Taxpayer Services at-a-glance



To provide top quality service by helping taxpayers understand and comply with applicable tax laws and to protect the public interest by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.

Strategic priorities

The goals of the Taxpayer Services Division parallel IRS strategic goals to provide service to all taxpayers and increase productivity through a quality work environment.

  • Improve services to help taxpayers meet their obligations and receive the tax incentives and credits for which they are eligible
  • Quickly resolve taxpayer issues when they arise
  • Improve enforcement programs to reduce the risks of non-compliance.
  • Deliver cutting-edge technology, data, and analytics to operate more effectively
  • Attract, retain, and empower a highly skilled, diverse workforce and develop a culture that is better equipped to deliver results for taxpayers

Taxpayer profile

  • Most pay taxes through withholdings
  • More than half prepare their own returns
  • Most interact with the IRS once a year
  • Most receive refunds

Key Taxpayer Services functional operations

Provides customers with the information, support and assistance they need to understand and fulfill their tax obligations. CARE is focused on educating and assisting taxpayers before they file their returns, assisting in filing returns and offering face-to-face assistance after filing through a three-pronged strategic approach:

  • Media and Publications focuses on meeting customer needs through the development of plain language notices, forms and publications, which facilitate tax administration and ease of compliance by taxpayers, and to supply media production services to customers.
  • Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication provides assistance to customers by building and maintaining partnerships with key stakeholder groups. This unit also is responsible for developing educational materials for use in pre-filing, filing and post-filing customer interactions and developing products for use in marketing and working with local and national media to ensure that our customers are aware of tax law changes and IRS services.
  • Field Assistance manages the Taxpayer Assistance Centers located throughout the country. Field Assistance provides comprehensive face-to-face assistance to taxpayers as well as assistance through telephone and written correspondence.

Looking for tax help?

Assistance is fast and easy by using online tools such as the Interactive Tax Assistant. You can track your refund by using Where’s My Refund? Please allow 21 days for delivery. Taxpayers can find information such as how to order current and prior year forms, instructions, and publications by visiting Let us help you.

Responsible for taxpayer relationships through filing, including processing submissions and payments; providing taxpayers with information on the status of their returns and resolving the majority of problems and inconsistencies. CAS provides trouble-free filing, faster refunds, and efficient resolution of inquiries and issues. It is composed of the following offices:

  • Submission Processing processes tax returns, related documents and payments at seven processing centers — Andover, Atlanta, Austin, Cincinnati, Fresno, Kansas City and Ogden.
  • Accounts Management responds to taxpayer inquiries for advice on a variety of tax law and procedural questions, account inquiries and adjustments, and responses to notices that are received via the telephone, correspondence and email at 25 Account Management sites.
  • Joint Operations Center provides service, support and technology for Operating Divisions and Functional Organizations to achieve their desired service levels for all telephone, correspondence and electronic media inquiries within agreed resource and staffing parameters.

Comprised of organizations that strengthen revenue protection and pre-refund compliance, administer refundable credits and prevent and detect tax-related identity theft fraud.

  • Integrity and Verification Operations detects, evaluates and prevents improper refunds.
  • Refundable Credits Policy and Program Management provides program oversight for refundable credits such as Earned Income Tax Credit through an approach that encourages eligible taxpayers to apply for the credit and reduces the number of claims paid in error.
  • Business Performance Laboratory develops, tests and perfects innovative, forward-thinking solutions to pre-refund revenue protection challenges.
  • Refundable Credits Examination Operations conducts pre-refund examination activities, focusing on EITC and other refundable credits.

The OS organization is responsible for the capital management and oversight, implementing business improvement strategies and solutions, and delivering modernized business systems.

  • Capital Management & Oversight manages human capital services and provides financial management & and oversight to meet our employees and customers' needs.
  • Business Systems Modernization collaborates with IRS Stakeholders in the development, delivery, and maintenance of modernized business systems. They eEnsures alignment with IRS Integrated Business Modernization Plan and Measures.
  • Business Technology Operations supports TS business and technology integration, by providing technology insight and support, including risk management. We dDelivers tools and technologies to support a well-equipped workforce and increased agility/efficiency for TS.
  • Program Management Office provides TS business functions with planning and operational documents, monitors performance measures/metrics, coordinates the submission of budget initiatives and develops the Operations Plan in support of the IRS strategic goals.
  • Strategies & Solutions collaborates with TS stakeholders and strategic partners to identify, plan, and deliver business and customer improvement strategies and solutions that support fulfillment of IRS strategic goals.


401 W. Peachtree Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30308

Taxpayer Services Headquarters provides overall strategic and operational direction and manages internal support processes. The Headquarters Operations and functional operations work together to manage the full cycle of interaction with customers. They have the authority, responsibility and expertise to oversee current operations and improve business practices and strategies.

In addition to the key Taxpayer Services functional operations, key operations in headquarters include:

  • Management Services
    • Provides direct executive and administrative support, procedural and policy guidance, and program support to the Taxpayer Services Chief and Deputy Chief, TS Senior Advisors, and TS business functions.
  • Communications and Liaison
    • Helps Taxpayer Services achieve its long-term goals and day-to-day business objectives through results-driven, organizationally integrated internal and external communications.

Management team

Ken Corbin, Chief

Dietra Grant, Deputy Chief

Jerilyn Catoggio, Chief of Staff

Stephen J. Schaeffer, Acting Division Counsel

Tracey Walker-Carter, Director, Customer Assistance, Relationships and Education

Joe Dianto, Director, Customer Account Services

James Clifford, Director, Return Integrity and Compliance Services

Karen Truss, Director, Operations Support

Karin Rice, Director, Communications and Liaison