQUEST REC The TIN TYPE code or MASTER FILE SOURCE code is not valid. The NAP request cannot be completed. This response indicates a program error—notify the IDRS Control Staff.
    NAPAREA NOT AVAILABLE The NAP area of the Database that houses the requested EIN is down.
    CRS/NAP ACCESS NOT AVAILABLE The Communication Replacement System (CRS) for the NAP is not available at the time. Processing of this account cannot continue.
    NATIONAL ENTITY FILE NOT AVAILABLE TRY LATER The NAP is unavailable at this time. Processing cannot continue.
    NAP NOT AVAILABLE BYPASS ON NAP is not available at this time. Processing cannot continue, try again later.
  2. The following table lists the filing requirement error messages for CC RFADD[T] and RFUPT[T]:

    Validation will be performed with the input MFT and NAP filing requirements, Employment Code, EO Entity Status and EO Subsection. If an inconsistency results the following error message will be displayed:
    THE 940 C IS NOT VALID WITH MAGNETIC TAPE FILING The input MFT is 10 (Form 940) and the BMF Form 940 filing requirement is 7 or 8.
    THE 941 FRC IS NOT VALID WITH MAGNETIC TAPE FILING The MFT is 01 (Form 941) and the BMF Form 941 filing requirement is 06, 07, 09, 10, 13, 14 or 88.
    THE 940 FRC IS NOT VALID WITH THE EMPLOYMENT CODE The BMF Employment Code is G, T, W, F or C.
    THE 940 FRC IS NOT VALID WITH THE EO SUBSECTION CODE The EO Entity Status is 01–19 and the EO Subsection Code is 03, 50, 60.
    If one of the filing requirement error messages is displayed. Proceed as follow:
    1. Perform research,
    2. If the BMF can be corrected with an entity change. Use command code BNCHG and make the necessary change.
    3. See IRM BMF Account Numbers 3(13)2(28).1 for more detailed instructions.

Terminal Responses — CC RFRMA[slashb]

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC RFRMA[slashb]:

    CC RFRMA[slashb] ERROR MESSAGES (displayed on line 24)
    DEFINER INVALID The input command code definer was not [slashb], T, or A.
    Correct and re-enter
    INVALID COMMAND CODE The input command code is invalid. Correct and re-enter.
    EIN INFORMATION MISSING —If CC RFRMA is input with definer [slashb], Reporting Agent EIN must be input with CC RFRMA. If CC RFRMA is input with definer T, the Reporting Agent EIN must have been input with CC RFINK[R]. Reinitialize. (Begin again with CC RFINK[R])
    RA NOT ON RAF No record of Reporting Agent found on RAF. Reporting Agent must be present on RAF.

  2. Valid Response for CC RFRMA [slashb] — The appropriate screen format will be displayed.

Terminal Responses — CC RFRMA[T]

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC RFRMA[T]:

    CC RFRMA[T] ERROR MESSAGES (displayed on line 24)
    DEFINER INVALID The input command code definer was not [slashb], T, or A.
    Correct and re-enter
    INVALID COMMAND CODE The input command code is invalid. Correct and re-enter.
    EIN INFORMATION MISSING —If CC RFRMA is input with definer [slashb], Reporting Agent EIN must be input with CC RFRMA. If CC RFRMA is input with definer T, the Reporting Agent EIN must have been input with CC RFINK[R]. Reinitialize. (Begin again with CC RFINK[R])
    RA NOT ON RAF No record of Reporting Agent found on RAF. Reporting Agent must be present on RAF.

  2. Valid Response for CC RFRMA[T] — The appropriate screen format will be displayed.

Terminal Responses —CC AFADT[T]

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC AFADT[T]:

    CC AFADT[T] ERROR MESSAGES (displayed on line 24)
    Invalid or inconsistent fields are followed by asterisks. If an asterisk follows an item, that item has been entered incorrectly.
    DATABASE ERROR REENTER A problem occurred while attempting to access the database. This may be a system error; attempt to re-input. If error recurs, notify Computer Branch.
    DEFINER INFO CHANGED, RESTART The definer brought to the screen by CC RFRMA has been altered. Begin again with CC RFINK[R].
    INITIALIZATION INVALID CC AFADT[T] was not preceded by CC RFRMA Reinitialize.
    PLEASE CORRECT INVALID DATA One or more data elements is/are invalid. Correct the item(s) identified with an asterisk(s) and reenter.
  2. Valid Response — The message " REQUEST COMPLETED" will be displayed on line 24.

