IRS Tax Tip 2022-130, August 24, 2022
It's important for taxpayers to be able to get tax resources in a language they understand. To help more people get the information they need, the IRS has added a translation of the instructions for Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization (in traditional Chinese).
A Tax Information Authorization is a critical form often used to help taxpayers with their IRS tax matters. Form 8821 is a taxpayer's written authorization designating one or more third parties to receive and view the taxpayer's information.
The designees may inspect or receive confidential tax information for the tax matters, forms and periods specified on Form 8821. This authorization includes the right to receive account information and copies of IRS notices. The designees of a TIA can be anyone the taxpayer chooses, including family and friends.
While the actual form isn't available in traditional Chinese because of technical limitations, making the instructions available in the language will expand access and understanding of this important process. Form 8821 and its instructions are also available in English and Spanish.
Other IRS multilingual resources
The IRS also has a Languages webpage available in 20 translations to help taxpayers find basic tax information. Some of the multilingual resources include the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, e-file resources and many tax forms and publications. Other available multilingual resources include:
- Interpreter services in more than 350 languages to help taxpayers when interacting face-to-face or over the phone with IRS employees.
- The Let Us Help You page, which is available in seven languages.
- Latest tax news and information in seven languages through the agency's official Twitter account @IRSnews.
- Help for taxpayers and tax professionals: Tax season alerts and planning for 2023 webpage, available in seven languages, which includes the latest filing season updates and details of the agency's ongoing efforts to address the inventory of previously filed tax returns.
- Online tools that provide step-by-step instructions in various languages:
Alternative media resources for blind, sight-impaired individuals
The agency's Alternative Media Center is converting IRS Form 1040, its main schedules and six publications in Spanish Braille and large print. Taxpayers can download forms and instructions from the Accessible Forms and Publications page of or request copies by going to the Order Forms and Publications page of or calling 800-829-3676.
If a taxpayer has questions about IRS accessibility services, they can contact the Accessibility Helpline at 833-690-0598. This helpline doesn't have access to taxpayers' IRS accounts. For help with tax law, refunds or other account-related issues, visit the Let Us Help You page on