- 25.23.4 IDTVA Paper Process
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms/Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Identity Theft (IDT) Paper Process Overview
- Case Assignment and Inventory Management - General Guidance
- CII and IDRS Case Controls
- Monitoring Case Controls
- Case Transfer within IDTVA
- Cases Requiring Routing/Reassignment to Other Functions
- IDTVA Specialty Functions - Case Referrals from Compliance Functions
- Priority Codes for IDTVA CII Cases
- CII and IDRS Case Controls
- Taxpayer Inquiries Involving Identity Theft (IDT)
- IRS Identified Identity Theft (IDT)
- Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview
- Required Research
- IDTVA - Additional Research and Required Actions
- Statute Research
- IDTVA Research, Verification, and Requests
- Complete Case Analysis (CCA)
- Documentation Requests, Return Processing and Missing Information
- Ordering Documents
- Unprocessed Documents
- Unprocessed Statute Returns or Transcripts (IDTVA Screeners Only)
- Unprocessed Returns - 40 Day Suspense Time Frame Expired
- Missing Information
- Credit Transcripts - IDT6/IDS6
- Credit Transcripts - IDT6/IDS6 (IDTVA Screeners Only)
- Credit Transcripts Resolution
- Fraud Procedures
- Non-Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Processing
- Identity Theft (IDT) Common Number (CN) Ownership and Case Processing Determinations
- Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations - Schemes
- Known Fraud-Scheme Cases
- Refund Schemes
- Married Filing Joint Scheme Involvement
- Invalid Joint Election Consideration
- Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing
- Identity Theft (IDT) with RIVO Involvement
- Identity Theft (IDT) with Decedent Taxpayer Involvement
- Identity Theft (IDT) with IRP Data or Schedule C Involvement
- Identity Theft (IDT) with External Business/Preparer Data Breach Involvement
- TIN Owners Receiving Fraudulent Refunds in Preparer Data Breach Scheme
- External Business/Preparer Data Breach Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) - One Return Present
- External Business/Preparer Data Breach Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) - More Than One Return Present
- Identity Theft (IDT) with Tax Preparation Software Misuse
- Non-Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations
- Taxpayer Identified Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations
- IRS Identified Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations
- Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - General
- Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - Determinations
- Identity Theft with Non-Filer Returns
- Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations - Schemes
- Statute Processing Considerations
- Determining When Specific Year Account Information Must Be Moved
- Collection Statute Expiration Date Expired or Imminent
- Identity Theft Allegations on Tax Year 2012 and Prior
- Tax Year Account Move Conditions - Applicable for IDT(X) and IDS(X) Cases
- Action Required if Not Moving Specific Year Account Information
- Moving Specific Year Account Information
- Collection Statute Expiration Date Expired or Imminent
- Statute Imminent Assessments for IDT Cases
- Addressing Barred Assessments on Identity Theft (IDT) Cases
- Determining When Specific Year Account Information Must Be Moved
- Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases
- Invalid Return/Valid Return - No Lost Refund
- Invalid Return/Valid Return - Lost Refund
- Valid Return/Invalid Return
- Two or More Invalid Returns (No Valid Return) - No Lost Refund
- Two or More Invalid Returns (No Valid Return) - Lost Refund
- One IDT Return - No Lost Refund
- One IDT Return - Lost Refund
- Identity Theft (IDT) Cases/Transcripts with RIVO and/or TPP Involvement - Resolution Tables
- IRSN Required for Identity Theft (IDT) Return
- Identity Theft with Offsets
- Identity Theft with Tax Offsets
- Identity Theft with TOP Offsets
- Identity Theft and Restitution
- Amended or Duplicate Returns and Identity Theft (IDT)
- Amended or Duplicate Returns and Identity Theft (IDT) - Valid/Invalid
- Amended or Duplicate Returns and Identity Theft (IDT) - Invalid/Valid
- Amended or Duplicate Returns and Identity Theft (IDT) - No Valid Return
- Amended or Duplicate Returns and Identity Theft (IDT) - NO IDT Determinations
- Identity Theft (IDT) - Previous Action
- Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT)
- No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations
- No Reply
- Identity Theft (IDT) - Manual Refunds
- Identity Theft (IDT) - Setting the Math Error
- Identity Theft (IDT) Cases with -E Freeze
- Identity Theft (IDT) Cases Requiring Special Treatment - Operations Assistance Requests (OARs)
- Collection Activity - Form 14394/13794
- Collection Activity - Form 14394
- Collection Activity - Form 13794 Additional Actions Required - Lien
- Collection Activity - Resume Collection Actions
- Requests for an Appeal
- Cases with -L or -W Freeze Codes
- Referrals to IRS Independent Office of Appeals (New Requests or Reconsideration for Appeals)
- Cases Received from Appeals With Previous Appeals Involvement
- Non-Docketed Cases Returned from Appeals
- Docketed Cases Received from Appeals
- Collection Due Process Cases Returned from Appeals
- Identity Theft (IDT) Cases Processed Incorrectly
- Identity Theft (IDT) Adjustment Errors
- MFT 32 Cases - Moved in Error
- Form 3245/3809 Reversals
- Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions
- Communicating with Taxpayers
- General IDTVA Letter Procedures
- Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written)
- Telephone Contact Guidelines (Associated with the Letter 5064C Common Number Questionnaire)
- Supplementary Questions (Associated with Letter 5064C Common Number Questionnaire)
- Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions sent to determine Common Number Ownership
- Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C sent for Common Number Ownership
- Processing Taxpayer Replies to Closing Identity Theft (IDT) Letters sent for Common Number Owner Determination
- Resolving Undeliverable Identity Theft (IDT) Mail
- Taxpayer Calls on Identity Theft (IDT) Cases (IDTVA Paper Employees Only)
- Requesting Translations of Certain Languages
- Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General
- Economic Impact Payment (EIP) - Account Research
- Economic Impact Payment (EIP) - Additional Research for Identity Theft (IDT) Cases
- Economic Impact Payment (EIP) Referrals - Coordinator Duties
- Economic Impact Payment (EIP) - Adjustments - General
- Economic Impact Payment (EIP) - Adjustments - EIP 1/EIP 2
- Economic Impact Payment (EIP) - Adjustments - EIP 3
- Economic Impact Payment (EIP) - Account Balancing Adjustments
- Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - Identity Theft (IDT) Case Research
- Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - Adjustments
- American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - General
- ARPA - Unemployment Compensation Tax Relief
- ARPA - Advanced Child Tax Credit (AdvCTC) - General
- ARPA – Excess Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC) Repayment Relief
- Exhibit 25.23.4-1 IRPTR/IDRS Data Decision Tree
- Exhibit 25.23.4-2 Form 3245 Reversal
- Exhibit 25.23.4-3 Form 3809 Reversal
- Exhibit 25.23.4-4 Identity Theft (IDT) Functional Routing and Referral Chart
- Exhibit 25.23.4-5 IDTVA Routing Matrix
- Exhibit 25.23.4-6 IDTVA Site Locations
- Exhibit 25.23.4-7 Identity Theft (IDT) Multiple Control Decision Document
- Exhibit 25.23.4-8 Order of Priority Listing - IDTVA-A and IDTVA Specialty Functions
- Exhibit 25.23.4-9 IDTVA-A Identity Theft (IDT) Work Types Listing
- Exhibit 25.23.4-10 Identity Theft (IDT) Closing Letter Decision Chart
- Exhibit 25.23.4-11 IDRS Activity Codes and Definitions
- Exhibit 25.23.4-12 Tax-Related Identity Theft (IDT) Codes
- Exhibit 25.23.4-13 Format for Emails to SB/SE Examination Technical Services
- Exhibit 25.23.4-14 Format for Emails to Appeals
- Exhibit 25.23.4-15 ITVA HQ AUR ADR Report - For Use by IDTVA P&A and Designated Individuals Only
- Exhibit 25.23.4-16 ITVA HQ Balance Due Receipts Listing - For Use by IDTVA P&A Only
- Exhibit 25.23.4-17 ITVA HQ Disaster -O Freeze Listing - For Use by IDTVA P&A Only
- Exhibit 25.23.4-18 ITVA HQ Freeze Code -L Listing - For Use by IDTVA P&A Only
- Exhibit 25.23.4-19 ITVA HQ Freeze Code Z Listing - For Use by IDTVA P&A Only
- Exhibit 25.23.4-20 TC 971 AC 199 MISC Field Descriptions for Economic Impact Payments (EIPs)
- Exhibit 25.23.4-21 Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing
- Exhibit 25.23.4-22 Establishing or Updating Entities for Dependents
- Exhibit 25.23.4-23 Complex Case Scenarios
- Exhibit 25.23.4-24 IDTVA Statute Clearing
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 25. Special Topics
Chapter 23. Identity Protection and Victim Assistance
Section 4. IDTVA Paper Process
25.23.4 IDTVA Paper Process
Manual Transmittal
September 05, 2024
(1) This manual transmits revised guidance for IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process, and provides procedures for the treatment and resolution of Individual Master File (IMF) tax-related identity theft (IDT) cases.
Material Changes
(1) IRM Added a new paragraph to provide information on Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS).
(2) IRM Revised the IRM to rename from Program Controls to Program Management and Review.
(3) IRM Removed paragraph (3) and moved the information to a new subsection IRM, Program Controls.
(4) IRM New section - Program Controls. Information on program controls was previously located in IRM
(5) IRM Added a new paragraph for processes that require lead/manager approval. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(6) IRM Revised 2nd Note to update IAT tool REQ54. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(7) IRM Revised paragraph for clarification of the “IRS Received Date” used when creating CII case controls.
(8) IRM Revised paragraph to create bullet listing for clarification of the “IRS Received Date” used when opening controls on CII. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(9) IRM Updated existing information to clarify open control bases on IDRS CC TXMOD. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(10) IRM Revised information for monitoring accounts. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(11) IRM Removed instructions for monitoring open controls on IDRS for TOP offset over 6 years old and moved the instructions to IRM Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(12) IRM Revised the statement in the 2nd Note to provide clarification on using the Julian date.
(13) IRM New section - Monitoring Case Controls. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(14) IRM Updated existing information to clarify case assignment based on earliest IRS received date. Added a new Exception and Reminder for additional clarification.
(15) IRM Revised paragraph to include information on priority treatment of all identity theft cases. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(16) IRM Revised the Priority Code (PC) listing for IDTVA-A employees. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(17) IRM Added PC 6 for potential fraud-scheme scenarios. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(18) IRM Revised referrals from OIC “CSCO Specialty Only” to the Specialty Collection Offer in Compromise (SCOIC) directory.
(19) IRM Revised the Priority Code (PC) listing for IDTVA Specialty employees. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(20) IRM Added PC 6 for potential fraud-scheme scenarios. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(21) IRM Revised Example (d) to clarify cases involving income related IDT will be controlled on CC TXMOD. Added new Example (f) for cases involving dependent IDT will be controlled on CC TXMOD.
(22) IRM Revised existing information for clarification of procedures when there is no indication of tax-related IDT.
(23) IRM Revised to remove duplicate information. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(24) IRM Added instruction to change the doc type. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(25) IRM Revised to include scrambled SSN cases. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(26) IRM Removed instructions from bullet #2 and #6. Bullet #8 becomes a new paragraph. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(27) IRM 2nd Bullet revised to include references for addressing levies and liens, when necessary. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(28) IRM Added a new paragraph and table to include procedures for balance due issues. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(29) IRM Updated to 650-day timeframe for consistency with IRM IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(30) IRM Updated for consistency with IRM and IRM IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(31) IRM Removed a link to the CII Performance Guide - CSR Guide. The link previously located in SERP is now obsolete.
(32) IRM Added a new paragraph for procedures previously listed in paragraph (2) bullet #8. No content changes. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(33) IRM Updated to 640-day timeframe for consistency with IRM and IRM IPU 24U0843 issued 07-16-2024
(34) IRM Reorganized existing information. (7) Previously paragraph (14). (8) Previously paragraph (15). (9) Previously paragraph (16). (10) Previously paragraph (17). (11) Previously paragraph (18). (12) Previously paragraph (19). (13) Previously paragraph (7). (14) Previously paragraph (8). (15) Previously paragraph (9). (16) Previously paragraph (10). (18) Previously paragraph (11). (19) Previously paragraph (12). (20) Previously paragraph (13). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(35) IRM Added a new list item to consider a change to the taxpayer’s marital status when conducting a search using CC NAMEI or CC NAMES.
(36) IRM Added a new paragraph to include information when a taxpayer may use Form 14039 to report someone obtained an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(37) IRM Added a new Table Scenario (4) to include procedures when an Employer Identification Number (EIN) cannot be located.
(38) IRM Revised to include information about researching Scrambled SSN Indicators (SCIs). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(39) IRM Removed statement advising IDTVA-A employees will retain and resolve Mixed Period (NOIDT) issues. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(40) IRM Removed statement advising IDTVA-A employees will retain and resolve Mixed Entity (NOIDT) issues. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(41) IRM Rearranged procedures for clarity. No change to content. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(42) IRM Revised to specify IDT issues. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(43) IRM Added a paragraph with direction to consider the taxpayer's statement. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(44) IRM Revised Table Scenario (9) to include a Reminder providing the definition of an Erroneous Refund.
(45) IRM Added a reference for statute considerations. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(46) IRM Revised the IAT tool to use when aMend will not perform necessary account adjustment actions. Added a new Note for preparing a case to reroute to another function using CII.
(47) IRM Added a new IRM for statutes research. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(48) IRM Restructured to list case types as bullet points. Some information was moved to a new paragraph (2). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(49) IRM Added a new paragraph for CCA research details previously included in paragraph (1) as bullet points placed in a table. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(50) IRM Added a new paragraph for information previously included in a note in paragraph (1). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(51) IRM Added a new paragraph for information previously included in a note in paragraph (1). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(52) IRM Renumbered due to addition of new paragraphs. Previously paragraph (2). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(53) IRM Renumbered due to addition of new paragraphs. Restructured into a table. Added information for TC 971 AC 528. Previously paragraph (3). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(54) IRM Removed previous information regarding creation of CII cases for impacted years to provide consistency with procedures in IRM Revised paragraph to include procedures for working new cases created through complete case analysis (CCA). Revised the Example for consistency of revised procedures.
(55) IRM Added a new paragraph for information previously included in paragraph (3). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(56) IRM Revised existing information for procedural clarification. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(57) IRM Revised to reflect new table procedures for appropriate research on IDT cases with missing return information . IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(58) IRM Revised to reflect IRM procedures to request missing return information required. Note and Caution information moved to a new paragraph in IRM IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(59) IRM Revised to reflect new subsections and renumbering of existing subsections. IPU 23U1187 issued 12-19-2023
(60) IRM New section - Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations - Schemes. Subsequent sections renumbered. IPU 23U1187 issued 12-19-2023
(61) IRM Removed the bullet for non-filer returns as it is not included in a subsection of this reference. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(62) IRM New section - Known Fraud-Scheme Cases. IPU 23U1187 issued 12-19-2023
(63) IRM Added a new Table Scenario (5) for fraud-scheme return characteristics involving Form 7202. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(64) IRM Added a new paragraph to list return characteristics that exclude Form 7202 from known fraud-scheme consideration. Subsequent sections were renumbered. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(65) IRM New section - Refund Schemes. IPU 23U1187 issued 12-19-2023
(66) IRM New section - Previously IRM IPU 23U1187 issued 12-19-2023
(67) IRM New section - Previously IRM IPU 23U1187 issued 12-19-2023
(68) IRM Revised existing information for clarification. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(69) IRM Added a link for non-streamline IRS identified IDT determinations. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(70) IRM Added a scenario for multiple taxpayers reporting identity theft. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(71) IRM Revised existing procedures to include NOIDT procedures when research supports a different determination.
(72) IRM Updated title to remove refund scheme. IPU 23U1187 issued 12-19-2023
(73) IRM Updated procedures for returns with Schedule C income and consideration is needed when making Common Number (CN) decisions.. Revised Note to clarify lead/manager concurrence is not needed when invalid returns meet known fraud-scheme criteria.
(74) IRM Link to Refund Scheme Listing was moved to the new section IRM IPU 23U1187 issued 12-19-2023
(75) IRM Revised procedures for Lead/Manager concurrence requirement and added new Table Scenario (4) for Common Number (CN) ownership determinations for external business/preparer data breach. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(76) IRM Revised procedures for Lead/Manager concurrence requirement and added new Table Scenario (5) for for Common Number (CN) ownership determinations for misuse of tax preparation software. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(77) IRM Updated existing open paragraph selections for Letter 4402C and added a new reminder for special paragraphs. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(78) IRM Removed paragraph reminder for requirement of lead/manager approval. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(79) IRM Revised to use invalid instead of fraudulent. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(80) IRM 4th bullet removed. Information included in IRM IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(81) IRM Removed paragraph Note for Common Number (CN) is an ITIN. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(82) IRM Removed paragraph Note for Common Number (CN) is an ITIN. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(83) IRM Revised to provide guidance previously found in IRM 4th bullet. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(84) IRM Revised to provide guidance previously found in IRM 4th bullet. Clarified acceptable documentation. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(85) IRM Revised to remove Common Number (CN) is an ITIN throughout the table scenarios. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(86) IRM Revised statement in 3rd bullet to clarify Dependent IDT claims submitted on behalf of an adult dependent that is age 18 or older.
(87) IRM Added a Note to include EUP/ITIN RTS research for ITINs. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(88) IRM Added an Exception for claimants over the age of 18 at the time of working a case. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(89) IRM Revised Table Scenario (3) to clarify Mixed Entity procedures. Revised Table Scenario (6) Exception for routing Form 3949-A to Exam for claims involving dependent IDT.
(90) IRM Revised Table Scenario (1) to clarify the open control base needed on IDRS CC TXMOD and Table Scenario (3) to remove procedure for Mixed Entity cases no longer retained by the IDTVA-A employee. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(91) IRM Revised paragraph to provide guidance on balance due status accounts with an expired CSED. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(92) IRM Revised to cover all offsets. Previously only addressed tax offsets. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(93) IRM Revised procedures to remove Lead/Manager concurrence requirement. Added instruction for documentation on CII and included an example of CII case note. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(94) IRM Added a paragraph to provide references for excess collections. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(95) IRM Revised Table Scenario (6) to include link for NOIDT determination on statute imminent cases. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(96) IRM Scenarios throughout updated to reflect action can be taken once the assessment is pending. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(97) IRM Revised alpha listing in paragraph to emphasize guidance on monitoring control bases. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(98) IRM Added a new paragraph to specify procedures previously found in IRM IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(99) IRM Revised first bullet to indicate streamline criteria and added a Note for requirement of lead/manager approval. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(100) IRM Added a new paragraph to specify procedures previously in IRM Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(101) IRM Table Scenario (6) revised to include instruction to update the activity on the IDRS control base. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(102) IRM Revised Bullet #4 and Note to change verbiage from “fraudulent” to “invalid”.
(103) IRM For each table scenario, added TC 971 AC 501/506 information that was previously removed. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(104) IRM Removed references to IRM IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(105) IRM Added IDTVA Specialty Teams Only. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(106) IRM Revised paragraph to provide clarification on guidance for taxpayers not responding for more information (NORPLY) considerations.
(107) IRM Revised Table Scenario (2) procedures and enough information is available to determine the taxpayer is a victim of IDT. Added new Example for dependent identity theft claims and no response received for the request of additional information. Revised existing Example for clarification.
(108) IRM Table Scenario (2) Then Column 2nd bullet revised to say IDTVA Specialty Teams Only. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(109) IRM Information in this paragraph was updated to include instructions for IDT indicator reversals. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(110) IRM Revised Table Scenario (2) to add a Note to clarify systemic limitations for a normal computer-generated refund. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(111) IRM Added a new paragraph to specify systemic limitations for a normal computer-generated refund. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(112) IRM Revised paragraph to provide clarification for account issue considerations prior to inputting a manual refund.
(113) IRM Revised Table Scenario (3) to include additional information on post delay codes. Added new Table Scenario (7) to include Frivolous Return Program (FRP) involvement consideration for a manual refund. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(114) IRM Created a new section for manual refunds on identity theft cases. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(115) IRM Created a new section for setting math errors on identity theft cases. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(116) IRM Created a new section for cases with -E freeze conditions. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(117) IRM Added a new paragraph to provide information on Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS). Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(118) IRM Added a new paragraph to include information for taxpayers requesting assistance when TAS criteria is met. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(119) IRM Revised IRM title listed in Bullet #2 to Referrals to IRS Independent Office of Appeals (New Requests or Reconsideration for Appeals).
(120) IRM Updated Table Scenario (1) to clarify the information for incomplete or insufficient documentation.
(121) IRM Added a new Table Scenario (1) for incomplete documentation. All other Table Scenarios were renumbered. Table Scenario (2) revised to include instruction to attach Form 10467 to the CII case. Table Scenario (3) revised to remove instructions to review the taxpayer correspondence and perform all necessary account actions. Replaced with instructions to follow IRM Removed instruction to inform the taxpayer of the outcome as it is covered in IRM Added instruction to attach Form 10467 to the CII case and document CII with a case note. Table Scenario (4) revised to clarify procedures for situations where a determination cannot be made. Table Scenario (5) added for CDP cases. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(122) IRM Removed because it was added to paragraph (2) Table Scenario (5). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(123) IRM Title changed to Referrals to IRS Independent Office of Appeals (New Requests or Reconsideration for Appeals).
(124) IRM Revised office title to IRS Independent Office of Appeals.
(125) IRM Title changed to Referrals to Appeals Function (New Requests or Reconsideration for the Appeals Function). IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(126) IRM Added a new paragraph to specify when cases will be referred to the Appeals Function. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(127) IRM Revised office title to IRS Independent Office of Appeals.
(128) IRM Existing information split into three paragraphs for clarification. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(129) IRM Title changed to Cases Received from Appeals With Previous Appeals Involvement. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(130) IRM Corrected email title. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(131) IRM Removed Note for using “Tax-Related IDT Letters Job Aid” no longer located on the IDTVA HUB. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(132) IRM Added a note to provide a reference to the IRS Style Guide, Plain Language. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(133) IRM Updated to 640-day timeframe for consistency with IRM and IRM IPU 24U0843 issued 07-16-2024
(134) IRM Updated to 650-day timeframe for consistency with IRM IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(135) IRM Updated to 480-day timeframe for consistency with IRM IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(136) IRM Revised the listing of dates to use to determine the taxpayer’s correspondence date when issuing a closing letter.
(137) IRM Updated the timeframe for issuing interim letters. Revised the timeframes listed in the Reminder and Example for consistency. IPU 24U0843 issued 07-16-2024
(138) IRM Updated to 650 days based on timeframe changes. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(139) IRM Updated to 475 days based on timeframe changes. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(140) IRM Added a Note to include information regarding taxpayer’s already enrolled in the IP PIN program. Added a new special paragraph to use on closing letters for taxpayer’s already enrolled in the IP PIN program.
(141) IRM Revised existing information and included bullet list items for procedural clarification. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(142) IRM Removed specification of by telephone and/or by mail. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(143) IRM Added a new paragraph with procedures with Lead or Manager concurrence requirement. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(144) IRM Removed requirement to attempt to contact by telephone and specification of two times. moved the information provided in notes into a bullet list. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(145) IRM Added a new paragraph and Table with procedures for missing signatures. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(146) IRM Information in this paragraph has been combined with information from previous paragraph (5). IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(147) IRM Added a new paragraph for cases with a Form 14039 alleging Return Preparer Misconduct (RPM). Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(148) IRM Information was incorporated in paragraph (2). Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(149) IRM Added a new paragraph with procedures if the posted TC 976 return is necessary for case resolution. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(150) IRM Added paragraph to specify employees must contact the taxpayer(s) by mail. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(151) IRM Revised Note #1 to include information on the filing of fraudulent authorizations to gain access to taxpayer information.
(152) IRM Revised procedures for requesting additional information from the taxpayer.
(153) IRM Revised existing information for clarification. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(154) IRM Added a new paragraph to provide instructions for researching CII for the taxpayer's response. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(155) IRM Revised existing information for clarification in the table to include new math error procedures for IDT. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(156) IRM Removed paragraph instructions. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(157) IRM Added a new paragraph for procedures for a taxpayer’s responses that includes Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative or Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(158) IRM Added a new paragraph with Table providing the appropriate actions required for scenarios that do not include the request of a copy of the TC 976. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(159) IRM Added a new paragraph with Table providing the appropriate actions required for scenarios when the requesting a copy of the TC 976 was completed for a non-statute year. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(160) IRM Added a new paragraph with Table providing the appropriate actions required for scenarios when requesting a copy of the TC 976 was completed for a statute year. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(161) IRM Added a note instructing employees to follow No IDT procedures prior to resolving or reassigning a scrambled SSN case. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(162) IRM Updated paragraph (2) to provide clear instructions for translation services. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(163) IRM Revised existing information for use of the Recovery Rebate Credit Worksheet currently located in AMS and removed the reference from the previous location in SERP Job Aids. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(164) Exhibit 25.23.4-1(1) Revised existing information to clarify procedures on the criteria of data comparison. Removed first Example and moved to the new paragraph (7). Removed second Example and moved to the new paragraph (6). Removed Caution and moved to the new paragraph (2).
(165) Exhibit 25.23.4-1(2) Added new paragraph (2) and revised Caution previously in paragraph (1) to provide additional clarification of the review and compare criteria process.
(166) Exhibit 25.23.4-1(3) Added new paragraph (3) for procedures when confirming consistencies to determine a return is valid.
(167) Exhibit 25.23.4-1(4) Added new paragraph (4) for procedures in identifying inconsistencies to determine a return is invalid.
(168) Exhibit 25.23.4-1(5) Added new paragraph (5) with Table providing procedures when there are the same number of consistencies and inconsistencies.
(169) Exhibit 25.23.4-1(6) Added new paragraph (6) for procedures when there are not enough returns filed for comparison of data. Revised second Example previously in paragraph (1) to provide clarification of an invalid determination.
(170) Exhibit 25.23.4-1(7) Added new paragraph (7) for procedures when there is not enough IRP data available. Revised first Example previously in paragraph (1) to provide clarification of an invalid determination.
(171) Exhibit 25.23.4-1(1) Revised the order of the consistencies listing when making Common Number (CN) determination. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(172) Exhibit 25.23.4-4(4) Revised Table Scenario (4) and (5) to update the reassignment holding number for specific IDT case types. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(173) Exhibit 25.23.4-4(4) Revised Table Scenario (2) for clarity of DUPF case type procedures. Revised Table Scenario (4) and (5) to update the reassignment holding number for specific IDT case type. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(174) Exhibit 25.23.4-4(4) Table Scenario (2) revised for consistency with IRM Table Scenario (3) revised to specify non-tax-related and full scope trained employees will resolve the case. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(175) Exhibit 25.23.4-5(6) Revised procedures in Table Scenario (9) for Frivolous Return Program (FRP). IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(176) Exhibit 25.23.4-5(6) Added DOJ to the table. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(177) Exhibit 25.23.4-5(7) Added a Reminder to clarify procedures for rerouting a case to another function using CII.
(178) Exhibit 25.23.4-5(11) Revised Table Scenario (1) and (9) to update the Priority Code for Appeals/CDP cases.
(179) Exhibit 25.23.4-5(11) Revised Table Scenario (19) to update the document type and CII category code for Refund Hold IDT cases and revised Table Scenarios (2), (4), (5), (8), (10), (14), (15), (16), (17), and (19) to update the reassignment holding number for specific IDT case type. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(180) Exhibit 25.23.4-5(11) Revised Table Scenarios (2), (4), (5), (8), (10), (14), (15), (16), (17), and (19) to update the reassignment holding number for specific IDT case type. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(181) Exhibit 25.23.4-6(2) Added Memphis campus location for IDTVA-A.
(182) Exhibit 25.23.4-8(1) Added new paragraph (1) for clarification of case resolution of priority order. Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered.
(183) Exhibit 25.23.4-8(1) Updated the listing of priority case types for IDTVA-A employees. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(184) Exhibit 25.23.4-8(2) Updated the IDT work type to include IDTX inventory. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(185) Exhibit 25.23.4-8(3) Updated the listing of priority case types for IDTVA-Specialty employees. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(186) Exhibit 25.23.4-10(1) Revised information for the appropriate abbreviation of time zones when issuing Letter 4674C. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(187) Exhibit 25.23.4-11(1) Updated procedures to provide clarifying guidance for creating specific activity codes on IDRS. Added Notes previously in paragraph (2). IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(188) Exhibit 25.23.4-11(2) Updated procedures for required case actions and monitoring on CII is needed. Removed Notes and moved to paragraph (1). IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(189) Exhibit 25.23.4-11(3) Added new paragraph (3) for activity codes when monitoring cases. Used by IDTVA Specialty only. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(190) Exhibit 25.23.4-11(4) Added new paragraph (4) for activity codes when monitoring cases on IDRS only. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(191) Exhibit 25.23.4-11(5) Added new paragraph (5) for IDRS activity codes that do not require case monitoring. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(192) Exhibit 25.23.4-15(6) Added a new paragraph for AUR cases that require follow-up for use by IDTVA P&A and Designated Individuals Only. Procedures from the Table Scenario in paragraph (7) and (8) were moved to paragraph (6). Subsequent paragraphs were renumbered. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(193) Exhibit 25.23.4-15(7) Revised Table Scenario (4) procedures for cases 100 days old or greater. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(194) Exhibit 25.23.4-15(8) Revised information for procedural clarification. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(195) Exhibit 25.23.4-15(8) Updated Table Scenario (3) and Scenario (4) to include clarification of follow-up procedures for IDTVA P&A and Designated Individuals Only. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(196) Exhibit 25.23.4-21(6) Table Scenario (2) Revised to include clarification of instructions for scenarios where an IA, CNC, or OIC requires reinstatement to CSCO and input of TC 470 CC 94 for credit elect requests. Subsequent scenario(s) were renumbered. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(197) Exhibit 25.23.4-21(6) Table Scenario (2) Revised to provide instructions to refer scenarios where an IA, CNC, or OIC requires reinstatement to CSCO. IPU 24U0188 issued 02-02-2024
(198) Exhibit 25.23.4-21(8) Revised Table Scenario (11) to add a Note for clarification on IDT indicators with a secondary date older than 7 years. IPU 24U0729 issued 06-07-2024
(199) Exhibit 25.23.4-21(8) Revised Table Scenario (11) for clarification on reversing IDT indicators with a secondary date older than 7 years. IPU 24U0377 issued 03-11-2024
(200) Exhibit 25.23.4-21(8) Added a table scenario for reversing IDT indicators with a secondary date older than 7 years. IPU 23U1007 issued 10-12-2023
(201) IRM 25.23.4, Various editorial changes and IRM cross references updated throughout the entire IRM.
Effect on Other Documents
This IRM supersedes IRM 25.23.4 effective 10-01-2024 and incorporates Identity Theft Case Processing IRM Procedural Updates (IPUs):• IPU 23U1007 (issued 10-12-2023)
• IPU 23U1187 (issued 12-19-2023)
• IPU 24U0188 (issued 02-02-2024)
• IPU 24U0377 (issued 03-11-2024)
• IPU 24U0729 (issued 06-07-2024)
• IPU 24U0843 (issued 07-16-2024)
The provisions in this manual apply to all divisions, functional units, employees, and contractors within the IRS working identity theft (IDT) cases.Effective Date
(10-01-2024)LuCinda Comegys, Director
Accounts Management
Taxpayer Services
Purpose - This IRM section provides guidance for resolving identity theft (IDT) casework.
Audience - The provisions in this section apply primarily to employees assigned to the Identity Theft Victim Assistance (IDTVA) directorate, but may be used by all divisions, functional units, employees and contractors within the IRS working identity theft cases.
Policy Owner - The owner of the policies contained herein is the Director, Accounts Management.
Program Owner - The Director of Accounts Management is the program owner.
Primary Stakeholders - The primary stakeholders are organizations that Accounts Management collaborates with, such as Return Integrity and Compliance Services (RICS), Compliance and Submission Processing.
Program Goals - Program goals for this type of work are included in the Accounts Management Program Letter.
Employees in the Identity Theft Victim Assistance (IDTVA) organization process identity theft (IDT) claims and respond to IDT victims’ phone inquiries.
Refer to IRM, Policy Statements for Customer Account Services Activities, for information.
The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), led by the National Taxpayer Advocate, that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. TAS offers free help to taxpayers when a tax problem is causing a financial difficulty, when they’ve tried and been unable to resolve their issue with the IRS, or when they believe an IRS system, process, or procedure just isn't working as it should. TAS strives to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and knows and understands their rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights TAS has at least one taxpayer advocate office located in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
The Taxpayer Services Commissioner has overall responsibility for the policy related to this IRM which is published on a yearly basis.
Additional information is found in IRM, Accounts Management (AM), and IRM 21.1.1, Accounts Management and Compliance Services Overview.
Program Reports - For reports concerning quality, inventory, aged listing, refer to IRM 1.4.16, Accounts Management Guide for Managers. Aged listings can also be reviewed by accessing Control Data Analysis, Project PCD. They are located on the Control-D/Web Access server, which has a login program control.
Program Effectiveness - Program Effectiveness is determined by Accounts Management’s employees successfully using IRM guidelines to perform necessary account actions and duties effectively and efficiently.
Goals, measures and operating guidelines are provided in the yearly Program Letter. Quality data and guidelines for measurement is referenced in IRM 21.10.1, Embedded Quality (EQ) Program for Accounts Management, Campus Compliance, Field Assistance, Tax Exempt/Government Entities, Return Integrity and Compliance Services (RICS) and Electronic Products and Services Support.
Refer to the table below for a list of acronyms used throughout IRM 25.23.4.
Acronyms Definitions AC Action Code ACSS Automated Collection System Support AdvCTC Advanced Child Tax Credit AM Accounts Management AMS Accounts Management System APTC Advance Premium Tax Credit ARPA American Rescue Plan Act ASED Assessment Statute Expiration Date ASFR Automated Substitute for Return AUR Automated Underreporter BFS Bureau of Fiscal Service BMF Business Master File CARES Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act CC Command Code CCA Complete Case Analysis CDS Centralized Delivery Service CEAS Correspondence Examination Automation Support CI Criminal Investigation CII Correspondence Imaging Inventory CN Common Number CSR Customer Service Representative DITA Designated Identity Theft Adjustment EGC Employee Group Code EIN Employer Identification Number EIP Economic Impact Payment ES Estimated Tax EUP Employee User Portal FRP Frivolous Return Program FTC Federal Trade Commission FTF Failure to File FTP Failure to Pay HC Hold Code HQ Headquarters IAT Integrated Automation Technologies ICCE Integrated Customer Communication Environment (System) ICT Image Control Team IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System IDT Identity Theft IDTVA Identity Theft Victim Assistance IDTVA-A Identity Theft Victim Assistance Accounts Management IJE Invalid Joint Election IMF Individual Master File IPSU Identity Protection Specialized Unit (inventory programs) IRM Internal Revenue Manual IRSN Internal Revenue Service Number ITAR Identity Theft Assistance Request ITIN Individual Taxpayer Identification Number MeF Modernized e-File MXEN Mixed Entity OAR Operations Assistance Request P&A Planning & Analysis PC Priority Code POC Point of Contact RGS Report Generation Software RICS Return Integrity and Compliance Services RIVO Return Integrity & Verification Operations RO Revenue Officer RPD Return Processable Date RPM Return Preparer Misconduct RPO Return Preparer Office RRC Recovery Rebate Credit RSED Refund Statute Expiration Date RTF Return Transaction File SC Source Code SCRM Scrambled SSN SDC Scheme Development Center SLA Service Level Agreement SP Submission Processing SSA Social Security Administration SSN Social Security Number TAC Taxpayer Assistance Center TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service TC Transaction Code TCIS Treasury Check Information System TIF Taxpayer Information File TIN Taxpayer Identification Number TOP Treasury Offset Program TPP Taxpayer Protection Program
This section provides Individual Master File (IMF) CSRs/TEs with the resources and guidance to resolve taxpayer (TP) identified and IRS identified identity theft cases, including general procedures for cases with Compliance involvement.
The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR) lists rights that already existed in the tax code, putting them in simple language and grouping them into 10 fundamental rights. Employees are responsible for being familiar with and acting in accord with taxpayer rights. See IRC 7803(a)(3), Execution of Duties in Accord with Taxpayer Rights. For additional information about the TBOR, see https://www.irs.gov/taxpayer-bill-of-rights.
CSRs/TEs should utilize and become familiar with the IRMs below in conjunction with IRM 25.23.4 to aid them in accurately resolving their case and/or routing cases to other functions, when applicable.
IRM 3, Submission Processing
IRM 4, Examination Process
IRM 5, Collecting Process
IRM 20.1, Penalty Handbook
IRM 21, Customer Account Services
IRM 25, Special Topics
IRM 25.23.1, Identity Protection and Victim Assistance – Policy Guidance
IRM 25.23.2, Identity Protection and Victim Assistance - General Case Processing
IRM 25.23.3, IMF Non-Tax-Related IDT and Specialized Programs
IRM 25.23.9, BMF Identity Theft Processing
IRM 25.23.10, Compliance Identity Theft Case Processing
IRM 25.23.11, Business Master File (BMF) Identity Theft Procedures for Accounts Management
IRM 25.23.12, IMF Identity Theft Toll-Free Guidance
IRM 25.24.1, Return Preparer Misconduct Victim Assistance - General Overview
IRM 25.24.2, Return Preparer Misconduct Victim Assistance Specialized Accounts Management Processing
Employees of Identity Theft Victim Assistance (IDTVA - Accounts Management and Specialty Functions) are responsible for keeping current with the following resources:
Identity Theft Victim Assistance (IDTVA) Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Identity Theft Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) and Interim Guidance Memoranda (IGMs)
Identity Theft Victim Assistance Hub (IDTVA Hub)
ID Theft Resource Page and Technical Communication Documents (TCDs)
SERP Alerts
Employees of IDTVA are also responsible for keeping current with IRM provisions specific to resolving Compliance identity theft account referrals from:
Automated Collection System Support (ACSS)
Automated Substitute for Returns (ASFR)
Automated Underreporter (AUR)
Compliance Services Collection Operation (CSCO)
Monitoring Offer In Compromise (MOIC)
Centralized Offer in Compromise (COIC)
Doubt as to Liability (DATL)
Correspondence Examination (Exam)
Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)
This section of the IRM provides guidance primarily for use by IDTVA for the research and resolution of tax-related identity theft cases. Additional information in IRM 25.23.10, Compliance Identity Theft Case Processing, provides procedures specific to cases involving compliance issues.
Cases may initially be taxpayer identified identity theft claims or IRS identified.
Per Exhibit 25.23.1-1, Glossary of Identity Protection Terms and Definitions, an identity theft claim refers to any combination of Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, or a police report or, for other than Compliance functions, a written statement from the taxpayer that they are, or may be, a victim of identity theft. Cases that are referred to IDTVA from a Compliance function must include a Form 14039 or police report to be considered an identity theft claim.
Identity theft returns filed to generate a fraudulent refund may show the following characteristics:
Refundable credits claimed, no Form W-2 income included
Adoption credit
First-time Homebuyer Credit
Refundable Education Credit (Form 8863)
Only Education Credits of $1,000 claimed on return
Cases generally fall into one of two treatment streams:
Streamline identity theft case processing - the identity theft return can be nullified
Non-Streamline identity theft case processing - the identity theft return cannot be nullified and must be processed to an IRSN
When possible, cases will be resolved based on information provided and/or directly available. If a determination cannot be made based on the information provided and/or directly available, guidance will be followed for communicating with the taxpayer(s).
Steps for resolution of IDT cases are generally based on one of the following scenarios:
Invalid return/valid return - no lost refund
Invalid return/valid return - lost refund
Valid return/invalid return - no lost refund
Two or more invalid returns (no valid return) - no lost refund
Two or more invalid returns (no valid return) - lost refund
One invalid return only - no lost refund
One invalid return only - lost refund
The subsections that follow provide details on the assignment of work, management of inventory, and applicable research and resolution processes, etc.
ITVA headquarters provides various reports to IDTVA P&A for inventory management purposes. Recommended uses for the reports are outlined individually.
AUR Analytics Data Retrieval (ADR) Report - See Exhibit 25.23.4-15, ITVA HQ AUR ADR Report - For Use by IDTVA P&A and Designated Individuals Only.
Balance Due Receipts Listing - See Exhibit 25.23.4-16, ITVA HQ Balance Due Receipts Listing - For Use by IDTVA P&A Only.
Disaster -O Freeze Listing - See Exhibit 25.23.4-17, ITVA HQ Disaster -O Freeze Listing - For Use by IDTVA P&A Only.
Freeze Code -L Listing - See Exhibit 25.23.4-18, ITVA HQ Freeze Code -L Listing - For Use by IDTVA P&A Only.
Freeze Code Z Listing - See Exhibit 25.23.4-19, ITVA HQ Freeze Code Z Listing - For Use by IDTVA P&A Only.
On a weekly basis, IDTVA P&A ensures site adherence to inventory management requirements outlined in IRM, Monitoring the Automated Age Listing (AAL), in an effort to appropriately prioritize cases while addressing old age inventory and unnecessary multiple controls.
IDTVA employees with IDT/RPM inventory are assigned a phone extension so taxpayers may contact them directly with questions about the status of their cases. Employees must be signed into their routing extension when they are not answering calls on a toll-free line. Refer to IRM, Taxpayer Calls on Identity Theft (IDT) Cases (IDTVA Paper Employees Only), for additional information.
In general, identity theft cases will be scanned into the Correspondence Imaging System (CII) and assigned to employees through the Centralized Work Distribution (CWD) process.
The Correspondence Imaging System (CII) has been updated with identity theft CII Logic to assign/associate newly scanned work to CSRs with existing controls. This is to be consistent with note/guidance under (2) of IRM, Adjustment Guidelines - Research.
The Automated Age Listing (AAL) and Multiple Control Listing (MCL) are used to monitor and manage assigned inventory.
On a quarterly basis, ITVA will provide a listing of statute imminent cases (based on the current ASED on the module). Statute year cases will be prioritized for statute clearing purposes. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-24 , IDTVA Statute Clearing.
Identity theft cases are priority work per IRM, Priority Handling of Identity Theft Cases.
When the CII case is controlled to an incorrect Category Code, update CII to reflect the correct case type and OFP.
If multiple controls are present on your case, link cases following guidance in IRM, CII General Guidelines. Use the table in Exhibit 25.23.4-7, Identity Theft (IDT) Multiple Control Decision Document, to determine the appropriate IDT Category Code.
If an IDT4 was recently assigned to you because you have an open IDS3 or IDT3 for the same tax period, you would update the surviving Category Code to IDS1 or IDT1. If you have an IDI1, IDS1 or IDT1 for a different tax period, you must manually revise the IDT4 to the appropriate IDI/IDS/IDT category on CII.
Certain identity theft determinations and/or resolution processes require lead/manager approval prior to moving forward with account actions. Document your research and determination or action requiring approval in a CII case note prior to suspending the case to your work leader. Generally, the lead/manager will provide a response within 3 business days, documenting their concurrence or disagreement in a CII case note.
Identity theft cases will be closed with a TC 290 .00 with RC 139 when a corrective adjustment is not necessary.
For refund related IDT (i.e., invalid return filed), do not create a CII control or input a TC 290 .00 with a Reason Code 139 if the following conditions exist:
- There is no TC 150 present on the account.
- No tax module exists.
- The module is in retention (unless reversing a tax offset will create a balance due or it is necessary to resolve the taxpayer issue to make the taxpayer whole).