Terminal Response — CC AFUPT[T]

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC AFUPT[T]:

    CHANGE DATA NOT PRESENT No change data is present on the screen.
    INITIALIZATION INVALID CC AFUPT[T] was not preceded by CC RFRMA[T]. Reinitialize
    RA N/C INVALID The Reporting Agent Name Control input does not match the Name Control on the RAF file for the Reporting Agent. Correct and reenter.
    NEW EIN PRESENT ON RAF The new EIN entered on the screen is currently on the RAF file. This could mean the Reporting Agent is on the file under both numbers. Research to determine correct number.
    PLEASE CORRECT INVALID DATA One or more data elements is/are invalid. Correct the item(s) identified with an asterisk(s) and reenter.
    DEFINER INFO CHANGED RESTART The definer brought to the screen by CC RFRMA has been altered. Begin again with CC RFINK[R].
  2. Valid Response — The message " REQUEST COMPLETED" will be displayed on line 24

Terminal Response — CC RFMRG

  1. The following table lists the error messages for CC RFMRG:

    MERGE DATA NOT PRESENT No merge data is present on the screen.
    INITIALIZATION INVALID CC RFMRG was not preceded by CC RFRMA[A]. Reinitialize
    EIN NOT PRESENT ON RAF One or both of the EINs entered on the screen is currently not on the RAF file. Research to determine correct number.
    DEFINER INFO CHANGED RESTART The definer brought to the screen by CC RFRMA has been altered. Begin again with CC RFINK[R].
  2. Valid Response — The message " REQUEST COMPLETED" will be displayed on line 24

CC RFRTM — Format Display

This command code requests the format for CC RFADD v and RFUPTv. It must be preceded by CC RFINK (See IRM 2.3.16 for instructions for inquiry command code RFINK).

(a) CC RFRTM Input Format

This is an Image: 28232001.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

(b) Record Element Description

Item Line Position Description and Validity
1 1 1 - 5 CC RFRTM
2 1 6 Command Definer — [slashb] or T

(c) Command Code Definer Definitions:

1 [slashb]
To add Taxpayer or Module information
2 T Update Taxpayer information

CC RFADD[T] — Input Format Display

This format is generated in response to RFRTM[slashb] when a record of the Reporting Agent was found, but no record of the Taxpayer was found with CC RFINK.

