Trang này chưa được phiên dịch sang tiếng Việt vì chúng tôi hiện không có bản phiên dịch bằng ngôn ngữ quý vị ưa chuộng. Nhận trợ giúp bằng ngôn ngữ của quý vị
For 2000, 46 million taxpayers held $2.6 trillion in individual retirement arrangements (IRA’s). Nearly all (91.5 percent) was invested in traditional IRA plans. More than 15 million taxpayers made contributions of $36.5 billion to these plans.
For 2001, U.S. taxpayers living abroad reported $27 billion in foreign-earned income. The foreign-earned income exclusion was $14 billion, while the exclusion for employer-provided housing expenses was nearly $2 billion. There were also over $6 billion of foreign tax credits.
Taxpayers filed 130 million returns for Tax Year 2001. Adjusted gross income on taxable returns fell 4.0 percent and total income tax decreased 10.4 percent.
IC-DISC tax provisions provide limited incentives to small U.S. exporters. IC-DISC’s filed 727 income tax returns for 2000. Export gross receipts were $4.7 billion, tax-deferred IC-DISC income reported to shareholders was $0.7 billion, and actual distributions to shareholders were $0.4 billion.
Nearly 3 million S corporation returns were filed for Tax Year 2001, the single most popular corporate entity choice, representing 58 percent of all corporate entities.
For Tax Year 2001, about 130.3 million returns were filed, a 14.5-percent increase from the 113.7 million returns filed for 1990. The number of returns for all size classes with real adjusted gross income above $100,000 increased by 69.2 percent or more.
Nonprofit organizations filed approximately 39,000 Forms 990-T for unrelated business income (UBI). After offsetting total gross UBI ($8.4 billion) with deductions ($7.7 billion), unrelated business taxable income (less deficit) was $0.7 billion. Unrelated business income tax was $0.4 billion.
For Tax Year 1997, there were 1,168 individual income tax returns that showed EZE credits of $10.9 million against regular tax. In addition, 278 taxable corporations claimed $8.6 million in EZE credit.