- When an impacted module is not active on IDRS CC: TXMOD and is not yet in retention. Do not input IDRS CC: MFREQ. -
IDTVA Specialty Function teams utilize CII. If a case is open in one of the Compliance functions (AUR, Exam, ASFR, etc.) with an IDT allegation, do not refer the case to the Compliance function. Reassign the case to the appropriate IDTVA Specialty Function following Exhibit 25.23.4-5, IDTVA Routing Matrix.
In addition to guidance found in IRM, Adjustments Case Management by Customer Service Representative (CSR), or Tax Examiners (TE), IDTVA employees will review the identity theft inventory on their Automated Age Listing (AAL) to identify and take action, when appropriate, to refer cases to IDTVA Specialty Functions and/or interrupt collection activity. Failure to make timely referrals to IDTVA Specialty Functions can result in default assessments requiring reconsideration activities and failure to interrupt collection activity results in undue burden, further victimizing the taxpayer.
All identity theft (IDT) cases are required to have a CII control. The Image Control Team (ICT) creates a CII case for the tax year identified via the taxpayer’s correspondence. The creation of the CII case will open the initial IDRS control base. If multiple tax years are listed, ICT will create the CII case for the earliest year identified. Review the taxpayer’s correspondence and perform Complete Case Analysis (CCA) to determine if there are any other IDT impacted tax years. A new CII case must be opened for all tax years identified by the taxpayer and all additional years discovered to be impacted by IDT. Do not update your existing CII case to reflect each year as they are worked. Refer to IRM 25.23.2-16, IDTVA IDRS Category Controls by Function, to determine the appropriate category code for additional impacted years. These controls should prevent other areas from adjusting an account without making contact. If there are multiple function controls on a case, use Exhibit 25.23.4-9, IDTVA-A Identity Theft (IDT) Work Types Listing, to determine where to route the case.
"IDT impacted tax years" includes dependent related identity theft and income related tax year(s) identified through Complete Case Analysis (CCA). When a dependent related or income related issue is identified through CCA, the case will be created even if no tax module exists. TC 290 .00 with Reason Code 139 will only be input if a TC 150 is present. All related CII cases must be linked, including XREF TINs, dependent related IDT siblings/parents, cases previously resolved, and new cases created as a result of CCA.
For refund related IDT (i.e., invalid return filed), do not create a CII control or input a TC 290 .00 with a Reason Code 139 if the following conditions exist:
- There is no TC 150 present on the account.
- No tax module exists.
- The module is in retention (unless reversing a tax offset will create a balance due or it is necessary to resolve the taxpayer issue to make the taxpayer whole).
- When an impacted module is not active on IDRS CC: TXMOD and is not yet in retention. Do not input IDRS CC: MFREQ.Note:
Use of the IAT REQ54 tool to input the TC 290 .00 with RC 139 will prevent unnecessary modules being made active with IDRS CC MFREQ.
Whenever possible, multiple cases for the same taxpayer will be processed by the same employee. These cases may be located in unassigned inventory or as a case assigned to another employee. When assigned to another employee, coordination of these same taxpayer, multi-year cases is necessary to ensure consistent processing. Attach the email to the CII case and/or leave a CII case note documenting the contact and coordination. Refer to paragraph (7) if you are the employee taking ownership of the case.
When opening a CII case control, the "IRS Received Date" field will be the earliest IRS received date. Refer to the list below for more specific guidance:
IRS identified case: The IRS Received Date field will be the date of identification. This date should not be changed unless through research an earlier received date is found. IDT3, IDS3, IDT6, and IDS6 cases that are created from the generation of a transcript will retain the IRS received date used at case creation. Do not update the IRS received date on CII to the date of a TC 976.
Taxpayer identified case: Impacted modules not listed on the claim that are identified through Complete Case Analysis (CCA) will have controls created using the received date of the claim.
A case should rarely be opened from archive and should not be if the case cannot be closed the same day. If not closing the same day, create a new CII case. Use MISC as the category code, and the date of identification as the IRS received date. Link the new case to the archived case. Verify the appropriate IRS received date for any required adjustments. Allowing the IRS received date from the newly created case to be used may negatively impact the taxpayer.
The control base will be in case status "A" while the IDT determination is in process.
Tax related identity theft is controlled on IDRS CC TXMOD.
Dependent related identity theft is controlled on IDRS CC TXMOD.
Income related identity theft is controlled on IDRS CC TXMOD.
Non-tax-related identity theft is controlled on IDRS CC ENMOD.
If all case actions have been completed and you are monitoring the account to ensure "ALL" account actions have posted , close the CII case. Establish a monitor base on IDRS. See IRM, Monitoring Case Controls, for more information.
If an IDRS control base is created to IDTVA in error, update the Activity Code to "OPNDNERR" and the Category Code to MISC prior to closing the case.
When multiple IDT cases for the same taxpayer and tax module include the same documentation and are being closed on the same day, close the second case as miscellaneous. Previous action procedures do not apply under these circumstances.
A CII case with received date January 23, 2021 includes a Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, filed through the FTC website. A second CII case with received date February 1, 2021 for the same taxpayer and tax module is created. Comparison of the documents shows the second case includes a Form 14039 that is a duplicate of the submission made through the FTC website. The case with the earliest received date is worked following normal IDT procedures. The case with the later received date is closed as miscellaneous.
Specific activity codes were created to easily determine the status of the IDT case. Use of these activity codes is encouraged for all functions. See Exhibit 25.23.4-11, IDRS Activity Codes and Definitions, for more information.
While working identity theft (IDT) cases, there may be instances when monitoring actions is necessary prior to moving forward with resolution. There are two types of case monitoring:
Open CII case
IDRS control base only (CII case has been closed)
Monitoring an open CII case may be necessary when account actions must post before moving forward with additional actions required for case resolution. Examples are listed below:
Establishing a new account (TC 000) on CC ENMOD/IMFOLE (e.g., dependent’s entity).
Requesting additional information from the taxpayer (e.g., telephone and/or written).
Suspending the case on CII to lead/manager (e.g., reassignment request, approvals, etc.).
If monitoring on IDRS only, ALL actions must be completed prior to closing the case. Establish a monitor base on IDRS using Category Code “MISC” with the current date as the received date.
Refer to the table below for a list of account conditions that require monitoring after the CII case has been closed. Verifying applicable transactions related to these scenarios have posted ensures the taxpayer’s issue is fully resolved.
Case Scenario Monitor Actions (1) Excess Collection File (XSF) -
Prepare Form 8758, Excess Collection File Addition, to transfer payments and/or credits TO the Excess Collection File (XSF) or Form 8765, IDRS Control File Credit Application, to transfer FROM the XSF.
Use an IDRS control base to monitor the taxpayer’s account to verify posting of payments and/or credits moved TO and/or FROM the XSF.
See IRM, Excess Collection File (XSF) and Unidentified Remittance File (URF), for more information.
(2) Manual Refund -
When a manual refund is issued, and there are no other actions required to resolve the case, use an IDRS control base to monitor the account for the posting of TC 840. See below for an example.
See IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) - Manual Refunds, for more information.
(3) Moving Specific Year Account -
When Form 12810, Account Transfer Request Checklist, is prepared and sent to Accounting to request the transfer of a tax module from master file to non-master file (TC 370/400 procedures), use an IDRS control base to monitor the account for the posting.
One IDRS control on the Common Number (CN) module may be used to monitor both sides of the move (From and To TINs).
Below is a list of information to help with monitoring an account for TC 370/400:
CN: A pending TC 971 AC 045 will be present and will post with TC 400. The module will be in a zero balance after posting.
CN: The module will have a posted TC 400.
IRSN: Once the TC 400 posts on the CN, a TC 370 will be input and pending on the invalid number (IRSN).
IRSN: Once the TC 370 posts, all of the transactions you requested to be moved will post.
CN: After the TC 370 posts on the IRSN, the CN will show a pending TC 370.
CN: When the TC 370 on the CN posts, the REVERSAL transaction codes for all transactions requested to be moved will also post.
See IRM, Moving Specific Year Account Information, for more information.
(4) Treasury Offset Program (TOP) -
When the Treasury Offset Program (TOP) offset being reversed is more than 6 years old, a manual reversal is required. Use an IDRS control base to monitor the account for posting of the reversal when no other actions are required to resolve the case. See below for an example.
See IRM, Identity Theft with TOP Offsets, for more information.
(5) Reversal of Lost/Partially Lost Refund -
When a refund was incorrectly moved to the General Ledger (GL) 1545, prepare Form 3245, Posting Voucher - Refund Cancellation or Repayment, and Form 3809, Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher, to move the credit back to the originating module.
Use an IDRS control base to monitor for posting of the TC 841 or TC 700 when no other actions are required to resolve the case.
See IRM, Form 3245/3809 Reversals, for more information.
Taxpayer Amy Jones contacted Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) for assistance because she has a financial hardship. As a result, TAS opens an Operation Assistance Request (OAR). The OAR lists resolving IDT and issuing a manual refund to the taxpayer as the necessary actions. The IDTVA employee assigned the OAR works the case to address all IDT issues and closes the case on CII. A monitor control base is opened to monitor for the posting of the TC 840.
While conducting CCA, the IDTVA employee determines the return meets the Married Filing Joint Scheme criteria. The employee takes all necessary actions to resolve the IDT issue, inputs a TOP offset reversal, and closes the case on CII. To ensure the TOP offset reversal (TC 766) posts and the account is resolved with a zero balance (no credit balance on IDRS), a monitor control is opened on IDRS using Category Code “MISC”.
For cases involving reversal of an IDT indicator with a secondary date for the tax year that is more than 7 years old, it is not necessary to keep the case open or monitor until the TC 972 AC 5XX posts on CC ENMOD/IMFOLE. See Exhibit 25.23.4-21, Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, for additional information.
Generally, case transfers will occur when more than one IDTVA function has an open case control. To better assist the taxpayer and ensure end to end account resolution, one employee will take responsibility for the case. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-5, IDTVA Routing Matrix, to determine ownership of the case.
Examiners will check IDRS for multiple IDTVA open controls on the same or other tax periods for one taxpayer.
All issues should be worked by the same employee. This will prevent duplication of work, potential unpostables, and incorrect adjustments on a module.
In most instances, the employee with the earliest IRS received date will work all tax years. However, if the identifying employee assigned a case with a later IRS received date for the same taxpayer, they may take ownership of all tax years to prevent unnecessary delays in resolution.
If any control bases are in Status A, B, or M with IDT involvement, the assigned employee must be contacted to request reassignment or closure of the CII case before taking action on the account. Once contact is made with the assigned employee or their manager, allow 3 business days for a response before continuing with case actions.
All referrals within IDTVA will be made using the Correspondence Imaging System (CII).
Review documentation submitted by the taxpayer to determine if your case should be retained or routed/referred to another function. Refer to the following IRM sections for additional guidance:
Exhibit 25.23.4-4, Identity Theft (IDT) Functional Routing and Referral Chart
Exhibit 25.23.4-5, IDTVA Routing Matrix
Exhibit 25.23.4-9, IDTVA-A Identity Theft (IDT) Work Types Listing
IRM, Tracking Individual Taxpayers Reporting to be Victims of Business-Related Identity Theft.
Identity theft (IDT) allegations received in campus Compliance functions will be referred to the appropriate IDTVA function when:
A Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, or police report is included in response to a letter/notice.
IDRS CC ENMOD contains an unreversed TC 971 AC 522 with the literal UNWORK.
IDRS CC ENMOD contains an unreversed TC 971 AC 522 with the literal PNDCLM and there is a CII Image of Form 14039 or police report available on AMS.
There is an open control to an IDTVA employee (i.e., IDTX or IDIX) for the tax year in question.
If the account contains one of the following TC 971 Action Codes for the tax year in question, the IDT issue may have been previously resolved.
Responses regarding functional Compliance issues should be kept and worked by the same function. If a referral is received and the account contains one of the TC 971 Action Codes in paragraph (2) above, a designated technical individual will review the referral and take the following action:
If the new information/referral Then (1) Addresses an outstanding Compliance issue and will not impact IDTVA’s previous determination, Reject the case back to the Compliance function that made the referral. (2) States the remaining issues are attributable to the previous identity theft claim or provides new information that may allow us to revise our previous determination, Accept the referral. -
If the account contains a TC 972 with the literals NOIDT or NORPLY, follow the table in (3) above.
Ensure that all referrals received from another area meet the requirements to be worked by IDTVA. If requirements are not met, return any cases back to the referring function.
If a CII case was created for a case that met rejection criteria but was accepted in error, the case will not be rejected by the assigned employee. Use internal information and/or information already provided by the taxpayer to determine the CN owner. When a CN ownership determination cannot be made from available information, refer to IRM, When to Request Additional Information to Support an Allegation of Identity Theft.
Any IDTVA-A or AM referrals must meet requirements listed in paragraph (4) of IRM, Status Of Individual Master File (IMF) Underreporter Cases.
For any other referral, including referrals such as TAS, IPSU, etc., ensure the account includes a Compliance issue on at least one tax year.
All identity theft (IDT) cases should be treated as priority, however some cases require immediate attention. Certain case types and/or account conditions are identified by the priority code. This is not a designation of priority order. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-8 , Order of Priority Listing IDTVA-A and IDTVA Specialty Functions, for additional information.
IDTVA-A Priority Codes are listed below.
Priority Code Definition Priority Code 1 -
TAS case - Form 12412, Operations Assistance Request (OAR)
Priority Code 2 -
All IDT and IPSU inventory not meeting another PC definition
Priority Code 6 -
Potential fraud-scheme scenarios
Priority Code 7 -
Statute imminent issue requiring protection of the account
Priority Code 8 -
Cases identified for statute clearing
IDTVA Specialty Functions Priority Codes are listed below. When sending a case to ICT for scanning to CII, certain cases will require a Priority Code to be noted on the batch sheet, as applicable.
Priority Code Definition Priority 1 -
TAS case - Form 12412, Operations Assistance Request (OAR)
IDTVA-ACSS expired Oscar inventories
Priority 2 -
For cases that have had a Statutory Notice of Deficiency issued and the taxpayer still has time to petition tax court
IDT6/IDS6 transcript cases
Referrals from OIC (Specialty Collection Offer in Compromise (SCOIC) only)
Form 3870 Field referrals
Form 14027-B, Global Review Referrals
Priority 3 -
For open AUR or open Exam cases not meeting the criteria for PC 1 or PC 2
Priority Code 6 -
Potential fraud-scheme scenarios
Priority Code 7 -
Statute imminent issue requiring protection of the account
Priority Code 8 -
Cases identified for statute clearing
Blank -
All other inventory will be worked in IRS received date order
It may be necessary to update the Priority Code of a case as it is processed.
The case was originally built/scanned with no Priority Code. During the time the case is waiting to be worked, TAS issues an OAR for the account. Using the ‘Update Data’ button in the Case Data section of your CII case, the Priority Code would need to be updated to Priority Code "1" .
The case was originally built/scanned with no Priority Code. During the time the case is waiting to be worked, the account comes within 180 days of the ASED expiring, the Priority Code would need to be updated to Priority Code "7" . See IRM, Statute Imminent Assessments for IDT Cases
Refer to specific functional IRMs for additional cases that may require immediate attention.
Taxpayers indicate IDT by submitting Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, a police report, or a similar statement.
After research is completed, the case will generally be identified as one of the following types:
A mixed entity case
A scrambled SSN case
An IDT case that you can resolve
An IDT case that should be routed or reassigned
A non-IDT case (e.g., in some instances you may discover the case involves multiple returns filed by the SSN owner; a normal DUPF case)
Refer to guidance in IRM 21.6.2, Adjusting TIN-Related Problems, for processing mixed entity and scrambled SSN cases.
The following are examples of taxpayer inquiries involving IDT.
Examples of tax-related IDT involving two or more returns include, but are not limited to, references to a Letter 673C, a notice of tax due, references to an attempt to e-file a return that was rejected due to a return already having been filed, a missing refund, or the amount of the refund is different than the amount claimed, etc., and the taxpayer claims they did not file more than one return.
Examples of tax-related IDT involving only one posted return include, but are not limited to, references to impact to Social Security benefits, impact to low income housing benefits, no filing requirement or below filing requirement, and the taxpayer claims they did not file a return.
Examples of tax-related IDT involving secondary TINs on returns include cases in which taxpayers’ overpayments have been applied to accounts that show the taxpayers as secondary filers and the taxpayers claim they did not file as joint or secondary filers on the accounts. See IRM, Married Filing Joint Scheme Involvement, and IRM, Invalid Joint Election Consideration.
Examples of income related IDT involve instances where income earned by someone other than the CN owner is present on CC IRPTRL. These cases may be tax related or non-tax related but are always controlled on CC TXMOD on the affected tax period.
Examples of non-tax-related IDT involve Forms 14039 filed in response to Letter 12C when the return has not been processed due to being incomplete.
Examples of dependent related IDT involve instances where misuse of a dependent’s TIN is reported. These cases may be tax related or non-tax-related but are always controlled on TXMOD.
If you determine a case assigned to a tax related category code (i.e., IDT1) is a true non-tax related case:
A No IDT determination will only result in a non-tax-related IDT determination if the taxpayer’s statement indicates loss of personally identifying information.
Update the existing CII case information to reflect Category Code IDT4 and all zeros for the MFT and Tax Period to open a control base on CC ENMOD.
Use CC ACTON to manually close the TXMOD control as "MISC" .
Follow the guidance in IRM, Self-Identified - Non-Tax-Related Identity Theft - IDT4 Overview, to resolve the case.
If the inquiry, Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, or correspondence is received alleging return preparer misconduct (RPM) rather than ID theft, do not reassign or route Form 14039 alleging RPM to IDTVA. Unless the exception below applies, send an appropriate C letter advising the taxpayer the information they provided indicates there is an RPM issue and not an ID theft issue. Advise the taxpayer to complete and mail Form 14157, Return Preparer Complaint, and Form 14157-A, Tax Return Preparer Fraud or Misconduct Affidavit, along with the required documentation as outlined in the instructions for Form 14157-A. Please refer to IRM, Terms/Definitions/Acronyms, and IRM, Identifying Potential RPM Issues For Telephone Assistors/Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors, for assistance in determining if there is a possible return preparer misconduct issue.
For cases where tax related identity theft is indicated by the taxpayer, change the doc type and update the Category Code to IDT1/IDS1 if it has not already been done.
Perform complete and careful research on each case, per IRM, Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview, and the related subsections to make a determination.
If a determination cannot be made based on the information directly available, refer to guidance in IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written), to initiate communications with the taxpayers.
IRS identified cases of IDT are generally associated with IRS programming, filters, transaction codes and/or research of filing history.
The following items may be indicators of current or prior identity theft:
Previously posted TC 971 AC 501/506 or a TC 971 with AC 522.
Evidence of a prior "CP 36I" transcript or "SPC 8" , which are generated when a taxpayer sends in a Form 14039, a police report or a similar statement.
The presence of a CP 36U transcript that generates an IDT1 or CP 36V transcript that generates an IDT3. These transcripts are generated based on prior identity theft indicators on IDRS; TC 971 AC 501 for taxpayer identified IDT or TC 971 AC 506 for IRS identified IDT.
The presence of a CP 36N or CP 36P transcript. These generate when a CP 05A is present on the module, which indicates current or prior RIVO involvement. The CP 36 N generates when a CP 05A is present and the module has a credit balance. The CP 36 P generates when a CP 05A is present and the module has a zero or debit balance.
The presence of a CP 36 or CP 36F transcript where return content and/or filing is inconsistent with the taxpayer’s filing history.
For cases where tax related identity theft is IRS identified, update the Category Code to IDT3/IDS3 if it has not already been done.
Complete and careful research must be performed on each case per IRM, Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview, and the related subsections to determine the owner of the TIN.
If a determination cannot be made based on the information directly available, refer to guidance in IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written), to initiate communications with the taxpayer(s).
Complete and careful research must be performed on all cases. Employees outside of IDTVA are responsible for taking appropriate actions prior to reassigning a case to IDTVA or proceeding with scrambled SSN procedures.
Upon recognition of a case as a potential IDT case, also perform the following actions:
Determine if a TC 971 AC 522 is required and, if appropriate, whether the TC 971 AC 522 reflecting an appropriate Tax Administration Source Code has been input on CC ENMOD. See IRM, Initial Allegation or Suspicion of Tax-Related Identity Theft - IMF Identity Theft Indicators, for additional information.
Ensure Letter 5073C, CP 01S, or CP 701S was issued/is issued to acknowledge receipt of Form 14039, Form 14039 (SP), a police report, or a similar statement related to identity theft. See paragraph (5) of IRM, Identity Theft Claims - General Guidelines, and IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, for additional information.
Perform a complete statute search and leave a case note that indicates the case is related to an IDT issue. Statute expiration must be considered to prevent barred assessments.
Determine the correct Category Code, Doc Type, etc. Update CII and the Statute Clearance check box, when appropriate, when reassigning to a CII user. Leave a note on CII if one is not generated.
Ensure all relevant documents have been scanned to the case. Cases for tax years at or approaching 10 years (i.e., current year is 2023 and case is for tax year 2013), it is suggested IRPTR screen prints are attached to the case. Due to the nature of the work, access to the income history may be lost before an employee is able to work the case.
Review the case for potential balance due issues that must be addressed. Accounts with balance due issues must be protected, which includes prevention of balance due notices, tax offsets, and/or enforcement actions. Refer to the table below to determine the appropriate action(s):
If And Then (1) The year(s) on a claim reflect a balance due in notice status (SC or MF): The corrective adjustment will full pay the balance, Input TC 470 CC 90. (2) The year(s) on a claim reflect a balance due in notice status (SC or MF): The identity theft claim is pending and/or there will still be a balance owed after the case is resolved, Input TC 470 with no CC. (3) The year(s) on a claim reflect a balance due in collection status 03, 22, 24, 26, or 58 (SC or MF): Refer to IRM, Collection Activity Form 14394, for additional information about ensuring the taxpayer is not harmed from a levy. (4) There is a TC 582 (Lien Indicator) or TC 360 Refer to IRM, Collection Activity - Form 13794 Additional Actions Required - Lien, for additional actions that may be required to protect the taxpayer. (5) The valid taxpayer’s return is not the TC 150 and requests a credit elect: The year the credit elect is to be applied to reflects a balance due that will be full paid once the credit elect is applied, Input TC 470 CC 94 on the module with the balance due to prevent notices, offsets, and collection activity. (6) The valid taxpayer’s return is not the TC 150 and requests a credit elect: The year the credit elect is to be applied to reflects a balance due that will not be fully resolved once the credit elect is applied, Input TC 470 CC 94 on the module with the balance due to prevent notices, offsets, and collection activity. Once the case has been resolved, input TC 472 CC 94 to resume normal balance due activity. -
If reassigning the case, after performing the actions above, reassign the case to the IDT holding number. International cases should be reassigned to the International holding number. Both IDRS numbers can be found on the Accounts Management Site Specialization Temporary Holding Numbers Listing, located on SERP. See paragraph (13) of IRM, Cases Currently Assigned in CII, for additional information.
A case reassigned to the Centralized Distribution Site (CDS) in error may be returned to the originating site. Reassigning cases in error can result in an adverse impact to the taxpayer and delay the processing of their case.
IDTVA employees will continue to resolve the case or route/reassign the case, if applicable. Before proceeding, if the case should be assigned/routed to another area (e.g., AUR, Exam, etc.) or employee, refer to IRM, Case Transfer Within IDTVA, and IRM, Cases Requiring Routing/Reassignment To Other Functions, for additional guidance. If the case does not require reassignment/routing, proceed to the next IRM sections that apply to your case.
Policy Statement P-21-3 guidelines require timely and quality responses to taxpayer correspondence. The "IDT1/IDS1," "IDIX" , or "TPRQ" cases described in this subsection are, according to Policy Statement P-21-3, are considered correspondence. Generally, the response provided to the taxpayer who has submitted this type of correspondence is the closing Letter 4674C, Letter 5064C, if closed within 30 days, or CP 01 notice informing the taxpayer that we have made an identity theft determination. A response, as described here, is considered timely if issued within 650 days of the received date of the "notification" "IDT1/IDS1" , or "TPRQ" document.
If a closing response cannot be issued by the 650th day, an interim letter must be sent informing the taxpayer that we require additional time to complete the processing of their case. The time frame given in this interim letter may not exceed 60 days.Note:
The issuance of a closing letter may or may not coincide with the complete resolution of the case. The closing letter is sent when we can share with the taxpayer the results of our processing of the case, e.g., we have made an ownership determination. Do not wait until all resolving actions, e.g., TOP offset reversal transfer procedures, have been completed before sending a closing letter.
If additional interim letters are needed, the time frame given in the letter must not exceed 60 days. Every effort, however, must be made to provide a closing response within the initial 640-day time frame. -
Cases determined not to be identity theft may require additional actions to resolve outstanding issues (i.e., amended return, duplicate return, etc.). Refer to IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations, to appropriately close the identity theft issue and open a new case to fully resolve the account.
Make every effort to locate the correct TIN for each taxpayer before contacting the taxpayer(s) for additional information. Research the TIN (valid and invalid) to determine if there was an identity theft (IDT), mixed entity (MXEN), or scrambled SSN case (SCRM/SSA2) in prior and/or subsequent years. Complete research is essential to determining the necessary corrective actions. Attempt to locate any possible cross-reference TIN. You may identify a cross-reference TIN assigned to a taxpayer who filed a return under the common number (CN) that was determined to be due to identity theft. Internal Revenue Service Numbers (IRSNs) are temporary numbers issued by the IRS and are always on the invalid segment of Master File. The invalid segment is indicated by an asterisk (*) following the last digit of the TIN. Additionally, the tax return(s) in question must be reviewed to determine if the case is a mixed period instead of a TIN-related issue. For purposes of identifying the correct account issue, refer to the following definitions:
Identity Theft (IDT) - the intentional misuse of a taxpayer’s personal information/TIN to commit, or attempt to commit, tax-related fraud.
Mixed Entity (MXEN) - the unintentional misuse of a taxpayer’s TIN due to an inadvertent taxpayer error, tax return preparer error, Marketplace error, or IRS processing error.
Mixed Period - a return for the valid taxpayer is processed to an incorrect year, usually due to editing the tax year on the tax return or an incorrect version of the tax return being used by the taxpayer (i.e., TY 2020 income reported on a TY 2021 form).
Scrambled SSN (SCRM/SSA2) - multiple individuals using the same SSN, and the true owner cannot be determined. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has issued the same SSN to more than one individual.
Search returns, schedules, and forms for a different TIN, if applicable. Research spouse and dependent information, whenever available.
Research the valid and invalid sides of any TINs identified for the case (i.e., primary, secondary, different TIN located on forms, etc.). A return posted to the invalid side of the CN is not sufficient evidence to identify an IDT issue. Further research must be conducted to verify the return was not processed to the invalid side of the TIN as a result of an error on the return or name changes that have not yet been provided to the IRS by the Social Security Administration (SSA):
Generally, a return is posted to the invalid side of a TIN due to a Name Control mismatch issue. This may be seen more frequently with taxpayers who have multiple last names, taxpayers who are recently married, and typos on the return.
CC INOLES: Determine the appropriate Name Control(s) for the taxpayer.
CC IMFOLI: Determine if the taxpayer is filing jointly for the first time.
CC TRDBV: Determine if the Name Control based on the spelling of the last name entered on the tax return processed to the invalid side of the TIN matches an appropriate Name Control shown on CC INOLES.
When a Name Control mismatch has occurred as a result of taxpayer, preparer, or typographical error, and there is no indication the information included on the return is questionable (i.e., the income is verifiable, return information is consistent with filing history, etc.), refer to IRM, Resequencing Accounts, and its subsections. -
When ICT is unable to determine the correct TIN, the CII case is assigned to all zeros. Additional research is required to locate a TIN for the taxpayer. Using IDRS CC NAMES or NAMEI, input the taxpayer’s name and address information to search for a TIN. To do a broad search, input the taxpayer’s name and only the first 3 digits of their zip code. The results will include taxpayer information from areas surrounding the current address. Consider the following possibilities when conducting research using CC NAMES and NAMEI:
The taxpayer may share their name with a parent or child.
The taxpayer’s current address may be different than the address reflected on their account.
The taxpayer’s name may be different as a result of a change in their marital status.
The taxpayer’s name may have included a hyphenated last name or variation in spelling of their name due to typographical errors by the taxpayer, a preparer, or the Service.
A taxpayer may use Form 14039 to report someone has obtained an Employer Identification Number (EIN) in their name. When the EIN is not provided, make every effort to locate it through internal research.
Once you have completed the necessary research, see the table below:
If Then (1) An individual’s TIN cannot be located and there is sufficient mailing information on the complaint, Issue Letter 5064C to the taxpayer requesting the taxpayer’s TIN and any other required IDT documentation. See IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written. (2) No response is received, Issue a Letter 4674C to advise the taxpayer no action can be taken, since we have no record of a response being received. (3) Correspondence cannot be issued, Leave a CII case note stating there is insufficient information to issue correspondence and close the case no action. (4) An EIN cannot be located, Follow IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations. In your closing Letter 4674C, advise the taxpayer they may file Form 14039-B, Business Identity Theft Affidavit, if they have an identity theft issue related to an Employer Identification Number (EIN). -
When working ITIN cases, you must research under the relevant SSN used for income reporting. Use EUP/ITIN RTS to research ITIN application and assignment information. It is not necessary to request original Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, documents to conduct required research. Using IDRS CC NAMES or NAMEI, input the taxpayer’s name and address information to search for a TIN. To do a broad search, input the taxpayer’s name and only the first 3 digits of their zip code. The results will include taxpayer information from areas surrounding the current address. Consider the following possibilities when conducting research using CC NAMES and NAMEI:
The taxpayer may share their name with a parent or child.
The taxpayer’s current address may be different than the address reflected on their account.
When the taxpayer files as married filing joint, research of the spouse’s TIN may lead to identification of valid TIN information for the taxpayer you are researching.
The taxpayer’s name may have included a hyphenated last name. When the taxpayer has a hyphenated last name, complete research under each last name separately in addition to the hyphenated name. Research the valid and invalid sides of the TIN. Returns may post to the invalid side of a TIN due to a name control mismatch.
An ITIN may have been assigned using only one last name. Through review of the information on Form W-7, you may be able to determine the taxpayer’s valid TIN by matching address and/or spouse information to the application for an ITIN.
The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act (PATH Act) was enacted December 18, 2015 and mandates ITIN renewal requirements. An expired ITIN is not a revoked ITIN. Once an ITIN is assigned, it belongs to that taxpayer unless revoked. Revoked ITINs are not recycled. An expired ITIN will be identified by "Inactive" displayed in the ITIN Status field on ITIN RTS, an ITIN Status of "I" on CC INOLES, and TC 971 AC 193 on CC ENMOD/IMFOLE. For additional information on TIN-related credits limited by the PATH Act, see IRM, Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH Act).
If you suspect the case is a scrambled SSN case, research IDRS CC ENMOD or IMFOLE for a Scrambled SSN Indicator (SCI) 01, 10, 12, 13, 20, or 23. Refer to IRM 21.6.2-1, Scrambled SSN Indicators. If the indicator is 01 or 20, the case can be reassigned as a scrambled SSN case without ordering the NUMIDENT or sending the questionnaire.
If an SCI is not present, order a NUMIDENT. If the NUMIDENT supports a scrambled SSN case, refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written), and its subsections to initiate contact with the taxpayers using the TIN, determine if the case is a scrambled SSN case, and the appropriate actions to take based on the determination made.
For example, if it is necessary to initiate Letter 5064C, order NUMIDENT for use when asking supplementary questions per IRM, Telephone Contact Guidelines (Associated with the Letter 5064C Common Number Questionnaire). -
If you determine the case is a Mixed Period, the taxpayer is not a victim of identity theft. Refer to IRM , No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations. For additional information, see IRM, Mixed Periods.
If a valid TIN can be located for each taxpayer, the taxpayer is not a victim of identity theft. Refer to IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations. For additional guidance, see IRM, Mixed Entity Procedures.
If a valid different TIN cannot be located for at least one of the taxpayers, continue processing as an IDT case.
The following items may be indicators of current or prior IDT:Note:
A TC 971 AC 129 identifies a return as questionable. This indicator alone does not meet IDT criteria. Other indications of identity theft must be present to refer a case to IDTVA.
Previously posted TC 971 AC 501/506 or 522.
The presence of a "CP 36I" transcript or "SPC 8" . These are generated when a taxpayer sends in a Form 14039, a police report, or a similar statement indicating identity theft. The SPC 8 also generates a TC 971 AC 522 on CC ENMOD and a CP 01S acknowledgement.
The presence of a CP 36U transcript that generates an IDT1 or CP 36V that generates an IDT3. These transcripts are generated based on prior IDT indicators on IDRS.
The posting of a CP 36N or CP 36P transcript. These generate when a CP 05A is present on the module. The CP 36 "N" generates when a CP 05A is present and the module has a credit balance. The CP 36 "P" generates when a CP 05A is present and the module has a zero or debit balance. The cases have previous RIVO involvement.
When a return is received from a taxpayer with a previous IDT indicator, a transcript (TRNS) 36V will generate. Any returns meeting this criterion must be processed. The return should be processed where received unless the account was not corrected properly. The case should only be reassigned if there are outstanding IDT issues or questions on the previous account adjustments.
If the employee is not assigned to IDTVA, the case should be retained and worked where identified.
Transcripts can be identified on TXMOD by the presence of TC 971 AC 805 and a MISC code of TRNS 36, 36D, 36F, 36I, 36N, 36P, 36S, 36U, or 36V.
IDTVA-A employees - do not reassign the following transcripts to IDTVA Specialty Functions unless there is an open/active claim or involvement: TRNS 36, 36D, 36I, 36N, 36P, 36S, 36U and 36V.
A taxpayer is selected by Exam. The return selected is deemed an IDT return and nullified. IDTVA Specialty Exam determines the SSN owner has a filing requirement. A return was requested but not received. The account was backed out and the appropriate IDT indicator was placed on the account. Six months later, the SSN owner files a return. The return is received in IDTVA-A. The return will remain in IDTVA-A to be processed.
For cases originally controlled with a non-IDT category code (e.g., DUPF, C36F, etc.), determine how the case should be categorized (e.g., IDT1/IDS1, or IDT3/IDS3, etc.) per Exhibit 25.23.4-9, IDTVA-A Identity Theft (IDT) Work Types Listing. Prior to reassigning a case to an IDT category code, document all research completed, results of the research, the request for reassignment, and lead or manager approval to reassign in a CII case note.
To correct tax-related IDT problems, you must be familiar with the following research elements and systems:
Entity module
Tax module
Transaction Codes
Reason Codes
Posting Delay Codes
Hold Codes
Unpostable Codes
Retention Register - Request a Retention Register transcript only if the account cannot be reactivated by using Command Code IMFOL with definer "B."
Command Codes, including NAMES, INOLE, DDBKD, DUPOL, MFTRA, IMFOL, RTVUE, FFINQ, REINF, TRDBV, IRPTR, ENMOD, TXMOD, TPIIP, DFAST and FINDS with various definers and systems, such as TCIS or ACCURINT.
NUMIDENT transcript showing specific taxpayer data provided by Social Security Administration (SSA) records (for SSN research only)
Collection status - If the taxpayer’s account is in ACS status, refer to guidance in IRM, Collection Activity - Form 14394/13794, to interrupt collection activity while the case is worked.
The research and tools necessary for accurately processing an IDT case includes, where applicable, and is not limited to the following:
Utilizing the IAT aMend tool. The IAT aMend tool is mandated for use by all employees working all IDT cases, which includes streamline and non-streamline cases. See Exhibit 21.2.2-2, ACCOUNTS MANAGEMENT MANDATED IAT TOOLS, for a list of tools required for IDTVA.
Utilizing the Correspondence Imaging System (CII) and all applicable and available internal research systems to review all related cases, whether open or closed.
Utilizing the Correspondence Imaging System/Accounts Management System (CII/AMS) to review all related documents and/or attachments. Also refer to IRM, Case Assignment and Inventory Management - General Guidance, for additional guidance.
Utilizing the ITIN Real Time System (RTS) to research and review data related to assigned, suspended and/or rejected Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. RTS is a tool located within the Employee User Portal (EUP). Online 5081 permission and access are required. See IRM, Accessing and Logging onto ITIN Real-Time System (RTS), and IRM, General Instructions for ITIN Navigation (ITIN RTS), for additional information.
Analyzing the account history for:
Number of years the TIN has been used for filing returns
Filing status changes
Method of filing, electronic or paper
Previous adjustments
Filing dates of original and duplicate returns
TC 971 Transaction Codes -
Utilizing NAMES to identify and locate all related TINs for all tax years
Utilizing RTVUE to determine items of information such as:
Address for the first return(s) filed
Type of income
Filing Status
Schedules and Forms filed -
Utilizing MeF to perform research of electronic filing activity (example of results could be an IDT return accepted by MeF, but subsequently deleted from processing by SP; data may not be present on TRDBV)
Utilizing TRDBV to determine items of information such as:
Wage information details
Tax Return Preparer
Requested method of disbursing overpayment, electronic or by mail -
Utilizing INOLE to determine items of information such as:
Date of birth
Previous names
Spouse's TIN
Other related TINs -
Utilizing IRPTR to perform research actions and determine items of information such as:
Comparative review of reported income and payor information
Previous and current employers
Previous addresses
State Reverse File Match Initiative (SRFMI) informationNote:
This information may be available for taxpayers who have filed a state tax return but have not filed a federal tax return. Refer to IRM, State Reverse File Matching Initiative (SRFMI), for additional information. The presence of state tax return information for a state other than the state the taxpayer lives in may be an indication of identity theft. Research must be conducted to determine if the taxpayer previously lived in that state or earned income in that state requiring them to file a state tax return for a state they do not currently live in. When the SRFMI information matches income information reported to the IRS (i.e., Form W-2, etc.), this may support the taxpayer’s claim. See the example below.
The taxpayer submits Form 14039 with a tax return for TY 2021. The Form 14039 states the taxpayer could not file electronically, and the tax return is posted as the TC 976. Research of CC IRPTR shows SRFMI information reporting wages of $62,479.00 filed in the state the taxpayer lives in. There is a W-2 from ABC Company on CC IRPTR for the same amount, and the TC 976 return includes those wages. The TC 150 return is reporting wages of $44,916 and has an address in a different state. A W-2 from XYZ Corp. for this amount is on CC IRPTR. The W-2 from XYZ Corp. includes the taxpayer’s name but an address in a different state. Research of the account did not result in the identification of another valid TIN. This information supports making a determination of refund related IDT requiring non-streamline resolution and income related IDT for the income earned by the person who filed the TC 150 tax return.
Signatures (except for e-filed returns when a signature is unavailable)
Do not determine the validity of a social security card based on the word "VOID" on the photocopy. Placing the word "VOID" on a photocopy of a recently issued social security card simply indicates that the document is a photocopy of the original card.
The receipt of a "notification" or an "incidental" Form 14039 or some similar type of information (e.g., a police report regarding IDT) requires you to change the category of the "DUPF" or MXEN case to "IDT1/IDS1" or to "IDT3/IDS3" , if the IDT was discovered by the IRS.
When reviewing cases with similar or identical income, careful and thorough research must be performed to determine the correct TIN owner. With external data breaches on the rise, a valid return could easily be identified as a duplicate and/or amended return. Review the returns or IDRS for the following indications:
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Consider the taxpayer’s statement. The taxpayer may not provide the specific details for their identity theft issue. A generalized statement may be used to identify the appropriate research path. Refer to the table below for examples:
Statement Research Path (1) Unable to file electronically, Refund related IDT (2) My Social Security Benefits were reduced, Income related IDT (3) The IRS is taking my Social Security, Collections activity -
If you identify a TC 971 AC 123 with MISC "PREPARER CONTACT" , or the taxpayer provides a statement indicating they were potentially involved in a data breach incident, refer to IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) with External Business/Preparer Data Breach Involvement, for additional information.
If you identify a TC 971 AC 123 with MISC "TTAX LIST" , or the taxpayer provides a statement indicating they were advised by Intuit/TurboTax that an individual attempted to use their personal information to create a new account and/or file a tax return, refer to IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) with Tax Preparation Software Misuse, for additional information.
IDTVA cases that have been excluded from the systemic process for unemployment income relief provided in The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 can be identified by a TC 971 AC 123 with MISC "IDTVACASE" (IDTVA case is open) posted on IDRS CC IMFOLE. When an IDT case that was excluded has been closed, IDRS CC IMFOLE will reflect a TC 971 AC 123 with MISC "IDTVACLSD" (IDTVA case has been resolved). These transactions are systemically placed on the account.
Identity theft cases will be either taxpayer identified or IRS identified. All taxpayer identified claims will be categorized as an IDT1 and all IRS identified cases as an IDT3, unless a pre-determination has been made.
For the majority of cases, you will be able to work them without obtaining additional information from the taxpayer. If additional information is needed to resolve the case, refer to guidance in IRM, Identity Theft Claims - General Guidelines, and IRM, When to Request Additional Information to Support an Allegation of Identity Theft.
If the case has already been assigned as an IDT8 case, this is a pre-determined streamline case. After reviewing the remainder of this IRM section, proceed to IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing, for case resolution.
A CN determination has already been made on these cases. If you have more than one tax year to resolve, each case should be resolved separately. -
If the case has not been pre-determined, refer to IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) Common Number Ownership and Case Processing Determinations, prior to taking any action on the account. Once a determination of CN ownership has been made, document the determination in a CII case note and follow the appropriate case resolution process to correct all affected modules.
When a taxpayer is a victim of income related IDT and refund related IDT (invalid return present) for the same tax year, follow applicable procedures to resolve the invalid return and address any income not belonging to the valid taxpayer. The closing IDT indicator input will be based on the invalid return determination.
The table below provides IRM references for various account circumstances that may need to be addressed.
Account Circumstances IRM References and Resources (1) Address Change IRM, IDTVA Research, Verification, and Requests, Exhibit 25.23.4-21, Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, IRM, When to Update the Victim’s Address, and IRM, Determining National change of Address (NCOA) Address Changes. (2) Adoption Credit Form 8839, Qualified Adoption Expenses, and IRM, Form 8839, Qualified Adoption Expenses. (3) Affordable Care Act
For unprocessed returns or amended returns with Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit, or Form 8965, Health Coverage Exemptions, submitted by the valid SSN owner, follow procedures in IRM, Premium Tax Credit.
When nullifying TC 150 returns for tax year 2014, or later years, the Shared Responsibility Payment (SRP) may be posted to the MFT 35. A separate adjustment on the MFT 35 account will be required to reverse the SRP. Use of the IAT Credit Transfer tool is required when reversing any credit applied from the MFT 30 account. This is identified by a TC 796 on the MFT 35 account and TC 896 on the MFT 30 account. Follow instructions in IRM, Shared Responsibility Payment Adjustments.(4) American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) IRM, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - General (5) Combat Zone - C Freeze IRM, Valid TIN Located - Taxpayer B - Posted First
IDTVA Specialty Functions, also see IRM, Combat Zone Qualified Individuals and Areas, and
IRM, Combat Zone Freeze Code.(6) Decedent Returns IRM , Updating the Entity on Decedent Accounts. (7) Earned Income Tax Credit Recertification Indicator (EITC) - Reversals IRM, Recertification. (8) Economic Impact Payment (EIP) IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General. (9) Erroneous Refunds Reminder:
An erroneous refund is defined as "the receipt of any money from the Service to which the recipient is not entitled." This definition includes all erroneous refunds regardless of taxpayer intent or whether the error that caused the erroneous refund was made by the IRS, the taxpayer, or a third party.