(a) CC RFADD[T] Input Format

This is an Image: 28232002.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

(b) Record Element Description

Item Line Position Description and Validity
1 1 1 - 6 CC RFADD with definer T.
2 1 18 - 27 Taxpayer EIN — This must not be altered from the EIN displayed as part of the screen format. Must be in nn-nnnnnnn format, must be numeric, and cannot be all nines or all zeroes.
3 1 45 - 48 Taxpayer Name Control — Usually the first four characters of the Taxpayer's name. If the wrong name control is entered, the correct Taxpayer's name will be displayed on Line 23.
4 3 18 - 27 Reporting Agent EIN — This must not be altered from the EIN displayed as part of the screen format. Must be in nn-nnnnnnn format, must be numeric, and cannot be all zeroes or all nines.
5 3 45 - 48 Reporting Agent Name Control — This must equal the name control in the Reporting Agent record on the RAF file. It equals the first four characters of the Reporting Agent's name.
6 5 18 - 19 IRS Received Date — Month (MM)
7 5 25 - 26 Day (DD)
8 5 33 - 36 Century and Year (CCYY)
The received date must be all numeric It must be no later than the current date. If no date is available, enter the current date.
9 5 45 - 48 W2-Year
YYYY - Year Authorization given.
10 5 60 - 63 1099-Year
YYYY - Year Authorization given.
11 5 75 - 78 3921 & 3922-Year
YYYY - Year Authorization given.
12 8 - 19 1 - 2 MFT. Enter with 01, 02, 03, 05, 09, 10, 11, 14, 16, 12, 33, 34, or 44.
13 8 - 19 9 - 10 Form Definer. Enter Blank, PR, SS, C, T, or PF.
14 8 - 19 18 - 21 Tax Period. Enter the year specified by the Taxpayer if the authorization is for a return module as follows:
MFT-CD of 01, the Year 1969 or later.
MFT-CD of 09, the year 1962 or later.
MFT-CD of 10, the Year 1986 or later.
MFT-CD of 11, the year 1961 or later.
MFT-CD of 12, the year 1985 or later.
MFT-CD of 14, the year 2006 or later.
MFT-CD of 16, the year 1994 or later.
For payment authorizations any year is valid.
15 8 - 19 37 - 38 Tax Period. Enter the month —
For MFT-CD of 09, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 16 the Month 12, if the authorization is for a return module.
For MFT-CD of 01, the Month 03, 06, 09, or 12 if the authorization is for a return module.
For MFT-CD for a payment module any month 01–12 is valid.
16 8 - 19 46 Notice Indicator. Enter 1 if the Reporting Agent is authorized to receive notices directed to this Taxpayer.
17 8 - 19 56 Payment Indicator. Enter P if the Reporting Agent is authorized to make Deposits and Payments or Blank if the Reporting Agent is authorized to Sign & File returns.
18 22 1 - 38 The message " Primary name is" will be displayed.
19 23 1 - 38 If valid, Taxpayer's name from NAP will be displayed.
20 24 1 - 38 Error Message
21 24 56 - 72 New Sequence Number - This is displayed if the transaction is completed.
NOTE: Data for at least one module (Items 12–17) must be entered. Enter data for the first specified module on line 8. Do not enter data on line 9 and leave line 8 blank.

CC RFADD[T]. — Valid Input

Example of a valid input of CC RFADD[T].

This is an Image: 28232003.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For elements, See Exhibit 2.4.40-2.

CC RFADD[T] — Output Display

This is an example of a response to a valid CC RFADD[T] input.

This is an Image: 28232004.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For elements, see Exhibit 2.4.40-2.

CC RFADD[M] — Input Format Display

This format is generated in response to RFRTM[slashb] when records for both Taxpayer and Reporting Agent were found with CC RFINK . The Reporting Agent may be given an authorization for the first time using this command code or the authorization the Reporting Agent already has may be updated or revoked or deleted.

When making a tax module change to correct an unpostable condition (UPC 324-Inconsistent filing requirement and RAF Indicator) a. If the Taxpayer has a module for a 941 but it should be a 940 (or vice versa), the module can be changed by deleting the OLD and adding the NEW module. The Daily program will send a TC96X to Master File. b. If the Taxpayer has a module for a 940 or a 941 and it should be end dated use RFADD(M). c. If the Taxpayer has one module and needs another one added use RFADD(M) to add the second module. The Daily program will send a TC96X to Master File. d. If the Taxpayer has two modules and one should be deleted use RFADD(M) to delete a module. The Daily program will send a TC96X to Master File.

(a) CC RFADD[M] Input Format

This is an Image: 28232005.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

(b) Record Element Description—the validity checks described for the various elements in the discussion of CC RFADD[T] must be met for the corresponding elements input with this command code.

