Tax Tip 2022-191, December 15, 2022 — Whether they plan to stay up to greet the new year or go to bed early, taxpayers can get ready for 2023 by reviewing these common end-of-year tasks. People can always visit IRS’ Get Ready webpage for info on filing their tax return. Here are a few things they should keep on their radar.
Tax Tip 2022-190, December 14, 2022 — Last year, more than 58,000 IRS volunteers gave back to their communities by preparing more than 2.2 million federal income tax returns for individuals and families nationwide. These volunteers provided free tax help in communities across the country.
Tax Tip 2022-189, December 13, 2022 — People with disabilities and their families can use a Achieving a Better Life Experience or ABLE accounts to help pay for qualified disability-related expenses. ABLE accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts that don’t affect eligibility for government assistance programs.
Tax Tip 2022-188, December 8, 2022 — When people get married their tax situation often changes. A taxpayer’s marital status as of December 31 determines their tax filing options for the entire year, but that’s not all newlyweds need to know.
Tax Tip 2022-187, December 7, 2022 — The IRS and its Security Summit partners recently held the annual National Tax Security Awareness Week. The Security Summit is a longstanding partnership between the IRS, state tax administrators and the tax software and tax professional community.
Tax Tip 2022-186, December 6, 2022 — Tax filing season will be here soon. As people begin to gather their documents and receipts in preparation of filing a tax return, many are also choosing to use a professional tax return preparer. Anyone with an IRS Preparer Tax Identification Number can be a paid tax return preparer.
Tax Tip 2022-185, December 5, 2022 — The quickest way to get the latest IRS news is through the agency's official social media accounts and by subscribing to e-News services. These communication channels keep taxpayers in the loop about important tax matters.
Tax Tip 2022-184, December 1, 2022 — Most people probably only think about tax credits and deductions when they’re completing their tax return. However, a little early planning can make for a smoother filing process. By familiarizing themselves now, taxpayers can have a clear understanding of which credits and deductions make sense for them and the records needed to show their eligibility.
IRS tax tips from January 2011 forward.