IRM, Erroneous Refunds Categories and Procedures. (10) Excess Collections - Moving credits to or from the Excess Collection File (XSF) IRM, Excess Collection File (XSF) and Unidentified Remittance File (URF). (11) First-time Homebuyer Credit (FTHBC) IRM, First-Time Homebuyer Credit. (12) Form 3949-A turned Form 14039 in error IRM, Initial Screening Criteria, for routing instructions. (13) Fraudulent and/or Compromised POA IRM, How to Report a Compromised or Potentially Compromised CAF Number. (14) General POA IRM, General Durable POA Authorizations. (15) IDT Case Requiring Corrections IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) Cases Processed Incorrectly. (16) Letter Procedures Job Aids Tools and Job Aids section of theIDTVA HUB. (17) Manual Refunds IRM, Preparation of Manual Refund Forms. (18) Math Error Procedures IRM 21.5.4, General Math Error Procedures. (19) Moving Refunds IRM, Moving Refunds. (20) Prisoner Cases (Incarcerated Taxpayers) Confirmation of incarceration, current facility, and updated mailing addresses may be found by researching government websites, such as the official Department of Corrections website for the state of the address provided by the taxpayer. (i.e., PublicRecordCenter.com) (21) Restricted Interest Accounts requiring manual restricted interest computations will be referred to the IDTVA restricted interest specialist. See “IDTVA Restricted Interest Desk Guide” in the IDTVA HUB (22) Statute Considerations IRM, Statute Research. (23) TOP Offsets IRM, Identity Theft with TOP Offsets. (24) Unfiled Returns IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions. (25) Unpostables IRM, Resolving Unpostables.
The UPTIN Histories Tool on IAT can be used to research and resolve unpostables. The tool is designed to assist users with input of histories on CC UPTIN.
Unpostables on OARs must be corrected within 3 days of identification. -
If a valid TIN is not located and the IDT return cannot be nullified, you may need to create an IRSN for the IDT (invalid) return(s).
For all non-streamline case processing, the TIN-Related Problem Research Sheet is required. This research sheet is found on SERP under the IRM Supplements tab. The research sheet can also be completed using the aMend tool. Per Exhibit 21.2.2-2, ACCOUNTS MANAGEMENT MANDATED IAT TOOLS, use of the aMend tool is mandatory when working IDT cases. Include a CII case note when a determination is made. Record all significant research actions and information. The information retained/recorded must be sufficient to support the actions taken on the case.
In situations where the aMend tool will not perform the necessary account adjustment, the IAT REQ54 tool must be used.
For streamline cases, include a CII case note when a determination is made (e.g., CP 05A, DECD Taxpayer (TP), invalid/valid per IRP data etc.).Note:
If you are preparing the case for reassignment to another CSR/TE or to the IDT holding number, you may notate your research in the "Notes" section of the CII case in lieu of using the research sheets. The IDT holding number can be found on the Accounts Management Site Specialization Temporary Holding Numbers Listing. located on SERP.
If you are preparing the case to reroute to another function using CII, any linked cases, IDRS screen captures, and attached files do not print. If any of these items must be attached to the case, print the items using your local printer and manually associate the printed documents. See IRM, Cases Currently Assigned in CII, for additional information.
If the IDT claim cannot be supported based on the information received and your research, refer to IRM, Identity Theft Claims Submitted by Individuals Who Do Not Appear to be the Victim, for additional guidance.
A statute of limitation is a time period established by law to review, analyze, and resolve taxpayer and/or IRS tax related issues.
The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) requires that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will assess, refund, credit, and collect taxes within specific time limits. These limits are known as the Statutes of Limitations. When they expire, the IRS can no longer assess additional tax, allow a claim for refund by the taxpayer, or take collection action. The determination of statute expiration differs for assessment, refund, and collection.
Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED): The general rule is that an assessment of tax must be made within three years from the date a return is received. This includes increases to tax requested by the taxpayer and any additional tax increase identified by the IRS (i.e., AUR or Exam assessment). Additionally, the ASED must be considered when decreasing a posted credit. IDRS Command Codes (CCs) IMFOLT/IMFOBT and TXMODA will show ASED fields for IMF accounts.
A case is considered imminent when a tax increase is required and it is within 180 days of the valid TC 150, TC 976/TC 977 or unprocessed return. To prevent a barred statute assessment follow procedures in IRM, Statute Protection.
When following non-streamline procedures or reprocessing a valid return, the ASED must be considered when determining the appropriate actions. Refer to IRM , Statute Processing Considerations, and its subsections.
Refund Statute Expiration Date (RSED): The RSED is generally three years from the Return Due Date (RDD) for prepaid credits if a return was filed. Timely requesting an extension to file will extend the RSED. Payments are refundable after the RSED has expired when the claim was received within two years from the payment posted date. CCs IMFOLT/IMFOBT and TXMODA will show RSED fields for IMF accounts.
Care must be taken to ensure the RSED has not expired before refunding an overpayment. Generally, the amount refunded is limited to the tax paid during the three years immediately preceding the filing of a return, plus any extension of time to file. If payments are being considered, a two year look back from the claim (i.e., Form 14039) received date must be conducted to identify which payments are available for refund or offset. See IRM, Limitations on the Amount of a Claim, and its subsections for additional information.
See IRM, Claims for Credit or Refund – Taxpayers in Special Situations, and its subsections for procedures regarding claims for credit or refund from taxpayers that meet special situations such as financial disability, federally declared disaster area or significant fire, identity theft, etc. -
Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED): The CSED is a time period established by law to collect taxes. The CSED is normally ten years from the date of assessment. CCs SUMRY, IMFOLT/IMFOBT, and TXMODA will show CSED fields for IMF accounts.
Each tax assessment has its own CSED. The CSED dates will always reflect in chronological order. However, you must always look for additional Transaction Codes (TCs) or other conditions that may further extend the CSED. Listed below are examples of liability assessments and their transaction codes (TCs) that may further extend the CSED:-
Transaction Code (TC) 150, Tax Assessed
TC 160, Manually Computed Delinquency Penalty
TC 166, Delinquency Penalty
TC 170, Computer Generated or Manually Assessed Estimated Tax Penalty
TC 176, Estimated Tax Penalty
TC 180, Deposit Penalty
Review IRM, Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED), for a more detailed list of assessment Transaction Codes.
For a listing of conditions that may postpone or suspend the collection period see IRM, Conditions Postponing Collection or Suspending the 10 Year Collection Period. -
You must consider all items in the statutes case processing charts below that apply to your case scenario. Utilizing the tables below will assist you in addressing all issues to make the taxpayer whole.
For ASED statute related issues and instructions, see the table below:
If And Then (1) Tax increase for a TC 976/977 return is imminent, More than 90 days remain before the valid return ASED expires, A normal adjustment may be input on IDRS. (2) Tax increase for a TC 976/977 return is imminent, The valid return ASED on the CN account will expire in 90 days or less, Complete Form 2859, Request for Quick or Prompt Assessment. Refer to IRM IRM, Statute Imminent Assessments for IDT Cases, for additional information. (3) The invalid return will be moved to an IRSN, The ASED on the IRSN return will expire in 180 days or less, Complete Form 2859, Request for Quick or Prompt Assessment. Refer to IRM, Statute Imminent Assessments for IDT Cases, for additional information. (4) The invalid return will be moved to an IRSN, The ASED has expired, Refer to IRM, Determining When Specific Year Account Information Must Be Moved, and its subsections for additional information (5) The ASED has expired, The assessment was not timely OR tax was erroneously abated, The assessment is barred. See IRM, Addressing Barred Assessments on Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, for account correction and reporting procedures. (6) Recovery of an erroneous refund before the ASED expires, The refund was issued to the valid taxpayer, See IRM, Remedies for Recovering an Erroneous Refund. (7) An erroneous abatement occurred after the ASED expired, The credit is still on the account for the valid taxpayer, Send the credit to the Excess Collection File (XSF) per IRM, Recovery of Assessable Erroneous Refunds. (8) Recovery of an erroneous refund, The refund was issued to the invalid taxpayer, Lost refunds on an IDT return should be moved to general ledger (GL) 1545 account. For additional guidance refer to IRM, Reversing Identity Theft Lost Refunds. -
For RSED statute related issues and instructions, see the table below:
If And Then (1) Identity theft case includes tax offsets, Follow procedures in IRM, Identity Theft with Tax Offsets. (2) Identity theft case includes TOP offsets, Follow procedures in IRM, Identity Theft with TOP Offsets. (3) When following Category D erroneous refund procedures, The Erroneous Refund Statute Expiration Date (ERSED) is considered, Refer to IRM, Statute of Limitations Category D Erroneous Refunds IRC 6532 (b) ERSED. -
For CSED statute related issues and instructions, see the table below:
If And Then (1) Offset reversal needed to address the taxpayer’s liability, Offset resulted from an overpayment of the invalid return, Follow procedures IRM, Identity Theft with Offsets. (2) Balance due module is a Married Filing Joint (MFJ) account, Offset was applied from a module that does not reflect both spouses’ names, Follow procedures IRM, Identity Theft with Offsets. (3) TAS hardship case(s), Requests for returning an offset to the originating module, Follow procedures IRM, Identity Theft with Tax Offsets.
For instructions related to research, verification, and requests, see the table below:
To ensure all identity theft issues have been identified, complete case analysis (CCA) is required on all identity theft cases potentially impacting tax administration, including:
Refund related,
Income related, and
Dependent related
CCA includes but is not limited to the following:
Research Description Tax Years Conduct a cursory review for apparent evidence of unresolved IDT issues. -
Prior Years - A minimum of three prior years. Continue in one-year increments until no indications of identity theft are found.
Subsequent Years - All years after the year identified for the case.
Documents Do not assume the individual filing the identity theft claim is the true owner of the Common Number (CN). Consider: -
All information received,
Account research conducted, and
Additional information available
Compliance If there is Compliance involvement and a determination of IDT for the same year: -
Reassign all years.
Do not issue a letter to request additional information.
Do not perform any account adjustments, credit transfers, etc.
See Exhibit 25.23.4-5, IDTVA Routing Matrix.Dependent Dependent related IDT issues may be IRS identified when: -
Misuse of a TIN occurs on a return determined to be invalid.
Refer to IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - General, for additional information.
When resolving accounts identified through completion of required research for the look back period, work:
Tax years where IRPTR data is still available, and the module is not in retention.
Tax years where IRPTR data is not available, but the module is not in retention due to current account activity (i.e., balance due, etc.)
Tax years impacted by income related IDT with or without a filed return, TDI, ASFR, or Exam SFR issue.
Do not adjust modules in retention, including tax years listed on Form 14039, unless:
Reversing a tax offset will create a balance due, or
It is necessary to resolve the taxpayer’s issue.
Update the activity code of the active module to RTTN### when requesting a module from retention. -
Include a CII case note indicating CCA was performed and the results of that research.
Any tax year identified through the CCA process must be addressed using the appropriate indicator for the case type. Refer to the table below:
Case Type Indicator Details (1) Taxpayer Identified - Affecting tax administration -
TC 971 AC 501
Each impacted year identified by the taxpayer on the claim, police report, or correspondence will be marked with TC 971 AC 501 using an appropriate MISC field literal.
Refund Related (invalid return): Additional impacted years identified through CCA will be marked with TC 971 AC 501 using MISC field: REFCCA.
Income Related: Additional impacted years identified through CCA will be marked with TC 971 AC 501 using MISC field: ICMCCA.
IRM 25.23.2-2, IMF Only TC 971 AC 501 — Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Case Closure (Tax-Related) - TC 971 AC 501.
(2) Taxpayer Identified - Not affecting tax administration -
TC 971 AC 504
Income Related: Each impacted year identified by the taxpayer on the claim, police report, or correspondence will be marked with TC 971 AC 504 using an appropriate MISC field literal.
Income Related: Additional impacted years identified through CCA will be marked with TC 971 AC 504 using MISC field: ICMCCA.
Non-Tax-Related: The account will be marked with TC 971 AC 504 using an appropriate MISC field literal. Only one indicator will be placed on the account. Refer to IRM, TC 971 AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Codes ACCT, ACCT-M, BOTH, BOTH-M, EMPL, EMPL-M, ICMCCA, NKI or NKI-M.
See IRM 25.23.2-4, IMF Only TC 971 AC 504.
(3) IRS Identified -
TC 971 AC 506
Each impacted year will be marked with TC 971 AC 506 using an appropriate MISC field literal.
See IRM 25.23.2-8, IMF Only TC 971 AC 506 — IRS Determined Tax-Related Identity Theft Case Closure.
(4) Dependent Related IDT -
TC 971 AC 528
The account (ENMOD) will be marked with TC 971 AC 528 using MISC Field: WI IP DEPND. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
Form 14039 is filed to report the taxpayer suspects someone may be using their name and SSN to work and file taxes . The taxpayer says they were unable to file their TY 2019 return, because a return is already on file. The taxpayer explains that they began working in 2019 and this is their first time filing. Completion of CCA results in the discovery of returns meeting streamline criteria filed for TY 2017 and 2018. Further research results in the identification of income earned under the taxpayer’s SSN for TY 2014-2016. The taxpayer was not of age to work during those years. There are no returns on file or Compliance issues for TY 2014-2016. TY 2019 will be closed with TC 971 AC 501, because the taxpayer was determined to be a victim of identity theft affecting tax administration and listed this year on Form 14039. TY 2017 and 2018 will be closed with TC 971 AC 501 REFCCA, because the taxpayer filed Form 14039 and was determined to be a victim of identity theft impacting tax administration for these years through CCA. TY 2014-2016 will be closed with TC 971 AC 504 ICMCCA input for each year, because the income related identity theft issue does not affect tax administration, and the tax years were not provided by the taxpayer.
Cases created as a result of identification through CCA are to be worked, regardless of age, to ensure the taxpayer’s identity theft issue is fully resolved without unnecessary delays.
The taxpayer filed Form 14039 to report an identity theft issue for tax years 2021 and 2022 due to someone filing a tax return in their name. Through research, you determine tax year 2023 is also impacted. The IRS received date for the Form 14039 is 03/16/2023, and you identify the additional impacted tax year on 06/11/2024. All tax years are determined to be invalid/valid per IRPTR data. The CII case created for tax year 2023 will use 06/11/2024 as the IRS received date. This case is not aged but will be worked to fully resolved the taxpayer’s identity theft issue.
Before you can proceed with resolving a case, there may be instances when you will need to take the following actions:
Submit unprocessed returns to SP for processing
Order returns/documents only when it is necessary for case resolution
Request missing schedules/forms and/or signatures from the TP
Refer to the following IRM sections for additional guidance:-
IRM, Ordering Documents
IRM, Unprocessed Documents
IRM, Missing Information
Requesting documents from files may result in significant delays in case resolution. To prevent unnecessary delays, verify the document you are requesting is needed to make a determination and/or correct the account. Complete all required account research prior to ordering the document. You may find the information available in CII images, AMS history items, and IDRS Command Codes (TRDBV, IRPTR, IMFOLR, NAMES, etc.) is sufficient to make a CN ownership determination, verify nullity criteria is met, or determine the case is a MXEN or IJE issue.
If the return and/or other documentation is not attached to your case and is not available in another CII case, order the document only if it is necessary to resolve the case. The CSR/TE resolving the IDT case will order the document. A document may be necessary, if any of the following conditions are met, unless an exception applies:
No information exists on CC TRDBV for the duplicate return and/or schedules filed
No income information is available on CC IRPTR
The case requires routing to Automated Underreporter (AUR) or Exam
The case is a true "MXEN" case
Returns meeting No Move criteria or account move conditions requiring use of Form 12810, Account Transfer Request Checklist, do not need to be ordered to resolve the account. Refer to IRM, Tax Year Account Move Conditions - Applicable for IDT(X) and IDS(X) Cases, for additional information.
The case is a Default True Scrambled SSN Case
A non-streamline case
Returns meeting No Move criteria or account move conditions requiring use of Form 12810, Account Transfer Request Checklist, do not need to be ordered to resolve the account. Refer to IRM, Tax Year Account Move Conditions - Applicable for IDT(X) and IDS(X) Cases, for additional information.
A CP 36I was generated, but the Form 14039 was not scanned to the CII case
Some CP 36I cases may not have the documents scanned to the case by the time you are ready to work your case. If you have a CP 36I case that is less than 30 days old, hold the case in your inventory to allow adequate time for the return to appear on CII, unless your research determines the return and any additional information/documentation are not necessary. Also leave a case note on CII/AMS "Awaiting CP 36I scanned docs" , or similar remarks.
The decision to order the documents should be made on a case by case basis depending on other research and analysis conducted that assists you in making a correct CN determination. Having the return and Form 14039 available may provide additional information pertinent to your case.Caution:
Because an external data breach return could have identical or similar information, you may need to order missing documents to determine if the TP has indicated they were the victim of a breach. This information may have been included on the Form 14039. Also refer to IRM, Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview and IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) with External Business/Preparer Data Breach Involvement.
The Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, is missing and wages and withholding needs to be verified per paragraph (11) of IRM, Withholding (W/H) Tax Credit
The return is missing schedules and/or required forms
The return is filed under an ITIN and reports wages
The taxpayer is deceased and you need Form 1310, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer, or court documents to issue a refund
You suspect that the return is for another taxpayer with a valid SSN, but cannot locate the other SSN on NAMEI/NAMES
You suspect that the return is for another tax year based on your research, but cannot validate this without the return
CSRs performing the resolving actions on a case should determine if additional information (which includes the Form 14039) is needed to make a determination of CN ownership. If enough information has been received or is available through internal research, work to resolve the case to completion. Requesting unnecessary information will delay the processing of the case.
If the case meets CAT A or Discriminant Index Function (DIF) scoring criteria, per IRM, Discriminant Index Function (DIF) SCORE or CLASSIFICATION "Send Return(s) to Examination for Review", the return must be ordered.
When a refund is due, do not order the return only to verify the signature. If the information has been transcribed on TRDBV, the signature should have been validated during processing. Assume the return had a valid signature and continue processing. In addition, do not order the return if the entity information is not present on TRDBV. If it was not transcribed, the address and name matched the information on MF. If you determine through additional research the signature is needed for other purposes and/or the entity information is incorrect, order the return.
If the return is required and is not already attached to the case, utilize CC ESTAB using "DQ" as the definer. In the remarks section of the ESTAB request, annotate the following: "AM-ID Theft" and Scan to open CIIXXXXXX case. These annotations will notify Files to pull the returns as priority and to send the request to the Image Control Team (ICT) team to scan. This should reduce multiple CII cases. -
If you do not receive the return within 30 days of the first request, submit a second CC ESTAB request. Refer to IRM, CP 36 (DUPF) - Control, for information about charge outs and Special Search requests if you have not received the return within 30 days of your second request.
While working IDT cases, you may identify unprocessed returns that must be addressed. For purposes of IDT resolution, a return posted with a TC 977 that has been scanned as a CII image will be considered unprocessed. IDTVA screeners will receive unprocessed returns from Submission Processing (SP) and/or Statutes that have indications of IDT (i.e., Form 14039, similar statements or “Identity Theft” is notated on the return, etc.). See IRM, Unprocessed Statute Returns or Transcripts (IDTVA Screeners Only), for specific procedures. For Compliance IDT cases, an original return with no TC 976/977 posted may be received from the referring Compliance Function.
Research to determine if the return has been processed. See the chart below for additional guidance.
If And Then (1) There is a TC 976 present on the account, The TC 976 is for the return in the case, The return does not need to be sent to SP for processing. (2) There is a TC 976 present on the account, The TC 976 is not for the return in the case, -
Search CII for the return associated with the posted TC 976, and link any related cases.
For any return that does not have a posted TC 976, follow the procedures throughout the remainder of this IRM, beginning with paragraph (3).
(3) There is no TC 976 present on the account, The return is present on CII or is an original return from a referring Compliance Function, -
Follow the procedures throughout the remainder of this IRM, beginning with paragraph (3).
Priority treatment must be given to Operations Assistance Requests (OARs) and statute imminent circumstances. Screen all statute year returns to determine if the ASED is expiring or imminent. See the chart below for additional guidance.
A CN ownership determination must be made before statute protection procedures can be followed.
If Then (1) The current account ASED and the valid return ASED are both greater than 180 days, -
The account does not require statute protection actions.
(2) The current account ASED and the valid return ASED are both 180 days or less, -
Do not abate tax.
Input TC 560 before you send the case to SP for processing.
Refer to IRM, Statute Protection, for quick assessment procedures.
(3)The ASED for a valid return is expired, -
Do not abate tax.
See IRM, Addressing Barred Assessments on Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, to determine if there is a barred assessment and identify the applicable initial case actions required to correct the account.
(4)The ASED for an invalid return that will be moved to an IRSN is 180 days or less but has not expired, -
Do not abate tax.
Research to determine if an IRSN was previously assigned to the taxpayer.
Assign a new IRSN if one was not located through research.
For Compliance IDT cases, contact the DITA team lead to request assignment of a new IRSN if one was not located through research
Refer to IRM, Statute Protection, to complete a quick assessment on the IRSN account.
A return will be considered signed if the correspondence includes any form that contains a signed Jurat (e.g., Form 14039, Letter 3219C).
Unprocessed returns deemed a nullity must never be sent to SP for processing as a TC 976. Follow procedures in IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing, to make a nullity determination.
If And Then (1) The TC 150 return has been determined to be a nullity through the Refund Scheme Listing, IRP Data or Schedule C Case Processing, or through verification of an RIVO determination, The unprocessed return has been validated as filed by the CN owner, -
Edit the unprocessed return per paragraph (9) below.
(2) There is no TC 150 posted, The unprocessed return has been validated as filed by the CN owner, -
Edit the unprocessed return per paragraph (9) below. Do not post TC 976.
(3) If the unprocessed return has been deemed invalid but does not meet nullity criteria, The TC 150 return has been validated as filed by the CN owner, -
For Compliance IDT cases, see paragraph (6) below.
For all other cases, edit the unprocessed return per paragraph (9) below.
(4) If the unprocessed return has been deemed invalid but does not meet nullity criteria, There is no TC 150 posted, -
For Compliance IDT cases, see paragraph (6) below.
For all other cases, follow the procedures detailed below:
Research to determine if an IRSN was previously assigned to the taxpayer.
Assign a new IRSN if one was not located through research
Edit the unprocessed return per paragraph (9) below. Do not post TC 976. Replace the TIN on the return with the IRSN assigned to that taxpayer
For Compliance IDT cases that are not currently assigned to DITA but require an IRSN, do not route the return to SP. Follow procedures in IRM, Post Function Referral Procedures, to refer the case to DITA.
Valid returns not processed as an original return have bypassed DIF scoring. Valid returns must be screened for DIF score criteria after the TC 976 has posted to the account. See Exhibit 25.23.4-21(2) , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-streamline Case Processing, If/Then scenario (3) for additional information.
Prior to forwarding the return for processing, review the chart below. Take the appropriate action for each scenario the return to be processed matches.
If And Then (1) IDRS CC TXMOD reflects a Master File (MF) status of 02 or 03, -
Refer to IRM, Closing Identity Theft Cases with Tax Delinquency Inquiries (TDI),
Note the appropriate TC 59X code in the left margin of the return.
(2) IDRS CC TXMOD reflects an unreversed TC 971 AC 121/124/129, Input TC 972 AC 121/124/129 to reverse it. (3) The return being processed is Married Filing Jointly (MFJ), The current filing status is not MFJ, -
Input TC 594 CC 084 on the secondary TIN to prevent separate TDI activity. Cross reference the primary TIN.
(4) The return being processed is Married Filing Jointly (MFJ), The current filing status is MFJ with someone other than the spouse on the return, -
Input TC 592 to reverse the TC 594 CC 084 for the invalid return previously processed.
Input TC 594 CC 084 on the secondary TIN to prevent separate TDI activity. Cross reference the primary TIN.
(5) There is a name line change from any filing status to MFJ, -
Update ENMOD prior to sending the return to SP for processing to prevent UPC 166. See IRM, UPC 166 Reason Code 0 Filing Status Code (FSC) Mismatch, for additional information.
(6) There is a name line change from MFJ to any other filing status, The module does not include Self-Employment income for the secondary taxpayer, -
Update ENMOD prior to sending the return to SP for processing to prevent UPC 166. See IRM, UPC 166 Reason Code 0 Filing Status Code (FSC) Mismatch, for additional information.
(7) There is a name line change from MFJ to any other filing status, The module does include Self-Employment income for the secondary taxpayer, -
Address the invalid return.
If the invalid return meets nullity criteria, input a full back out of the return figures, unless that action will cause a barred statute.
If the return does not meet nullity criteria, follow procedures in, IRM, Non-Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Processing, and move the return to an IRSN. For Compliance IDT cases, see paragraph (6) above.
Update ENMOD to remove the secondary taxpayer information after the actions taken to nullify or remove the invalid return from the account have posted.
The remaining actions to adjust the account to the valid return figures will be taken after the TC 976 has posted.
(8) The return is part of a Compliance IDT case, The case is being worked by a function that addresses unreported income, -
Verify all income belonging to the taxpayer(s) is included on the return to be processed.
Follow your functional IRM for specific guidelines to address incomplete returns, if necessary.
Valid unprocessed returns must be edited prior to sending for processing:
To prevent the valid return from unposting, edit the return with SPC ‘B’ in the right margin between the secondary TIN and the Presidential Election Campaign Fund (PECF) designation per the instructions in IRM 3.12.2-4 , Special Processing Codes. This allows the return to bypass UPC 126 and all UPC 147 Reason Codes, except RC 4.
Notate ‘ITVA’ in the upper left-hand corner. Refer to IRM, Coding and Editing Procedures, for additional guidance that may be applicable.
All edits must be made in ‘Red’ pen/pencil only. It is also acceptable to notate all edits on CII images using the annotation tools then underline the changes in ‘Red’.
Send unprocessed valid returns to Submission Processing. Monitor the account for the posting of TC 976. Use the table below to determine the appropriate Submission Processing Site:
If Then For campuses with Submission Processing (SP), -
Route the return to your local SP using a Form 1725 or similar local routing slip.
Include, “Post TC 976 - Do not send to ICT to be imaged”, or similar instructions in the remarks field.
If 40 days have passed, and the TC 976 has not posted, see IRM, Unprocessed Returns - 40 Day Suspense Time Frame Expired.
For campuses without Submission Processing (SP), -
Using a Form 3210, route the return to Kansas City SP at:
Internal Revenue Service
Stop 6052
333 W Pershing Road
Kansas City, MO 64108 -
Include, “Post TC 976 - Do not send to ICT to be imaged”, or similar instructions in the remarks field.
If 40 days have passed, and the TC 976 has not posted, see IRM, Unprocessed Returns - 40 Day Suspense Time Frame Expired.
Ensure the account reflects the appropriate IDT indicator(s) (i.e., TC 971 AC 522).
If it is determined the IDT issue was previously resolved, follow the chart below.
If Then (1) A TC 150 is present and the ASED is greater than 90 days, -
Send the return to ICT as an XRET using Form 13503. Refer to the Form 13503 ICT XRET Cover Sheet Sample located on the IDTVA Hub.
(2) A TC 150 is present and the ASED is less than 90 days, -
Create a CII case.
Send the return for exception scanning.
Input a TC 971 AC 010 to generate TC 977.
Once scanned to the case, work following applicable procedures per IRM, General Claims Procedures.
(3). No TC 150 is present (i.e., IDT was on secondary TIN, IDT return was Voided/Deleted, -
Follow the procedures beginning at paragraph (2) above.
IDTVA screeners receive unprocessed returns from Submission Processing (SP) and/or statutes that have indications of IDT (i.e., Form 14039, similar statements, "identity theft" is notated on the return, etc.). It is the responsibility of the IDTVA screeners to quickly determine if IDT has occurred, if the unprocessed return is "valid" or "invalid" , and the applicable actions to take.
When the Form 14039 included with a tax return does not indicate the taxpayer’s information was used to file taxes, consider the claim as reporting non-tax-related IDT, and take the following actions:
Detach Form 14039.
Notate in the left-hand margin of the Form 1040/A/EZ/SR what is being detached.
Notate on the Form 14039 the current date and what is being detached.
Route Form 14039 to ICT as an IDT4 using the IDTVA-A ICT Batch Sheet located on the IDT Hub.
Continue screening the tax return.
Form 14039 is included with the taxpayer’s 2018 return filed on Form 1040. Section A Option 1, indicating the form is being submitted for the taxpayer, and Section B Option 2, indicating the taxpayer does not know if their information has been used for tax purposes, are both marked. The taxpayer provides an explanation indicating their Social Security Card and ID were in their wallet when it was lost. Detach Form 14039 from the return. Notate on the Form 1040 "detached Form 14039 sent to ICT" . Notate on Form 14039 the current date and "detached from Form 1040 TY 2018" .
Research the account and unprocessed return to determine if any of the returns may be considered a nullity.
When the return being screened has a stamped Document Locator Number (DLN), refer to the table below to determine where the return originated and the appropriate actions to take:
If And Then (1) The DLN matches the return posted to MF, There is an open IDT(X) CII case or assigned RIVO/NCAT control (not a generic number), Send the return to files per IRM, Re-Charging and Re-Filing Documents, or follow IRM, Classified Waste, as applicable. (2) The DLN matches the return posted to MF, There is no open IDT(X) CII case or assigned RIVO/NCAT control (not a generic number), If TC 976 posted within 2 cycles of the current date or is in PN status, a CII case should be systemically generated within 2 weeks of the TC 976 posting date. Hold the return until the CII case is generated. Take the following actions to monitor for the case creation: -
Open a MISC control base to your IDRS number using category "MISC" , activity "WT4CIIDATE" (DATE = purge date), status "B" , and the current date.
Once the case is created, update your control base activity to "CIIPOSTED" and close the "MISC" base.
(3) The DLN matches a return NOT posted to MF (i.e., Voided/Deleted or Identity Theft found on TRDBV), Regardless of whether or not there is an open IDT(X) CII case or assigned RIVO/NCAT control (not a generic number), Continue the screening process. See paragraph (5). -
If during the screening process it is determined tax-related IDT did not occur, perform the following actions:
Circle out any incorrect edits (SPC "B" and "ITVA" ).
Reverse any incorrect IDT indicators (i.e., TC 971 AC 501/506/522).
Forward the return to SP, ICT or your local statute unit, as applicable.
Use IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) with IRP Data, Refund Scheme or Schedule C Involvement, and IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) with RIVO Involvement, paragraph (4) along with the chart below:
If And Then (1) The TC 150 return has been determined to be a nullity utilizing the Fraud Refund Scheme Listing. The unprocessed return has been validated as filed by the CN owner utilizing IRP data for the year of the screened return. Edit the unprocessed return per paragraph (8) below and continue to paragraph (9). (2) RIVO has determined the TC 150 return to be a nullity and does not match IRP data, accept the RIVO determination. The unprocessed return has been validated as filed by the CN owner utilizing IRP data for the year of the screened return. Edit the unprocessed return per paragraph (8) below and continue to paragraph (9). (3) The TC 150 return has been determined to be a nullity utilizing IRP data or Schedule C Case Processing. The unprocessed return has been validated as filed by the CN owner utilizing (3) years of IRP data or Schedule C Case Processing. Edit the unprocessed return per paragraph (8) below and continue to paragraph (9). (4) Extended research is needed to make a determination of invalid and/or valid return
(i.e., less than 3 years IRP data, more than one TC 976/977, TC 610 payment, MFT 32 issues, transcript non-streamline procedures or meets criteria in IRM, Barred Assessments/Barred Statute Cases, etc.).The current account ASED has not expired
and is not within 180 days.Edit the unprocessed return per paragraph (8) and send the return to SP for processing. (5) Extended research is needed to make a determination of invalid and/or valid return
(i.e., less than 3 years IRP data, more than one TC 976/977, TC 610 payment, MFT 32 issues, transcript non-streamline procedures or meets criteria in IRM, Barred Assessments/Barred Statute Cases, etc.).Current account ASED has expired or within 180 days. Refer to paragraph (9). (6) The unprocessed return meets nullity criteria. Send the return to ICT as an IDT 3 using the IDTVA-A ICT Batch Sheet located on the IDT Hub. -
If it is determined the IDT issue was previously resolved, follow the chart below.
If And Then (1) A TC 150 is present. The ASED is greater than 90 days. Send the return to ICT as a XRET using Form 13503.
Refer to the Form 13503 ICT XRET Cover Sheet Sample located on the IDTVA Hub.(2) A TC 150 is present. The ASED is 90 days or less. Set the return aside to create a CII case. Take the following actions, once the case has been created: -
Send return for exception scanning.
Input a TC 971 AC 010 to generate TC 977.
Once scanned to case, work following applicable procedures, per IRM, General Claims Procedures.
(3) No TC 150 is present (i.e., IDT was on secondary TIN, IDT return was Voided/Deleted, or moved to MFT 32). The ASED is greater than 90 days. Edit the return per paragraph (5) and forward to SP or your local statute as applicable. (4) No TC 150 is present (i.e., IDT was on secondary TIN, IDT return was Voided/Deleted, or moved to MFT 32). The ASED is 90 days or less. Set the return aside to create a CII case. Take the following actions, once the case has been created: -
Send return for exception scanning.
Input a TC 971 AC 010 to generate TC 977.
Once scanned to case, route to local statute through CII for quick assessment.
Additional adjustments may need to be made after the quick assessment posts (AGI, TXI, exemptions, etc.).
An unprocessed return from the TIN owner must be edited before it is sent to SP for processing. Refer to IRM, Coding and Editing Procedures, and IRM, Processing/Reprocessing CII Tax Returns, for additional guidance that may be applicable when sending a return for processing. Perform the following actions:
Notate "ITVA" in the upper left-hand corner of the return.
Edit the return SPC "B" (in the right-hand margin between the secondary TIN and PECF designation). This will allow the return to bypass all the UPC 147 Reason Codes except RC 4. See IRM, Special Processing Code (SPC).
If there is a name line change, update ENMOD prior to sending the return to SP for processing (e.g., single to joint).This will allow the return to bypass the UPC 166. See IRM, UPC 166 Reason Code 0 Filing Status Code (FSC) Mismatch.
When the unprocessed return is Married Filing Jointly (MFJ), input TC 594 CC 084 to satisfy the secondary TIN's filing requirement, if one is not present. Make sure there is a name line for the secondary TP’s TIN on the Master File (MF) for the same tax year or earlier. If not, update ENMOD with a name line for the secondary TP’s TIN for the same year.
If CC TXMODA reflects a MF status of "02" or "03" , see IRM, Closing Identity Theft Cases with Tax Delinquency Inquiries (TDI), for additional information.
To ensure the unprocessed return will post as a TC 976, consideration of the current and "valid return" ASED must be made prior to sending the return to SP for processing.
If Then (1) Current account ASED is greater than 180 days, Edit the return per (8). Then send the unprocessed return to SP or your local statute, as applicable. (2) Current account ASED is within 90 days or has expired and the valid return ASED will be greater than 180 days. -
Input a TC 560 on the account to update the ASED to 3 years from the received date of the valid return.
Input TC 971 AC 522 following IRM, Initial Allegation or Suspicion of Tax-Related Identity Theft - IMF Identity Theft Indicators, as applicable.
Open a MISC control base to your IDRS number using Category Code "MISC," activity "PNASEDDATE" (DATE = purge date), status "B" and current date.
Hold the return until the ASED has posted (2-3 weeks).
Once the ASED has posted, complete "valid return" edits, as applicable, "MISC" update the activity to "SNT2PROCES" and close the MISC base.
Send the return to designated SP area for processing.
(3) Valid return ASED will be within 180 days of expiration. Set aside to create a CII case. Take the following actions, once the case has been created. -
If the ASED is within 90 days, prepare and submit Form 2859, for a quick assessment following IRM, Statute Protection, as applicable.
If the ASED is within 91-180 days, continue remaining actions.
Input a TC 560 on the account to update the ASED to 3 years from the received date of the "valid return" and suspend until posted.
Complete "valid return" edits, per paragraph (7).
Input TC 971 AC 522, per paragraph (9).
Send the return to designated SP area for processing.
Once the TC 976 has posted, refer to IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process, for guidance on adjusting the account.
Input TC 971 AC 522 following IRM, Initial Allegation or Suspicion of Tax-Related Identity Theft - IMF Identity Theft Indicators, as applicable. This includes other years of unresolved IDT that may be found during the screening process, or have been identified by the taxpayer (via Form 14039 or similar statement).
When a quick determination cannot be made whether the unprocessed return and/or the TC 150 is "valid and/or invalid" , additional research is needed. Proceed with the following:
Set the return aside until all paper inventory screening has been completed.
Once a determination has been made, send the unprocessed return to SP, ICT, Statute, or
Create a CII case to yourself with the appropriate category and program code, per Exhibit 25.23.4-9, IDTVA-A Identity Theft (IDT) Work Types Listing and Exhibit 25.23.4-12, Tax-Related Identity Theft (IDT) Codes.
Work the case using applicable procedures in IRM, Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview.
If an unprocessed return is sent to SP and the TC 976 has not posted after the forty (40) day suspense time frame has expired, use the following table to determine how to continue processing the case.
The instructions in this table are only for the handling of a taxpayer’s return as submitted. You must still review the account to determine if the submitted return resolves any outstanding Compliance issues.
If Then (1) TXMOD Reflects a rejected (RJ) TC 150 with an ERS status code, ERS has corresponded with the taxpayer to obtain required information/documentation. Monitor the account until the rejected TC 150 has converted into a TC 976. (2) The ASED for the new valid return was not updated, as required, Update the ASED to the correct date based on the earliest IRS Received Date. After the new ASED has posted resubmit the valid return to SP. (3) Unpostable Code 126-0, See IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) Cases/Transcripts with RIVO and/or TPP Involvement Resolution Tables, for additional instructions. (4). The TC 976 unposted (other than UPC 126-0, -
Suspend the case for an additional 40 days to allow the Unpostables unit time to resolve the unpostable.
If the additional 40-day suspense time frame elapses and the TC 976 still has not posted, take the necessary actions, to correct the account using the applicable procedures, outlined in IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process.
(5) There is no indication that a TC 976 will be input (such as a pending transaction, an unpostable, etc.), -
Re-send the return to SP and suspend the case for additional 40 days. If the additional 40-day suspense time frame elapses and the TC 976 still has not posted, take the necessary actions to correct the account using the applicable procedures outlined in IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process.
If you have made a Common Number (CN) ownership determination and the valid taxpayer’s return is missing information (e.g., signatures, schedules, forms) needed to adjust the account to the return figures, determine if it is necessary to request the missing information.
Use the table below to identify appropriate research for various sections of the tax return.
Section Comments and References (1) TIN requirements -
TIN requirements vary depending on the deduction and/or credits claimed on the return.
Refer to the instructions for the form (tax year specific) Find a product.
See Table Scenarios (4) and (6) for credits.
(2) Income -
Refer to the instructions for the form (tax year specific). Find a product.
(3) Deductions and Tax computation -
See IRM, Working Tax Computation / Accounting Period Changes, and its subsections for deductions, other taxes (i.e., self-employment tax, etc.), and various methods of tax computation.
(4) Non-refundable credits -
These credits reduce tax liability and are generally not refundable.
Certain credits may become refundable after the tax liability has been brought to zero.
See IRM, Nonrefundable Credits Procedures, and its subsections to determine if a form or schedule is required to be provided with the return to claim a specific credit.
(5) Refundable credits -
These credits are refundable.
For CARES and ARPA credits, see IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General, IRM, ARPA - Advanced Child Tax Credit (AdvCTC) - General, and/or IRM, ARPA - Excess Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC) Repayment Relief.
For all other refundable credits, see IRM, Refundable Credits, and its subsections to determine if a form or schedule is required to be provided with the return to claim a specific credit.
(6) Signature -
Proceed to paragraph (3) below.
If the return is missing a form or schedule required to be attached or is not signed, see IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written).
Credit Transcripts generate under the following circumstances:
A credit remains on the module after the RSED has expired.
A credit is held due to RIVO involvement.
Credit transcripts are referred to IDTVA as IDT6/IDS6 cases. These cases may include a TC 976 return that has not been addressed (-A Freeze).
IDTVA screeners determine if the referral is appropriate. Any referral that was received in error will be returned to the originating employee/function.
Use the following table to identify the type of transcript received:
Only certain transcripts with RIVO involvement should be received in IDTVA. Refer to the table below for descriptions of Credit Transcripts with RIVO involvement IDTVA will resolve:
If the Account Reflects And (1) -
No open RIVO IDRS control, or an IDRS control was opened by AMRH, with subsequent adjustment action to reverse the return information by RIVO, Memphis QRP, Brookhaven Pre-Refund Team, or Exam, and
An unresolved credit remains on the module from a TC 610 or TC 670 payment, and the taxpayer’s valid return is not on MFT 32 or TRDBV does not show GUF Void/Deleted, and
A Letter 112C requesting a return was sent.
The taxpayer submits a return in response to the Letter 112C.
(2) -
There is an open IDRS control to RIVO 148NNNNNNN or 065NNNNNNN, or
There is an open IDRS control to Return Integrity & Compliance Services (RICS), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Refund Tax Compliance (RTC), or Questionable Refund Program (QRPA) 1381NNNNNN.
An unresolved credit remains on the module with no subsequent adjustment action or activity by RIVO, Memphis QRP, Brookhaven Pre-Refund Team, or Exam, and
There is a freeze condition that involves a -A Freeze, or there is an IDT issue that was not fully resolved.
(3) -
An unresolved credit remains on the module, and
There is a freeze condition that involves a -A Freeze, or there is an IDT issue that was not fully resolved.
(4) -
An unresolved credit remains on the module with no subsequent adjustment action or activity by RIVO, Memphis QRP, Brookhaven Pre-Refund Team, or Exam, and
There is a freeze condition that involves a -A Freeze, or there is an IDT issue that was not fully resolved.
(5) -
There is no open RIVO IDRS control with no subsequent adjustment action or activity by RIVO, Memphis QRP, Brookhaven Pre-Refund Team, or Exam,
An unresolved credit remains on the module and CC ENMOD shows TC 971 with AC 506 with any MISC field that contains the literal RICS, RIVO, AMTAP, or PRP, and
There is a freeze condition that involves a -A Freeze.
(6) -
There is no open RIVO IDRS control and the module contains TC 971 AC 121 or AC 124.
An unresolved credit remains on the module, and
There is a freeze condition that involves a -A Freeze.
(7) -
There is no open RIVO IDRS control, the module contains TC 972 AC 121, and AMS does not show that the taxpayer authenticated.
An unresolved credit remains on the module, and
The freeze condition does not involve a -A Freeze.
(8) -
There is no open RIVO IDRS control and the module contains TC 971 AC 123 or AC 129.
An unresolved credit remains on the module.
(9) -
There is no open RIVO IDRS control and Memphis QRP, or Brookhaven Pre-Refund has made an adjustment, or
The module is in zero or debit balance.
There is a freeze condition that involves a -A Freeze, or there is an IDT issue that was not fully resolved.
(10) There is no open RIVO IDRS control and the module contains TC 971 AC 152, -
An unresolved credit remains on the module, the freeze condition does not involve a -A Freeze, and the return includes income/withholding that is not verifiable per IRPTR data.