Item Line Position Description and Validity
1 1 1 - 6 CC RFADD with definer M.
2 1 17 - 27 Taxpayer EIN.
3 1 45 - 48 Taxpayer Name Control.
4 3 18 - 27 Reporting Agent EIN.
5 3 45 - 48 Reporting Agent Name Control.
6 5 18 - 19 IRS Received Date — Month (MM)
7 5 25 - 26 Day (DD)
8 5 33 - 36 Century and Year (CCYY)
The received date must be all numeric. It must be no later than the current date. If no date is available, enter the current date.
9 5 45 - 48 W2-Year
YYYY - Year Authorization given.
10 5 60 - 63 1099-Year
YYYY - Year Authorization given.
11 5 75 - 78 3921 & 3922-Year
YYYY - Year Authorization given.
12 8 - 19 1 - 2 MFT-CD.
13 8 - 19 8 - 9 Form Definer. Enter Blank, PR, SS, T, or PF.
14 8 - 19 16 - 19 Tax Period Year. Enter the Year.
15 8 - 19 27 - 28 Tax Period Month. Enter the Month.
16 8 - 19 36 Notice Indicator. Enter 1 if the Reporting Agent is authorized to receive notices directed to this Taxpayer.
17 8 - 19 43 Payment Indicator. Enter P if the Reporting Agent is authorized to make Deposits and Payments or Blank if the Reporting Agent is authorized to Sign & File returns.
18 8 - 19 58 Current Action Code — For ADD/REVOKE, enter with 1 to add a module or to revoke existing module(s) and add the new module(s) entered. If an action code for a delete or end date is entered, it would be unacceptable. See Note below.
29 8 - 19 65 End Date. Enter 1 to end date a module.
20 8 - 19 73 Delete. Enter 1 to delete a module
21 24 1 - 38 Error Message
22 24 56 - 72 New Sequence Number - This is displayed if the transaction is completed.
Example 1: A Taxpayer has two modules, MFT 01 198503 and MFT 10 198612, both with Reporting Agent A. To add the two new modules with Reporting Agent B, input:
  Reporting Agent B's EIN
The Taxpayer will now have these authorizations:
01 198503 Agent A
10 198612 Agent A will now show as revoked. It has been end dated.
10 198612 Agent B
10 198712 Agent B
The previous modules with matching MFT, FORM, and PAYMENT information will be revoked automatically when the new module information is added. If only one new module is entered, only the module with matching MFT, FORM, and PAYMENT information will be revoked by the new module being added. As you see, any other active authorization modules will remain active.
Example 2: In the example above, change the other authorization to Reporting Agent B. Doing so will automatically revoke the MFT 01 198503 authorization with Agent A. To do this, input:
  Reporting Agent B's EIN
The Taxpayer will now have these authorizations:
01 198503 Agent A will now show as revoked. It has been end dated.
10 198612 Agent A will now show as revoked. It has been end dated.
01 198712 Agent B
10 198712 Agent B
Now the authorizations for both the MFT 01 and the MFT 10 have been revoked with Agent A and granted to Agent B.

CC RFADD[M] — Valid Input

Example of a valid input of CC RFADD[M].

This is an Image: 28232006.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For elements, see Exhibit 2.4.40-5.

CC RFUPT[T] — Format Display

This format is generated in response to CC RFRTM[T]

(a) CC RFUPT[T] Input Format

This is an Image: 28232007.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

(b) Record Element Description—the validity checks described for the various elements in the discussion of CC RFUPT[T] must be met for the corresponding elements input with this command code.

Item Line Position Description and Validity
1 1 1 - 6 CC RFUPT with definer T.
2 1 18 - 27 Taxpayer EIN.
3 1 46 - 49 Taxpayer Current Name Control will be displayed.
4 2 46 - 80 Taxpayer Current Primary Name will be displayed.
5 6 18 - 27 Taxpayer New EIN — Optional. See Note below.
6 6 46 - 49 Taxpayer New Name Control — Optional. Usually the first four characters of the Taxpayer's Primary name.
7 7 46 - 49 Taxpayer New Primary Name — Optional. 35 Characters maximum.
8 9 62 Master File Posting Indicator — Optional. Used in 2 instances: (1) To correct an unpostable resulting from an EIN or name mismatch. (2) To send a copy of existing Taxpayer authorizations to post at Master File.
      (1) To correct an unpostable resulting from an EIN or name mismatch, input the EIN or name change and request a TC960 by entering a 'Y'.
      (2) To send a copy of an existing Taxpayer authorizations to post at Master File, simply request a TC960 by entering a 'Y'.
      Whether a transaction has previously posted at Master File or not is no longer of interest. Adds and Updates are now both TC960 transactions.
8 24 1 - 38 Request Status Message

CC RFUPT[T] — EIN Change

This is an example of a valid input for CC RFUPT[T] when the Taxpayer EIN changes.

This is an Image: 28232008.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For Element Description, see Exhibit 2.4.40-7.
NOTE: When changing a Taxpayer EIN to correct an unpostable condition (ie UPC 301—TIN not on MF)
a. Enter correct EIN on line 6.
b. Enter a 'Y' to send a TC960 on line 9.