Refer to the table below for Credit Transcript assignment procedures:
If Then (1) The Credit Transcript referral does not meet IDTVA criteria, -
Return to the originating employee/function. Include the specific reason IDTVA criteria is not met.
(2) The Credit Transcript referral is the result of an unresolved credit due to an IDT issue that was not fully resolved. -
Assign the case to the employee who worked the original case. Include a CII case note that indicates the case is being assigned due to an unresolved credit.
If the employee who worked the case is no longer in IDTVA, assign the case to the IDTVA employee assigned to work a case for the same taxpayer, when possible.
Assign the case to the general holding number when the employee who worked the original case is no longer in IDTVA and there is no other existing case.
(3) The Credit Transcript referral with RIVO involvement meets IDTVA criteria. -
If there is an open case for the same taxpayer, assign the Credit Transcript to the IDTVA employee assigned to work that case.
Assign the case to the general holding number if there is no other existing case.
Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-8, Order of Priority Listing - IDTVA-A and IDTVA Specialty Functions, for prioritization of IDT6/IDS6 cases. When resolving IDT6/IDS6 cases, do not update the category code based on the original case category code (for unresolved credits) or to IDT8/IDS8 (for RIVO involvement).
Prior to taking action to resolve a credit transcript, ensure IDTVA criteria is met. If the case does not meet IDTVA criteria, return the transcript to the originating employee/function. Refer to IRM, Credit Transcripts - IDT6/IDS6 (IDTVA Screeners Only), for additional information.
For Statute Year Credit Transcripts that do not have a -A Freeze on the module:
Follow normal procedures to resolve an IDT issue, if necessary.
Determine if the credit(s) are available for refund or offset. Refer to IRM, Basic Guide for Processing Cases with Statute of Limitations Issues, and IRM, Limitations on the Amount of a Claim.
Apply credits available for refund or offset to outstanding liabilities, if applicable.
Manually refund any allowable amount remaining. Refer to IRM, Why Would a Manual Refund Be Needed?, and IRM, Preparation of Manual Refund Forms, for additional information.
Move any credits not available for refund or offset to the Excess Collection File. See IRM, Excess Collection File (XSF) and Unidentified Remittance File (URF).
For transcripts received that do not include a -A Freeze on the module and are not for a statute year, research the account to determine if there are any indications of IDT.
If Then (1) You determine the account is impacted by IDT, -
Work the case following normal procedures.
(2) You determine the account is not impacted by IDT, -
Follow normal freeze code procedures. Refer to IRM, Freeze Code Procedures.
For Credit Transcripts with a -A Freeze on the module, determine if the -A Freeze is the result of an unresolved IDT issue or if an additional return was received after the IDT case was closed.
If Then (1) The -A Freeze is the result of an unresolved IDT issue, -
Work the case following normal procedures.
(2) The module reflects a credit that was not addressed during the resolution of an IDT case, a -A Freeze from an additional return received after the IDT case was closed is present, and there is another CII case for that return. -
Link the cases, and contact the other control to determine ownership of the case.
If the additional return is an IDT return or the IDTVA employee is trained to work the other program (i.e., DUPF, XRET), the IDTVA employee will take ownership of both cases.
If the additional return is not an IDT return and the IDTVA employee is not trained to work the other program, the IDTVA employee will resolve the credit, close the IDT6/IDS6 case, and advise the other control of the actions taken.
(3) The -A Freeze is the result of an additional return received after the IDT case was closed, and there is not another CII case for that return, -
Determine if the additional return is an IDT return.
If the additional return is an IDT return, follow normal procedures to resolve the case.
If the additional return is not an IDT return, resolve the credit using the procedures outlined in (2) above. Do not address the additional return.
(4) If there is a -A Freeze on a module with RIVO involvement, -
Follow normal procedures to resolve. See IRM, Identity Theft with RIVO Involvement, for additional information.
This section provides details for processing IMF fraudulent claims that do not have an existing treatment stream.
A process has been created that enables potential tax fraud or non-compliance leads to be disseminated and subsequently acted upon. The process does not replace any existing referral methods.
Generally, cases meeting fraud referral criteria possess any of the following characteristics:
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
When you discover a potential fraud case, complete a Form 4442 and provide the case to your lead or manager for review and approval. Document all research completed in a CII case note and/or on Form 4442. Attach the Form 4442 to your CII case. Maintain an open control base and suspend the case while waiting for a response. Update the IDRS activity to "REF2ITVA" after suspending the case to the manager or lead.
The lead or manager will review the case to ensure fraud referral criteria is met as shown in paragraph (3) above.
If the lead or manager determines criteria is not met, the case will be returned to the employee with a message advising why the case does not meet fraud referral criteria.
If criteria is met, the lead or manager will refer the case information to the Fraud Coordinator via email using the subject line: Fraud Referral (or similar).
The case will remain in suspense in the employee’s inventory awaiting a response from ITVA HQ. Upon receipt, the account will be researched. A response on how to address the account will be received within 7 business days. Do not take action on the case until appropriate guidance has been provided.
The HQ analyst will review the case to ensure fraud referral criteria is met.
If not met, the HQ analyst will send an email to the lead/manager advising why the criteria was not met.
If met, the HQ analyst will provide specific instructions to resolve the IDT issue on Form 4442 and will respond to the referring lead or manager. The HQ analyst will also address the suspected fraud.
Non-streamline case processing applies when IDT has been determined and the IDT return cannot be nullified. Any lost refunds on the IDT return should be moved to the IRSN where the related IDT return will reside.
For all non-streamline case processing, the TIN-Related Problem Research Sheet is required. See paragraph (8) of IRM, IDTVA - Additional Research and Required Actions, for additional information.
Each return/case must be considered separately for each tax year. If one or more returns cannot be nullified, the case will be worked as a non-streamline case. If one or more of the IDT returns can be nullified, they should be worked as a streamline IDT case following guidance in IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing.
Every effort will be made to determine CN ownership based on the information provided and directly available prior to contacting the taxpayer(s).
The "Social Security Administration Social Security Number Verification" printout is NOT acceptable proof of ownership of the CN. CN ownership determinations previously made due to receipt of the printout are not affected by this change. If a printout is or has been received for an unresolved case, the printout will be retained with the case but it will not determine ownership.
See IRM, Identity Theft Scheme Criteria, for the characteristics of common IDT schemes.
If NUMIDENT or, for ITIN cases, EUP/ITIN RTS, clearly shows the owner of the SSN or ITIN, proceed to guidance in IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, to determine the appropriate scenario to resolve the case.
Thorough account research must be completed following procedures in IRM, Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview, prior to taking any actions to resolve the identity theft case.
Careful consideration of all available information is necessary to ensure the correct taxpayer is identified as the CN owner and the correct case processing procedures are followed.
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
CN ownership/IDT determinations must be documented in a CII case note prior to taking action to resolve the account.
When lead/manager concurrence or approval is required, the concurrence or approval must be documented by the lead/manager prior to taking action to resolve the account.
The following subsections are intended to be considered in the order in which they are listed:
IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations - Schemes
IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing
IRM, Non-Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations
IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - General
IRM, Identity Theft with Non-Filer Returns
Refer to IRM 25.23.13, Income Related Identity Theft, for determinations and case processing guidelines related to questionable income.
Before making a No IDT determination, consider the taxpayer’s statement. If the statement:
Includes Then (1) Loss of personally identifying information (i.e., driver’s license or Social Security Card), fraudulent activity on their credit report, etc., they are a victim of non-tax-related identity theft. -
Resolve the case as an IDT4 following procedures in IRM, Self-Identified - Non-Tax-Related Identity Theft - IDT4 Overview. In these cases, a manual letter must be sent to address the taxpayer’s concerns. Use Letter 4674C:
Include the following suggested wording (or similar): "We reviewed your correspondence dated MM/DD/YYYY and found no indication that identity theft affected your tax account for the tax periods above." Use the date of the taxpayer’s correspondence in place of MM/DD/YYYY.
Include the specific reason(s) for the determination and language regarding the taxpayer’s right to dispute the decision (i.e., providing additional information).
Advise the taxpayer we have placed an identity theft indicator on their account to monitor activity.
Inform them they may be able to obtain an IP PIN through the opt in process to protect their identity in the future.
If the taxpayer has a balance due after the IDT issue is determined not to affect tax administration, include language indicating collection activities will continue.
(2) A request for an IP PIN and the account reflects a TC 971 AC 527 on CC ENMOD/IMFOLE. -
Due to the complexity of some cases, there may be instances where multiple treatment streams are required to fully resolve the account. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-23 , Complex Case Scenarios, for examples of cases that would require resolution with more than one treatment stream.
For any complex case that does not have an existing treatment stream, prepare and email Form 4442 using the subject line: Complex Case (or similar) to ITVA HQ. Document all research completed in a CII case note and/or on Form 4442. Attach Form 4442 to your CII case. Suspend the case awaiting a response from ITVA HQ. Upon receipt, the account will be researched. A response on how to address the account will be received within 7 business days.
Generally, the identification of a scheme is the result of a number of returns filed with similar characteristics determined to be identity theft.
Cases meeting scheme criteria require completion of Complete Case Analysis (CCA) to determine if there are additional years impacted by identity theft.
An individual return may be determined invalid based on characteristics of a specific scheme. In most instances, this determination does not require identification of consistencies or inconsistencies in the filing history.
Returns determined to be invalid based on a scheme are resolved following applicable streamline procedures.
Each return must be considered separately and may impact credits related to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Refer to IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General, and IRM, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - General, and their subsections for additional information.
The following subsections are intended to be considered in the order in which they are listed:
IRM, Known Fraud-Scheme Cases
IRM, Refund Schemes
IRM, Married Filing Joint Scheme Involvement
Identity theft cases resulting from a known fraud-scheme may include one or more returns received for the tax year in question.
Cases for taxpayers previously identified as potentially being impacted by a known fraud-scheme will be updated to Priority Code (PC) 6. If, while working an unidentified case, it is determined the return in question meets known fraud-scheme criteria, update the Correspondence Imaging Inventory (CII) case information to PC 6.
To be determined an invalid return per a known fraud-scheme, the return in question must meet all requirements for the specific known fraud-scheme. Refer to paragraph (4) below for a list of known fraud-schemes and characteristics of each.
All return characteristics plus the applicable number of additional commonalities for the fraud-scheme must be present. Each return must be considered separately for each tax year. Refer to the table below for a listing of each known fraud-scheme and its characteristics.
Fraud-Scheme Name Return Characteristics Additional Commonalities ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ -
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
A minimum of two additional commonalities must be present. -
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ -
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ -
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
A minimum of one additional commonality must be present. -
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ -
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
A minimum of two additional commonalities must be present. -
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
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A minimum of two additional commonalities must be present. -
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A minimum of two additional characteristics must be present. -
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When Form 7202, Credits for Sick Leave and Family Leave for Certain Self-Employed Individuals, is present, the return in question is excluded from known fraud-scheme consideration if there is:
History of self-employment
Cross reference EIN
-E freeze condition with an unreversed TC 810 (may include -L freeze)
For cases excluded from known fraud-scheme consideration, refer to the table below:Scenario Actions (1) History of self-employment or cross-reference EIN: A CN ownership determination must be made following existing procedures. See IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) Common Number (CN) Ownership and Case Processing Determinations. Resolve the account following applicable streamline/non-streamline procedures based on the determination made. (2) -E freeze condition with an unreversed TC 810 (may include -L freeze): Refer to IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) Cases with -E Freeze, for additional information. -
Document the determination in a CII case note. Include the name of the known fraud-scheme and the determination.
For cases determined to meet known fraud-scheme criteria, follow applicable streamline procedures in IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases.
Each return must be considered separately and may impact credits related to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Refer to IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General, and IRM, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - General, and their subsections for additional information.
For additional account conditions that may need to be addressed, refer to IRM, IDTVA - Additional Research and Required Actions, and Exhibit 25.23.4-21, Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing.
RICS, Integrity & Verification Operation (IVO) identifies refund schemes related to identity theft.
Identity theft cases involving refund schemes may include one or more returns received for the tax year in question.
Refer to the Fraud Refund Scheme Listing to determine if the return in question meets refund scheme criteria.
Document the determination in a CII case note. Include the name of the refund scheme and the determination.
For cases determined to meet refund scheme criteria, follow applicable streamline procedures in IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases.
Each return must be considered separately and may impact credits related to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Refer to IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General, and IRM, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - General, and their subsections for additional information.
For additional account conditions that may need to be addressed, refer to IRM, IDTVA - Additional Research and Required Actions, and Exhibit 25.23.4-21, Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing.
In the MFJ Scheme, the IDT return has a married filing joint filing status. The thief takes two victims who are not married to one another and files a joint return or files a joint return for a couple who are married to one another. Since there is more than one IDT victim, additional research and actions are necessary.
The thief sometimes lists the same victim as a primary taxpayer on one return and a secondary taxpayer with a different spouse on another return. This can create a chain of SSNs that need to be researched. However, it does not have to be a multiple chain of SSNs used on a return to be considered a Married Filing Joint scheme. It can be one return with two unrelated victims.
Research the primary and secondary TINs on the assigned case to determine if the TINs have been used on any type of return (valid or invalid), or any type of correspondence (e.g., Form 14039) indicating IDT.
John (primary) and Mary (secondary) file a joint return. Mary has another joint return under their TIN listed (as a primary) and Nancy (as a secondary). This return with Mary and Nancy meets Married Filing Joint Scheme Criteria. You must also research Nancy’s SSN to see if they are listed as a primary or secondary taxpayer on another return.
Mary (primary) and Lucy (secondary) are filed on the return that meets Married Filing Joint scheme criteria. Lucy has not filed yet so a TC 594 CC 084 is under their TIN but nothing else.
Ex girlfriend/boyfriend (not married/living together) files without TP's knowledge/consent.
Mary (primary) and Lucy (secondary) are filed on the return that meets Married Filing Joint scheme criteria. Lucy has filed as a secondary on a return with Matt (as a primary). Lucy has two TC 594 CC 084 transactions under their TIN and nothing else.
This list of examples is not inclusive of all the Married Filing Joint schemes that you may encounter. -
During the course of research, if a TIN was used on any return that meets the Married Filing Joint Refund Scheme Criteria, as found on the Refund Scheme Listing, you must address the affected TINs following the procedures in the If/Then chart below.
If Then (1) The primary on the assigned case is a secondary on an invalid return OR
the secondary is a primary on an invalid return.-
Create a new case on the XREF TIN using the received date of the assigned case, if a case does not already exist.
Assign the new or existing case to yourself.
Link the new or existing case to your assigned case, if not already linked.
Update the Category Code as needed.
Address the IDT impacted modules for both TINs utilizing the applicable streamline procedures. See IRM, Resolving Identity theft Cases for specific instructions.
(2) The primary on the assigned case is a secondary on a valid return AND the account under the XREF SSN does not reflect an indication of further IDT (e.g., 971-151, 594-084) OR
The secondary is a primary on a valid return AND the account under the XREF SSN does not reflect an indication of further IDT.Proceed to IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, to correct the account. (3) The primary on the assigned case is a secondary on a valid return AND the account under the XREF SSN does reflect an indication of further IDT (e.g., 971-151, 594-084) OR
The secondary is a primary on a valid return AND the account under the XREF SSN does reflect an indication of further IDT.-
Create a new case on the XREF TIN using the received date of the assigned case if a case does not already exist.
Assign the new or existing case to yourself
Link the new or existing case to your assigned case, if not already linked.
Update the Category Code as needed.
Address the IDT impacted modules for both TINs utilizing the applicable streamline procedures. See IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, for specific instructions.
Resolve the new or existing case on the XREF TIN utilizing the applicable procedures in IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process.
(4) The secondary has not filed or informed the IRS of IDT (e.g., Form 14039) and there is NO indication of further IDT. Proceed to IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, to correct the account. (5) The secondary has not filed or informed the IRS of IDT (e.g., Form 14039) and there is indication of further IDT. -
Create a new case on the XREF TIN using the received date of the assigned case if a case does not already exist.
Assign the new or existing case to yourself
Link the new or existing case to your assigned case, if not already linked.
Update the Category Code as needed.
Address the IDT impacted modules for both TINs utilizing the applicable streamline procedures. See IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, for specific instructions.
(6) The secondary TIN is used on another return as a secondary taxpayer on a valid return and there is NO indication on the XREF TIN of further IDT. Proceed to IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, to correct the account. (7) The secondary TIN is used on another return as a secondary taxpayer on a valid return and there is indication on the XREF TIN of further IDT. -
Create a new case for the further IDT Issue on the XREF TIN.
Assign the new or existing case to yourself
Link the new or existing case to your assigned case, if not already linked.
Address the IDT impacted modules for both TINs utilizing the applicable streamline procedures. See IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, for specific instructions.
Resolve the new or existing case on the XREF TIN utilizing the applicable procedures in IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process.
TC 592 must be input to reverse TC 594 CC 084 cross referencing the unrelated secondary taxpayer. The TC 592 will reverse all TCs 59X on the module. Input of a TC 594 CC 084 cannot be post delayed. If the valid taxpayer is the secondary on a valid MFJ return, monitor the account for one week. After one week, input TC 594 CC 084 to cross reference the correct spouse.
When a MFJ tax return does not meet MFJ Scheme criteria, you must determine if the case is an Invalid Joint Election (IJE). Taxpayers must know each other for an IJE determination to be made. Refer to IRM, Invalid Joint Election Consideration, and the example below for additional information.
There are three situations where a joint return is invalid:
Do not confuse MFJ Schemes with invalid joint elections.
If an invalid joint election (IJE) is determined, the IDT claim would be invalid. See IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations, for additional instructions.
Filing a joint return is an election. A joint return must be signed under penalty of perjury by both taxpayers to be a valid election for joint filing status.
Many returns will not have signatures since returns are now filed electronically. Tacit consent must be considered in determining the validity of the joint filing status shown on the return. See IRM, Tacit Consent Factors, for additional information.
A joint return may contain an invalid joint filing status election if:
An original or amended joint return was filed and processed with only one signature on a paper filed return.
The return was signed; however, it is established that the signature was forged and there is no tacit consent.
The return was signed under duress.
One of the individuals filed a timely original return using Single, Married Filing Separate (MFS), or Head of Household (HOH) and the joint return is not a valid amended return.
To determine if the taxpayers resided in a state that recognizes common law marriage, see IRM, Common Law Marriage.
The marriage may not be legal for Federal tax purposes (even if the claim is received after the due date) and the claim allowed if the following verification is present:
Court documents showing the marriage was not valid for the tax period involved: Copy of divorce decree or separate maintenance,
Documents verifying that the taxpayers did not live together during the last six months of the tax year, such as a lease agreement, utility bills, etc., or
An affidavit, signed and sworn under penalty of perjury, stating the marriage does not exist.
Follow IRM, Married Filing Joint or Married Filing Separate is Invalid or Filed with Incorrect Status. An allocation of all return income, credits, and payments is required. If the taxpayer does not provide an allocation, use internal research resources to complete the allocation. Refer to IRM, Allocating Married Filing Joint Cases, for additional information. Refer to IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General, IRM, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - General, and their subsections to determine if the IJE return affected issuance of Economic Impact Payments, advance payments of ACTC, or application of any other tax provision intended to provide taxpayers with relief during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If the taxpayers involved are considered legally married, determine if a case meets the invalid joint election criteria by considering all available information. Tacit consent factors will be considered and are found in IRM, Tacit Consent Factors.
Close the case as no consideration for both the IJE and IDT claim, after reviewing the account for tacit consent factors when:
There is not enough information to either rule out or prove tacit consent was implied, and
The taxpayer has submitted no further documentation supporting their invalid joint election or identity theft claim.
Close the case as No IDT after reviewing the account for tacit consent factors when:-
Research supports determining the taxpayer who filed the return could logically believe they were filing an accurate return with the reporting person’s consent based on the tacit consent factors considered.
Close the case as IJE after reviewing the account for tacit consent factors when:-
Research supports determining the joint election was not appropriate after consideration of the reporting person’s statement and documentation and tacit consent is not implied.
Follow the instructions in IRM, Married Filing Joint or Married Filing Separately is Invalid or Filed with Incorrect Status. Do not remove any Compliance assessments or income associated with the taxpayer being removed from the joint return. If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the taxpayer will have a balance owed.
Determine if the taxpayer claiming fraud has a filing requirement. See IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions, for more information. If the taxpayer has not filed or submitted a valid return with their claim, take the following action:
Issue a Letter 5064C advising the taxpayer to submit a completed return including the required signatures or a statement indicating they did not have a filing requirement with a copy of our letter. Suspend the case for 40 days to allow the taxpayer time to respond.
If the taxpayer does not respond to the request for a return or the response does not include a valid return, follow the instructions below:
Prepare Form 2209, Courtesy Investigation, as instructed by IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions.
Issue a Letter 4674C as a closure letter. Include paragraph (a) reminding the taxpayer of their obligation to file a federal tax return.
IDTVA-Exam Only - If AIMS is open, close the claim as "NOIDT" and notify Exam to work the case as an invalid joint election.
Procedures in this section are for cases where IDT has been determined and the IDT return is a nullity. Modules may reflect RIVO involvement, but returns can also be determined to be nullities utilizing IRP data, the Fraud Refund Scheme Listing, decedent taxpayer involvement, or IRPTR/IDRS data decision tree criteria. When the only income reported on an invalid return was earned by the valid taxpayer, the return can be nullified. Any lost refunds on the IDT return should be moved to general ledger (GL) 1545 account. Refer to IRM, Reversing Identity Theft Lost Refunds, for additional guidance.
Each return must be considered separately for each tax year. If all IDT returns on an account can be nullified, the case should be worked as a streamline case. Any IDT returns that cannot be nullified must be worked following non-streamline procedures. See IRM, Non-Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Processing.
You must determine the case type based on one or more of the following:
IDT with RIVO Involvement
IDT with Decedent Taxpayer Involvement
IDT with IRP Data, Refund Scheme or Schedule C Involvement
IDT with Married Filing Joint Scheme Involvement
IDT with Preparer Data Breach Involvement
Bullets 1-5 above are listed in the order in which the streamline process criteria must be considered. In some instances, a case may have characteristics of more than one streamline process. Review the guidance for each process to determine which method will allow you to work your case effectively and efficiently.
Return Integrity & Verification Operation (RIVO) is a pre-refund revenue protection program focused on identifying and stopping fraudulent refunds primarily generated from wage and withholding type of income. Accounts Management utilizes streamline processes to work these IDT cases. Much of this activity occurs very early in the tax year prior to normal processing time frames and involves only originally filed returns.
Accounts with RIVO involvement may show any of the following: a TC 971 with Action Codes 121, 124, 129, 134, 199 (see Exhibit 25.25.5-2, Transaction Code (TC) 971 Action Code (AC) 199 Miscellaneous (MISC) Field Literals for RIVO. If the TC 971 AC 121/124 has been reversed by a TC 972 AC 121/124, the RIVO Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) process has been completed. If the TC 971 AC 134 has been reversed with a TC 972 AC 134 and the refund from the TC 150 has been issued, then RIVO has determined it is no longer interested in the return. If there is no -A freeze and the taxpayer indicates that the TC 150 was backed out in error by RIVO, refer the case for resolution:
Send an e4442 to RIVO stating that the return was backed out in error as identity theft needs to be reinstated. Employees that do not have e4442 capabilities should follow guidance in paragraph (2) of IRM, -R Freeze with RIVO Involvement and the Taxpayer is Claiming Identity Theft.
Place the e4442 in the "RICS RIVO Complex Issue" , Not ID Theft Queue.
On cases with a P- freeze and either of the following is present on the account, only RIVO can release the overpayment with these account conditions. If the account also contains a -A Freeze, work the case using normal procedures, but also refer the case to RIVO to release the freeze. Send an e4442 to RIVO requesting release of the P- Freeze. Use Referral type IRM and select category RICS IVO – CP 53X (TC 841 DLN 77711/77712/77713/77714) from drop-down.
TC 841 DLN Blocking Series 77711, 77712, 77713, or 77714 or
Close all cases with RIVO involvement with the IDT8/IDS8 category code, unless the case meets criteria described in (5) below. Cases where RIVO determined the return to be fraudulent show one of the following:
The account may be completely reversed.
The account will be completely reversed except for a refundable credit.
The account won’t be reversed but TXMOD shows that a CP 05A notice was issued.
The account won’t be reversed but TXMOD shows a MISC field "AMWEX60033 NOCP05A" .
The account may show a TC 971 AC 199 with the MISC field "AMWEX60033 REFEFDS or other similar miscellaneous literals" per Exhibit 25.25.5-2, Transaction Code (TC) 971/Action Code (AC) 199 Miscellaneous (MISC) Field Literals for RIVO. For cases with other MISC literals, the CSR must verify the return is "invalid" .
The account may have been reversed by RIVO, before all the IRP data was made available. CP 36N and CP 36P transcripts generate when any RIVO indicator is on CC TXMOD/ENMOD. The CP 36N generates when the module is in a credit balance and the CP 36P generates when the module is in a zero or debit balance. If there is an -A freeze and your research supports a different determination (e.g., DUPF, IDT1, IDT3, 1040X, etc.,), refer to IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations, for additional information.
Do not attempt to contact RIVO units or route cases to the following controls. Continue to follow established IRM procedures for your case type (examples: DUPF, XRET, IDT(X)/IDS(X), TPRQ, etc.).
Open Control Explanation 14875XXXXX Generic number for closed CI prior year Transcripts. Taxpayer Relations has forwarded the transcript to the generic number 14876XXXXX Generic holding number used to input CC NOREF/NOREFE. RIVO is not actively working the case 148XX Generic number, if the case is not assigned to a specific TE or under the NCAT control -
A return is eligible to be referred to RIVO for verification if it meets all of the following criteria:
The taxpayer has an SSN, not an ITIN
The return was filed by the SSN owner
The case is not a CP 36F
The return is a current year return
IRPTR is not available or does not match the income reported on the "current" year return
IRPTR is not "fully loaded" for the "current" tax year
If And Then (1) The 2nd return does not match IRPTR, or IRPTR information is not available, and the 2nd return is eligible to be referred to RIVO, RIVO determined the 1st return to be fraudulent per paragraph (4) above
meets all the requirements in paragraph (7),Perform the following actions: -
Accept the RIVO determination that the original return is fraudulent
Open a control base to RIVO 1487777777, C# AMTOVERIFY, A using Category Code MXEN
(2) Unresolved credits remain on the module with no subsequent adjustment action or activity by RIVO, Memphis QRP, Brookhaven Pre-Refund Team or Exam, Freeze condition involves an -A freeze, Do not open a new control base.
Close all previous erroneous open control bases for 1487500000, 1487599998, 0650199999, and 0654599998.
Also update the activity to" CLSTOIDTVA" This way RIVO will know IDTVA is resolving the case. -
Proceed to IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) Cases/Transcripts with RIVO and/or TPP Involvement - Resolution Tables, for additional processing guidance.
Cases with deceased indicators can be identified on CC INOLET or IMFOLE with the actual date of death (DOD) displayed on IDRS. Fraudulent activity on a deceased taxpayers’ account usually occurs very early in the tax year, prior to normal processing time frames, and involves only originally filed returns.
Decedent cases usually require the filing of a Form 1310, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer. Check for evidence that is required when processing a deceased taxpayer’s return. See IRM, Processing Decedent Account Refunds, for additional information.
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
Use category code IDT8/IDS8, see Exhibit 25.23.4-9, IDTVA-A Identity Theft (IDT) Work Types Listing.
Proceed to IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, for additional processing guidance.
When conducting research on cases, you should determine the type of case you are working, such as invalid/valid, valid/invalid, or invalid/invalid, etc. Before proceeding with case processing, complete and thorough research must be conducted. To aid you in resolving the case, you will use various IRM guidance throughout this section and other IRM sections, in addition to resources listed below.
IRM, Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview
IRP Data - Research CC IRPTR/TRDBV to review case for W-2’s, 1099’s etc.
IRPTR/IDRS Data Decision Tree - The decision tree in Exhibit 25.23.4-1 was created to assist employees in reviewing cases with specific characteristics of fraud
IRM, IRSN Required for Identity Theft (IDT) Return - For IRSN processing, an IRSN should be created as a last resort when employees are not able to make a CN determination on one or both returns
IRM, Identity Theft Claims Submitted by Individuals Who Do Not Appear to be the Victims
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
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For returns with Schedule C income, complete research must be performed. A determination must be made whether the original return can be nullified or if it must be moved to an IRSN. This is regardless of whether the refund was lost, offset or falls under the no lost refund process.
To treat a return with Schedule C income as a nullity, there must be a high probability that the Schedule C return was not filed by the TIN owner.
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In situations where it cannot be easily determined whether a return with Schedule C income should be treated as a nullity, move the return to an IRSN. Also refer to IRM, Non-Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Processing.
If the refund is "not lost" or only partially lost, the lead or manager must review the case and concur with the nullity determination to ensure the return is not nullified in error. Accurate and complete research must be performed, in order to avoid a potential missed assessment. CSR/TE should include a case message of Schedule C determination and suspend to the work leader/manager for approval. Prior to requesting approval, CSR/TE must input a case note with their determination. If a work leader/manager concurs with the findings and the return(s) are nullified, a CII case note will be placed on CII indicating "Manager or Lead concurs with determination" , or similar remarks.
In situations where a Schedule C return with a "no lost refund" was treated as a nullity and the taxpayer submits another claim or makes an inquiry about the refund, refer the case to ITVA HQ via secure email. Prepare and email Form 4442 using the subject line: “Schedule C nullity – refund inquiry” to ITVA HQ or similar remarks. Document all research completed in a CII case note and/or on Form 4442. Attach Form 4442 to your CII case. Suspend the case awaiting a response from ITVA HQ. Upon receipt, the account will be researched. A response on how to address the account will be received within 7 business days.
Proceed to IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, for additional processing guidance.
You can identify taxpayers known to be impacted by a preparer data breach by a TC 971 AC 123 MISC "PREPARER CONTACT" with no secondary date on CC ENMOD/IMFOLE. The indicator is placed on the accounts of taxpayers whose tax return preparer has notified the Service of compromised PII due to a data breach.
A taxpayer may submit a Form 14039, police report, or correspondence indicating their preparer advised them of their personal information potentially being compromised due to a data breach incident. A TC 971 AC 123 MISC "PREPARER CONTACT" may or may not be present in these instances. Conduct research as described below to determine if the taxpayer is impacted by identity theft.
Taxpayers are not always aware they are impacted by a data breach. Caution must be used when speaking with the taxpayer to avoid inadvertent disclosure of this account information even after verifying the taxpayer’s identity. The external business/preparer is responsible for advising the taxpayer of the incident.
Identity theft returns resulting from an external business/preparer data breach may appear to be duplicate or amended returns. These fraudulent returns may include:
Duplicate or similar information to previously filed returns.
Income information that is consistent with filing history and/or matches IRPTR data.
The same or similar tax return preparer information.
Different refund/direct deposit information.
If it appears the valid taxpayer received a refund related to a fraudulent return filed due to a data breach incident, refer to IRM, TIN Owners Receiving Fraudulent Refunds in Preparer Data Breach Scheme.
The presence of a TC 971 AC 123 MISC "PREPARER CONTACT" on a taxpayer’s entity does not confirm identity theft. Complete research must be conducted to verify the taxpayer’s claim. Returns determined to be invalid can be resolved following streamline procedures. Account research and the determination must be documented in a CII case note. Use the table below to assist in making Common Number (CN) ownership determinations when an external business/preparer data breach indicator is present.
When the taxpayer is reporting income related IDT for any tax year, the presence of a TC 971 AC 123 will not be considered when conducting research. Normal procedures will be followed to make a determination and resolve the account.
If And Then (1) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence indicating identity theft is received, there is a TC 971 AC 123 MISC "PREPARER CONTACT" present, The only difference between the posted return and duplicate return is the refund/direct deposit information, -
Consider the taxpayer submitting the identity theft claim to be the valid taxpayer. Refer to paragraph (7) below.
(2) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence indicating identity theft is received, there is a TC 971 AC 123 MISC "PREPARER CONTACT" present, There is no difference between the posted return and duplicate return; this is a true duplicate, -
When the name/address, dependents, income/credits, tax preparer/3rd party contact authorization, and refund/direct deposit/balance due information are all consistent with the filing history of the valid taxpayer, or if after researching the account, you cannot find evidence of tax related identity theft, refer to paragraph (6) below.
When the name/address, dependents, income/credits, tax preparer/3rd party contact authorization, and/or refund/direct deposit/balance due information are not consistent with the filing history of the valid taxpayer, there is a high probability the valid taxpayer has not filed a return. Consider the taxpayer submitting the identity theft claim to be the valid taxpayer. Refer to paragraph (7) below.
(3) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence indicating identity theft is received, there is a TC 971 AC 123 MISC "PREPARER CONTACT" present, There is only one return present, -
When the name/address, dependents, income/credits, tax preparer/3rd party contact authorization, and refund/direct deposit/balance due information are all consistent with the filing history of the valid taxpayer, refer to paragraph (6) below.
When the name/address, dependents, income/credits, tax preparer/3rd party contact authorization, and/or refund/direct deposit/balance due information are not consistent with the filing history of the valid taxpayer, there is a high probability the valid taxpayer has not filed a return. Consider the taxpayer submitting the identity theft claim to be the valid taxpayer. Refer to paragraph (7) below.
(4) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence indicating identity theft due to an external business/preparer data breach is received, TC 971 AC 123 MISC “PREPARER CONTACT” is not present, -
Document your research and determination in a CII case note. Lead/Manager concurrence with the determination must be received and documented in a CII case note prior to taking action on the account.
Once concurrence is received, follow procedures in the applicable table scenario (above).
Returns filed using information obtained from a preparer data breach have a higher likelihood of being processed as valid returns. When a taxpayer is known to have been affected by a preparer data breach incident but has not yet been impacted by tax related identity theft, the Service will take additional precautions to protect the taxpayer’s account. Take the following actions to resolve accounts with the TC 971 AC 123 "PREPARER CONTACT" indicator when an invalid return has not been filed:
Input TC 971 AC 506 with MISC "WI AM OTHER" . For the secondary date, use the current filing year or the year of breach, if known. Do Not input a TC 971 AC 504.
Issue Letter 4674C . Include paragraphs I, 7, 8, w, y, and #. For international taxpayers, use / in place of #.
If the TC 971 AC 506 is not input prior to cycle 47 of the processing year, an IP PIN/CP01A will not generate for the upcoming filing season. Use the following special paragraphs in addition to the paragraphs above:
9:"Because we processed your claim late in the year, we are unable to mail an IP PIN in December or January for this upcoming filing season. File your return as normal for this tax season. We will mail you an IP PIN next December or January. If your address changes before December, you will need to complete Form 8822, Change of Address. Visit www.IRS.gov."
!:"If you want an IP PIN to use for the upcoming tax year, visit our website at www.irs.gov/your-account. A new IP PIN generates each year in mid-January. You can retrieve it by logging into your account at www.irs.gov/your-account. If you chose to create an account to obtain an IP PIN, you will not receive a notice in December or January as stated above."
Follow procedures in IRM, External Business/Preparer Data Breach Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) - One Return Present, or IRM, External Business/Preparer Data Breach Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) - More Than One Return Present, to correct the account.
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If the taxpayer says they transferred the refund amount to the criminal, mistakenly believing they were repaying the refund to the IRS, but does not provide the written documentation described in (4) above, the refund will be treated as if the taxpayer had full access and use of it. Take the following action:
If Then (1) The taxpayer did not file a return, -
Follow the "no lost" refund procedures in paragraph (2) of IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing, to correct the taxpayer’s account.
Follow the procedures in IRM, Account Actions For Category D Erroneous Refunds, to request repayment of the refund.
(2) The taxpayer did file a return, -
Follow the procedures in IRM, Invalid Return/Valid Return - No Lost Refund, to correct the taxpayer’s account.
If the refund issued on the IDT return is greater that the refund on the taxpayer’s return, follow the procedures in IRM, Account Actions For Category D Erroneous Refunds, to request repayment of the difference.
Consider the case to meet One Return IDT when any of the following account conditions exist. Take the necessary actions to resolve the account as described.
If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed.
If And Then (1) Only one return meeting nullity criteria has posted (TC 150): For the year in question, the taxpayer: -
Was not of age to work,
Is deceased,
Does not have a filing requirement, or
Has not yet filed a return.
Ensure CII case notes include your research, determination, and lead/managerial approval to nullify the invalid return.
Update the taxpayer’s entity information to reflect the CN owner’s name, current address, and phone number, if provided.
Input an adjustment to fully back out the return. Use BS 05 and RC 139. Use HC 3 if the adjustment will not result in a credit remaining on the module. Use HC 4 to prevent a refund of any remaining credits, when necessary.
If resolving IDT for the current or two immediately preceding tax years, input TC 971 AC 850 when the invalid return includes direct deposit information.
If the valid taxpayer received the refund from the invalid return, see IRM, TIN Owners Receiving Fraudulent Refunds in Preparer Data Breach Scheme.
If any portion of the refund is lost, see IRM, Reversing Identity Theft Lost Refunds.
Input TC 971 AC 501/506, as appropriate.
Refer to IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions, to determine if the taxpayer has a filing requirement, and take appropriate actions.
Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-21 , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, for additional account actions that may be required.
(2) Only one return filed by the valid taxpayer has posted (TC 150): A second, unprocessed return meeting nullity criteria has been received. -
Input TC 290 .00 with BS 05 and RC 139. Use HC 3 if the adjustment will not result in a credit remaining on the module. Use HC 4 to prevent a refund of any remaining credits, when necessary.
Input TC 971 AC 501/506, as appropriate.
Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-21 , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, for additional account actions that may be required.
Follow the procedures below when multiple returns are present.
If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed.
Statute year returns require additional research prior to taking action on an account. Review IRM, Statute Processing Considerations, to ensure all applicable statutes are protected.
If And Then (1) Multiple invalid returns are present, For the year in question, the taxpayer: -
Was not of age to work,
Is deceased,
Does not have a filing requirement, or
Has not yet filed a return.
Ensure CII case notes include your research, determination, and lead/managerial approval to nullify the invalid returns.
Update the taxpayer’s entity information to reflect the CN owner’s name, current address, and phone number, if provided.
If resolving IDT for the current or two immediately preceding tax years, input TC 971 AC 850 when the invalid return includes direct deposit information.
Input an adjustment to fully back out the return(s). Use BS 05 and RC 139. Use HC 3 if the adjustment will not result in a credit remaining on the module. Use HC 4 to prevent a refund of any remaining credits, when necessary.
If the valid taxpayer received the refund from the invalid return, see IRM, TIN Owners Receiving Fraudulent Refunds in Preparer Data Breach Scheme.
If any portion of the refund is lost, see IRM, Reversing Identity Theft Lost Refunds.
Input TC 971 AC 501/506, as appropriate.
Refer to IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions, to determine if the taxpayer has a filing requirement, and take appropriate actions.
Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-21 , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, for additional account actions that may be required.
(2) The valid taxpayer’s return has posted as the TC 150, At least one invalid return meeting nullity criteria has been received. -
Ensure CII case notes include your research, determination, and lead/managerial approval to nullify the invalid return(s).
Input TC 290 .00 with BS 05 and RC 139. Use HC 3 if the adjustment will not result in a credit remaining on the module. Use HC 4 to prevent a refund of any remaining credits, when necessary.
Input TC 971 AC 501/506, as appropriate.
Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-21 , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, for additional account actions that may be required.
(3) An invalid return has posted as the TC 150, The valid taxpayer’s return has been received. -
Ensure CII case notes include your research, determination, and lead/managerial approval to nullify the invalid return(s).
Update the taxpayer’s entity information to reflect the CN owner’s name, current address, and phone number, if provided.
If the valid taxpayer’s return does not have a posted TC 976, see IRM, Unprocessed Documents, for applicable procedures.
If resolving IDT for the current or two immediately preceding tax years, input TC 971 AC 850 when the invalid return includes direct deposit information.
Input an adjustment to the valid return figures, as allowable. Use BS 00 and RC 139. Use HC 3 or HC 4 when a credit remaining on the module must be held.
If the valid taxpayer received the refund from the invalid return, see IRM, TIN Owners Receiving Fraudulent Refunds in Preparer Data Breach Scheme.
If any portion of the refund is lost, see IRM, Reversing Identity Theft Lost Refunds.
Input TC 971 AC 501/506, as appropriate.
Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-21 , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, for additional account actions that may be required.
You can identify taxpayers known to be impacted by tax preparation software misuse by a TC 971 AC 123 with specific MISC fields on CC ENMOD/IMFOLE. An indicator is placed on the accounts of taxpayers when the Service is notified of compromised PII due to tax preparation software misuse. Refer to the following list of the MISC fields for incidents that have been reported to the Service.
"TTAX LIST" - Intuit/TurboTax has reported an attempt to misuse the taxpayer’s PII.
This indicator is only used to mark accounts that have the potential to be impacted by tax related identity theft. Thorough research must be conducted to make a determination prior to taking any actions on the account.
A taxpayer may submit a Form 14039, police report, or correspondence indicating their tax preparation software company advised them of their personal information being compromised. A TC 971 AC 123 with a MISC field listed above may or may not be present in these instances. Conduct research as described below to determine if the taxpayer is impacted by identity theft.
Taxpayers are not always aware their PII was used to create a new account or attempt to file a tax return with the tax preparation software they have used in the past. Caution must be used when speaking with the taxpayer to avoid inadvertent disclosure of this account information even after verifying the taxpayer’s identity. The tax preparation software company is responsible for advising the taxpayer of the incident.
Identity theft returns resulting from tax preparation software misuse may appear to be duplicate or amended returns. These fraudulent returns may include:
Duplicate or similar information to previously filed returns.
Income information that is consistent with filing history and/or matches IRPTR data.
The same or similar tax return preparer information.
Different refund/direct deposit information.
The presence of a TC 971 AC 123 with a MISC field listed in paragraph (1) above on a taxpayer’s entity does not confirm identity theft. Complete research must be conducted to verify the taxpayer’s claim. Returns determined to be invalid can be resolved following streamline procedures. Use the table below to assist in making Common Number (CN) ownership determinations when misuse of tax preparation software is suspected.
When the taxpayer is reporting income related IDT for any tax year, the presence of a TC 971 AC 123 will not be considered when conducting research. Normal procedures will be followed to make a determination and resolve the account.
If And Then (1) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence reporting identity theft is received, there is a TC 971 AC 123 MISC field indicating misuse of tax preparation software present, The only difference between the posted return and duplicate return is the refund/direct deposit information, -
Consider the taxpayer submitting the identity theft claim to be the valid taxpayer. Refer to paragraph (6) below.
(2) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence reporting identity theft is received, there is a TC 971 AC 123 MISC field indicating misuse of tax preparation software present, There is no difference between the posted return and duplicate return; this is a true duplicate, -
When the name/address, dependents, income/credits, tax preparer/3rd party contact authorization, and refund/direct deposit/balance due information are all consistent with the filing history of the valid taxpayer, or if after researching the account, you cannot find evidence of tax related identity theft, refer to paragraph (5) below.
When the name/address, dependents, income/credits, tax preparer/3rd party contact authorization, and/or refund/direct deposit/balance due information are not consistent with the filing history of the valid taxpayer, there is a high probability the valid taxpayer has not filed a return. Consider the taxpayer submitting the identity theft claim to be the valid taxpayer. Refer to paragraph (6) below.
(3) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence reporting identity theft is received, there is a TC 971 AC 123 MISC field indicating misuse of tax preparation software present, There is only one return present, -
When the name/address, dependents, income/credits, tax preparer/3rd party contact authorization, and refund/direct deposit/balance due information are all consistent with the filing history of the valid taxpayer, refer to paragraph (5) below.
When the name/address, dependents, income/credits, tax preparer/3rd party contact authorization, and/or refund/direct deposit/balance due information are not consistent with the filing history of the valid taxpayer, there is a high probability the valid taxpayer has not filed a return. Consider the taxpayer submitting the identity theft claim to be the valid taxpayer. Refer to paragraph (6) below.
(4) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence reporting identity theft is received, there is a TC 971 AC 123 MISC field indicating misuse of tax preparation software present, The are multiple differences between the posted return and duplicate return, -
Follow normal procedures to make an identity theft CN ownership determination without consideration of the TC 971 AC 123 present.
(5) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence indicating identity theft due to tax preparation software misuse is received, TC 971 AC 123 MISC “PREPARER CONTACT” is not present, -
Document your research and determination in a CII case note. Lead/Manager concurrence with the determination must be received and documented in a CII case note prior to taking action on the account.
When a taxpayer is known to have been affected by misuse of tax preparation software but has not yet been impacted by tax related identity theft (i.e., invalid return received), the Service will take additional precautions to protect the taxpayer’s account. Take the following actions to resolve accounts identified by a TC 971 AC 123 with a MISC field listed in paragraph (1) above when an invalid return has not been filed:
Input TC 971 AC 504 with MISC "NKI-M" .
Issue Letter 4402C. Include two selectable open paragraph selections. Use the following special paragraphs:
“We received your identity theft claim regarding the fraudulent account and possible fraudulent filing of a tax return by your private tax program. We have processed your claim and placed an indicator on your account. We don’t need any additional information from you.”
“We highly recommend obtaining an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) to protect your account. Additional information can be found below.”
When you have determined the taxpayer is a victim of tax related identity theft (i.e., invalid return received) as a result of tax preparation software misuse, follow the applicable procedures in IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, depending on the facts and circumstances of your case.
When refund related identity theft (IDT) is suspected, the return in question must first be reviewed to determine if it meets streamline criteria, per IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing.
When the return in question does not meet streamline criteria, refer to the applicable scenario below:
Form 14039 or police report was received: IRM, Taxpayer Identified Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations
IRS Identified: IRS Identified Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations: IRM, IRS Identified Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations
Follow the procedures below when a Form 14039 or police report has been received, there is only one return on the module, and the reporting taxpayer is stating they did not file the return in question. Ensure all required research has been completed prior to making a determination of Common Number (CN) ownership. See IRM, Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview, and its subsections for detailed instructions. Document your research and determination in a CII case note.
If And Then (1) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence has been received, The claim and posted return contain different addresses, -
If supported by your research, treat the identity theft inquiry as belonging to the valid taxpayer.
If your research does not support determining in favor of the taxpayer who submitted the inquiry, correspond with both taxpayers to secure necessary documentation to make a determination. Refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written). Include the questionnaire. Refer to IRM, Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions Sent to Determine Common Number Ownership, and IRM, Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C Sent for Common Number Ownership), when the suspense timeframe has passed.
(2) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence has been received and the return on file also includes an IDT claim, The claim and posted return contain different addresses, -
Correspond with both taxpayers to secure necessary documentation to make a determination. Refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written). Include the questionnaire. Refer to IRM, Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions Sent to Determine Common Number Ownership, and IRM, Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C Sent for Common Number Ownership), when the suspense timeframe has passed.
(3) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence has been received, The claim and posted return contain the same address, -
If supported by your research, treat the identity theft inquiry as belonging to the valid taxpayer.
If your research does not support a determination of identity theft, see IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations.
(4) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence has been received and the return on file also includes an IDT claim, The claim and posted return contain the same address, -
Correspond to secure necessary documentation to make a determination. Refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written). Include the questionnaire. Refer to IRM, Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions Sent to Determine Common Number Ownership, and IRM, Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C Sent for Common Number Ownership), when the suspense timeframe has passed.
Follow the procedures below when a Form 14039 or police report has been received, there are multiple returns, and the reporting taxpayer is stating they did not file the return in question. Ensure all required research has been completed prior to making a determination of CN ownership. See IRM, Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview, and its subsections for detailed instructions.
If And Then (1) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence is included with only one return, The returns contain different addresses, -
If supported by your research, treat the identity theft inquiry as belonging to the valid taxpayer.
If your research does not support determining in favor of the taxpayer who submitted the inquiry, correspond with both taxpayers to secure necessary documentation to make a determination. Refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written). Include the questionnaire. Refer to IRM, Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions Sent to Determine Common Number Ownership, and IRM, Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C Sent for Common Number Ownership), when the suspense timeframe has passed.
(2) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence is included with only one return, The returns contain the same address, -
If supported by your research, treat the identity theft inquiry as belonging to the valid taxpayer.
If your research does not support a determination of identity theft, see IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations.
(3) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence is included with multiple returns, The returns contain the same address, -
Correspond to secure necessary documentation to make a determination. Refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written). Include the questionnaire. Refer to IRM, Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions Sent to Determine Common Number Ownership, and IRM, Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C Sent for Common Number Ownership), when the suspense timeframe has passed.
(4) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence is received separate from any return, and
Multiple returns have been filed under the common number,None of the returns contain the same address as the current or previous address provided on the identity theft inquiry, -
If supported by your research, treat the identity theft inquiry as belonging to the valid taxpayer.
If your research does not support determining in favor of the taxpayer who submitted the inquiry, correspond with all taxpayers to secure necessary documentation to make a determination. Refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written). Include the questionnaire. Refer to IRM, Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions Sent to Determine Common Number Ownership, and IRM, Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C Sent for Common Number Ownership), when the suspense timeframe has passed.
(5) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence is received separate from any return, and
Multiple returns have been filed under the common number,At least one (but not all) of the returns contains the same address as the current or previous address provided on the identity theft inquiry, -
If supported by your research, treat the identity theft inquiry and return(s) containing the same address as belonging to the valid taxpayer.
If your research does not support determining in favor of the taxpayer who submitted the inquiry, correspond with all taxpayers to secure necessary documentation to make a determination. Refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written). Include the questionnaire. Refer to IRM, Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions Sent to Determine Common Number Ownership, and IRM, Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C Sent for Common Number Ownership), when the suspense timeframe has passed.
(6) A Form 14039, police report, or correspondence is received separate from any return, and
Multiple returns have been filed under the common number,All of the returns contain the same address as the current or previous address provided on the identity theft inquiry, -
Correspond with all taxpayers to secure necessary documentation to make a determination. Refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written). Include the questionnaire. Refer to IRM, Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions Sent to Determine Common Number Ownership, and IRM, Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C Sent for Common Number Ownership), when the suspense timeframe has passed.
(7) More than one Form 14039, police report, or correspondence indicating an identity theft issue under the same TIN have been received, The reporting taxpayers have different addresses, -
Research the case as a possible Scrambled SSN. See IRM, Required Research, for additional information.
Correspond with all taxpayers to secure necessary documentation to make a determination. Refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written). Include the questionnaire. Refer to IRM, Actions Based on No Response or Taxpayer Responses to Letter 5064C and/or Supplementary Questions Sent to Determine Common Number Ownership, and IRM, Final Stage Review (Associated with Letter 5064C Sent for Common Number Ownership), when the suspense timeframe has passed.
Follow the procedures below when a Form 14039 or police report has not been received and identity theft is suspected. Ensure all required research has been completed prior to making a determination of Common Number (CN) ownership. See IRM, Research, Actions and Complete Case Analysis - Overview, and its subsections for detailed instructions.
If And Then (1) Identity theft is suspected, and a claim has not been received (IRSID), All of the following conditions are met: -
This is the first time one of the taxpayers has used the CN AND the other taxpayer has used the CN for more than one year.
The filing history is appropriate for the DOB associated with the CN.
Consider the taxpayer who has used the CN for more than one year to be the valid taxpayer.
Add a CII case note documenting your research and stating "1st Year Rule" to identify the scenario used to make the determination.
(2) Identity theft is suspected, and a claim has not been received (IRSID), All of the following conditions are met: -
One of the taxpayers has used the CN for 3 or more years AND the other taxpayer has used the CN for less than 3 years.
The filing history is appropriate for the DOB associated with the CN.
Consider the taxpayer who has used the CN for 3 or more years to be the valid taxpayer.
Add a CII case note documenting your research and stating "3 Year Rule" to identify the scenario used to make the determination.
(3) Identity theft is suspected, and a claim has not been received (IRSID), All of the following conditions are met: -
Complete and careful research provides reasonable evidence of CN ownership.
A CN ownership determination cannot be made using scenario (1) or (2).
Leave a CII case note documenting all research completed, including the evidence that supports your determinations.
Refer the case for managerial/lead concurrence with the determination made. A CII case note documenting concurrence with the determination must be input prior to taking action to resolve the account.
(4) Identity theft is suspected, and a claim has not been received (IRSID), All of the following conditions are met: -
Complete and careful research does not result in reasonable evidence of CN ownership.
A CN ownership determination cannot be made using scenarios (1), (2), or (3).
Your research does not support a determination of identity theft. Follow procedures in IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations
Dependent related identity theft (IDT) claims are received when misuse of a dependent’s TIN is suspected. Refer to the list below for examples of tax related dependent IDT scenarios:
A taxpayer’s dependent is listed as a primary taxpayer, secondary taxpayer, or dependent on an invalid return.
An individual is listed as a dependent on the return of a taxpayer who is not their parent/legal guardian (whose identity may or may not be known by the reporting person).
A taxpayer is not a dependent of anyone but is listed as a dependent on a return filed by an individual they do not know or an individual (who is not their parent/legal guardian) they do know who does so without their knowledge or consent.
Dependent related IDT may be IRS identified when misuse of a TIN occurs on a return determined to be invalid. Each dependent on the fraudulent return must be addressed. When establishing the entity of the dependent, use a Service Center address when a valid address cannot be identified. See IRM, Campus Address Used Only When Taxpayer Address is Unavailable.
See the list below for additional information regarding all dependent related IDT cases:
Dependent related IDT cases will be assigned under the dependent’s TIN. See IRM, CII and IDRS Case Controls, for additional information regarding case creation and assignment for additional impacted tax years identified through research.
Dependent related IDT cases will only be referred to IDTVA Specialty Functions when the claim is also related to a Compliance assessment made. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-5, IDTVA Routing Matrix, for additional information regarding roles and responsibilities within IDTVA.
All required correspondence normally issued to an individual submitting an identity theft claim will be issued under the dependent’s TIN. Correspondence will be addressed to the dependent and their representative if there is information in the Continuation of Primary Name (i.e., parent/guardian, POA, etc.). When a taxpayer and their dependent are both determined to be victims of identity theft, separate correspondence will be sent. Refer to IRM, Communicating with Taxpayers, for additional information.
Research conducted may support making a determination for multiple individuals; however, all CII cases, case documentation, correspondence, and closing actions will be addressed on an individual basis.
The accounts of individuals determined to be victims of identity theft will be resolved. When the misuse of a dependent’s TIN is included on the filing of a return that is not determined to be fraudulent (i.e., the return is verifiable and cannot be determined to be refund related IDT), the account will not be adjusted to remove the dependent and/or dependent-related credits claimed. This will not prevent resolution of the dependent’s IDT issue.
When a determination of No IDT is made, advise the individual they may be able to obtain an IP PIN through the opt in process to protect their identity in the future.
When a determination of dependent related IDT has been made, TC 971 AC 528 will be input using:
Use MISC Field Code: "WI IP DEPND"
Use Secondary Date: January 1st of the current year to signify the processing year.
Dependent related IDT affecting tax administration is a form of tax related IDT. Input TC 971 AC 501 upon resolution if the taxpayer identified the issue. When the issue was IRS identified, Input TC 971 AC 506 upon resolution.
See IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501, and
IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for more information.
Dependent related IDT that does not affect tax administration (i.e., dependent’s TIN was used to obtain a credit card or identification) will be resolved following procedures in IRM, Self-Identified - Non-Tax-Related Identity Theft - IDT4. A TC 971 AC 504 will be input upon resolution of non-tax-related issues.
When working a case that is dependent related (i.e., Form 14039 states dependent issue, dependent issue is IRS identified, etc.), follow procedures in IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - Determinations, to conduct the necessary research and make a determination related to suspected misuse of a dependent’s TIN.
An individual may report dependent related IDT for themselves or on behalf of another individual. Use caution when providing information to ensure you do not inadvertently provide tax account information to an unauthorized individual.
Prior to completing the required research, determine if the entity needs to be established or updated for the dependent in question. Do not include the word minor unless the correspondence includes the word minor in the Form 14039 Section B explanation or correspondence from the taxpayer. The dependent’s age will not be used to identify them as a minor due to extenuating circumstances that may exist. Do not include the reporting person’s information in the Continuation of Primary Name field. See IRM, Establishing a New Account (TC 000), and Exhibit 25.23.4-22, Establishing or Updating Entities for Dependents, for more information.
If parent/legal guardianship is in question, do not establish or update the dependent’s entity with the reporting person’s address until acceptable documentation is provided. If acceptable documentation is not provided, refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-22, Establishing or Updating Entities for Dependents, to determine the correct address to use.Note:
Include the telephone number from the case documents when establishing or updating the entity when it has been determined the correspondence was submitted by or on behalf of the dependent (not an unauthorized third party). If it is determined the address on the documentation will not be used based on procedures within Exhibit 25.23.4-22, Establishing or Updating Entities for Dependents, do not include the telephone number provided in the correspondence.
A parent/legal guardian may file a Form 14039 on behalf of their dependent. Section F is designated to provide information in these instances.
Do not reject incomplete Forms 14039.
If the parent/legal guardian relationship cannot be confirmed using the information provided and internal research, request proof of the relationship (i.e., court order, adoption certificate, or other legal documentation). Refer to the table below for a list of acceptable documentation and IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written).
If the claim was submitted on behalf of an adult dependent (age 18 or older at the time of signature date), request proof of legal guardianship (i.e., court order, etc.). Proof of the relationship alone is not sufficient for these cases. Refer to the table below for a list of acceptable documentation and IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written).
Acceptable Documentation Unacceptable Documentation Court Order Written statement from parent (even if notarized) -
Birth Certificate
Adoption Documentation
Form 8332, Release/Revocation of Release of Claim to Exemption for Child by Custodial Parent Foster Care Placement Documentation
Refer questionable foster care placement documentation to ITVA HQ as described in the note below.-
School records
Proof of medical insurance
For any documentation provided that is not listed in the table above, prepare and email Form 4442 using the subject line: Dependent - Proof of Guardianship (or similar) to ITVA HQ. Document all research completed in a CII case note and/or on Form 4442. Attach Form 4442 to your CII case. Suspend the case awaiting a response from ITVA HQ. Upon receipt, the account will be researched. A response on how to address the account will be received within 7 business days.
When acceptable documentation has not been provided, issue a closing letter to the reporting person following procedures for corresponding with a person who is not an authorized third party. Do not include a paragraph requesting a Form 2848 , Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, or Form 8821 , Tax Information Authorization, for these cases. See IRM , General IDTVA Letter Procedures, for additional information. If a valid separate address is available for the dependent, the dependent and reporting person will each receive a separate letter. -
Claims filed by an individual reporting to be a victim of dependent related IDT will be considered if the individual is at least age 16 as of the signature date on the claim. If the claim is not signed, use the postmark date on the envelope, if available. If neither is present, use the IRS received date for purposes of considering the claimant’s age at the time the claim is made.
If the claimant is at least age 16, continue to paragraph (7) below.
If the claimant is under age 16, the claim will not be considered. Send a closing Letter 916C to the address provided on the claim. Include paragraphs: F, T, and 1. In paragraph T, explain that a signed statement from their parent or legal guardian must be received before we can consider their identity theft claim.
Conduct a review of prior years (a minimum of three prior years, if available) and all subsequent years. The prior year review will continue in one-year increments until no indications of dependent TIN use are found. After completing the required research, continue to paragraph (8) to make a determination. Refer to the table below for research paths appropriate for the facts and circumstances of the case.
Use of the TIN-Related Worksheet may be beneficial for identifying any consistencies and/or inconsistencies in the filing history.
There are various IAT tools available to aid in completing the research described in the table below.
For purposes of research only, the asserted victim of identity theft will be referred to as the "victim" in the table below, and the asserted thief will be referred to as the "individual in question" . The validity of the claim will be determined after completion of all necessary research.
If Then (1) The reporting person provides the TIN of the individual they believe committed identity theft, -
Research the TIN of the individual in question. Use any combination of the following systems and/or IDRS Command Codes (CC) to review the filing history:
While reviewing the filing history, consider the following:
Was the victim claimed as a dependent for the tax year in question?
How many years has the victim been claimed as a dependent of the individual in question?
What is the relationship between the victim and individual in question?
Has the victim filed tax returns as a primary or secondary taxpayer for any of the tax years included in the research period?
If the victim has filed returns, did they claim the self-exemption?
(2) The reporting person provides only the name and address of the individual they believe committed identity theft, or
The reporting person provides the last name and last 4 digits of the TIN belonging to the individual they believe committed identity theft,-
Use IDRS CC NAMES/NAMEI to locate the TIN of the individual in question when the name and address are provided.
Use IDRS CC TPIIP to locate the TIN of the individual in question when the last name and last 4 digits of the TIN are provided.
If a TIN is located, follow procedures in table scenario (1) above to conduct the necessary research.
If a TIN is not located, follow procedures in table scenario (3) below.
(3) The reporting person does not provide the name, address, or TIN of the individual they believe committed identity theft and the claim is for the current or two immediately preceding years, -
Use IDRS CC DDBKD to determine if the victim has been listed as a dependent of anyone for the current or two immediately preceding years.
If a TIN is located, follow procedures in table scenario (1) above to conduct the necessary research.
If a TIN is not located, the dependent is not a victim of identity theft. Document your research and No IDT determination in a CII case note. Then follow procedures in IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations.
If the reporting person is not an authorized third party, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, for additional letter requirements.
(4) After consideration of the information available, you are unable to identify a taxpayer claiming the victim as a dependent, and the claim is for a year that is not available on CC DDBKD, -
Follow procedures in paragraph (8) Table Scenario (1).
After you have completed the necessary research, refer to the table below to make an identity theft determination:
If the reporting person provides their TIN instead of the TIN of the dependent in question, update the TIN on the CII case. Add a CII case note documenting the reason for the change (i.e., dependent’s TIN included in statement on Form 14039, dependent’s TIN located through research of reporting person’s filing history, etc.).
Additional impacted years identified through research must be addressed. See IRM, Complete Case Analysis, for additional information.
If the Form 14039 includes a statement regarding non-receipt of EIP or RRC, refer to IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General, and the related subsections after making a determination to respond to the inquiry.
If the Form 14039 includes a statement regarding non-receipt of Advanced Child Tax Credit (AdvCTC), refer to IRM, ARPA - Advanced Child Tax Credit (AdvCTC) - General.
For any questionable dependent case received that does not meet one of the scenarios described above, prepare and email Form 4442 using the subject line: Questionable Dependent (or similar) to ITVA HQ. Document all research completed in a CII case note and/or on Form 4442. Attach Form 4442 to your CII case. Suspend the case awaiting a response from ITVA HQ. Upon receipt, the account will be researched. A response on how to address the account will be received within 7 business days.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), H.R. 133, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) provided eligible individuals with recovery rebate credits (RRC) for tax years 2020 and 2021 that the IRS paid to each eligible individual as an advance payment referred to as Economic Impact Payments (EIP). The IRS issued three EIPs: EIP 1 and EIP 2 (advance payments of the RRC for TY 2020) and EIP 3 (advance payment of the RRC for TY 2021). The IRS was authorized to use certain information included on the taxpayer’s recently filed tax return to determine the taxpayer’s eligibility for each EIP as follows:
EIP 1 - eligibility determined from TY 2019 return (2018 when there is no 2019 return), if filed
EIP 2 - eligibility determined from TY 2019 return, if filed
EIP 3 - eligibility determined from TY 2020 return (2019 when there is no 2020 return), if filed
The IRS created a Non-Filers Tool and made it available for use on irs.gov to allow individuals who had not previously filed returns (because they did not have a filing requirement) to file a tax return to show their eligibility for the RRC and to receive EIP payments.
Although the Non-Filers Tool required verification of the individual’s identity, it was not always used as intended. Examples of misuse include but are not limited to:
Tax returns filed by identity thieves using a taxpayer’s information without their knowledge or consent
Tax returns filed by someone the individual trusted to assist them that intentionally included incorrect direct deposit information
Research must be completed to determine if there is a high probability the return was not filed by the common number (CN) owner. Research may include, but is not limited to:
Comparing filing history for address, filing status, dependents, and direct deposit information
Reviewing IDRS CC IRPTR to confirm the taxpayer does not have a filing requirement
AMS history items
Refer to the table below to determine if the taxpayer is a victim of identity theft related to use of the Non-Filers Tool:
If And Then (1) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence is received stating: -
They did not file the tax return,
Someone helped them but added direct deposit information that does not belong to them, or
They expected to receive the EIP in the mail and did not,
If supported by your research, accept the taxpayer’s claim,
Case resolution will follow streamline processes.
Refer to IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General, and its subsections, and IRM, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - General, and its subsections, to identify and address account issues resulting from use of the Non-Filers Tool.
(2) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence is received stating: -
They did not file the tax return,
Someone helped them but added direct deposit information that does not belong to them, or
They expected to receive the EIP in the mail and did not,
Your research does not support accepting the taxpayer’s claim.
Follow procedures in IRM , No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations.
(3) Form 14039, police report, or correspondence is received stating: -
They did not file the tax return,
Someone helped them but added direct deposit information that does not belong to them, or
They expected to receive the EIP in the mail and did not,
The claim does not provide enough information to make a determination.
Follow procedures in IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written), to request clarification of the identity theft issue.
(4) The case is IRS identified, -
If supported by your research, consider the CN owner a victim of identity theft,
Case resolution will follow streamline processes.
Refer to IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General, and its subsections, and IRM, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - General, and its subsections, to identify and address account issues resulting from use of the Non-Filers Tool.
(5) The case is IRS identified, -
Your research does not support a determination of identity theft,
Follow procedures in IRM , No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations.
The following subsections provide guidance to process identity theft cases when there are statute related issues to be considered.
Use the guidelines in the following subsections when determining whether posted tax account information for a particular year must be moved using Form 12810, Account Transfer Request Checklist.
These guidelines are applicable only if you are having to consider whether you should move posted tax data, e.g., tax, credits, refunds. On the other hand, if, as an example, the only"incorrect" transaction posted is a TC 976 belonging to another taxpayer, you may need to follow the requirement to "move" the TC 976. Moving the TC 976 would involve inputting a TC 971 AC 002 and taking any necessary action to ensure the posting of the TC 976 tax information on the appropriate TIN.
The following guidance is applicable for all tax-related identity theft categories, i.e., IDT(X) and IDS(X).
Stolen identity cases are exempt from normal statute processing. To that end, IDT cases do not truly have a CSED when it was established as the result of processing an invalid return on the module. Any cases received with the statement "Exception IDT1/IDS1 - Identity Theft Account" or Exception IDT3/IDS3 - Identity Theft Account, etc., written in the remarks field of the Form 12810, Account Transfer Request Checklist, are to be processed.
Taxpayers may claim identity theft on tax years 2012 and prior in the following scenarios:
First time filer and current year refund was offset to a prior year
Taxpayer was a minor in the tax year(s) in question
Current year refund was offset due to a prior year assessment
Research the account(s) to determine whether the taxpayer is a victim of IDT. Although IRPTR data may not be available, internal research must be completed to make a determination. Examples of additional information that may be considered include, but are not limited to, RGS/CEAS RTF data or AUR data (CP 2000). IRPTR data for more current years may be used to support a determination based on consistency of income information.
The taxpayer claims they did not file a return for 2004; they were not required to file. In researching IRPTR for more current years, it is determined multiple people are using the SSN for employment purposes. There are IRP documents for the taxpayer which confirms the taxpayer does not have a filing requirement for any of the years. There is a high likelihood the taxpayer did not have a filing requirement for the tax year in question.
Research AMS for the CP 2000 or RGS for the RTF data to determine the information filed on the return in question. Research CC IRPTR for available years to determine if the taxpayer had a filing requirement in other years.
Review AMS, CEAS, or the AUR system for taxpayer interaction with the Service, (i.e., telephone history).
Research the age of the taxpayer and prior filing history.
Ask for additional information that would assist with the determination, if necessary, following procedures in IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written).
If you are unable to obtain additional information but the identity theft allegation can be verified, allow the claim.
Cases where a taxpayer is alleging IDT and the CSED has expired can be identified by the CSED expiration date and a TC 608 on the module. When the invalid return does not meet streamline criteria, refer to the scenarios below to determine if the invalid return needs to be moved to an IRSN.
When the module is not in retention, the invalid return will be moved to an IRSN after the CSED has expired when the valid taxpayer has filed a return that must be processed.
When the valid taxpayer has not filed a return, the invalid return will not be moved to an IRSN after the CSED has expired. Refer to IRM, Action Required if Not Moving Specific Year Account Information.
When an account is in balance due status as of the CSED expiration, a TC 608 will systemically credit the account, bringing the balance to zero. In situations where there is an impact, (i.e., a current year refund was offset to a prior year, levy payments, etc.), and the IDT allegation has been confirmed, credits must be resolved following normal procedures. Addressing these credits will create a balance due. As a result, the TC 608 will reset systemically.
When Notices of Federal Lien (NFTL) are filed on liabilities, the Service does not notify the credit bureaus. The credit bureaus research public filings and, in certain cases, may place NFTL information on taxpayer credit reports.
When a CSED expires, liens are automatically released. The Service is not required to report to the credit bureaus when liens are released. A Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, will not be issued to the taxpayer in this situation.
In situations where a taxpayer may be a victim of IDT for a year where the CSED has expired, research the account to make the determination. If IDT is confirmed, do not adjust the account unless there are payments or offsets that need to be transferred or refunded to the valid taxpayer. Input the appropriate IDT indicator. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501, and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506. Document actions taken in a CII case note.
If the taxpayer’s correspondence indicates they are impacted due to a Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL), see IRM, Collection Activity - Form 13794 Additional Actions Required - Lien, for additional information.
Tax account information must be moved when the Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED) is imminent or expired and any of the following conditions are met:
If the ASED is expired or imminent on a tax return to be reprocessed, NEVER abate tax on the "from" account until the reprocessing is complete and the tax has posted.
The ASED does not apply on a case that has been determined a nullity. The return must be considered valid in order for the ASED to apply. Refer to IRM, Criteria for Establishing a Statute of Limitations Period, paragraph (3)(b),for additional information.
The TIN owner has also filed a return for the same tax year, and the tax return amounts have been combined/adjusted. In this case it is necessary to keep the correct taxpayer’s information on the account and move the incorrect taxpayer’s information to an IRSN.
There is a "-C" freeze on the account. A "-C" freeze indicates the taxpayer is/was in a combat zone and the time period for filing a return for that tax year may have been extended.
Combat Zone (CZ) accounts, identified by a -C freeze, indicate a taxpayer who is or was serving in a designated combat zone area. NOTE: The -C freeze stays on the account even after the taxpayer is no longer in the CZ. When working an account that contains a -C freeze, additional research is required to determine the taxpayer's CZ status. Research CC IMFOLE for the Combat indicator on Line 11, to determine the correct action to take based on the following:
If Combat indicator is "1", then the taxpayer is still serving in a combat zone. Any compliance activity such as assessing or collecting tax is prohibited. However, if the taxpayer has other issues or requests information, you may work these other issues and contact the taxpayer if needed.
If Combat indicator is "2", then the taxpayer is no longer a combat zone participant. Follow normal procedures to work the case. -
There is a balance owed on the tax year account.
The tax year account has an overpayment that must be refunded.
The valid taxpayer’s return was moved to MFT 32 in error.
If there is an indication another area is considering action on the tax year account, e.g., an open control by Exam, Automated Underreporter (AUR), Collections, etc., contact that area. The tax year may need to be moved based on the action they are taking on the account. Document your contact in the CII notes.
If the CSED is also expired, an overpayment that must be addressed will not require the invalid return to be moved, unless the valid taxpayer filed a return. See IRM, Identity Theft Allegations on Tax Year 2012 and Prior, for additional information.
If Then (1) None of the conditions in the bullet-list above are met. Proceed to IRM, Action Required if Not Moving Specific Year Account Information. (2) One or more of the conditions in the bullet-list above is/are met. Proceed to IRM, Moving Specific Year Account Information. -
Take the following actions when you have determined it is not necessary to move posted tax account information. Unless specifically noted, the actions listed in this paragraph apply to identity theft cases (i.e., IDT(X) and IDS(X) cases). The bullet items listed here are related to the actions required on the "IRSN" .
Input a CII case note detailing the no move determination.
Establish a name line on the "to" account for the tax year not being moved. Include the name(s), filing status, and spouse's SSN (if applicable) as shown on the return.
After the name line has posted on the "to" account, input a TC 971 AC 017 on the "to" account to cross-reference to the "from" account. Use the received date of the return not being moved.
For MXEN, IDT(X),IDS(X), SCRM, and SSA2 cases, enter the following CII case note, filling in the applicable year: "Tax Year YYYY not filed by TP. See TC 971 AC 001 X-Ref" .
The ASED does not apply on a case that has been determined a nullity. The return must be considered valid (verifiable/non-streamline for IDT) in order for the ASED to apply. Refer to paragraph (3)(b) of IRM, Criteria for Establishing a Statute of Limitation Period, for additional information. If the return is determined to be valid (verifiable/non-streamline for IDT), an IRSN should be assigned for the invalid taxpayer (Taxpayer B).
Take the following additional actions for the tax year(s) that will remain posted on the account. These additional actions listed in this paragraph apply ONLY to MXEN, IDT(X), IDS(X), IDI(X), SCRM, SSA2 cases. The bullet items listed here are related to the actions required on the "SSN" .
For the "from" tax year(s) account(s), the tax year(s) account(s) not being moved, change the name line on the tax year(s) to: "NOT FILED] NAMC" . "NAMC" here represents the name control of the taxpayer who owns the SSN. You will type in the name control of the SSN owner instead of typing in "NAMC" . Update the address, if applicable.
If the return that posted to the Common Number (CN), on the "from" account tax year has Self-Employment (SE) income, it must be addressed. Input CRN 878/CRN 895 and/or CRN 879/CRN 896 to zero out SE and Medicare income. Input CRN 892/CRN 899 to zero out tip income.
If an overpayment on the tax year account not being moved is over one-year old and attributable to the invalid return or payments made by someone other than the valid taxpayer (including levy payments), move such overpayment to excess collections.
Any overpayment attributable to the non-owner of the CN that has been offset to a Bureau of Fiscal Services debt must be reversed using HC 4. If the overpayment is over one year old, move it to excess collections. A letter must also be sent to the taxpayer who has the FMS debt, notifying them of the reversal. If the BFS offset is over 6 years old, refer to IRM, TOP Offsets Involving ID Theft and ID Theft with Fraudulent Returns.
Reverse any IRS offsets attributable to the non-owner of the CN. If the overpayment is over one-year old, move the overpayment to excess collections. A letter should be sent to the CN owner informing them of the overpayment reversal when returning the offset to the originating module will result in a balance owed for the valid taxpayer. If the year the offset is being moved from is also impacted by identity theft, a closing letter for that tax year may be required to sufficiently describe actions taken to resolve the account. Reversal of the offset does not need to be addressed in more than one letter. Refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, for additional information.
If adjusting 2008 and FTHBC was claimed by the invalid taxpayer, see IRM, Manually Adjusting the Recapture Amount, to update the IMFOLF information.
Input an appropriate cross reference transaction with the return received date on the "from" account to cross-reference the "to" account. For NMRG cases the "from" account is the tax year on the other side of the No Merge, usually the IRSN.
• TC 971 AC 001 - Used when moving the TC 150 return
• TC 971 AC 002 - Used when moving the TC 976 return
If moving credits to or from excess collections, see IRM, Excess Collection File (XSF) and Unidentified Remittance File (URF).
When all information on the CN must be moved to an IRSN, and there is no information on the CN that belongs to the valid taxpayer, the account may be merged. See IRM, Resequencing Accounts, and its subsections for additional information.
If there are 180 or more days remaining before the ASED expires, reprocess the return.
If there are less than 180 days remaining before the ASED expires, refer to procedures in IRM , Statute Imminent Assessments for IDT Cases.
The ASED does not apply on a case that has been determined a nullity. The return must be considered valid (verifiable/non-streamline for IDT) in order for the ASED to apply. Refer to paragraph (3) (b) of IRM, Criteria for Establishing a Statute of Limitations Period, for additional information.
If the tax year account is within 180 days of the ASED, DO NOT abate tax on the "from" account prior to the tax being posted on the "to" account. Once the return has been reprocessed and the tax information has posted, or a prompt assessment has been made on the "to" account, the "from" account may be backed out to the correct amount.
If moving posted tax account information is an issue, the ASED is expired for the tax year(s) at issue, and any of the conditions are met, as applicable, in IRM, Tax Year Account Move Conditions-Applicable for IDT(X) and IDS(X) Cases, or IRM, Tax Year Account Move Conditions-Applicable for MXEN, SCRM, SSA2 and NMRG Cases, take action to move the tax account information as appropriate. If applicable, initiate a manual account transfer using Form 12810, Account Transfer Request Checklist, and route the form and attachments to Accounting. When the valid taxpayer has also filed a return that needs to be processed, also see paragraph (5) below. Form 12810 must include the following information:
Tax Period
Complete Entity Information
IDRS transcript of account
Transaction Codes
In the Remarks section, input “ID Theft Case” or similar verbiage
After the tax account information has posted, input the applicable item reference numbers (IRN) on the "to" account (e.g., IRN 888, 896).
For general information when the tax year account must be transferred via Form 12810 per the guidelines above, see IRM, Correct Records on Expired Statute Periods. Also see bullet items below to expedite the processing and/or prevent delays of Form 12810.
When the tax year account must be transferred via Form 12810, the tax year account must be in debit or zero balance. Accounting will reject any requests where the tax year account is showing or will show, once the Form 12810 transfer has been completed, a credit balance. Credit balances must be resolved prior to forwarding Form 12810, whether as a refund to the correct taxpayer, if allowable, or as a transfer to Excess Collections. Make sure the entity information for the IRSN account has posted and all freeze conditions are resolved prior to sending the Form 12810 to Accounting.
If all other statute expiration dates have expired and there is no indication of activity or pending activity on the tax year account, do not move an incorrectly posted tax year if the Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED) is expired or has less than 10 months remaining before it expires. No additional account moving action is required on these tax years.
If the TC 150 return will be moved to an IRSN, has an expired ASED, and the valid taxpayer filed a return that needs to be processed, take the following actions:
Move the TC 150 return to the IRSN using Form 12810.
Monitor the accounts for posting of the moved return. Once posted, input a TC 560 on the Common Number account to update the ASED to 3 years from the received date of the valid taxpayer’s original return.
Input a TC 560 with a DLN-CD of 70 or 99 to prevent Unpostable Code 178-2. Use DLN-CD 70 when correcting the ASED to a later date than the posted ASED. Use DLN-CD 99 when correcting the ASED to an earlier date than the posted ASED.
If the valid taxpayer has filed two returns, and the second return is intended to be superseding, the ASED will be calculated using the received date of the first return. The account will be adjusted to the correct figures on the second return, as allowable.
For TY 2019, the timely filed TC 150 return is determined to be invalid and moved to an IRSN. The valid taxpayer files their original return (posted TC 976) on 6/1/2021 reporting income from 2 employers. The valid taxpayer files a second return (posted TC 976) on 7/15/2021 reporting income from 3 employers. This income is verifiable on CC IRPTR. The ASED will be set based on the valid taxpayer’s original return on 06/01/2021. The account will be adjusted to the allowable figures on the TC 976 return dated 7/15/2021.
See the following IRM sections for proper processing of Form 12810:
Form 12810 must be processed within a six-day time frame per IRM, Master File Account Transfers-Out.
Any forms that need to be rejected by SP will be sent back to the originator using an electronic format, by email or EE-Fax. This will prevent unnecessary delays, per IRM, Processing Account Transfers to the Master File (IMF/BMF).
The employee assigned to complete the transfer needs to open a control base, using category IRRQ, when it is determined that the transfer request will be processed, per IRM, Processing Account Transfers to the Master File (IMF/BMF).
When Form 12810 has been submitted, open a monitor control with an activity that indicates the reason for follow up using category code "MISC" , and close your case when the only remaining action for the common number ("from" side) is ensuring the account move posts.
This section provides instruction for protecting the account when the Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED) is imminent (within 180 days of expiration) for Common Number (CN) and Internal Revenue Service Number (IRSN) cases.
Refer to the table below for imminent assessments on the CN module:
Determination ASED Expiration Actions (1) Invalid/Valid 91 - 180 days remain -
The adjustment may be input following normal IDRS adjustment procedures.
(2) Invalid/Valid 90 days or less remain -
Refer to IRM, Statute Protection, and its subsections to protect the account.
Once the assessment is pending, complete all remaining actions to resolve the IDT issue.
(3) TC 150 SFR/Valid 91 - 180 days remain -
The adjustment may be input following normal IDRS adjustment procedures.
(4) TC 150 SFR/Valid 90 days or less remain -
Refer to IRM, Statute Protection, and its subsections to protect the account.
Once the assessment is pending, complete all remaining actions to resolve the IDT issue.
(5) MFT 32 in Error Regardless of ASED -
Follow procedures in paragraph (3) of IRM, MFT 32 Cases - Moved in Error, to determine the appropriate actions to take.
(6) No IDT (with additional actions required) Regardless of ASED -
Follow applicable statute procedures for the program type (i.e., DUPF, XRET, MXEN, etc.). See IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations, for additional information.
Refer to the table below for imminent assessments on the IRSN module:
Determination ASED Expiration Actions (1) Invalid return must be moved to an IRSN 180 days or more -
Reprocess the return.
(2) Invalid return must be moved to an IRSN Less than 180 days -
Refer to IRM, Statute Protection, and its subsections to protect the account.
Once the assessment is pending, complete all remaining actions to resolve the IDT issue.
This section provides information on the identification of a barred assessment and initial case actions to be taken prior to adjusting the account when there is IDT involvement.
A "barred assessment" occurs when a legal tax assessment is not made within the prescribed period for assessment. The prescribed period for assessment can be identified by calculating the Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED) as three years from the IRS received date of the return in question. The ASED of each return on the module must be considered separately. A barred assessment is not determined by a refund or balance due, but the inability to assess tax prior to the expiration of the ASED for the return being considered.
Complete thorough research to ensure there is no alternative means of assessing the tax (e.g., extension to file, extended ASED, Form 12810) before determining the assessment is barred. Refer to IRM, Identifying Barred Statute Cases, for examples of "barred assessments" and tolerance amounts. -
Compare the total tax currently on the module to the amount of tax reported on the return being considered. If the total tax currently on the module is more than the tax reported on the return being considered, the assessment is not barred. Refer to the following options:
Invalid/Valid Nullity Case - When the ASED for the valid return has not expired, there is no barred assessment. Follow normal streamline procedures. See IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases.
Invalid/Valid Nullity Case - When the ASED for the valid return has expired, following normal streamline procedures will create a barred assessment if the valid return reports an amount of tax greater than zero. Continue with barred statute procedures.
Invalid/Valid IRSN Case - When the ASED for the valid return has not expired and the ASED for the invalid return reporting verifiable income has expired, there is no barred assessment. Follow procedures in IRM, Determining When Specific Year Account Information Must Be Moved, to address the invalid return.
Invalid/Valid IRSN Case - When the ASEDs for both returns have expired, the tax on the valid return cannot be assessed. Follow procedures in IRM, Determining When Specific Year Account Information Must Be Moved, to address the invalid return. Continue with barred statute procedures to process the valid return.
One Return IRSN Case - When the ASED has expired and the tax module has not been abated, follow procedures in IRM, Determining When Specific Year Account Information Must Be Moved, to address the invalid return. If the tax has been abated, this is a barred assessment due to the erroneous abatement. Continue with barred statute procedures.
The following procedures should only be used for cases identified as a barred assessment or erroneous abatement. For detailed case examples, see the IDTVA Barred Checklist Referral job aid on the IDTVA Hub. Before proceeding, perform the following actions:
Scan or attach the valid return to the CII case if the return is not in the images of that case or a linked case. If in a linked case, input a CII case note identifying which case includes the valid return.
Utilize the IDTVA Barred Checklist Referral located on the IDTVA Hub under "Statute" to assist in verifying all appropriate actions have been taken.
Print and retain a copy of any forms and/or worksheets (e.g., Form 1040, Form 5792, Form 8765, Form 12356, penalty calculator, or COMPA) used in the account adjustment(s). The documents will be included with the packet routed to statute.
Use the chart below to identify applicable initial case actions:
If And Then (1) The posted TC 150 return meets streamline criteria The valid return has posted as TC 976. -
Update the ASED even though valid return ASED has expired.
Continue to paragraph (6).
(2) The posted TC 150 return meets streamline criteria The valid return has not posted as TC 976 (e.g., TC 977, TPRQ, paper return, transcript, TC 599 AC 089). -
Update the ASED even though valid return ASED has expired.
Follow procedures in IRM, Unprocessed Documents, to post the valid return as a TC 976.
Continue to paragraph (6).
(3) The posted TC 150 return meets streamline criteria and there is a good address for the valid taxpayer There is a TC 610 payment without an extension to file,
Rejected returns on CC match the invalid return meeting streamline criteria,
A valid return has not been received.-
Follow procedures in IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written), to request the valid taxpayer’s return.
Once the return is received, follow procedures in IRM, Unprocessed Documents, to post the TC 976. Use the TC 610 payment date as return received date.
(4) The posted TC 150 return meets streamline criteria and there is no good address or response received from the valid TP
The TC 610 payment is equal to the amount that is barred,There is a TC 610 payment without an extension to file,
Rejected returns on CC TRDBV match the invalid return meeting streamline criteria,
A valid return has not been received.Continue to paragraph (6). (5) The posted TC 150 return meets streamline criteria and there is a good address for the valid taxpayer There is a TC 610 payment with an extension to file,
Rejected returns on CC TRDBV do not match the invalid return meeting streamline criteria,
A valid return has not been received.-
Follow procedures in IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written), to request the valid taxpayer’s return.
(6) The posted TC 150 return meets streamline criteria and the valid return is received without a statement the taxpayer had previously filed There is a TC 610 payment with an extension to file,
Rejected returns on CC TRDBV do not match the invalid return meeting streamline criteria
A valid return has not been received.-
Change the TC 610 payment to a TC 670 payment using the same transaction date and a TC 570.
Follow IRM, Unprocessed Documents, if applicable.
use the return received date to determine if the valid ASED is open or expired. If the ASED is open, there is no barred assessment. If the ASED is expired, continue to paragraph (6).
(7) The posted TC 150 return meets streamline criteria and the valid return is received with a statement the taxpayer has previously filed There is a TC 610 payment with an extension to file,
Rejected return(s) on CC TRDBV do not match the invalid return meeting streamline criteria
A valid return has not been received.-
Do not change the TC 610 payment to a TC 670 payment.
Continue to paragraph (6).