CC RFUPT[T] — Name Change for RAF Database only

This is an example of valid input of CC RFUPT[T] when the Taxpayer name is being changed on the RAF database but a transaction does not need to be sent to Master File.

This is an Image: 28232009.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For Element Description, see Exhibit 2.4.40-7.
NOTE: When changing a Taxpayer Name Control and Name to correct an unpostable condition (ie UPC 303—Name control mismatch)
a. Enter correct Name Control on line 6.
b. Enter correct Full Name on line 7.
c. Enter a 'N' to skip the building and sending of a TC960 on line 9.

CC RFUPT[T] — Output Display of Name Change

This is an example of a response to a valid CC RFUPT[T] input.

This is an Image: 28232010.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For Element Description, see Exhibit 2.4.40-7.

CC RFUPT[T] — Name Change and Transaction Record to Post at Master File

This is an example of a valid input for CC RFUPT[T] when the Taxpayer name is being changed and this transaction is to post at Master File.

This is an Image: 28232011.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For Element Description, see Exhibit 2.4.40-7.
NOTE: When changing Taxpayer name control to correct an unpostable condition (ie UPC 303—Name control mismatch)
a. Enter correct Name Control on line 6.
b. Enter correct Full Name on line 7.
c. Enter a 'Y' to build and send a TC960 on line 9.

CC RFUPT[T] — Output Display of Name Change and Transaction Record to Post at Master File

This is an example of a response to a valid CC RFUPT[T] input.

This is an Image: 28232012.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For Element Description, see Exhibit 2.4.40-7.

CC RFUPT[T] — Transaction Record to Post at Master File

This is an example of a valid input for CC RFUPT[T] when the existing Taxpayer authorizations on RAF are to be posted at Master File.

This is an Image: 28232013.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For Element Description, see Exhibit 2.4.40-7.
NOTE: To build and send a Transaction record to post at Master File.
a. Enter a 'Y' to build and send a TC960 on line 9.

CC RFRMAv — Format Display

This command code requests the format for CC AFADT v,CC AFUPT v, and CC AFUPT v. It must be preceded by CC RFINK [R] (See IRM 2.3.16 for instructions for inquiry command code RFINK).

(a) CC RFRMA Input Format

This is an Image: 28232014.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

(b) Record Element Description

Item Line Position Description and Validity
1 1 1 - 5 CC RFRMA
2 1 6 Command Definer — [slashb], A, or T

(c) Command Code Definer Definitions

1 [slashb]
To add Reporting Agent information
2 T Update Reporting Agent information
3 A To merge two Reporting Agents Taxpayers

CC AFADT — Input Format Display

This format is generated in response to RFRMA[slashb] when no record of the Reporting Agent was found was found with CC RFINK [R].

(a) CC AFADT Input Format

This is an Image: 28232015.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

(b) Record Element Description

Item Line Position Description and Validity
1 1 1 - 5 CC AFADT .
2 1 7 - 16 Reporting Agent EIN. This must not be altered from the EIN displayed as part of the screen format. Must be in nn-nnnnnnn format, must be numeric, and cannot be all nines or all zeroes.
3 1 67 - 70 Reporting Agent Name Control — Usually the first four characters of the Reporting Agents name. If the wrong name control is entered, the correct Reporting Agents name will be displayed on Line 23.
4 2 17 - 51 Reporting Agent Name .
5 2 67 - 79 Reporting Agent Status
A — Active (Shown in reverse video for emphasis)
I — Inactive
S — Suspended
U — Undeliverable
6 3 17 - 41 Reporting Agent Second Name.
7 3 67 - 76 Reporting Agent As Of Date
Format — MM-DD-CCYY
8 4 17 - 51 Reporting Agent Street Address.
9 5 17 - 36 Reporting Agent City.
10 5 53 - 54 Reporting Agent State.
11 5 67 - 79 Reporting Agent Zip Code - Must be in nnnnn-nnnn-nnn format.
12 6 17 - 36 Reporting Agent Country
13 7 17 - 28 Reporting Agent Telephone Number - Must be in nnnnnnnnnn format.
14 8 17 - 28 Reporting Agent Fax Number - Must be in nnnnnnnnnn format.
15 10 17 Reporting Agent e-Notices
Y or 1 = This Reporting Agent prefers Electronic Notices
N or Blank = This Reporting Agent prefers Paper Notices
16 20 6 - 79 Reporting Agent Comment Line 1
17 21 6 - 79 Reporting Agent Comment Line 2
18 22 6 - 79 Reporting Agent Comment Line 3
19 23 6 - 79 Reporting Agent Comment Line 4
20 24 1 - 38 Error Message

CC AFADT — Valid Input

Example of a valid input of CC AFADT.