(8) The posted TC 150 return meets streamline criteria and there is no good address for the valid taxpayer or response received There is a TC 610 payment with an extension to file,
Rejected return(s) on CC TRDBV do not match the invalid return meeting streamline criteria
A valid return has not been received.-
Change the TC 610 payment to a TC 670 payment using the same transaction date and a TC 570.
Follow applicable procedures in IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, to resolve the identity theft issue. There is no barred assessment to consider.
(9) The posted TC 150 return meets streamline criteria, the TC 976 return was filed by the valid taxpayer, and the module does not reflect the valid return figures, as allowable The adjustment input went unpostable,
The account was backed out in error,
The adjustment input was incorrect (i.e., incorrect amount of tax, credits, etc.).-
Do not refer the case back to the person who previously worked the case.
Update the ASED even though valid return ASED has expired.
Continue to paragraph (6).
(10) There is no TC 150 posted,
An MFT 32 module is present,
A GUF Voided/Deleted return meeting streamline criteria is presentMFT 32 or GUF Voided/Deleted return (different DLN) is valid
The valid return reprocessed to a different TIN or tax period (e.g., invalid side of TIN, mixed entity, or mixed period).If the valid return ASED has expired: -
Prepare a dummy return with zero tax liability complete with entity and exemption information. Send to SP for processing.
Edit the return in red:
• Across the top of Form 1040 write "Dummy return prepared by IDTVA to post TC 150 for $.00" and "Use long entity" (or similar). -
Below the entity section write "Do NOT "G" Code" (or similar).
Use original return received date.
Suspend the case until the TC 150 has posted.
Continue to paragraph (6).
If the valid return ASED has not expired:-
There is no barred assessment. Follow procedures in , Moving Specific Year Account Information, to determine the appropriate actions to move the valid return to the correct TIN/module as a TC 150.
(11) The posted TC 150 return is valid, and the module reflects RIVO indicators RIVO backed out the valid return with or without IDT involvement, -
Refer to IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) with RIVO Involvement, for account actions.
When the valid taxpayer’s return is reporting a balance due, determine the amount of penalty and/or interest that cannot be assessed. This applies whether the return was timely filed or late, regardless of whether the balance was paid in full, partially paid, or remains unpaid. The amount of the barred assessment includes penalties and interest when determining the total amount lost to the IRS. Applicable penalties including Estimated Tax (ES) penalty, Failure to File (FTF) penalty, and Failure to Pay (FTP) penalty as well as interest are calculated to the ASED of the return being considered when determining the total amount of the barred assessment.
FTF assessed for a maximum of 5 months
FTP calculated from the return due date to the ASED
Interest calculated on the unpaid balance, plus applicable penalties, to the ASED
Refer to IRM 20.1.2, Failure To File/Failure To Pay Penalties, IRM 20.1.3, Estimated Tax Penalties, and IRM 20.2.5, Interest on Underpayments, for additional information.Example:
A 2012 valid return was received 09262013 with a balance due. No extension or history of an extension was present, and no payments were made on the account. Penalties should be calculated as follows:
• FTF assessed for 5 months (maximum)
• FTP calculated from 04152013 to 09262016
• Interest computed for the balance, plus applicable penalties to 09262016 -
After all initial case actions have been taken, continue to IRM, Adjusting Accounts with Barred Assessments, for adjustment and closing actions.
All required actions from previous IRM guidance must be taken before adjusting the account.
When the valid taxpayer files a return, the account must be adjusted to reflect the return information, as allowable. Follow procedures below when inputting the adjustment to the valid return figures. DO NOT back out the account. The current tax amount must remain on the account to protect that portion of the otherwise barred tax and will be accounted for when figuring the adjustment.
Math verify the valid return. Follow procedures in IRM 21.5.4, General Math Error Procedures, to identify math errors and determine if the adjustment will require initial math error actions.
If the return does not meet math error criteria but reflects information that is not allowable based on law or regulation, follow procedures in IRM, No Consideration and Disallowance of Claims and Amended Returns, to determine if the corrective action requires disallowance, partial disallowance, or no consideration actions.
Recompute tax and/or credits, if necessary.
Determine the amount of tax that cannot be assessed.
Input the adjustment to the return figures, as allowable. Include appropriate Item Reference Numbers (IRN) and Credit Reference Numbers (CRN) to reflect the correct amount of dependents/exemptions, adjusted gross income (AGI), taxable income (TXI), self-employment tax (SE tax), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), etc. Use HC 4. Include the appropriate Blocking Series (BS) if setting a math error or partially disallowing the claim. If fully disallowing the claim, input a separate TC 290.00 with the appropriate blocking series.
If the valid return is reporting a balance due and was not fully paid by the Return Due Date (RDD), IRN 871, PC 2 procedures cannot be used. As the ASED is expired, in this case you cannot assess any penalties with any amounts other than .00 (e.g., TC 160 .00, TC 270 .00, TC 170 .00, etc.).
If following math error procedures, no consideration procedures, or disallowing in full or part, issue the appropriate letter to provide an explanation of the changes made. Include appeal rights, when applicable.
Follow normal statute procedures for determining if payments are refundable. See IRM, Basic Guide for Processing Cases with Statute of Limitations Issues, for more information.
When the valid return is reporting a refund that is allowable and tax cannot be assessed due to the ASED expiration, the result of the adjustment input will be a credit on the module that is more than what the taxpayer is entitled to receive. Issue a manual refund for the amount of the allowable refund, plus applicable credit interest, when applicable.
Use Form 8758 to apply the credit remaining on the account to the Excess Collection File. The amount of refundable credits applied should equal the amount of tax that was barred from assessment.
Procedures have been established to allow for tax posted to a module from an invalid return to be used to prevent or reduce the amount of a barred assessment under IRC 6201(a)(1).
When the valid taxpayer’s return is reporting tax in an amount that is more than zero and the ASED for the valid return has expired, follow the procedures below to protect the assessment, when possible.
When the total tax on the module is less than the amount of tax reported on the valid return, do not input an adjustment to back out the account. Adjust the account to the figures on the valid return, as allowable. This results in a barred assessment that is less than it would be if the account was fully backed out first. See Example 1: Barred Assessment.
#1 The TC 150 return for TY 2012 is determined to meet streamline criteria. The valid taxpayer filed a refund return reporting tax of $5,000 and withholding of $7,500. The ASED for the valid return is expired. Based on the original return, the account shows TC 150 tax of $3,000, and withholding of $5,000. The valid taxpayer files their original return that posts as a TC 976. The return is not processed prior to the expiration of the ASED. The tax on the account is less than the amount of tax reported on the valid taxpayer’s return. The result is a barred assessment for the amount that cannot be assessed "$2,000" .
When the total tax on the module is more than the amount of tax reported on the valid return, do not input an adjustment to back out the account. Adjust the account to the figures on the valid return, as allowable. This will prevent a barred assessment. See Example 2: Not a Barred Assessment.
#2 The TC 150 return for TY 2013 is determined to meet streamline criteria. The valid taxpayer filed a refund return reporting tax of $1,000 and withholding of $1,500. The ASED for the valid return is expired. Based on the original return, the account shows TC 150 tax of $2,000, and withholding of $3,500. The valid taxpayer files their original return that posts as a TC 976. The return is not processed prior to the expiration of the ASED.
The tax on the account is more than the amount of tax reported on the valid taxpayer’s return. The account can be adjusted to the valid return figures to prevent a barred assessment.
Follow IRM, IDTVA Research, Verification, and Requests, for remaining identity theft actions.
After adjusting the account and resolving the identity theft issue, the barred assessment will be referred to your local statute unit per IRM, Barred Statutes, using the following guidelines.
Open a monitoring control base per IRM, CII and IDRS Case Controls, until all adjustments have posted to ensure the IDT issue has been fully resolved. Do not keep the CII case open if the only remaining action is monitoring adjustments.
Attach a completed copy of the IDTVA Barred Checklist Referral to Statute to the CII case.
Prepare the packet for referral to statutes and complete the following actions:
Print the valid return, CII case with all notes, penalty and interest computations, TXMODA (including case status history), forms used in case actions (e.g., 5792, 12356), and IDTVA Barred Checklist Referral to Statute.
Prepare Form 3210, Document Transmittal, to route the entire package to your local statute unit. Include in the remarks section "ID Theft Barred Assessment amount $XX.XX" and "ID Theft issue reported" IRM, Barred Statute Report (Form 9355/3999).
Leave a CII case note with the same remarks as the Form 3210, route package to your local statutes unit, and close the CII case if all issues have been addressed.
This section of the IRM is for employees resolving a barred assessment on an identity theft case with compliance involvement (IDTVA Specialty Functions Only). Refer to the instructions in IRM, Addressing Barred Assessments on Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, and IRM, Adjusting Accounts with Barred Assessments, in addition to the instructions within this IRM section.
Procedures have been established to allow for tax posted to a module from a tax return meeting streamline criteria and/or additional valid assessments to be used to prevent or reduce the amount of a barred assessment.
A statutory notice of deficiency may have been issued to assess and collect income tax, estate tax, gift tax, and certain excise and employment tax deficiencies, per IRM, Statutory Notice of Deficiency (90 Day Letter). The determination whether a Compliance assessment can be used to protect the account from containing a barred assessment depends upon the issuance of the notice of deficiency. Use the table below to determine if tax from a compliance assessment can be used to protect the account from being considered barred.
If And Then (1) Notice of Deficiency was issued -
Was sent to the valid taxpayer’s address of record at the time of issuance, and
Meets all required criteria for notice of deficiency (e.g., tax and penalty calculations, waiver, and taxpayer rights)
The valid Compliance assessment can be used to protect the account from being considered barred.
Continue to paragraph (4).
(2) Notice of Deficiency was issued -
Was sent to an address other than the valid taxpayer’s address of record at the time of issuance, or
Does not meet all required criteria for notice of deficiency (e.g., tax and penalty calculations, waiver, and taxpayer rights)
The invalid Compliance assessment cannot be used to protect the account from being considered barred and must be abated.
Continue to paragraph (4).
Once you have determined if the Compliance assessment is valid or invalid, follow the table below to decide if there is a barred assessment and what actions to take.
Total tax equals the tax assessed from the original TC 150 return plus any additional TC 290/300 assessments minus any additional TC 291/301 abatements.
To protect the account from being barred, DO NOT back out the account, if the taxpayer’s valid return reports a tax amount and there is tax on the current account module. The current tax amount must remain on the account to protect that portion of the otherwise barred tax and will be accounted for when figuring the adjustment.
If And Then (1) The Compliance assessment is valid and there is no barred assessment, The total tax on the module is greater than or equal to the tax on the taxpayer’s valid return, Adjust the account to the figures on the valid return, as allowable, following your functional IRM guidance for IDTVA cases involving Compliance issues. See IRM 25.23.10, Compliance Identity Theft Case Processing.
See Example 2 below.(2) The Compliance assessment is valid and there is a barred assessment, The total tax on the module is less than the tax on the taxpayer’s valid return, -
Adjust the account to the figures on the valid return, as allowable, following IRM, Adjusting Accounts with Barred Assessments.
The barred tax is the total amount that cannot be assessed (difference between the tax on the taxpayer’s valid return and the total tax on the account).
(3) The Compliance assessment is invalid and there is no barred assessment, The total tax on the module, not including the Compliance assessment, is greater than or equal to the tax on the taxpayer’s valid return, Adjust the account to the figures on the valid return, as allowable.
See Example 1 below.(4) The Compliance assessment is invalid and there is a barred assessment, The total tax on the module, not including the Compliance assessment, is less than the tax on the taxpayer’s valid return, -
Adjust the account to the figures on the valid return, as allowable, following IRM, Adjusting Accounts with Barred Assessments.
The barred tax is the total amount that cannot be assessed (difference between the tax on the taxpayer’s valid return and the total tax on the tax account).
See Example 3 below. -
See the IDTVA Barred Checklist Referral job aid on the IDTVA HUB.
# 1 - Not a Barred Assessment (Invalid Compliance Assessment)
The TC 150 return for TY 2016 is determined to be a nullity. The valid taxpayer filed a return reporting tax of $2,000 and withholding of $3,000. The ASED for the valid return is expired. Based on the original (invalid) return, the account shows TC 150 tax of $5,000, withholding of $7,000, and AOTC of $2,000. A refund of $4,000 was issued to the invalid taxpayer by direct deposit. A CP 2000 was issued to an address other than the valid taxpayer’s last known address proposing a tax increase of $8,000, an increase to withholding of $1,500, and removal of AOTC. No response was received, and a default assessment posted. The taxpayer files Form 14039 stating the refund from the current year return was applied to a balance owed for TY 2016. The taxpayer reports someone else is earning income under their SSN and states they mailed their return in January 2018. Research confirms the taxpayer is a victim of income and refund related identity theft.
The tax assessed based on the CP 2000 cannot be considered when determining if there is a barred assessment. Because of the TC 150 tax of $5,000 is more than the tax of $2,000 reported by the valid taxpayer, the account will be adjusted to the valid taxpayer’s return figures, preventing a barred assessment.Example:
# 2 - Not a Barred Assessment (Valid Compliance Assessment)
The TC 150 return for TY 2018 is determined to be a nullity. The valid taxpayer filed a return reporting tax of $8,000 and withholding of $2,000 which posted as a TC 976. The ASED for the valid return is expired. Based on the original (invalid) return, the account shows TC 150 tax of $1,000, ACTC of 3,000, and EIC of $5,000. Exam is holding the refund pending verification of relationship and residence for the dependents listed. A statutory notice is issued to the valid taxpayer’s address. No response was received, and the account is adjusted to remove the dependents and related credits. The result is an increase in tax of $10,000. The case with the TC 976 return is routed to Exam as audit reconsideration. After contact with taxpayer, the taxpayer files Form 14039 to report someone else filed the first return received for TY 2018. The case is referred to IDTVA.
The tax assessed based on the Exam audit can be considered when determining if there is a barred assessment, because the notice of deficiency was issued to the valid taxpayer’s last known address. The TC 150 amount plus the TC 300 amount totaling $11,000 is more than the amount of tax reported on the valid taxpayer’s return. The account will be adjusted to the valid taxpayer’s return figures, preventing a barred assessment.Example:
# 3 - Partially Barred Assessment - (Invalid Compliance Assessment)
The TC 150 return for TY 2017 is determined to be a nullity. The valid taxpayer filed a return reporting self-employment income, total tax of $6,000, estimated tax payments of $4,000, and a balance due of $2,000 which posted as a TC 976. The ASED for the valid return is expired. Based on the original return, the account shows TC 150 tax of $3,000, and withholding of $5,000. A CP 2000 proposing a tax increase of $9,500 based on non-employee compensation is issued to an address other than the valid taxpayer’s last known address. No response was received, and the assessment was made. The case with the TC 976 return is routed to AUR for audit reconsideration. After contact with the taxpayer, the taxpayer files Form 14039 to report someone else filed the first return received for TY 2017. The case is referred to IDTVA.
The tax assessed based on the CP 2000 cannot be considered when determining if there is a barred assessment, because the notice of deficiency was issued to an address other than the valid taxpayer’s last known address. The TC 150 amount is less than the amount reported on the valid taxpayer’s return. The modules are adjusted to the taxpayer’s return figures. This results in a barred assessment of $3,000 plus applicable penalties and interest.Example:
# 4 - Erroneous Abatement
The timely filed TC 150 return for TY 2018 is determined to be a nullity. The valid taxpayer filed a return reporting tax of $.00 and withholding of $2,500 which posted as a TC 976. Form 14039 is included with the return. The ASED for the valid return is expired. Based on the original return, the account shows TC 150 tax of $5,000, and withholding of $6,000. A CP 2000 proposing a tax increase of $2,000 based on unreported income is issued to the valid taxpayer’s last known address. No response was received, and the assessment was made. An adjustment to the valid return figures is input. After being selected for quality review, it is determined the nullity procedures followed were incorrect. The case does not meet streamline criteria.
The ASED for the TC 150 return is expired, and the tax originally assessed was abated in error. The invalid return cannot be processed to an IRSN due to the expired ASED creating a barred assessment due to erroneous abatement.
Review the following subsection titles to identify your case scenario. Follow the guidance to resolve your case.
Invalid Return/Valid Return - No Lost Refund
Invalid Return/Valid Return - Lost Refund
Valid Return/Invalid Return
Two or More Invalid Returns (No Valid Return) - No Lost Refund
Two or More Invalid Returns (No Valid Return) - Lost Refund
One Invalid Return - No Lost Refund
One Invalid Return - Lost Refund
Identity Theft (IDT) Cases/Transcripts with RIVO and/or TPP Involvement - Resolution Tables
IRSN Required for Identity Theft (IDT) Return
Income Related Identity Theft (IDT)
Identity Theft (IDT) with Offsets
Identity Theft (IDT) and Restitution
Amended Returns and Identity Theft (IDT)
Identity Theft (IDT) - Previous Action
When updating the ASED based on the valid taxpayer’s return, consider the following:
Input a TC 560 with DLN CD of 70 or 99 to prevent Unpostable Code 178-2. Use DLN CD 70 when correcting the ASED to a later date than the posted ASED. Use DLN CD 99 when correcting the ASED to an earlier date than the posted ASED.
If the valid taxpayer has filed two returns, and the second return is intended to be superseding, the ASED will be calculated using the received date of the first return. The account will be adjusted to the correct figures on the second return, as allowable.
If the victim is a secondary filer on a joint return:
Input TC 594 CC 084 on the secondary TIN to cross reference the primary TIN if one has not systemically generated already.
Reverse the TC 971 AC 522, if one is present, with MISC Code "OTHER" on the primary TIN/joint account only when the primary taxpayer wasn’t a victim.
When all of the following conditions are met, the identity theft issue does not affect tax administration. The case will be closed with a TC 971 AC 504 upon completion of any actions necessary to resolve the case:
The only invalid return(s) on the module are rejected attempts to file (no invalid returns accepted)
Form 14039 was received
Determine whether the account will be in a balance due status after adjustment action posts. If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed. Take action to resume collection activity when appropriate. Refer to IRM, Collection Activity - Resume Collection Actions, for guidance.
If an invalid return includes dependents, you may IRS identify the IDT issue for each dependent a claim has not been received for. Refer to IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - General, for additional information.
The following procedures must be used when the IDT return posted first and the refund was NOT lost:
If the invalid return includes dependents, dependent related identity theft must be considered. Refer to IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - General, for additional information.
When resolving cases for the current or two immediately preceding tax years, input TC 971 AC 850 when the IDT return requested a Direct Deposit.
Adjust the account to reflect the valid return figures, as allowable. Input the adjustment as NSD using Blocking Series 00 (to indicate the adjustment is from the original return) and Reason Code 139 (to indicate the identity theft issue). Include PD 2 if inputting an address update or the invalid return requested a direct deposit and the refund was not issued. Notate in remarks "Identity Theft" or similar remarks.
If the valid return was received after the return due date, refer to IRM , Unprocessible Returns, and IRM , Updating the RPD on Unprocessible Returns, for additional guidance. For the purpose of updating the RPD, this IRM section will be used for official guidance.
If the valid return has a balance due and FTP is required, refer IRM, Wrong Return Posted First, for additional guidance.
If an EITC recertification indicator was placed on account because of an IDT return, reverse the indicator. Refer to IRM (6), Recertification, for additional guidance.
Use Priority Code 1 if the return requires DIF scoring.
Use the appropriate HC to prevent issuing erroneous notices and/or an erroneous refund. You must use HC 4 when a manual refund is required or for any other condition that requires the credit to be held (e.g., a missing signature on the valid return). See paragraph (4) of IRM, Missing Information, for additional guidance.
See (2) below for ACA consideration if adjusting the 2014 tax year or later.
Address any incorrect Combat Zone changes made to the account if the valid taxpayer was in a Combat Zone. Combat Zone (CZ) accounts are identified by a -C freeze and indicate a taxpayer who is or was serving in a designated combat zone area. The -C freeze stays on the account even after the taxpayer is no longer in the CZ. When working an account that contains a -C freeze, additional research is required to determine the taxpayer's CZ status.
Research CC IMFOLE for the Combat indicator on Line 11, to determine the correct action to take.
If Combat indicator is "1," then the taxpayer is still serving in a combat zone. Any compliance activity such as assessing or collecting tax is prohibited. However, if the taxpayer has other issues or requests information, you may work these other issues and contact the taxpayer, if needed.
If Combat indicator is "2," then the taxpayer is no longer a combat zone participant. Follow normal procedures to work the case.
If the IDT year is 2008 and First Time Home Buyer Credit (FTHBC) was received from the TC 150, see IRM, Manually Adjusting the Recapture Amount.
Adjust the Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED), if necessary. Notate on CII "DUP (DLN) (last 6 digits of the DLN xxxxx-x) becomes the original" or similar remarks.
Correct the entity module to reflect the SSN owner’s address using information available on CII, AMS, and IDRS to determine the most appropriate address.
See the IDT closing letter chart in Exhibit 25.23.4-10, IDT Closing Letter Decision Chart, to determine which closing letter to send.
Input the appropriate IDT Tracking Indicator Code, TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506, on the entity module of the CN with the appropriate Posting Delay Code. The TRANS-DT will automatically populate with the input date. Enter the tax year at issue in the SECONDARY-DT field as MMDDYYYY where YYYY reflects the tax year in question. This date must not be later than the current date.
If the valid return indicates election was made for the Presidential Election Campaign Fund (PECF) and the IDT return did not, then prepare a dummy Form 1040X. Refer to procedures in IRM, Presidential Election Campaign Fund (PECF).
Forward the return to Examination for DIF scoring if it meets any of the criteria in IRM, Discriminant Index Function (DIF) SCORE or CLASSIFICATION "Send Return(s) to Examination for Review". DO NOT refer Forms 1040EZ.
If the IDT Return does not meet criteria for treatment as a nullity, see IRM, IRSN Required for Identity Theft (IDT) Return, for guidance on additional actions required.
If the IDT Return can be nullified, then refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-21, Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, to ensure all actions have been taken, as applicable.
For 2014 and later returns, correct the account to reflect provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Compute the Premium Tax Credit (PTC) and all related data elements. See IRM, Tools for Accessing ACA-Related Taxpayer Data, and IRM, Adjusting the Account.
Determine the taxpayer’s liability for the Shared Responsibility Payment (SRP). See IRM, Shared Responsibility Payment Overview.
Before finalizing your case, also refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-21 , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, to ensure all actions have been taken, as applicable.
If the valid taxpayer is due a refund, the refund should be systemically released unless an exception applies. See IRM (3), Why Would a Manual Refund Be Needed?, for situations that may still require a manual refund. When it is necessary to issue a manual refund, HC 4 must be used. Refer to IRM, What is a Manual Refund?, and IRM, Preparation of Manual Refund Forms, for additional guidance on issuing a manual refund.
If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed.
If the SSN owner (or the spouse of the SSN owner) filed an injured spouse claim, correct the account to reflect the valid return data and then refer the Debtor Master File Case (DMFC) to the specialty group to process the injured spouse claim:
Follow all instructions in (1), (2) and (3) above except use HC 4 on the adjustment and/or use TC 570 on credit transfers to hold the overpayment.
After inputting all account actions, close the CII case.
Open a new CII case with Category Code "DMFC" . Assign the case to IDRS number located on the Accounts Management Site Specialization Temporary Holding Numbers listing located on SERP. For the required fields, input the Doc Type as "Injured Spouse Claim" , use Program and Function Code "ADJ-710-97140," "Priority 2" and reason "Form 8379 attached" .
Link the new CII case to the closed CII case.
Follow the guidance in IRM, Invalid Return/Valid Return - No Lost Refund, to adjust the account to reflect the valid return data.
If a refund was issued on the CN to the filer of the TC 150 return, it must be moved to the 150 taxpayer’s IRSN if that return cannot be nullified. See IRM, Moving Refunds, for moving refund procedures.
If a refund was issued on the CN to the filer of the TC 150 return and that return can be nullified, offset the lost refund (associated with the IDT return) to GL 1545. Refer to IRM, Reversing Identity Theft Lost Refunds, for additional guidance.
The following procedures must be used when the valid return posted first and the account has not been adjusted to the invalid return figures:
If the invalid return includes dependents, dependent related identity theft must be considered. Refer to IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - General, for additional information.
Input TC 290 .00 with Blocking Series 05 and Reason Code 139 to release the -A freeze. No source document is needed as the valid return has already been processed. Notate in remarks "Identity Theft" or similar remarks.
If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed.
Update the entity for the SSN owner if the original information has changed.
See the IDT closing letter chart in Exhibit 25.23.4-10, IDT Closing Letter Decision Chart, to determine which closing letter to send.
Input the appropriate IDT tracking indicator, TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506, with the appropriate Posting Delay Code on the entity module. Use the SECONDARY-DT field to indicate the tax year in question. Use the TRANS-DT field to indicate the current (input) date. Input "WI ITVAA MULTFL" or other appropriate Tax Administration Source Code in the MISC field.
Other Tax Administration Source Codes available to be used when warranted are:
If the IDT Return does not meet criteria for treatment as a nullity, see IRM, IRSN Required for Identity Theft (IDT) Return, for guidance on additional actions required.
If the IDT Return can be nullified, then refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-21 , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, to ensure all actions have been taken, as applicable.
When the valid return posted first and the account has been adjusted to the invalid return figures, refer to IRM, Amended Returns and Identity Theft (IDT) - Valid/Invalid.
The procedures below must be used when two or more IDT returns were filed (i.e., the TC 150 and TC 976 are both invalid) and all of the following are met:
If the invalid return includes dependents, dependent related identity theft must be considered. Refer to IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - General, for additional information.
Returns meeting streamline criteria as described in IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing, may be nullified.
When an invalid/invalid determination is made, the case requires concurrence from a lead and/or manager unless all invalid returns meet scheme criteria as described in IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) Determinations - Schemes. Prior to requesting approval, the CSR/TE must input a CII case note of their determination.
All other invalid returns must be resolved following non-streamline procedures.
Zero out the account - input TC 29X, Blocking Series 05, SC 0, Reason Code 139, and "NSD" with appropriate remarks indicating the adjustment is related to identity theft.
Use a HC to prevent issuance of erroneous notices to the taxpayer. For additional information on Hold Codes, see IRM, Rules on Hold Codes (HC).
Correct the entity module to the appropriate address for the SSN owner. If you are unable to determine an appropriate address, update the address to the address of the service center.
Input TC 971 with Action Code 001 if the TC 150 return cannot be nullified. Enter the IRSN that is associated with the TC 150 return as the cross-reference.
Input TC 971 with Action Code 002 if the TC 976 document(s) cannot be nullified. Enter the IRSN that is associated with the TC 976 return(s) as the cross-reference.
Input TC 971 with Action Code 017 on IRSN accounts after the TC 000(s) post. Enter the CN TIN as the cross-reference.
Transfer payments to the correct account, if necessary.
Take the appropriate steps to reprocess/post tax returns that cannot be nullified to the IRSNs. See IRM, Reprocessing Returns/Documents.
See the IDT closing letter chart in Exhibit 25.23.4-10, Identity Theft (IDT) Closing Letter Decision Chart, to determine which closing letter to send.
Input TC 971 AC 501 or AC 506, whichever is appropriate, with a posting delay of 2 cycles on the entity module of the CN. Use the SECONDARY-DT field to indicate the tax year in question. Use the TRANS-DT field to indicate the current (input) date. Input "WI ITVAA MULTFL" or other appropriate Tax Administration Source Code in the MISC field.
Other Tax Administration Source Codes available to be used when warranted are:
Add a case note on CII and/or the TIN-Related Worksheet "CSR determined both returns invalid."
Follow procedures in IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions, to determine if the valid taxpayer has a filing requirement and address unfiled returns.
Follow procedures in IRM, Form 9409 Procedures - IRS/SSA Wage Worksheet, when wage income reported under the CN was not earned by the valid taxpayer (i.e., CN owner did not work and the TC 150 return includes verifiable wages).
Follow the guidance in IRM, Two or More Invalid Returns (No Valid Return) - No Lost Refund, to zero the account and address unfiled returns.
If a refund was issued on the CN to the filer of the TC 150 return, it must be moved to the TC 150 taxpayer’s IRSN if that return cannot be nullified. See IRM, Moving Refunds, for moving refund procedures.
If a refund was issued on the CN to the filer of the TC 150 return and that return can be nullified, offset the lost refund (associated with the IDT return) to GL 1545. Refer to IRM, Reversing Identity Theft Lost Refunds, for additional guidance.
The procedures below must be used when one return is present and has been determined to be an IDT return.
If the IDT return meets the criteria to be nullified per the listing in IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing, nullify the IDT return.
If the IDT return does not meet the criteria to be nullified, move the IDT return to an IRSN per the instructions below.
Take the following actions to resolve the TIN owner’s account:
See IRM, IDTVA Research, Verification, and Requests, and Exhibit 25.23.4-21, Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, to determine if there are specific account conditions that must be addressed in addition to the actions below.
Zero out the account - input TC 29X, Blocking Series 05, Reason Code 139, and "NSD" with a notation in remarks "One Return - Identity Theft" or similar remarks.
Use a HC 3 or HC 4, as appropriate, to prevent issuance of erroneous notices to the taxpayer. For additional information on Hold Codes, see IRM, Rules on Hold Codes (HC).
Correct the entity module to the appropriate address for the TIN owner. If you are unable to determine an appropriate address, update the address to the address of the service center.
Input TC 971 with Action Code 001 if the TC 150 return cannot be nullified. Enter the IRSN that is associated with the TC 150 as the cross-reference TIN.
Input TC 971 with Action Code 017 on the IRSN account after the TC 000 posts. Enter the CN as the cross-reference TIN.
Transfer payments to the correct account, if necessary.
Take the appropriate steps to reprocess/post tax returns that cannot be nullified to the IRSN. See IRM, Reprocessing Returns/Documents.
See the IDT closing letter chart in Exhibit 25.23.4-10, Identity Theft (IDT) Closing Letter Decision Chart, to determine which closing letter to send.
Input TC 971 AC 501 or AC 506, whichever is appropriate, with a posting delay of 2 cycles on the entity module of the CN. Use the SECONDARY-DT field to indicate the tax year in question. Use the TRANS-DT field to indicate the current (input) date. Input an appropriate Tax Administration Source Code in the MISC field. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501, and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Add a case note on CII and/or the TIN-Related Worksheet One Return - Identity Theft, or similar remarks.
Follow procedures in IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions, to determine if the valid taxpayer has a filing requirement and address unfiled returns.
Follow the guidance in IRM, One IDT Return - No Lost Refund, to zero the account and address unfiled returns.
If a refund was issued on the CN to the filer of the TC 150 return, it must be moved to the TC 150 taxpayer’s IRSN if that return cannot be nullified. See IRM, Moving Refunds, for moving refund procedures.
If a refund was issued on the CN to the filer of the TC 150 return and that return can be nullified, offset the lost refund (associated with the IDT return) to GL 1545. Refer to IRM, Reversing Identity Theft Lost Refunds, for additional guidance.
There are instances when IDTVA receives cases with RIVO and/or TPP involvement that require additional guidance to resolve. The charts in paragraphs (2) and (3) below illustrate various case scenarios you may receive that can be resolved. Before proceeding to the resolution charts, refer to the bullet list below for instances when the current year must be resolved by RIVO/TPP.
The income cannot be verified using IRM, IDT with RIVO Involvement.
A UPC 147 is present on the account with RC 6/7 or 8. (All UPC RC 0 or 1 will be worked by SPIDT criteria). See IRM, Return Found/Not Processed
For cases/transcripts with TPP involvement, see the table below.
All cases with RIVO involvement must be closed with the IDT8/IDS8 category code, unless the case is a transcript (IDT6/IDS6) or meets criteria described in IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) with RIVO Involvement.
If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed.
If the invalid return includes dependents, dependent related identity theft must be considered. Refer to IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - General, for additional information.
IDTVA paper procedures for closing indicators and letters will continue to be followed even when directed to another IRM reference. Read the entire "Then" column for the applicable scenario prior to proceeding to the linked reference.
If And Then (1) TPP issue is unresolved, The taxpayer has authenticated per AMS notes, you can validate the return per IRP data, OR the taxpayer is claiming IDT You can resolve UPC 126 0 or TC 971 AC 129 following IRM, Responding to the Taxpayer and Case Resolution for the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Telephone Assistors and Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors, procedures.
When following IRM, Responding to the Taxpayer and Case Resolution for the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Telephone Assistors and Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors, for returns validated per IRP data or taxpayer claiming IDT disregard Authentication Passed references and phone specific procedures within this IRM section.(2) TPP issue is unresolved, The taxpayer has not authenticated per AMS notes, the return cannot be validated per IRP data, OR
There is no IDT involvement (i.e., TRUE DUP) and IDTVA cannot make a determination.Follow IRM, E-Freeze, or IRM, Unresolved Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Issues for Correspondence and Loose Forms, as applicable. (3) TPP issue is unresolved, TP filed a potential amended return or there is no IDT involvement (i.e., TRUE DUP) and IDTVA can make a determination. You can resolve UPC 126 0 or TC 971 AC 129 following IRM, Responding to the Taxpayer and Case Resolution for the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Telephone Assistors and Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors, procedures. Disregard phone specific procedures. (4) Valid return is a mixed entity, TP A (CN owner) posted first, You can resolve UPC 126 0 or TC 971 AC 129 following IRM, Responding to the Taxpayer and Case Resolution for the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Telephone Assistors and Taxpayer Assistant Center (TAC) Assistors. Review the TPP IRM for your case scenario. Disregard phone specific procedures.
After the TPP issue has been resolved, refer to IRM, Mixed Entity Procedures, for remaining actions to resolve the case.(5) Valid return is a mixed entity, TP B posted first and the return must be reprocessed to a different TIN, The return must go through the normal TPP process on the correct TIN.
Refer to IRM, Mixed Entity Procedures.(6) Valid return is a mixed period, The return posted as TC 150 or TC 976 and AMS reflects the TP has already authenticated, You can resolve UPC 126 0 or TC 971 AC 129 following procedures in IRM, Responding to the Taxpayer and Case Resolution for the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Telephone Assistors and Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors. These returns have already been through the normal TPP process. Disregard phone specific procedures. (7) Valid return is a mixed period, The return posted as TC 977 or the TP has not authenticated, and IDTVA can make a determination, You can resolve UPC 126 0, or TC 971 AC 129 following IRM, Responding to the Taxpayer and Case Resolution for the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Telephone Assistors and Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors, procedures. Disregard phone specific procedures. (8) Valid return is a mixed period, The return posted as TC 977 or the TP has not authenticated, and IDTVA cannot make a determination, Follow IRM, E-Freeze, or IRM, Unresolved Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Issues for Correspondence and Loose Forms, as applicable. (9) There is a TC 150 return posted, an unpostable TC 971 AC 111, and a TC 971 AC 506 with MISC "WI AM OTHER" or "WI PRP OTHER1" , -
The TC 150 DLN and TC 971 AC 111 MISC DLN match, and
AMS notes indicate an ID Theft determination was made, and
There is no TC 976/977 return (-A Freeze).
Accept the determination made.
Input an adjustment to back out the invalid TC 150 return. Follow the applicable procedures in IRM, One IDT Return - No Lost Refund, or IRM, One IDT Return - Lost Refund.
Do not input another IDT indicator.
Issue a closing Letter 4674C, if necessary. See IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, for additional information.
(10) There is a TC 150 return posted, an unpostable TC 971 AC 111, and a TC 971 AC 506 with MISC "WI AM OTHER" or "WI PRP OTHER1" , -
The TC 150 DLN and TC 971 AC 111 DLN match, and
AMS notes indicate an ID Theft determination was made, and
There is a TC 976/977 return (-A Freeze).
Accept the determination made for the TC 150 return.
Determine if the TC 976/977 is a valid return.
If the TC 976/977 is a valid return, follow the applicable procedures in IRM, Invalid Return/Valid Return - No Lost Refund, or IRM, Invalid Return/Valid Return - Lost Refund.
If the TC 976/977 is not a valid return, follow the applicable procedures in IRM, Two or More Invalid Returns (No Valid Return) - No Lost Refund, or IRM, Two or More Invalid Returns (No Valid Return) - Lost Refund.
Do not input another IDT indicator.
Issue a closing Letter 4674C, if necessary. See IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, for additional information.
For cases/transcripts with RIVO Involvement, see the table below.
If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed.
If And Then (1) Return was erroneously abated by RIVO, There is NO IDT and the ASED is within 90 days of expiration,
Obtain lead/manager approval per note below.
Reverse all IDT indicators. Input remarks on CII and open control base using "PROMPT2IVO" , category code "TPRQ" , status code "A" , and IDRS number "1487755555" to RIVO.(2) Return was erroneously abated by RIVO, There is IDT involvement (e.g., MFT 32, Voided/Deleted) and the ASED is within 90 days of expiration,
Obtain lead/manager approval per note below.
Complete IDT procedures, as applicable. Input remarks on CII and open control base using "PROMPT2IVO" , category code "TPRQ" , status code "A" , and IDRS number "1487755555 " to RIVO.(3) Return was erroneously abated by RIVO, There is NO IDT involvement and the ASED has expired,
Obtain lead/manager approval per note below.
Reverse all IDT indicators, Input remarks on CII, "Account backed out as IDT in error by RIVO. Barred assessment" and open control base using" BARRED2IVO" category code "TPRQ" , status code "A" , and IDRS number "1487766666" to RIVO.(4) Return was erroneously abated by RIVO, There is IDT Involvement (e.g., MFT 32, Voided/Deleted) and the ASED has expired, Complete IDT procedures, as applicable. Input remarks on CII and open control base using "PROMPT2IVO" , category code "TPRQ" , status code "A" , and IDRS number "1487755555" to RIVO. (5) The account was erroneously abated by RIVO after the account was adjusted as an Invalid/Valid, There is IDT involvement and the ASED is within 90 days or has expired, Do not refer the case to RIVO. Follow IRM, Statute Protection, procedures. (6) The return was: -
Deleted, or
Moved to MFT 32 in error,
Follow procedures in IRM , MFT 32 Cases - Moved in Error. Note:
Before opening a control base to RIVO and closing your CII case, you will need lead/manager approval. Prior to requesting approval, the CSR/TE must input a case note of their determination on CII. The lead/manager cannot concur with a determination that is not posted on the case.
If the lead and/or manager concur with your determination they will need to send an encrypted email to the RIVO mailbox (*TS-RICS-IVO-AR) with the subject line "Expedite Statute Case." In the body of the email, you should include the social security number, tax period and the ASED of the case.
Take the following actions when an IRSN is required to reprocess the IDT return:
Follow local procedures to obtain an IRSN.
Establish the account TC 000.
Edit the IDT return to show the name and address of the Service Center working the case, per IRM, Campus Address Used Only When Taxpayer Address is Unavailable, when the IDT return contains the same address as the CN. List the name(s) as shown in the chart.
Edit the IDT return with Computer Condition Code (CCC) 3, if appropriate, to hold any refund. To prevent unnecessary AMRH transcripts, if the overpayment is a year old or older transfer the overpayment to Excess Collections. See IRM, Excess Collections File (XSF) and Unidentified Remittance File (URF) for AMRH.
Close the CII base and monitor for the TC 000 to post.
Input TC 971 with Action Code 017 on the IRSN (when posted) to cross reference the misused SSN. Refer to IRM, Transaction Code 971, for additional guidance.
Input TC 971 with Action Code 001 or 002, whichever is appropriate, on the CN to cross reference the IRSN depending on whether the IDT return posted first or second. Refer to IRM, Transaction Code 971, for additional guidance.
Send a Letter 4675C advising the non-owner of the CN to contact SSA and to use the IRSN for federal tax purposes until SSA determines their correct SSN. SSA will advise the taxpayer to file Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, to obtain an ITIN if the taxpayer cannot obtain a SSN.
If the CN is an ITIN, send a Letter 4675C advising the non-owner of the CN to use the IRSN for federal tax purposes and to file a new Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.
Allow the math error and normal collection processes to address any balance due issues resulting from the reprocessing of the return under an IRSN.
Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-21 , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing, to ensure all actions have been taken, as applicable.
A taxpayer’s overpayment is required to be applied to any outstanding Federal tax debt, Federal non-tax debt, child support, Treasury Offset Program (TOP) debt, State income tax obligation, or Unemployment Compensation prior to being refunded per IRC 6402(a), (c), (d), (e), and (f).
A tax offset occurs when a refund is applied to an outstanding IMF, BMF, or NMF liability.
A refund will be applied as a TOP offset after verification of no Federal tax debt when a Federal non-tax debt has been identified.
When an identity theft case includes tax offsets and/or TOP offsets, refer to the following subsections for specific procedures to address the offsets while correcting the taxpayer’s account:
IRM, Identity Theft with Tax Offsets
IRM, Identity Theft with TOP Offsets
Internal Revenue Code IRC 6402(a), (c), (d), (e), and (f) require a taxpayer’s overpayment to be applied to any outstanding Federal tax debt, child support, Treasury Offset Program (TOP), State income tax obligation, or Unemployment Compensation prior to crediting the overpayment to a future tax or issuing a refund. This application of a tax overpayment is called a refund offset. Refund offsets to Federal tax debts are called tax offsets.
Tax offsets may be the taxpayer’s first indication they are a victim of Identity Theft (IDT).
(Income or employment related IDT): The taxpayer files their 2018 return expecting a refund. The taxpayer later receives a notice advising them of their refund being applied to a Federal tax debt for tax year 2016. The taxpayer calls for additional information and learns that income earned by someone else was reported for tax year 2016 which resulted in an AUR assessment.
(Refund related IDT): The taxpayer files their 2018 return expecting a refund. When the taxpayer calls to check on the status of their refund, they are informed it has been applied to a balance owed for the 2012 tax return filed. The taxpayer submits Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit explaining the first time they filed a return was for tax year 2017.
Tax offsets must be resolved as part of the corrective actions for Identity Theft and RPM cases and will be treated as payments in most cases. For more information on credit availability for refund or offset, see IRM, Limitations on the Amount of a Claim. See IRM, Excess Collection File (XSF) and Unidentified Remittance File (URF), for procedures related to credits that are not refundable and credits that are refundable but have been moved to XSF in error. Do not input a tax offset reversal unless criteria in (4), (5), or (6) is met.
When the tax offset is from a refund determined to be created by an invalid return, that credit must be returned to the originating module as part of the IDT resolution for that impacted year. For example, the TY 2019 return is determined to meet nullity criteria, and the refund from that return was offset to pay a balance owed for TY 2015. The offset must be transferred from TY 2015 to TY 2019 as part of correcting the TY 2019 IDT issue.
The Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED) is the expiration of the time period established by law to collect taxes (generally 10 years from the 23C date). Once the CSED has expired, tax offsets cannot be applied to the balance owed. When a tax offset has been applied to a module after the CSED expired, follow the procedures in the table below:
Review the posting cycle of the tax offset to verify it was applied after the expiration of the CSED before transferring the credit to the original module. If the tax offset posted before the CSED expired, the credit must not be moved. Refunds applied before the CSED expired will be addressed on the module they offset to following paragraph (3) above.
Form 14039 is received on May 2, 2019. Tax year 2008 is the impacted year. A determination of one return IDT was made. Through research you find the valid taxpayer’s 2015 return was filed by April 18, 2016 and the refund offset to the balance owed for tax year 2008. The CSED for tax year 2008 is April 15, 2019, and the offset was applied to the balance in cycle 201617 (April 22 - April 28, 2016). Because the offset was applied to the balance before the CSED expired, it would not be returned to the tax year 2015 module. Credit availability will be determined following normal statute procedures for payments (i.e., 2 year rule).
If And Then (1) The credit is available for refund or offset, The RSED is open, Transfer the credit back to the original module. On the credit side, include TC 570 followed by TC 572 with the appropriate post delay to prevent an offset back to the expired CSED module. Allow the system to refund the credit or offset it to another liability. (2) The credit is available for refund or offset, The RSED is expired, Transfer the credit back to the original module. On the credit side, include TC 570 to prevent offset to the expired CSED module. Issue a manual refund following procedures in IRM, Preparation of Manual Refund Forms. (3) The credit is not available for refund or offset, Transfer the credit back to the original module. On the credit side, include TC 570 to prevent offset back to the expired CSED module. Apply the credit to the Excess Collection File following procedures in IRM, Transferring Credit to XSF. -
When the balance due module is a Married Filing Joint account and the tax offset applied to the balance is from a module that does not reflect both spouses’ names, follow procedures in the table below:
If And Then (1) The credit is available for refund or offset, The RSED is open, Transfer the credit back to the original module. On the credit side, include TC 570 followed by TC 572 with PDC 2 to prevent offset back to the expired balance due module, if necessary. Allow the system to refund the credit or offset it to another liability, when possible. (2) The credit is available for refund or offset, The RSED is expired, Transfer the credit back to the original module. Include TC 570 to prevent offset back to the balance due module. Issue a manual refund following procedures in IRM, Preparation of Manual Refund Forms. (3) The credit is not available for refund or offset, Transfer the credit back to the original module. Include TC 570 to prevent offset back to the balance due module. Apply the credit to the Excess Collection File following procedures in IRM, Transferring Credit to XSF. -
TAS hardship requests for returning an offset to the originating module must be considered. The CSR/TE assigned the case is responsible for verifying offset reversal criteria is met. When an Operations Assistance Request (OAR) is received requesting reversal of a tax offset, return the offset to the originating module if the offset is the result of a TAS or IRS clerical error. A clerical error is an error resulting from a minor mistake or inadvertence, in writing or copying something on the record. A clerical error is not an error based on substance or judgment. Clerical errors include:
Typing an incorrect number
Transcribing a word incorrectly
Misdirecting a form
Sending a form to a nonworking fax machine
The TY 2017 module reflects a balance owed, and the taxpayer has filed Form 14039. The taxpayer meets hardship criteria and contacts Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) for assistance. The Case Advocate receives documentation supporting the taxpayer’s economic hardship and submits an Offset Bypass Refund (OBR) request prior to the TY 2018 refund being applied to the TY 2017 balance owed. The OBR request includes transposed numbers in the taxpayer’s TIN. The Case Advocate is contacted for a corrected request which is received after the TY 2018 refund was applied to the TY 2017 balance. Because the error made is clerical in nature, the offset will be returned to the TY 2018 module to be refunded to the taxpayer.
Service-wide guidance for addressing accounts with a TOP offset is located in IRM, Refund Offset Research.
There are two types of refund offsets:
Federal tax offset
Treasury Offset Program offset (effective 01/11/1999)
Bureau of the Fiscal Service initiates refund offsets to outstanding federal agency debts or child support, State Income tax obligations, and Unemployment Compensation debts. These offsets appear on the module as:
TC 898 or TC 971 AC 598 (manual input of TOP offset record) with an Offset Trace Number (OTN), an offset amount, and a debtor-TIN field, if the offset is secondary spouse
OTN - Starting with 1 indicates primary taxpayer debt
OTN - Starting with 2 indicates secondary taxpayer debt
Command Code (CC) INOLE contains debt liability indicators based on information received from the Bureau of the Fiscal Service. The indicators are used to identity a Federal tax debt TOP debt, or both. You must thoroughly research for any outstanding Federal tax or TOP debts. Always attach the INOLES for both spouses identifying the debt indicator at the time the case is worked. Include BMF screens when there is an X-REF EIN. The debt indicators are:
(I) IRS Debt
(F) Bureau of the Fiscal Service TOP Debt
(B) Both IRS and Bureau of the Fiscal Service TOP Debt
(N) No Debt
The IAT Results IS screen may respond with a debt indicator "N" when an invalid Social Security Number (SSN) indicator follows the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The IAT Tool is designed to research CC INOLET when the invalid indicator is present. If CC INOLET does not display a debt indicator, then the IAT Results IS screen display the "N" . Additional research is needed if the secondary TIN is invalid.
The Department of the Treasury (Treasury), Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS), amended its regulation governing the offset of tax refund payments to collect past-due child support obligations. This change limits the time in which Treasury may reverse a tax refund offset to collect a delinquent child support debt to six months.
To address this change, IRS must limit the time to reverse a child support offset to 5 months (150 days) from the refund payment date. To determine the date of offset, use the RFND-PYMT-DT associated with the TC 846/840. The 5-month limit allows for internal system processing of the offset reversal request (TC 766 with an Offset Trace Number - OTN). Before reversing any offset to Office of Child Support Enforcement (Agency Codes 1 and/or 2), see IRM, Child Support TOP Offsets.
Offsets that occur during processing year 2016 and beyond will post with the Agency and Sub-Agency code. If the Agency code is "1" or "2" , the offset is for a delinquent child support debt and the 5 month limitation rule applies except for a Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation. See Document 6209 Section 5, Debtor Master File, for Office of Child Support Enforcement Agency and Sub-Agency codes.
Offsets due to delinquent child support occurring during processing years 2012-2015 will be identified by the posting of Transaction Code (TC) 971 Action Code (AC) 126. The Agency Code, OTN, and offset amount will be identified in the MISC field.
Offsets due to delinquent child support prior to 2012 will not have any indicators identifying which agency the refund offset to. Contact the TOP liaison to identify the agency code(s).
For all TOP Offsets involving Identity Theft, follow the guidance in IRM, TOP Offsets Involving ID Theft and ID Theft with Fraudulent Returns. Input TC 470, as needed, to prevent balance due notices from generating while the case is being worked. If TC 470 is input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed after the identity theft issue is resolved. Include a post delay code with the TC 472 if input at the same time as TC 470.
When resolution of the identity theft issue requires reversal of a TOP offset that is more than 6 years old, contact the TOP offset Liaison, per IRM, TOP Offsets Involving ID Theft and ID Theft with Fraudulent Returns, and input the adjustment to correct the account. Once all required IDT account actions have been completed, the IDT control can be closed on CII. It may take 180 days or longer for the TC 700 to post. A monitoring control on IDRS with the Activity “PNDMRR/###” and Category “MISC” will be opened by the assigned employee.
A manual reversal is required when you have an IMF/BMF offset which was sent to Bureau of the Fiscal Service in error and cannot be reversed with a TC 766 (IRS reversal) or TC 899 (Bureau of the Fiscal Service reversal). Once the TOP/DMF Manual Reversal Request Form has been submitted and all required ID theft account resolution actions are completed, close the CII case. It may take 180 days or longer for the TC 700 to post. A monitoring control with the Activity "PNDMRR/###" and category "MISC" will be opened by the assigned employee. Refer to IRM, Manual Reversal of TOP Offset, for additional guidance.
If the manual reversal is not posted or pending on IDRS after 180 days, follow up with the TOP liaison.
When restitution is court ordered, the taxpayer’s account will include references to related modules reflecting the amount of restitution ordered.
Modules with restitution references can be identified by:
TC 971 AC 18X
TC 766 with reference number 337
Do not assume the taxpayer is not a victim of identity theft when restitution references are present. An identity theft determination is made based on the facts and circumstances of the case without consideration of the restitution ordered.
If an identity theft determination has been made, contact SB/SE Examination Technical Services (TS) via email at *SBSE TECH Svs Criminal Restitution to inform them of the identity theft claim and determination. Cc: ITVA HQ on the email. Suspend the case for 14 days to allow time for TS to provide a response. See Exhibit 25.23.4-13, Format for Emails to SB/SE Examination Technical Services, for an example of an email that includes the required information listed below:
Subject: Identity Theft Claim with Restitution
Taxpayer’s name
Taxpayer’s SSN
Impacted year(s)
Identity theft determination
Relevant documentation attached (i.e., Form 14039, Police Report, correspondence, etc.)
Determinations of no identity theft (NOIDT) do not need to be provided to TS for review.
TS will use the information to evaluate the potential impact on the court ordered restitution and contact Criminal Investigation (CI). TS will provide a response and make any necessary linkage adjustments.
Upon receipt of a response or expiration of the 14 day suspense period, follow the procedures in the table below:
If Then (1) The response from TS supports the IDT determination made, -
Take all necessary actions to resolve the account based on your determination.
Attach the initial email request and response from TS to your CII case.
(2) The response from TS provides information that indicates the taxpayer is not a victim of identity theft,
Consider the additional information:-
If you agree with the information, update your determination to reflect NOIDT, and take all necessary actions to resolve the account.
If you do not agree, lead or manager concurrence must be obtained and documented prior to adjusting the account based on your determination.
Attach the initial email request and response from TS to your CII case.
(3) If you do not receive a response from TS, -
Resubmit your request, including all required information listed in (4) above.
Leave a case note indicating a response was not received from TS and a second request is being submitted.
Suspend your case for 14 days.
(4) If you do not receive a response to your second request, -
Take all necessary actions to resolve the account based on your determination.
Leave a case note indicating a response was not received from TS.
Attach the initial email request and follow-up email request to your CII case.
Taxpayers may file a Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit submit a Police Report, or send other correspondence indicating they are a victim of identity theft in instances where amended or duplicate returns are involved, including the following scenarios:
The taxpayer did not file the TC 150 return and is filing an amended or duplicate return to correct the account.
The taxpayer has received a notice and did not file an amended or duplicate return or authorize a preparer to file an amended or duplicate return on their behalf.
The taxpayer has not filed a return for the year in question and the account reflects receipt of an original return and an amended or duplicate return.
Accounts may reflect a posted or pending TC 977 or TC 976 and/or TC 971 Action Codes indicating an amended return has been received. Refer to IRM , Transaction Code (TC) 971 and Action Codes, for a list of the codes most frequently used by Code and Edit in conjunction with TC 971 to indicate the receipt of an amended return.
Refer to the following subsections for procedural guidance.
There are situations when the taxpayer is claiming identity theft involving an amended or duplicate return filed on their account. Thorough research must be conducted to make an identity theft determination.
Return Preparer Misconduct (RPM) claims indicating the taxpayer authorized a preparer to file their original return but did not authorize a preparer to file an amended or duplicate return on their behalf (CAT 1) will be treated as taxpayer-initiated identity theft claims. Resolution of these cases will include nullification of the invalid amended or duplicate return and the input of TC 971 AC 501.
Once the amended or duplicate return is determined to be invalid, identify the appropriate process to resolve the account - streamline or non-streamline. See IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing, and IRM, Non-Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Processing, for additional information.
Follow the applicable procedures in the table below based on your determination.
Do not include an Amended Claims Date (ACD) when inputting adjustments related to amended or duplicate returns for IDT cases.
If Then (1) The amended or duplicate return meets nullity criteria, and the account has not been adjusted to the amended or duplicate return figures, -
Input TC 290 .00 with BS 05, RC 139, and HC 3. Use HC 4 when there is a credit balance on the module that should not be refunded or when issuing a manual refund.
Ensure appropriate actions are taken to address all applicable account conditions as described in Exhibit 25.23.4-21, Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing.
If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed.
(2) The amended or duplicate return meets nullity criteria, and the account has been adjusted to the amended or duplicate return figures. -
Adjust the account to the original return figures with BS 05, RC 139, and HC 3. Use HC 4 when there is a credit balance on the module that should not be refunded or when issuing a manual refund. Include a Return Processable Date (RPD) when the previous adjustment included an ACD.
Ensure appropriate actions are taken to address all applicable account conditions as described in Exhibit 25.23.4-21 , Input, Annotations and Action Requirements for Streamline/Non-Streamline Case Processing.
If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed.
(3) If the amended or duplicate return does not meet nullity criteria, -
The account will need to be adjusted to reflect the information reported on the original return if the module was previously adjusted to the amended or duplicate return figures. Include a Return Processable Date (RPD) when the previous adjustment included an ACD.
If the amended return is filed on Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return create a dummy Form 1040 with the information reported.
If there is no posted TC 977 or TC 976 for a Form 1040 identified as an amended or duplicate return, follow procedures in IRM, Unprocessed Documents, to forward the return to SP for the posting of TC 976.
If TC 470 CC 90 was input, TC 472 must also be input when the valid taxpayer will have a balance owed.
IDTVA-A employees: Follow procedures in IRM, Non-Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Processing, and IRM, IRSN Required for Identity Theft (IDT) Return, to correct the account.
IDTVA Specialty Functions employees: Follow procedures in IRM, Post Function Referral Procedures, to refer the case to DITA.
Determine if the invalid return meets nullity criteria. See IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing, for additional information. Follow the applicable procedures in the table below based on your determination.
If Then (1) The invalid return meets nullity criteria, -
If the valid amended return is filed on Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return create a dummy Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return with the information reported.
Follow procedures in IRM, Unprocessed Documents, to forward the valid return to SP for the posting of TC 976.
After the TC 976 posts, follow the instructions in IRM, Invalid Return/Valid Return - No Lost Refund, or IRM, Invalid Return/Valid Return - Lost Refund.
(2) The invalid return does not meet nullity criteria, -
If the valid amended return is filed on Form 1040-X, create a dummy Form 1040 with the information reported.
Follow procedures in IRM, Unprocessed Documents, to forward the valid return to SP for the posting of TC 976.
IDTVA-A employees: After the TC 976 posts, refer to IRM, Non-Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Processing, and IRM, IRSN Required for Identity Theft (IDT) Return, for information related to non-streamline case processing. Follow the instructions in IRM, Invalid Return/Valid Return - No Lost Refund, or IRM, Invalid Return/Valid Return - Lost Refund, to resolve the valid taxpayer’s account.
IDTVA Specialty Functions employees: Follow procedures in IRM, Post Function Referral Procedures, to refer the case to DITA.
Determine if the valid taxpayer is due a refund.
Refer to IRM, Basic Guide for Processing Cases with Statute of Limitations Issues, and IRM, Limitations on the Amount of a Claim.
Apply credits available for refund or offset to outstanding liabilities, if applicable.
If necessary, manually refund any allowable amount remaining. Refer to IRM, Why Would a Manual Refund Be Needed?, and IRM, Preparation of Manual Refund Forms, for additional information.
Move any credits not available for refund or offset to the Excess Collection File. See IRM, Excess Collection File (XSF) and Unidentified Remittance File (URF).
Determine if the invalid return meets nullity criteria. See IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing, for additional information. Follow the applicable procedures in the table below based on your determination.
Each return on the account must be considered separately. It is possible to follow nullity procedures for one invalid return but assign an IRSN for another invalid return posted to the same module.
If Then (1) There is No Lost Refund, -
Follow the instructions in IRM, Two or More IDT Returns (No Valid Return) - No Lost Refund.
(2) There is a Lost Refund, -
Follow the instructions in IRM, Two or More IDT Returns (No Valid Return) - Lost Refund.
Determine if the valid taxpayer is due a refund.
Refer to IRM, Basic Guide for Processing Cases with Statute of Limitations Issues, and IRM, Limitations on the Amount of a Claim.
Apply credits available for refund or offset to outstanding liabilities, if applicable.
If necessary, manually refund any allowable amount remaining. Refer to IRM, Why Would a Manual Refund Be Needed?, and IRM, Preparation of Manual Refund Forms, for additional information.
Move any credits not available for refund or offset to the Excess Collection File. See IRM, Excess Collection File (XSF) and Unidentified Remittance File (URF).
When a determination of No IDT has been made for an IDT case and the account requires additional actions to fully resolve the module (i.e., DUPF, XRET, MXEN, etc.), take all necessary actions described in IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations.
Create a new CII case for the additional required actions, use the IRS received date of the IDT case. Use the appropriate Category and Program Codes:
Case Type Category Code Program Code Amended Return XRET 40051 Duplicate Return DUPF 40050 CP36F MXEN 40054 Scrambles SCRM 40052 -
Input a case note documenting the No IDT determination, and link the new case to your original case (i.e., No IDT. Case created to be worked as a duplicate return).
Reassign the case using the IDTVA-A CII Reassignment Guide or IDTVA Specialty CII Reassignment for Non-IDT Cases located on the IDTVA Hub.
When it appears the identity theft issue was previously worked and the Correspondence Imaging Inventory (CII) images do not include a tax return, refer to the table below to determine the appropriate actions:
Verify all required actions were taken prior to closing a case as previous action. Review CII case notes and/or IDRS to determine if an interim letter was issued to the taxpayer before the case was moved to IDT inventory. If an interim letter was issued and the case will be closed as previous action, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures.
If And Then (1) The CII image(s) of form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, police report, and/or correspondence are an exact copy of the documents in the CII case previously worked, All dates (i.e., signature date, IRS received date stamp, fax date/time stamp, etc.) are the same as those on the original documents, -
Input a CII case note indicating the CII images are duplicates.
If a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK is present, reverse it with a TC 972 AC 522 IRSERR.
If an acknowledgement letter was issued after the original CII case was closed, send an IRS apology Letter 0544C/SP. Include paragraph L and the IDT toll-free number 800-908-4490. Use the IDTVA International number for International taxpayers.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
Link the case to the original CII case and close.
(2) The CII image(s) of Form 14039, police report, and/or correspondence are an exact copy of the documents included in the CII case previously worked, The documents include dates (i.e., signature date, IRS received date stamp, fax date/time stamp, etc.) that indicate the documents were signed or received before the date the previous case was closed, -
Input a CII case note indicating the CII images are duplicates.
If a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK is present, reverse it with a TC 972 AC 522 IRSERR.
If an acknowledgement letter was issued after the original CII case was closed, send an IRS apology Letter 0544C/SP. Include paragraph L and the IDT toll-free number 800-908-4490. Use the IDTVA International number for International taxpayers.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
Link the case to the original CII case and close.
(3) The CII image(s) of Form 14039, police report, and/or correspondence are an exact copy of the documents included in the CII case previously worked, The documents include dates (i.e., signature date, IRS received date stamp, fax date/time stamp, etc.) that indicate the documents were signed or received after the date the previous case was closed, -
Input a CII case note indicating the CII images are duplicates.
If a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK is present, reverse it with a TC 972 AC 522 IRSERR.
Issue a closing Letter 4674C/SP advising the taxpayer their identity theft issue was previously resolved. Include the IDT toll-free number 800-908-4490. Use the IDTVA International number for International taxpayers.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
Link the case to the original CII case and close.
(4) The CII image(s) of Form 14039, police report, and/or correspondence provide new/additional information that does not change the determination made, The new/additional information includes dates (i.e., signature date, IRS received date stamp, fax date/time stamp, etc.) that indicate the documents were signed or received before the date the previous case was closed, -
Input a CII case note indicating the CII images provide new information that does not change the previous determination made.
If the previous case was closed with a TC 971 AC 501 or 504 and a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK is present, reverse it with a TC 972 AC 522 IRSERR.
If the previous case was closed with a TC 971 AC 506, input the appropriate TC 971 AC 501 or 504 to ensure the account reflects the receipt of the taxpayer’s claim.
If an acknowledgement letter was issued after the original CII case was closed, send an IRS apology Letter 0544C/SP. Include paragraph L and the IDT toll-free number 800-908-4490. Use the IDTVA International number for International taxpayers.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
Link the case to the original CII case and close.
(5) The CII image(s) of Form 14039, police report, and/or correspondence provide new/additional information that does not change the determination made, The new/additional information includes dates (i.e., signature date, IRS received date stamp, fax date/time stamp, etc.) that indicate the documents were signed or received after the date the previous case was closed, -
Input a CII case note indicating the CII images provide new information that does not change the previous determination made.
If the previous case was closed with a TC 971 AC 501 or 504 and a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK is present, reverse it with a TC 972 AC 522 IRSERR.
If the previous case was closed with a TC 971 AC 506, input the appropriate TC 971 AC 501 or 504 to ensure the account reflects the receipt of the taxpayer’s claim.
Input TC 290 .00 with RC 139 and HC 3. Use HC 4 if the module reflects a credit balance that should not be refunded.
Issue a closing Letter 4674C/SP advising the taxpayer their identity theft issue was previously resolved. Include the IDT toll-free number 800-908-4490.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
Link the case to the original CII case and close.
(6) The CII image(s) include a Form 14039, police report, and/or correspondence reporting identity theft, The impacted tax year only includes an invalid return moved to MFT 32 or
The impacted tax year includes an invalid return moved to MFT 32 and the CN owner’s valid return was previously processed,-
Input a CII case note indicating the invalid return was previously moved to MFT 32.
Input TC 971 AC 501 or 506, if appropriate. See IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
(7) The CII image(s) include a Form 14039, police report, and/or correspondence reporting identity theft, CC TRDBV for the impacted tax year reflects only rejected attempts to file, -
Follow procedures in paragraph (3) of IRM, Resolving Identity Theft (IDT) Cases.
(8) The CII image(s) of Form 14039, police report, and/or correspondence provide new/additional information, Consideration of the new/additional information supports changing the determination, -
The case cannot be worked as previous action.
Work the case following normal IDT procedures.
When it appears the identity theft issue was previously worked and the CII images include one tax return, refer to the table below to determine the appropriate actions:
Multiple CII images may be present for correspondence, charge outs, etc., in addition to the tax return.
Verify all required actions were taken prior to closing a case as previous action. Review CII case notes and/or IDRS to determine if an interim letter was issued to the taxpayer before the case was moved to IDT inventory. If an interim letter was issued and the case will be closed as previous action, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures.
If And Then (1) The return in your case is an exact copy of the return in the original case, The account was previously adjusted to the valid return figures, -
Input a CII case note indicating the account was previously adjusted.
Verify all IDT indicators have been addressed. Input any necessary closing indicators, as appropriate.
Verify credits remaining on the module have been addressed (i.e., will refund systemically, credit dump, offset to balance due, etc.).
Verify the taxpayer will receive an appropriate closing letter based on the case actions previously taken. If an appropriate closing letter was not issued, send a closing letter providing any information the taxpayer did not previously receive.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
Link the case to the original CII case and close.
(2) The return in your case is the result of a document request, The account was previously adjusted to the valid return figures using a different image of the same return or TRDBV information, -
Input a CII case note indicating the account was previously adjusted.
Verify all IDT indicators have been addressed. Input any necessary closing indicators, as appropriate.
Verify credits remaining on the module have been addressed (i.e., will refund systemically, credit dump, offset to balance due, etc.).
Verify the taxpayer will receive an appropriate closing letter based on the case actions previously taken. If an appropriate closing letter was not issued, send a closing letter providing any information the taxpayer did not previously receive.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
Link the case to the original CII case and close.
(3) The return in your case is an additional return received from the valid taxpayer, The returns are reporting the same figures and the account was previously adjusted to the valid return figures, -
Input a CII case note indicating the account was previously adjusted.
Verify all IDT indicators have been addressed. Input any necessary closing indicators, as appropriate.
If there is a -A Freeze, input TC 290 .00 with RC 139 and HC 3. Use HC 4 if the module reflects a credit balance that should not be refunded.
Verify credits remaining on the module have been addressed (i.e., will refund systemically, credit dump, offset to balance due, etc.).
Verify the taxpayer will receive an appropriate closing letter based on the case actions previously taken. If an appropriate closing letter was not issued, send a closing letter providing any information the taxpayer did not previously receive.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
Link the case to the original CII case and close.
(4) The return in your case is an additional return received from the valid taxpayer, The returns are reporting different figures, -
The case cannot be closed as previous action.
Work the case following normal IDT procedures.
If the additional return was filed to amend the figures reported on the valid taxpayer’s original return, see IRM, Amended or Duplicate Returns and Identity Theft (IDT).
When it appears the identity theft issue was previously worked and there are no CII images OR the CII images include multiple tax returns, the case cannot be closed as previous action. Work the case following normal IDT procedures.
When it appears the identity theft issue was previously worked and the CII image is a transcript, refer to the table below to determine the appropriate actions:
Verify all required actions were taken prior to closing a case as previous action. Review CII case notes and/or IDRS to determine if an interim letter was issued to the taxpayer before the case was moved to IDT inventory. If an interim letter was issued and the case will be closed as previous action, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures.
If And Then (1) If the transcript is the result of an unresolved credit remaining on the module, The credit is no longer on the module, -
Input a CII case note indicating the credit was previously resolved.
If a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK is present, reverse it with a TC 972 AC 522 IRSERR.
Update your IDRS control with the activity "PRVACTN" .
Link the case to the original CII case and close.
(2) If the transcript is the result of an unresolved credit remaining on the module, The credit has not been addressed, -
The case cannot be closed as previous action. Follow procedures in IRM, Credit Transcripts Resolution, to correct the account.
(3) If the transcript is related to prior RIVO involvement, -
The case cannot be closed as previous action.
Follow procedures in IRM, Credit Transcripts - IDT6/IDS6, to determine the appropriate actions to take.
Dependent related identity theft (IDT) occurs when:
The victim is listed as the primary or secondary taxpayer on an invalid return,
The victim is a dependent of their parent/legal guardian and is listed as a dependent on the return of a taxpayer who is not their parent/legal guardian,
The victim is not a dependent of anyone but is listed as a dependent on a return filed by an individual who is not their parent/legal guardian.
The victim is listed as a dependent on a return determined to be invalid.
Establish the entity, if necessary. Refer to IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - General, and IRM, Dependent Related Identity Theft (IDT) - Determinations, for case and account actions that may be required to be taken prior to closing the identity theft issue.
When the victim is listed as a primary/secondary taxpayer on an invalid return, follow the procedures in the table below:
When the victim is a dependent of their parent/legal guardian and is listed as a dependent on the return of a taxpayer who is not their parent/legal guardian, follow the procedures in the table below:
If Then (1) -
The individual(s) entitled to claim the dependent filed a return,
The return included the dependent and has been processed,
Input TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506 OTHER on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501 and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
If there is an active tax module for the year in question under the dependent’s TIN and there is a valid TC 150 return posted, input TC 290 .00 with BS 05, SC 0, RC 139, and HC 3.
If the reporting person is someone other than the dependent or the case is closed with TC 971 AC 506, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, to determine what closing letters must be issued and what information can be provided to the reporting person.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
(2) -
The individual(s) entitled to claim the dependent filed a return,
The return did not include the dependent and has been processed,
An amended return has not been received,
Input TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506 OTHER on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501 and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
If there is an active tax module for the year in question under the dependent’s TIN and there is a valid TC 150 return posted, input TC 290 .00 with BS 05, SC 0, RC 139, and HC 3.
If the reporting person is someone other than the dependent or the case is closed with TC 971 AC 506, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, to determine what closing letters must be issued and what information can be provided to the reporting person. If appropriate, include an open paragraph advising an amended return may be filed by the person entitled to claim the dependent to correct the account for the tax year(s) in question.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
(3) -
The individual(s) entitled to claim the dependent filed a return,
The return did not include the dependent and has been processed,
An amended return has been received,
Input TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506 OTHER on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501 and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
If there is an active tax module for the year in question under the dependent’s TIN and there is a valid TC 150 return posted, input TC 290 .00 with BS 05, SC 0, RC 139, and HC 3.
If the reporting person is someone other than the dependent or the case is closed with TC 971 AC 506, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, to determine what closing letters must be issued and what information can be provided to the reporting person.
If there is a CII case for the amended return and you are trained on the program, contact the assigned employee to reassign the case to you for resolution.
If you are not trained on amended returns or there is not a CII case for the amended return, do not request reassignment of the case.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
(4) -
The individual(s) entitled to claim the dependent filed a return,
The return included the dependent and has not been processed,
Input TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506 OTHER on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501 and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
If there is an active tax module for the year in question under the dependent’s TIN and there is a valid TC 150 return posted, input TC 290 .00 with BS 05, SC 0, RC 139, and HC 3.
If the reporting person is someone other than the dependent or the case is closed with TC 971 AC 506, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, to determine what closing letters must be issued and what information can be provided to the reporting person.
If the return is included in the CII images, send the return to SP for processing. Refer to IRM, Unprocessed Documents, for additional information.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
(5) -
The individual(s) entitled to claim the dependent filed a return,
The return did not include the dependent and has not been processed,
An amended return has not been received,
Input TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506 OTHER on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501 and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
If there is an active tax module for the year in question under the dependent’s TIN and there is a valid TC 150 return posted, input TC 290 .00 with BS 05, SC 0, RC 139, and HC 3.
If the reporting person is someone other than the dependent or the case is closed with TC 971 AC 506, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, to determine what closing letters must be issued and what information can be provided to the reporting person. If appropriate, include an open paragraph advising an amended return may be filed by the person entitled to claim the dependent to correct the account for the tax year(s) in question.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
(6) -
The individual(s) entitled to claim the dependent filed a return,
The return did not include the dependent and has not been processed,
An amended return has been received,
Input TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506 OTHER on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501 and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
If there is an active tax module for the year in question under the dependent’s TIN and there is a valid TC 150 return posted, input TC 290 .00 with BS 05, SC 0, RC 139, and HC 3.
If the reporting person is someone other than the dependent or the case is closed with TC 971 AC 506, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, to determine what closing letters must be issued and what information can be provided to the reporting person.
If there is a CII case for the amended return and you are trained on the program, contact the assigned employee to reassign the case to you for resolution.
If you are not trained on amended returns or there is not a CII case for the amended return, do not request reassignment of the amended return.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
(7) -
The individual(s) entitled to claim the dependent did not file a return,
Input TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506 OTHER on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501 and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
If there is an active tax module for the year in question under the dependent’s TIN and there is a valid TC 150 return posted, input TC 290 .00 with BS 05, SC 0, RC 139, and HC 3.
If the reporting person is someone other than the dependent or the case is closed with TC 971 AC 506, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, to determine what closing letters must be issued and what information can be provided to the reporting person.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
When the victim is a taxpayer who is not a dependent of anyone and has been listed as a dependent on a return filed by an individual who is not their parent/legal guardian, follow procedures in the table below:
If Then
(1) The victim filed a return that has been processed or states they filed a paper return that has not completed processing,-
Input TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506 "OTHER" on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501 and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
If there is an active tax module for the year in question under the dependent’s TIN and there is a valid TC 150 return posted, input TC 290 .00 with BS 05, SC 0, RC 139, and HC 3.
If the reporting person is someone other than the dependent or the case is closed with TC 971 AC 506, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, to determine what closing letters must be issued and what information can be provided to the reporting person.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
(2) The victim has not filed a return or an attempt to e-file was rejected and a paper return has not been filed,-
Input TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506 "OTHER" on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501 and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
Refer to IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions, to determine if the taxpayer has a filing requirement and the appropriate actions to take.
If the reporting person is someone other than the dependent or the case is closed with TC 971 AC 506, refer to IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, to determine what closing letters must be issued and what information can be provided to the reporting person.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
When the victim is listed as a dependent on a return determined to be invalid and the case is IRS identified, follow the procedures in the table below:
If Then (1) You can identify the victim’s valid address, -
Input TC 971 AC 506 "OTHER" on the dependent’s entity. Refer to IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
Refer to IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions, to determine if the taxpayer has a filing requirement and the appropriate actions to take.
Issue a closing Letter 4674C. See IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, for additional information.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
(2) You cannot identify the victim’s valid address, -
Input TC 971 AC 506 "OTHER" on the dependent’s entity. Refer to and IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506, for additional information.
Input a TC 971 AC 528 with the MISC Field Code "WI IP DEPND" on ENMOD using CC REQ77. Use January 1st of the current year for the Secondary Date to signify the processing year.
Document all account actions in a CII case note.
When the taxpayer is not a victim of identity theft, the TC 971 AC 522 must be reversed. Refer to IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations – TC 972 AC 522 NOIDT, for general information regarding unsubstantiated identity theft claims, including a list of scenarios that should not be marked as NOIDT and exceptions for reversing TC 971 AC 522 with a NOIDT literal.
When you have determined the taxpayer is not a victim of identity theft and the case is taxpayer initiated, take the following actions:
Do not close the case unless all account issues and years are addressed, including ALL TC 971 AC 522 indicators on the account. See IRM, Addressing All Taxpayer Issues, for more information.
Send Letter 4674C to notify the taxpayer of the NOIDT decision. Include the following suggested wording (or similar) and the specific reason(s) for the determination: "We reviewed your correspondence dated MM/DD/YYYY. We found no indication that identity theft affected the tax periods above." Use the date of the taxpayer’s correspondence in place of MM/DD/YYYY. The letter must also include language regarding the taxpayer’s right to dispute the no IDT decision (i.e., providing additional information). If the taxpayer is not currently enrolled in the IP PIN program, advise the taxpayer they may be able to obtain an IP PIN through the opt in process to protect their identity in the future.
If the taxpayer has a balance due after the IDT issue is determined to be invalid, include language indicating collection activities will continue.
If the account reflects a TC 971 AC 527 on CC ENMOD/IMFOLE, do not include paragraph u. The taxpayer is unable to use online self-help options. Instead, include an open paragraph providing information about their option to obtain an IP PIN by submitting Form 15227, IP PIN Application, or scheduling an appointment at their local Taxpayer Assistance Center. For more information about this indicator, see IRM, Disabled Online Accounts TC 971 AC 527.
Use IDRS Command Code REQ77 initiated from Command Code ENMOD to input a TC 972 AC 522 reflecting a Tax Administration Source Code of NOIDT and the tax year of the identity theft incident. See IRM 25.23.2-11, IMF Only TC 972 AC 522 - Reversal of TC 971 AC 522, for additional information.
If a TC 470 was input to freeze collection notices, input a TC 472 to reverse hold and resume the issuance of systemic balance due notices. If the module is in a collection status (03, 22, 24, 26, or 58), prepare Form 14394, Identity Theft Collection Alert, and route to IDTVA Specialty Functions (ACSS) for processing. Refer to IRM, Collection Activity - Resume Collection Actions.
When the account requires additional actions to fully resolve the module (i.e., DUPF, XRET, MXEN, etc.), refer to IRM, Amended or Duplicate Returns and Identity Theft (IDT) - No IDT Determinations. Input TC 290 .00 with RC 139 to document the identity theft claim. Use HC 3. Use HC 4 to prevent a refund of any remaining credits, when necessary. For a list of exceptions to inputting the TC 290 .00 with RC 139, refer to IRM, CII and IDRS Case Controls, paragraph (1) exception.
IDTVA Specialty Teams Only: Cases including Compliance issues - Follow functional guidelines to determine if the case needs to be returned to the function that made the referral (i.e., Open AUR cases). Notify them of the No IDT determination.
When you have determined the taxpayer is not a victim of identity theft and the case is IRS initiated, take the following actions:
Use IDRS Command Code REQ77 initiated from Command Code ENMOD to input a TC 972 AC 522 reflecting a Tax Administration Source Code of IRSERR and the tax year of the identity theft incident. See IRM 25.23.2-11, IMF Only TC 972 AC 522 – Reversal of TC 971 AC 522, for additional information. Refer to "c" below.
If a TC 470 was input to freeze collection notices, input a TC 472 to reverse hold and resume the issuance of systemic balance due notices. If the module is in a collection status (03, 22, 24, 26, or 58), prepare Form 14394, Identity Theft Collection Alert, and route to IDTVA Specialty Functions (ACSS) for processing. Refer to IRM, Collection Activity - Resume Collection Actions.
When the account requires additional actions to fully resolve the module (i.e., DUPF, XRET, MXEN, etc.), refer to IRM, Amended or Duplicate Returns and Identity Theft (IDT) - No IDT Determinations. Input TC 290 .00 with RC 139 to indicate the account was reviewed for an identity theft issue. Use HC 3. Use HC 4 to prevent a refund of any remaining credits, when necessary. For a list of exceptions to inputting the TC 290 .00 with RC 139, refer to IRM, CII and IDRS Case Controls, paragraph (1) exception.
When a No IDT determination is made but there are allegations of return preparer misconduct, provide information on filing a claim (Form 14157, Return Preparer Complaint, or Form 14157-A, Tax Return Preparer Fraud or Misconduct Affidavit) and required documents when sending the IDT determination letter. Input TC 972 AC 522 with tax administration source NOIDT.
Specialty Functions Only – If the taxpayer provides falsified or altered documentation, when returning the case to the Compliance function, suggest the case be referred to the Campus Fraud Coordinator (CFC) as a potential fraud referral.
Before proceeding, refer to IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written), to determine the appropriate action to take..
When directed to follow No Reply procedures, use the following table to resolve the case:
See IRM, CII and IDRS Case Controls, paragraph (1) for a list of exceptions for inputting the TC 290 .00 with RC 139.
A Form 14039 is received indicating their dependent was claimed by someone else. Research shows the individual the claim was submitted for is age 19. Letter 5064C is sent to request proof of legal guardianship. The suspense timeframe has expired, and a response was not received. After consideration of all information available, you are unable to confirm there is identity theft. This case will be resolved following No Reply procedures.
A Taxpayer’s account contains a TC 150 and a TC 976. The account also reflects a TC 922. An invalid/valid determination is made per IRPTR/IDRS data. The taxpayer’s claim indicates a return was fraudulently filed for them but makes no mention of the issues proposed in the CP2000 notice. The TC 976 return doesn’t include all of the underreported income. The underreported income appears to be valid, but it is unclear if the underreported income is included in the identity theft claim. A Letter 5064C is sent inquiring why the U/R income was not included on the taxpayer’s return. The taxpayer never responds to the Letter 5064C. The case would not be closed as NORPLY even though the taxpayer did not respond to the Letter 5064C. There is still enough information to make determinations on the returns that were filed. The TC 150 would be nullified and the TC 976 processed. Due to the taxpayer not responding, no adjustment would be made to the AUR assessment except to abate any income that is included on the TC 976 return. A Letter 4674C would be sent informing them an AUR assessment remains on their account since they did not respond to our letter. The account would be marked with a TC 971 AC 501.
Specialty Resolution only - If the taxpayer provides falsified or altered documentation, when returning the case to the Compliance function, suggest the case be referred to the Campus Fraud Coordinator (CFC) as a potential fraud referral.
When reversing an existing IDT indicator and the secondary date is for a tax year that is more than 7 years old CC REQ77 will not accept the year. Prepare Form 4442 and email ITVA HQ using the subject line: Reverse IDT Indicator (or similar). Document all research completed in a CII case note and/or on Form 4442. Attach Form 4442 to your CII case. Do not suspend your case. For more information, see IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue.
When resolving an identity theft case and the refund cannot be released systemically, it may be necessary to issue a manual refund. Do not issue a manual refund if:
A generated refund will be released within two (2) cycles, except under conditions outlined in IRM, Why Would a Manual Refund Be Needed?
There is a TC 971 AC 664 on the account - either AP, PN or posted. This transaction code indicates that either a direct deposit or paper manual refund has been issued.
The most common reasons an identity theft case may require a manual refund are:
Reason Scenarios (1) Receipt of a hardship request from the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) using an Operations Assistance Request (OAR) -
Request for the IDTVA employee to issue a manual refund.
Request approval to issue the manual refund.
(2) Systemic limitations prevent a normal computer-generated refund -
Refund Statute Expiration Date (RSED) expired for the module.
Some payments and/or credits are refundable while others are not.
A systemic limitation is any account condition that will not allow a refund to generate at any time. Procedural actions which extend the period of time that will pass prior to issuance of a systemic refund will not prevent the refund from generating and should not be considered a limitation. A manual refund will not be issued as a result of extended timeframes due to normal processing and posting cycles.
The input of manual refunds without consideration of systemic account issues can result in erroneous refunds. In addition, improper IDRS controls and lack of required monitoring can result in erroneous refunds. Prior to inputting a manual refund, review the table below for additional considerations:
Considerations Details (1) Credit Availability -
Verify what credits and/or payments belong to the valid taxpayer.
Verify if any part of credits and/or payments the valid taxpayer is entitled to were previously refunded or will be refunded based on pending transactions on the module.
For more information about credit availability for refund or offset, see IRM, Limitations on the Amount of a Claim.
(2) Hold Codes -
When HC 3 is used, the adjustment notice will not generate, and any resulting credit balance will be available for refund or offset.
When HC 4 is used, the adjustment notice will not generate, and any resulting credit balance will be held from refunding or offsetting. HC 4 must be used when issuing a manual refund.
(3) Post Delay Codes -
Use of a Post Delay Code will delay the posting of the adjustment/transaction by the number of cycles input as the post delay.
Post Delay Codes are necessary to ensure transactions post in the correct order.
When an adjustment is post delayed, the credit will not be systemically refunded within two (2) cycles.
(4) Override Codes -
Override Code S may be used to allow a refund to be issued systemically when the module meets a specific set of conditions. Refer to paragraph (4) Table Scenario (1) for additional information.
A complete list of Override Codes can be found in IRM 2.4.16-4, Input Screen CC ADJ54.
(5) Excess Collections (XSF) -
Credits being moved from XSF to the module using Form 8765 , IDRS Control File Credit Application, must post prior to issuing a refund.\
Credits being moved from the module to XSF using Form 8758, Excess Collection File Addition, do not need to post before issuing a refund.
When monitoring for a credit to be transferred to XSF any remaining credit will not be systemically refunded within two (2) cycles. This is considered a systemic limitation.
(6) Credit Transfers -
When transferring a credit to a module that also requires an adjustment, the adjustment must be post delayed by one (1) cycle to ensure they post at the same time. Any remaining credit will not be systemically refunded within two (2) cycles. This is considered a systemic limitation.
When transferring a credit out of the module and issuing a manual refund, TC 570 must be input on the debit side to hold the credit and prevent an erroneous refund from being issued before the TC 840 posts.
(7) Frivolous Return Program (FRP) Involvement -
When FRP is involved (-E freeze present), and a manual refund is necessary, include the following remarks:
RICS-FRP Approval for manual refund - TC 810/4
Refer to the table below for scenarios you may see when resolving identity theft modules:
Scenario Details (1) Override Codes All of the following conditions must be met for an RSED Override Code to be used to allow a refund to systemically generate: -
There is no hardship request.
No payments on the module belong to the invalid taxpayer.
All credits on the module are available for refund, and there are no credits that must be moved to Excess Collections (XSF).
There are no credits being transferred into the module.
The adjustment is not being post delayed.
(2) Outstanding balance due -
Verify the taxpayer has no outstanding tax liabilities that must be satisfied prior to issuing a manual refund.
When an outstanding tax debt is identified, a manual refund may only be issued for the amount of overpayment in excess of the balance due.
The availability date of an overpayment is determined by the payment(s) and or credits(s) of which it is comprised. Refer to the table below for additional considerations:
Consideration Details (1) Credit interest availability date(s) The refund due to the taxpayer may need to include credit interest. Computation of the availability date of an overpayment is determined by the payment(s) and or credits(s) of which it is comprised. -
Prepayment credits (payments made before the due date of the return) are deemed paid as of the due date of the return (determined without regard to any extension of time to file) whether the return is timely or late filed. Interest on overpayments based on prepayment credits is generally allowed from the later of the return due date or delinquent return received date. See IRM, Availability Dates for Overpayments-Payment and Credit Types, for additional information.
(2) Multiple refundable payments An overpayment can be made up of multiple payments and or credits and may have more than one availability date. -
See IRM, Availability Dates for Overpayments-Payment and Credit Types.
Also see IRM, Availability Dates for Overpayments-Released Credits.