This is an Image: 28232016.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For elements, see Exhibit 2.4.40-16.

CC AFADT — Output Display

This is an example of a response to a valid CC AFADT input.

This is an Image: 28232017.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For elements, see Exhibit 2.4.40-15.

CC AFUPT[T] — Format Display

This format is generated in response to CC RFRMA[T]

(a) CC AFUPT[T] Input Format

This is an Image: 28232018.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

(b) Record Element Description

Item Line Position Description and Validity
1 1 1 - 6 CC AFUPT
2 1 6 Command Definer — T
3 1 7 - 16 Reporting Agent EIN.
4 3 39 - 43 | 45 - 48 Reporting Agent Name Control.
5 4 09 - 43 | 45 - 79 Reporting Agent Name.
6 5 16 - 43 | 45 - 69 Reporting Agent Second Name. If needed, this field can be blanked out by entering &&.
7 6 24 - 43 | 45 - 79 Reporting Agent Street Address.
8 7 24 - 43 | 45 - 64 Reporting Agent City.
9 8 42 - 43 | 45 - 46 Reporting Agent State.
10 9 30 - 43 | 45 - 56 Reporting Agent Zip Code.
11 10 24 - 43 | 45 - 64 Reporting Agent Country.
12 11 32 - 43 | 45 - 56 Reporting Agent Telephone Number. If needed, this field can be zeroed out by entering the same number.
13 12 32 - 43 | 45 - 56 Reporting Agent Fax Number. If needed, this field can be zeroed out by entering the same number.
14 14 43 & 45 Reporting Agent e-Notices.
Y or 1 = This Reporting Agent prefers Electronic Notices.
N = This Reporting Agent prefers Paper Notices.
15 16 31- 43 | 45 Reporting Agent Status
A — Active (Shown in reverse video for emphasis)
I — Inactive
S — Suspended
U — Undeliverable
16 17 33 - 43 | 45 - 54 Reporting Agent As Of Date
Format — MM-DD-CCYY
17 20- 23 6 - 79 Comments - For RAF Unit use only.
18 24 1 - 38 Error Message
Note (1): All fields are optional. Enter only the fields to be changed. (2): When changing a Reporting Agent's Status, also make an entry for the AS-OF date.

CC AFUPT[T] — Valid Input

Example of a valid input of CC AFUPT[T].

This is an Image: 28232019.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For elements, see Exhibit 2.4.40-18.

CC AFUPT[T] — Output Display

This is an example of a response to a valid CC AFUPT[T] input.

This is an Image: 28232020.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For elements, see Exhibit 2.4.40-18.

CC RFMRG — Format Display

This command code requests the format for CC RFMRG . This command is used to merge the Taxpayers of one Reporting Agent with another Reporting Agent

(a) CC RFMRG Input Format

This is an Image: 28232021.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

(b) Record Element Description

Item Line Position Description and Validity
1 1 1 - 5 CC RFMRG
2 1 18 - 27 Reporting Agent (old) EIN.
Must be in nn-nnnnnnn format, must be numeric, and cannot be all nines or all zeroes.
3 2 18 - 27 Reporting Agent (new) EIN.
Must be in nn-nnnnnnn format, must be numeric, and cannot be all nines or all zeroes.
4 24 1 - 38 Error Message
NOTE - Caution must be taken when entering old and new Reporting Agents EIN.Once action is complete all the Taxpayers of the old agent will be immediately moved to the new agent.

CC RFMRG. — Valid Input

Example of a valid input of CC RFMRG.

This is an Image: 28232022.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

For elements, see Exhibit 2.4.40-21.

CC RFMRG — Output Display

This is an example of a response to a valid CC RFMRG input.

This is an Image: 28232023.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Output Display - CC RFMRG

For elements, See Exhibit 2.4.40-21.