Form 5792 is prepared when requesting an IDRS refund. This form cannot be used to issue refunds of $100 Million or more. Forward the manual refund form to the technical lead or designated individual for review, according to the routing instructions for your site. Attach necessary documentation. Refer to the checklist in IRM 21.4.4-2, Manual Refund Checklists.
The technical lead or designated individual will:
Review the manual refund for accuracy, and
Forward to the approver for the final review and signature.
Once approved, Form 5792 and all required documentation will be sent to Accounting.
Effective June 20, 2023, responsibility for all manual refund monitoring is now performed at the Headquarters level. IDTVA employees issuing manual refunds will also monitor for posting to ensure the taxpayer’s identity theft issue is fully resolved.
The CII case can be closed with an IDRS control created to monitor when no further account actions are needed.
Update the activity for the IDRS control to "MNREF/###" . (### represents the Julian Date).
Monitor to ensure the TC 840 and TC 770 (if applicable) post correctly to IDRS.
A math error may be identified during the process of math verifying the valid return. Refer to the following IRMs for detailed explanations of what is and is not a math error:
IRM, What is a Math Error?
IRM, What is Not Considered a Math Error?
A math error will be set when the result of recomputation of figures on a tax return shows more tax and/or less credits than the taxpayer expected resulting in an increased balance due or decreased refund amount.
Math verify the valid tax return. Confirm the figures on forms and/or schedules attached are calculated correctly and match the entries on the applicable line of the tax return.
When a math error is discovered, recompute the tax and/or credits on the valid return. Use the CII mark-up tools to edit the return with the correct amounts.
Input an adjustment using the corrected amounts, include the following:
Blocking Series (BS): Use BS 77 if the valid return was electronically filed or BS 78 when the valid return was filed as paper.
Source Code (SC): Use SC 6.
Hold Code (HC): Use HC 3 to hold the adjustment notice. Use HC 4 to hold the adjustment notice and resulting credit.
Reason Code (RC): Use RC 139 and the RCs that best describe the adjustment.
Issue an appropriate closing Letter 4674C and/or Letter 474C. Provide a detailed explanation of the changes made. In addition to the explanation, a return showing the correct figures may be included as an enclosure. See IRM, General IDTVA Letter Procedures, for additional information.
The presence of a TC 810 RESP 4 and a -E freeze on the module indicates Frivolous Return Program (FRP) involvement ONLY when one or more of the following are also present:
TC 971 AC 089 on the year in question
A Civil Penalty MFT 55 with a Penalty Reference Number (PRN) 543 or 666
A TC 420 with or without a TC 300 with Project Code 310 or 313
When the above FRP criteria is met, refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-5 , IDTVA Routing Matrix, for instructions to refer the case to FRP.
When FRP criteria is not met, follow normal procedures to make an IDT determination. Refer to the table below for actions to be taken on the module(s):
Determination Action (1) TC 810 Code 4 (NOT FRP Criteria):
IDT determination-
Resolve the IDT issue following the applicable streamline/non-streamline procedures.
Close your CII case.
Using IDRS CC ACTON, create a control base for FRP to release the freeze:
* will populate the current date.(2) TC 810 Code 4 (NOT FRP Criteria):
No IDT determination-
Follow NO IDT procedures. Refer to IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations.
Close your CII case.
The -E freeze will remain, and the account will continue moving through the FRP process. To advise FRP of the No IDT determination, use IDRS CC ACTON to create a control base for FRP:
* will populate the current date. -
The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), led by the National Taxpayer Advocate, that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. TAS offers free help to taxpayers when a tax problem is causing a financial difficulty, when they’ve tried and been unable to resolve their issue with the IRS, or when they believe an IRS system, process, or procedure just isn't working as it should. TAS strives to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and knows and understands their rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. TAS has at least one taxpayer advocate office located in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Taxpayers have the right to receive assistance from TAS if they are experiencing financial hardship or if the IRS has not resolved their tax issues properly and timely through normal channels. TAS criteria include economic burden, systemic burden, best interest of the taxpayer, and public policy (as determined solely by the National Taxpayer Advocate (NTA)). TAS is responsible for assisting taxpayers who have unresolved problems with the IRS. TAS will issue an Operations Assistance Request (OAR) when a taxpayer’s situation meets TAS criteria.
Refer to guidance in the following subsections to process OARs, including those OARs associated with unprocessed original returns.
OARs may be Economic Burden cases (Criteria 1-4) or Systemic Burden cases (Criteria 5-7).
For OARs in Criteria 5-7 that are not marked "Expedite" , follow normal procedures for accepting and working the OAR.
TAS will route Expedite Economic Burden Criteria 1-4 OARs (including Spanish) to the Austin IDTVA-A Adjustments TAS Liaison if they meet one of these conditions:
There is an unprocessed original return (no TC 976) that was sent directly to TAS.
There is a return on CII but no TC 976 posted and the TC 150 was not filed by the SSN owner.
There is no TC 976, but there is a TC 977 generated by a TC 971 AC 010, and the taxpayer’s original return is on CII and has no valid return DLN on it.
This procedure is limited to cases requiring expedite processing due to economic burden. All other IDT cases will be routed using established procedures.
TAS will continue to complete the preliminary research on these cases before they are routed and will ensure ALL the following criteria are met:
The issue is ID theft
The OAR is a Criteria 1-4 Economic Burden Case
The case contains an unprocessed original return with the case as described above. (The TC 150 return was not filed by the SSN owner and no TC 976 posted)
All other preliminary research is completed
The unprocessed return has an IRS received date stamp when submitting to IDTVA-A, or is received in IDTVA-A within one day of receipt in TAS. All required documentation must be attached. If there is no IRS received date stamp, the date the OAR is received by Austin IDTVA-A will become the IRS received date for the return.
If the return is already on CII, the received date will be the date the return was received in ICT
Before processing the case, employees will follow normal procedures to determine CN ownership.
If the case does not meet IDT criteria, per IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process, or the OAR should have been sent to an area outside of the IDTVA Directorship, the employee will reject the OAR back to the assigned TAS caseworker per the IDTVA SLA Addendum and complete page 2 explaining why the OAR is being rejected.
If the case is complete and CN ownership has been validated, employees should adjust the account per procedures in IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process. Please update the ASED as required.
The Austin IDTVA-A Directorate will work these cases and follow specific guidance provided by SP Accounting to process the manual refund, per guidance in IRM, Why Would A Manual Refund Be Needed, and the following:
If there is no IRS received date stamp, the date the OAR is received by Austin IDTVA-A will become the IRS received date for the return.
A copy of the unprocessed return, depending on your determination, will be submitted along with an IDRS print to show the credit.
IDTVA-A will send the original return to SP per local procedures, to expedite the processing of the TC 976 document.
IDTVA-A will monitor the case for additional closing actions needed (i.e., the posting of the TC 976 that will generate a -A freeze and the posting of the TC 841/TC 840).
IDTVA accepts OARs related to IDT Accounts, IDT Compliance, Fraudulent Return Requests (FRR), and Return Preparer Misconduct (RPM) per the IDTVA SLA Addendum. IDTVA also accepts OARs for other issues if there is an open or closed IDRS control for an IDTVA employee.
IDTVA employees will follow OAR guidance in IRM, Operations Assistance Requests (OARs) Accounts Management Guidelines, to reject or reroute an OAR that is sent to IDTVA in error. Complete Section VI of Form 12412, Operations Assistance Request, when rejecting or returning an OAR to TAS. The IDTVA SLA Addendum also provides guidance on communication with TAS, translation of documents, and other aspects of routing OARs.
TAS should submit OARs through group email boxes or fax numbers, not by sending emails to individual employees. If an OAR is emailed to an individual employee, accept the OAR, but provide feedback to the TAS employee and their manager about the proper routing of OARs.
TAS should also provide a translation or summary of any documents not in English. If untranslated documents are submitted with an OAR, accept the OAR, but contact the TAS employee for a translation or summary. If necessary, ask for an extended completion date.
If the OAR does not list the research completed, the findings of the research, or the action requested, return the OAR to the TAS employee for proper completion. If necessary, ask for an extended completion date.
If the OAR is complete and has not been scanned as a CII image, Form 12412 and all associated documents must be scanned into CII upon receipt. If a Form 14039 is attached, update with TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK and send an acknowledgement letter to the taxpayer if those actions have not already been taken.
When assigning IDTVA Specialty Function (Compliance) OARs on CII, follow the table below.
If And Then (1) A paper OAR is received in IDTVA-A inadvertently, There is no case open in CII that should be routed to IDTVA Specialty Function (Compliance), Assign the OAR to the Functional TAS Coordinator on CII using Case Priority Code 1 and appropriate Category Code. (2) A paper OAR is received in IDTVA-A inadvertently, There is a CII case previously assigned to IDTVA Specialty Function (Compliance), Link the OAR to the open Compliance case and assign the OAR to the Functional TAS Coordinator, using Case Priority Code 1. -
The priority for working OARs is as follows:
Criteria 1-4 marked "Expedite"
Criteria 5-7 marked "Expedite"
Other Criteria 1-4
Other Criteria 5-7
When completing actions required to resolve an Operations Assistance Request (OAR), IDTVA will complete any required adjustments and prepare required forms for Submission Processing functions, including Accounting, as appropriate. The forms will accompany the completed Form 12412, Operations Assistance Request, to TAS. TAS will open a new OAR to the SP function and forward the forms for processing.
Accounts adjusted during the completion of an OAR will be monitored for unpostable transactions. Unpostables on OARs will be corrected within 3 days of identification.
CII OAR cases must be closed with the appropriate functional category code. Paper OARs must be retained for 90 days after completion.
Form 14394, Identity Theft/RPM Case Collection Alert, is used to suspend/resume collection activity. It is critical that taxpayers are not harmed while IDT claims are being considered.
Form 14394 has two purposes:-
To suspend collection activity while IDT claims or issues are being processed, or
To resume collection activity, reinstate an installment agreement, or place in Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status, if there is a balance due when all IDT claims or issues have been resolved.
If a Form 14394 was not sent upon receipt of the IDT claim and you will be completing the case that same day, it is not necessary to complete Form 14394 to suspend collection activity. Send only one Form 14394 if a balance remains after the account is corrected to ensure collection activity continues. Form 14394 is not required if the account is not in Master File or Service Center collection status 03, 22, 24, 26, or 58.
Form 13794, Request for Release or Partial Release of Notice of Federal Tax Lien, is used to release a lien on property and rights to property of a potential IDT victim. The decision to complete a Form 13794 is completely separate from the Form 14394.
Input as much information as possible regarding the abatement. You may include specific details such as the date the lien was satisfied or resolved, payment information, and/or a reminder to abate the associated TC 360 lien.
When a Form 14394 or Form 13794 is completed for an open CII case, the form must be attached as a .pdf. Input a CII case note describing the action(s) taken to address collection activity.
To ensure the taxpayer is not being harmed from a levy, the following items require action:
Either master file or service center collection status 03, 22, 24, 26, or 58
FPLP, AKPFD, MTLP, SITLP: The case has been in status 22, 24, or 26 AND there is a balance due AND has a TC 971 AC 060-FPLP (Federal Payment Levy Program) or TC 971 AC 601-AKPFD (Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend Levy Program) or TC 971 AC 602-MTLP (Municipal Tax Levy Program) or TC 971 AC 600-SITLP (State Income Tax Levy Program) or TC 670 (Subsequent Payment) DES-PYMT-CD>PC 05 (levy) or 20 (SITLP).
Active Levy: Taxpayers indicate they have an active levy against them. Levy payments will have a TC 670 DPC 05 or 20.
TC 971 with literals "FPLP" (Federal Payment Levy Program): Cases subject to the FPLP will have a TC 971 AC 062, and levy payments will have a TC 670 DPC 18 or DPC19.
If the case did not originate from IDTVA-ACSS, verify a Form 14394, Identity Theft/RPM Case Collection Alert, was sent to IDTVA-ACSS. If IDTVA-ACSS was not notified, follow instructions for issuing Form 14394 as indicated on the form.
If the collection status is 26 and the case did not originate from the field, verify a Form 14394 was sent to the Revenue Officer (RO). If the RO was not notified, follow instructions for issuing Form 14394 as indicated on the form. The RO will stop collection activity for the years in question. Do NOT send the case. The determination should be made by the function. You can locate the RO by searching SERP, click the Who/Where tab, then click RO by TSIGN/ZIP/STATE. Enter the first six digits of the RO assignment number. Fax/EE-Fax to the number provided for the RO group.
The following transactions indicate a reversal or block from the Federal Payment Levy Program. TC 972 AC 060 (module reversed out of FPLP), TC 971 AC 061 (module blocked from FPLP). If these transactions are present and the only collection action identified is FPLP, no action is necessary and Form 14394 is not required.
Routing of the Form 14394 is required to be documented in a CII or AMS case note. The case note should include the suggested verbiage as follows:
"Form 14394 sent to suspend collection activity" , or
"Form 14394 sent to continue collection activity, reinstate an installment agreement, or Currently Not Collectible (CNC)" .
If the case is determined not to be IDT (NOIDT), notify ACSS, via Form 14394, to resume collection activity. Check the appropriate boxes indicating that the IDT issue has been resolved.
If there is a TC 582 (Lien Indicator) or TC 360 (Lien Fee Assessment) posted and a full abatement will reverse the tax liability to zero, prepare Form 13794, Request for Release, Partial Release, of Notice of Federal Tax Lien. Form 13794 should be completed and forwarded to the Collection Advisory.
Take the following actions when completing the Form 13794:
Input as much information as possible regarding the abatement
Include the Serial Lien Identification (SLID) Number from the Notice of Federal Tax Lien, if available
Check box 9 indicating "Erroneous Lien"
Include "ID Theft" in the "Reason" box
Fax/EE-Fax or email Form 13794 to the Collection Advisory Unit for the state where the taxpayer currently resides
Collection Advisory contacts can be found under the Who/Where tab on the SERP Home Page on the Advisory Units Contact List.
The Advisory Unit will review the Notices of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) filed against the taxpayer using the Automated Lien System (ALS). If all modules on the NFTL are satisfied, Advisory will request the release of the NFTL as an erroneously filed NFTL per IRC 6326(b). The release of the NFTL will reverse the TC 582. Advisory will abate the TC 360 associated with the NFTL filing and issue Letter 544, Letter of Apology - Erroneous Filing of Federal Tax Lien, to the taxpayer.
If it has been more than 30 days since the lien release posted and the taxpayer has any issue with requests for the Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) to be released, refer the taxpayer to Publication 1450, Instructions for Requesting a Certificate of Release of Federal Tax Lien, to submit a written request for Certificate of release of erroneously filed Notice of Federal Tax Lien. The release date can be calculated based on the posting of the reversal of the TC 582 and TC 360.
If the case is in either master file or service center status 03, 22, 24, 26, or 58, resume collection activity upon completion of determination and/or case actions when:
A "NOIDT" determination is made. Notify ACSS via Form 14394 to resume collection activity. Check the appropriate box indicating that the "NOIDT" determination has been made and there is a remaining tax balance due. Input a TC 472 if a TC 470 was previously input.
The action taken will result in a tax balance due. Notify ACSS via Form 14394 to resume collection activity. Check the appropriate boxes indicating that the account has been resolved and there is a remaining balance due. Input a TC 472, if a TC 470 was previously input.
If Form 9409 was prepared to remove wages, check the boxes for "Levy Source(s) Deleted" and "Other" . In the field for "Other" , include a statement instructing them to see AMS history for deleted sources.
There are no appeal rights associated with a No IDT determination. Taxpayers may provide additional information for consideration if they believe their claim is valid. New information received must be considered. If, after review, the new information does not support changing the original determination, see IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) - Previous Action. When the new information will result in a determination of IDT, work the case following normal procedures.
Taxpayers have various appeal rights that can be requested on cases that were worked within Compliance. The different appeal rights are as follows:
Non-docketed cases – A taxpayer can request a conference with Appeals on an examination that is pre-Notice of Deficiency when the taxpayer disagrees with Exam’s determination.
Docketed cases – A taxpayer can petition the Tax Court based upon a Notice of Deficiency when a taxpayer disagrees with an ASFR, AUR, or Exam determination. The taxpayer is generally afforded an Appeals conference prior to the trial date before the Tax Court.
Collection Due Process (CDP) cases – A taxpayer is entitled to a CDP hearing when the taxpayer timely requests one, there is unpaid tax, and the taxpayer is disputing the enforced collection action (may be an ASFR, AUR, Exam assessment case).
Reconsideration Appeal – A Compliance assessment was made and the taxpayer submitted a request for reconsideration which was denied, except for Return Preparer Misconduct cases. See note under IRM, Referrals to IRS Independent Office of Appeals (New Requests or Reconsideration for Appeals). A taxpayer can request their case be reviewed by Appeals.
When taxpayers file an appeal, the case is normally routed to Appeals for consideration. Appeals will review the cases based upon the facts and circumstances of the case. Appeals gives full, fair, and impartial consideration to the merits of each new issue a taxpayer raises once the originating function has had an opportunity to examine the issue.
Cases with Appeals involvement may be identified as follows:
A -L or -W freeze code (a TC 520 with a closing code 72, 76 or 77) is present on the account.
Cases that are returned from Appeals.
Any IDT or RPM case that contains a -L or -W freeze should be reviewed on IDRS to determine if the case is in Appeals status. See Document 6209, IRS Processing Codes and Information, Section 13, Appeals and TE/GE, Status Codes for Appeals.
Once the Appeals Status Code is identified, follow the chart below for the proper handling of the case:
If the Case is AIMS Status: And Then (1) Any AIMS Status The documentation provided by the claimant is incomplete, or insufficient to make an IDT determination, -
Contact the Appeals Officer or *AP Inquiries, if the case is not assigned, to coordinate communication with the taxpayer.
Allow 10 business days for a response. If no response is received, follow IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Telephone and/or Written), to request the additional information.
(2) 80 – Non Docketed The taxpayer has provided sufficient documentation to determine whether the taxpayer is a victim of Identity Theft, -
Review all taxpayer documentation and evaluate the claim following normal procedures.
Perform all necessary account actions, including adjustments.
Inform the taxpayer of the outcome.
Prepare Form 10467, Appeals Division Feedback Report and Transmittal Memorandum with the determination and all actions taken. Include a copy of the letter issued to the taxpayer that reflects the determination or a statement on Form 10467 when the CP 01 will serve as the closing letter. Attach Form 10467 to the CII case.
Forward Form 10467 to Appeals via secured email to: *AP Inquiries. See Exhibit 25.23.4-14, Format for Emails to Appeals, for additional information.
Close your CII case.
(3) Status 80 – Non Docketed The taxpayer has not provided sufficient documentation to determine whether the taxpayer is a victim of Identity Theft, -
Follow IRM, No Reply.
Input TC 290 .00 with a Reason Code 131 or 139, as applicable. Use a Hold Code 3 and Source Code 1 on the adjustment.
Prepare Form 10467 with the determination and all actions taken. If the taxpayer does not respond to a request for information or if their submitted information is incomplete, notate on the Form 10467 what documentation is still needed for a determination to be made. If the claim is denied, include the reason for the denial. Include a copy of the letter issued to the taxpayer reflecting the determination. Attach Form 10467 to the CII case.
Forward Form 10467 to Appeals via secured email to: *AP Inquiries. See Exhibit 25.23.4-14, Format for Emails to Appeals, for additional information.
Document CII with a case note.
Close your CII case.
(4) Status 82 Docketed Appeal (TC 520 with a closing code 72). Regardless of whether the taxpayer has provided sufficient documentation to determine whether the taxpayer is a victim of Identity Theft, -
Review all taxpayer documentation and evaluate the claim.
Do not adjust the account.
Do not issue a closing letter. Appeals will address the determination with the taxpayer.
Prepare Form 10467 with the determination and all actions to be taken. If a determination cannot be made, notate on the Form 10467 what documentation is still needed. If the claim is denied, include the reason for the denial.
Forward Form 10467 to Appeals via secured email to: *AP Inquiries. See Exhibit 25.23.4-14, Format for Emails to Appeals, for additional information.
Close your CII case as MISC.
(5) Collection Due Process (CDP) Identified by a TC 520 with a Closing Code of either 76 or 77, -
Follow the directions for AIMS Status 80 Non-docketed in Table Scenario (3) above.
Cases will be referred to the IRS Independent Office of Appeals in the following scenarios:
Taxpayer specifically requests review by the IRS Independent Office of Appeals
Research indicates Appeals previously worked the case and the correspondence originated from the taxpayer.
If the taxpayer indicates they want their case to be reviewed by Appeals, the taxpayer must show:
They made an attempt to document their entitlement through the reconsideration process and
Their request was denied.
All evidence provided by the taxpayer must be reviewed by the CSR/TE before the referral to Appeals. Refer to IRM, Returning a Case to Examination - ATE, and IRM, Preliminary Review of a Case - ATE.
For taxpayer requests and any case previously worked by Appeals, complete the steps below before sending the case to Appeals:
Close the CII case as a route to Appeals. Input a TC 470 to ensure the taxpayer is not subjected to collection activity pending the appeal of the IRS determination.
Send Letter 86C, Referring Taxpayer Inquiry/Forms to Another Office to the taxpayer advising the case is being transferred to Appeals. Include the following special paragraph, "As you requested, we are transferring your case for a hearing with an independent appeals officer. During the time your case is in Appeals, we will not pursue any collection activity on your account. However, you should know that interest and applicable penalties will continue to accrue if there is still a balance due after the Appeals decision. Therefore, you might want to make voluntary payments during the time Appeals is considering your case to minimize any interest or penalties if you ultimately do owe."
Forward the case to the appropriate Appeals Office per the Appeals Routing guidelines in (7) below.
Denied RPM reconsideration claims should not be referred to Appeals if the taxpayer disagrees with the determination. On denied RPM claims, the taxpayer’s only right is to file suit to recover tax, penalties, or other amounts with the United States District Court that has jurisdiction or with the United States Court of Federal Claims.
Complete Form 3210, Document Transmittal, and include the following information:
Sender’s full name, Stop Number, Mailing Address and Phone Number.
A full description of items being sent.
The taxpayer’s name and SSN.
Tax period(s) of cases being sent.
Appeals Case Building Guidelines - The documents below may have to be requested from files or printed from CEAS, the AUR system, or AMS. When building the case include the following:
Taxpayer’s original return
Original Compliance Adjustment
Report(s) (example - Form 4549 or CP 2000)
Reconsideration Adjustment (if reply to Recon disallowance)
Work papers
Taxpayer Correspondence
Letters; Initial contact, 30-Day, CP 2000, etc.
Statutory Notice of Deficiency
IDRS Research
If requesting administrative files, make two attempts three weeks apart (the second request should be a special search). If the administrative file is not received from Files three weeks after the second request, forward without the requested documents. Attach prints of ESTAB requests input and any Charge Outs from Files to verify the documents were requested.
Appeals Routing Guidelines - Ensure cases are routed to the correct Appeals office as identified by the Appeals Office code. Consult the Appeals website at Appeals Case Routing for case routing addresses.
Communication between the referring function and Appeals that address the strengths and weaknesses of the issues and positions of the parties, accuracy of the facts, credibility or cooperation of the taxpayer, etc., are prohibited unless the information communicated has been shared with the taxpayer. However, communication between the referring function and Appeals relating to ministerial, administrative, or procedural matters are permissible. Refer to sections 2.02(6) and 2.03(3) of Rev. Proc. 2012–18, Ex Parte Communications Between Appeals and Other Internal Revenue Service Employees, for additional discussion regarding ex parte communication with Appeals
If a case originated in a campus, the taxpayer petitioned Tax Court or requested an Appeals hearing, and the IDT/RPM allegation is a new issue or new information was provided, Appeals may return cases to IDTVA to review and address the IDT or RPM allegation, provided that there is sufficient time remaining on the statute of limitations.
Appeals will review the case to determine whether the taxpayer has provided new information that was not previously shared or if the taxpayer is alleging an IDT/RPM claim for the first time. It is considered a new issue if the taxpayer did not raise the IDT/RPM allegation during the normal process.
Appeals will retain jurisdiction of docketed or CDP cases when forwarding to IDTVA. Appeals will release jurisdiction back to IDTVA on non-docketed cases.
Appeals will send via email cases where the taxpayer has submitted new information or raised a new issue in Appeals to the appropriate function, as outlined below
RPM cases will be routed to *TS IDT:KC:SPEC-EXAM
IDT cases will be routed to *TS EEF IDTVA APPEALS
All referrals from Appeals will contain Form 10467, Appeals Division Feedback Report and Transmittal Memorandum, and any information the taxpayer provided to Appeals. The Form 10467 will provide sufficient information as to whether jurisdiction was released or retained by Appeals.
All referrals must be scanned into CII, if the documentation was not previously scanned. The correct category code and OFP codes must be used when creating a case or sending the information to be scanned.
Once the case has been reviewed and a determination made, all docketed and CDP cases received from Appeals must be returned to the originating employee identified on the Form 10467.
Appeals will return non-docketed cases to IDTVA when Appeals determines the IDT or RPM claim is a new issue or that the taxpayer provided new information that was not previously considered, if there are at least 210 days remaining on the statute of limitations.
All returned non-docketed cases should be scanned and assigned directly to a CSR/TE. The assigned CSR/TE will review the documentation provided by Appeals and determine if the IDT or RPM allegation is valid following normal procedures.
If the campus cannot work the case (referred in error) or the IDT or RPM was previously addressed by IDTVA:
Complete the explanation section of the Form 10467, Appeals Division Feedback Report and Transmittal Memorandum. Ensure to document the reason the case is being returned, (e.g., previously adjusted) and annotate the previous determination.
Return case and Form 10467 back to the originating Appeals employee.
Close the CII case.
Upon review of the case, if the taxpayer is determined to be a "Victim of IDT" , complete all account actions, including adjustments. Do not return the case to Appeals. Close following normal procedures.
If the taxpayer is determined to be "Not a Victim of IDT" , document the determination on the Form 10467; do not return the case to the originating Appeals employee. Route the Form 10467 using the following link, Appeals Case Routing and the steps below:
In the "To Appeals from External Sources" section, select the "Case Routing Addresses and Instructions" link.
Click on "Spreadsheet Tool" and the Case Routing Guide will open up.
Using the drop down button, select the "Campus Location" . Select the campus where the case originated and mail the case to the address provided.
On docketed cases where the IDT/RPM claim has not been considered, new information is received by Appeals not previously considered, or the IDT/RPM claim is considered a new issue, an Appeals Officer (AO) will forward the Form 10467 and information package to the appropriate IDTVA function via secured email.
Appeals will retain jurisdiction of the case. In docketed cases, time is of the essence. Any docketed cases received must be worked within 45 days of receipt, unless additional documentation is needed from the taxpayer. Review the documentation provided by Appeals and determine if the IDT/RPM allegation is valid following normal procedures.
If additional documentation is needed and the 45 day time frame cannot be met, contact the Appeals Officer (AO) to reach a new response date. If the taxpayer does not reply to a request for additional information, do not deny the claim. Inform Appeals of the determination. The denial will be addressed by Appeals.
If the case is determined to be IDT/RPM, "no account adjustments" will be input. Complete Form 10467 with sufficient information to determine the necessary account adjustments. Appeals will input the account adjustments based upon the settlement agreement from the Tax Court.
Complete the explanation section of Form 10467, documenting the determination. The explanation should be explicit, outlining all documentation received, determination made, and any potential account adjustments.
List of documentation submitted by the taxpayer
Applicable RPM category code (i.e., TC 504 AC RPM 3)
Preparer Information
Refund trace results, if applicable
Items inflated by the preparer
Relief to be provided to the taxpayer – (i.e., refund in the amount of X should be released to the taxpayer).
Underreported income that remains underreported on the return as intended to be filed or items disallowed by Exam, if applicable.
If the campus cannot work the referral package, (i.e., the IDT/RPM was previously worked by IDTVA or referred to IDTVA in error):
Complete the explanation section of the Form 10467. Document the reason the case is being returned, (i.e., previously adjusted) and annotate the previous determination.
Return Form 10467 to the originating Appeals employee via secured email.
Close the CII case.
If an RPM claim is denied and meets the criteria to be referred to Exam, do not send to Cat A. Clearly identify the RPM issues between the posted return and the return as intended to be filed on the Form 10467. Appeals will address the Cat A issues.
If an IDT claim contains a return from the SSN owner that requires processing and meets the DIF Bypass Criteria, do not refer to Exam. Inform Appeals that the return from the SSN owner must be assessed.
Docketed cases received from Appeals will be scanned into CII, if the documentation was not previously scanned. The correct category code and OFP codes must be used when creating a case or sending the information to be scanned.
The Appeals Officer (AO) will forward Collection Due Process (CDP) referral packages to IDTVA via secured email, when Appeals determines the IDT/RPM claim is a new issue or new information was received that was not previously addressed.
The package will include documentation received in Appeals and Form 10467, Appeals Division Feedback Report and Transmittal Memorandum.
Appeals will retain jurisdiction of the case. In CDP cases, time is of the essence. Any CDP cases received must be worked within 45 days of receipt, unless additional documentation is needed from the taxpayer.
Review the documentation provided by Appeals and determine if the IDT/RPM allegation is valid following normal procedures.
If additional documentation is needed, and the 45 day time frame cannot be met, contact the AO to reach a new response date. If no reply to requests for additional information, deny the claim and return to Appeals following normal procedures.
If the case is determined to be IDT/RPM, all account actions and adjustments must be input prior to replying to Appeals. The explanation section of Form 10467 must be completed with the determination, all actions taken, and a copy of the closing letter to the taxpayer explaining the determination. If a CP 01 will serve as the closing letter, document Form 10467 with that information. Return the case to the originating Appeals employee via secured email.
If the campus cannot work the case, (i.e., the IDT/RPM was previously addressed by IDTVA or referred to IDTVA in error):
Complete the explanation section of the Form 10467. Document the reason the case is being returned, (i.e., previously adjusted) and annotate the previous determination.
Return Form 14067 to the originating Appeals employee via secured email.
Close the CII case.
If the RPM claim is denied and must be referred to Exam, forward the case to Cat A following normal procedures. Include a statement that the case is CDP and request that the case be returned to Appeals upon completion of the audit. Include the Appeals employee’s name so the case can be referred back correctly. Inform the Appeals employee of the referral to Exam and all actions taken.
There may be instances when an employee incorrectly adjusted a case, or when the return was moved to MFT 32 in error. Actions should be taken immediately to resolve these issues. Follow procedures in IRM, MFT 32 Cases - Moved in Error, to correct the account.
If it is necessary to reverse a TC 971 AC 501, TC 971 AC 506 or a TC 971 AC 522, refer to the applicable guidance as follows:
IRM, Manually reversing TC 971 AC 501
IRM, Manually reversing TC 971 AC 506
IRM, Reversing Unsupported Allegations of Identity Theft
If you receive any type of correspondence that an SSN owner did not receive their refund, received an incorrect refund amount, or an incorrect balance due notice, because the case was worked incorrectly, (e.g., an employee failed to input a required TC 971 AC 850 causing a second direct deposit into the invalid taxpayer’s account), treat the case as priority work. Telephone assistors will send a Form 4442, per IRM, Telephone Inquiries Regarding Identity Theft Victim Assistance (IDTVA) Tax-Related Cases, paragraph 4. Also see chart below for additional guidance.
If all IDT actions have been taken on the account but you discover through your research the refund was not released due to a -R freeze, you can release the refund.
If Then (1) The case meets TAS criteria. See IRM, Introduction to TAS Case Criteria, Follow IRM, Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Guidelines, to complete a referral. Prior to referring the case, review paragraph (1)(e) of IRM, Exceptions to Taxpayer Advocate Service Case Criteria. (2) The case does not meet TAS criteria, Reassign to the specific area based on the Accounts Management Case Referral/Reassignment Listing, located on SERP.
If an IDTVA employee or another function’s employee made an incorrect determination to send a return to MFT 32, the employee who made the error should move the MFT 32 return to the MFT 30 if the following applies:
The MFT 32 was caused by SP and no additional account adjustments are needed to resolve the case.
The MFT 32 was caused by TPP/RIVO, but you do not have -A freeze on the account or an IDT claim from the TP that requires resolution.
To refer the case, send a Form 4442, Inquiry Referral, to the employee that made the error based on the Form 4442 Referral Chart. The listing may not be all inclusive due to functional and/or organizational unit changes, etc. Conduct the necessary research to determine the correct employee to refer the Form 4442. Refer to the Accounts Management Case Referral/Reassignment Listing, located on SERP. Monitor the account for posting of the return. Then refer to paragraph (4).
To resolve the case, refer to the table below and the additional instructions that follow.
If And Then (1) The return posted to MFT 32 was filed by the valid taxpayer (current and immediately preceding year ONLY), There is no return present on MFT 30, -
Move the valid return to MFT 30. See IRM, MFT 32 Procedures - How to Move Identity Theft Returns to MFT 32, and IRM, Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Assistors, Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors, and Identity Theft Victims Assistance (IDTVA) Assistors MFT 32 Reversal Criteria & Procedures, for additional guidance.
(2) The return posted to MFT 32 was filed by the valid taxpayer (current and immediately preceding year ONLY), There is a TC 150 return posted to MFT 30 that is an exact copy of the return moved to MFT 32, -
Move the valid return to MFT 30. See IRM , MFT 32 Procedures - How to Move Identity Theft Returns to MFT 32, and IRM , Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Assistors, Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors, and Identity Theft Victims Assistance (IDTVA) Assistors MFT 32 Reversal Criteria & Procedures, for additional guidance.
Update the MFT 30 ASED to reflect the received date of the valid taxpayer’s original return posted to MFT 32 if the received date is earlier than the received date of the return posted to MFT 30.
Input a CII case note indicating the return posted to MFT 30 is a true duplicate of the return posted to MFT 32.
If the ASED was updated, notate the action and the IRS received date of the valid taxpayer’s original return.
(3) The return posted to MFT 32 was filed by the valid taxpayer (AFTER Cycle 47 or archived deleted), There is no return present on MFT 30, -
Follow IRM, Valid Tax Returns That Were Archived - Deleted Returns or Failed Systemic MFT 32 Reversals That Must Be Processed Manually - RIVO and Non-RIVO Employees.
(4) The return posted to MFT 32 was filed by the valid taxpayer (AFTER Cycle 47 or archived deleted), There is a TC 150 return posted to MFT 30 that is an exact copy of the return moved to MFT 32, -
Do not take action to move the return posted on MFT 32 to MFT 30.
Update the MFT 30 ASED to reflect the received date of the valid taxpayer’s original return posted to MFT 32 if the received date is earlier than the received date of the return posted to MFT 30.
Input a CII case note indicating the return posted to MFT 30 is a true duplicate of the return posted to MFT 32.
If the ASED was updated, notate the action and the IRS received date of the valid taxpayer’s original return.
(5) The return posted to MFT 32 was filed by the valid taxpayer, There is a TC 150 return posted to MFT 30 that is not an exact copy of the return moved to MFT 32, and through research it is determined the taxpayer is not a victim of identity theft. -
Consider the return posted to MFT 30 as an amended or superseding return.
Update the MFT 30 ASED to reflect the received date of the valid taxpayer’s original return posted to MFT 32 if the received date is earlier than the received date of the return posted to MFT 30.
Input a CII case note indicating the return posted to MFT 30 is an amended or superseding return and the taxpayer’s original return posted to MFT 32.
If the ASED was updated notate the action and the IRS received date of the valid taxpayer’s original return.
(6) The return posted to MFT 32 was filed by the valid taxpayer, There is a TC 150 return posted to MFT 30 that is not an exact copy of the return moved to MFT 32, and through research it is determined the taxpayer is a victim of identity theft. -
Update the MFT 30 ASED to reflect the received date of the valid taxpayer’s original return posted to MFT 32, if necessary.
Input a CII case note indicating the taxpayer is a victim of identity theft, and their original return posted to MFT 32.
If the ASED was updated, notate the action and the IRS received date of the valid taxpayer’s original return in a CII case note.
Follow procedures in IRM, Statute protection - Multiple Returns and MFT 32.
Once the assessment has posted, follow procedures in paragraph (3) above to request the return to be moved from MFT 32 to MFT 30.
Monitor the account for posting of the TC 976. Then continue to paragraph (4).
After the return has been moved back to MFT 32, take the following actions:
When completing reversals, use the correct information provided in Exhibit 25.23.2-9, IMF Only TC 972 AC 506 Tax-Related, Reversal of Identity Theft Case Closure, IRS Identified, for your BOD/Function.
Correct the account on MFT 30, and monitor for the release of the -A freeze if the return being transferred from MFT 32 posts as a TC 976.
Moving it back to the MFT 30 may cause the account to go unpostable 126-0 again. All unpostable conditions must be resolved before additional actions can be taken on the account. See IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) Cases/Transcripts with RIVO and/or TPP Involvement Resolution Tables, for additional information.
Correct the entity, as needed.
Notify the SSN owner that they appear to be a victim of IDT, if the notification was sent to the wrong filer.
In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to reverse previous actions taken that debited the GL 1545 account with the posting of a TC 841 or TC 700 to the tax account. For example, a duplicate TC 841, actual credit has been returned to the module, etc.
When it is determined by the originator or employee resolving a case that a TC 841 was initiated in error, a Form 3245, Posting Voucher - Refund Cancellation or Repayment, and Form 3809, Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher, must be completed. The Form 3245 should be sent to Accounting to reverse the TC 841 with a TC 843 and the Form 3809 will be used to credit the GL 1545 account. Form 3245 and/or Form 3809 must include a brief explanation of the error and the DLN of the TC being reversed must be annotated on the forms. See Exhibit 25.23.4-2, Form 3245 Reversal, and/or Exhibit 25.23.4-3, Form 3809 Reversal, for proper annotations required for Form 3245/3809. In addition to this, 3 copies of Form 3809 and Form 3245 should be submitted when requesting a reversal and the originator should open a control base indicating "843 or 702 request" to prevent duplicate submissions to Accounting. Make sure the TC 841 to be reversed has posted to the taxpayer account before initiating the reversal action. Form 3245 and or/ Form 3809 should be forwarded to the Accounting function for numbering and journaling. The process of reversing the credits may take up to 8 weeks. If the credit cannot be seen as pending or posted, contact IDTVA P&A regarding the delay in processing the request. See IRM, Duplicate Identity Theft (IDT) TC 841 or TC 700 Posting Identified by Originators, for additional guidance.
If you identify multiple TC 700s that have posted to the account, input a TC 570 on the account to avoid erroneous refund(s).
When multiple TC 700s result in a refund, complete research is needed to determine the recipient. If it's an ID theft account, follow ID theft procedures. If the owner of the EIN/SSN benefited from the refund then follow erroneous refund procedures in IRM, Account Actions for Category D Erroneous Refunds.
For proper routing, refer to Accounts Management Case Referral/Reassignment Listing located on SERP.
If the TC 843 or TC 702 is not posted or pending after 8 weeks, follow local procedures to contact IDTVA P&A to follow up with the appropriate site’s P&A.
This section provides guidance on determining if the taxpayer is required to file a federal tax return, if the taxpayer should file a federal tax return to receive a refund, and when a Form 2209, Courtesy Investigation, is necessary.
The taxpayer’s filing requirement will be determined by considering the following information:
Gross income (Gross income includes all income received in the form of money, goods, property and services that is not exempt from tax.)
Filing Status
When the valid taxpayer is a victim of income related IDT, exclude any income reported that was earned by someone other than the taxpayer when calculating the gross income amount.
Complete Form 9409 for any wages reported that were not earned by the valid taxpayer. See IRM, Form 9409 Procedures - IRS/SSA Wage Worksheet, for additional information.
CC IRPTR has wage income from ABC Company in the amount of $41,250.00, MNO Enterprises in the amount of $26,800.00, and XYZ Manufacturing in the amount of $5,125.00. You determine the valid taxpayer was only employed by MNO Enterprises. The gross income used to determine if the taxpayer has a filing requirement is $26,800.00. Form 9409 must be completed for the income reported by ABC Company and XYZ Manufacturing.
Use the data from IDRS CC IRPTR to calculate the taxpayer’s net tax liability. Unless filing information is provided by the taxpayer, tax liability is only determined for the identity theft victim. If both the primary and secondary are victims, tax liability is determined separately for each taxpayer. The IAT Compliance Suite tool is available to assist in determining tax liability. The use of the tool is not mandatory. See the Determination of a Filing Requirement job aid located in the Resources section on the IDTVA Hub for assistance with the IAT Compliance Suite tool for performing the calculation.
If it is determined that the taxpayer is due a refund, issue a closing letter instructing the taxpayer to file a return. Advise the taxpayer of the statute of limitations for receiving a refund. See IRM, Original Delinquent Returns, for additional guidance on refunds. If the Masterfile status is 02 or 03, input a TC 590 CC 078.
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Do not suspend the case pending receipt of the return.
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ If the Master file status is 02 or 03, input a TC 590 CC 077.
If the valid taxpayer is the secondary taxpayer on a return for the year being reviewed, their filing requirement has been met. If the MFJ return is located and has not completed processing, input TC 594 CC 084 and XREF the primary taxpayer’s TIN when it is not present or has been reversed with a TC 592.
Do not request a return if the return is six years or more overdue.
In situations where a fraudulent return has posted to the account as the TC 150 and the SSN owner has not filed (but review of the IRPTR shows income for the SSN owner), complete Form 2209, Courtesy Investigation, per IRM, Originating Office Procedure, to alert compliance that the SSN owner has not filed a tax return. Follow normal case processing to ensure the account is flagged with the appropriate ID theft indicators. Refer to job aid on the IDTVA Hub for completing the Form 2209.
It is determined the TP does not have a filing requirement. See paragraphs 1 - 4 above.
The taxpayer’s current address is a service center address.
The missing return is for the current filing tax year.
If the Revenue Officer rejects the Form 2209 referral, forward a copy of the rejection to: ITVA HQ. No other action is needed.
Communications with taxpayers may be associated with research of a case, the closing/resolution of a case or an interim contact to let taxpayers know that IRS needs more time and/or additional information to complete the processing of the request.
Communications may be written or verbal (by telephone). Refer to IRM 21.3.3, Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence/Letters, and IRM, Communication Skills, for supporting guidance.
In support of the commissioner’s Multilingual Strategy and Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), review the taxpayer’s account for a Mail Filing Requirement (MFR) code and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Indicator before issuing IMF Correspondence.
The MFR code is found in position 34 on CC INOLES and displays a 2-digit format (nn). The LEP indicator is found in position 72 on CC ENMOD and display a 3-character format (nnn).
The following table provides instruction on determining what language to use when sending letter:
IF AND Then (1) The LEP indicator is blank or LEP indicator is "000" The MFR code is not "07" Send correspondence in English. (2) The LEP indicator is blank The MFR code is "07" Send correspondence in Spanish if one is available. Otherwise, send the letter in English. (3) The LEP indicator is 001 Send the correspondence in Spanish if one is available. Otherwise, send the letter in English. (4) The LEP indicator is not blank and is something other than "000" or "001" . See Form 1040 Schedule LEP, Request for Alternative Language Products by Taxpayers With Limited English Proficiency (LEP), for indicators. Follow directions to get a translation of the letter from Linguistic Policy, Tools, and Services (LPTS). See IRM, Requesting Translation of Certain Languages. Note:
If Spanish language correspondence is received or the taxpayer marks the "Spanish" box in Section C of the Form 14039, a reply must be issued using the Spanish version of the appropriate C letter, if one is available, even if the LEP indicator and/or MFR Code do not indicate Spanish as the taxpayer’s language. See IRM, Requests for Additional Information (Tel