New product codes for certain gasoline blending components
The use of additional product codes (PC) for certain gasoline blending components has been implemented effective 1-26-18:
- Conventional Gasoline Blending Component (CBOB) – PC 301
- Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (RBOB) – PC 302
- Natural Gasoline – PC 061
Reporting of the new gasoline blending component PCs may result in the need to report book adjustments.
Book adjustments are product reclassifications or conversion of products in the terminal that result in a PC change. Book adjustments itemize changes in volume of at least one liquid product and another liquid product, with no physical movement of the product. Book adjustments may be reported in summary by a set of book adjustments at the end of the filing period or in detail at the time of product disbursement.
When a product is blended or re-classified from product A to product B, a minimum of two transactions must be reported. Book adjustments should always occur in pairs, i.e., for each terminal disbursement book adjustment, there should be a corresponding terminal receipt book adjustment. Product codes should be different between the disbursements and receipts, but the total gallon amounts for the receipts and disbursements should be the same.
Example for using the new CBOB/RBOB product codes to report book adjustment blends with ethanol
Assume that an approved terminal (TCN) has 100,000 gallons of Conventional Gasoline Blending Components (PC 301) in its inventory. It then makes a disbursement of 9,000 gallons of PC 301 and blends this product at the rack with a total quantity of 1,000 gallons of Ethanol (PC E00). This blend has created 10,000 gallons of Ethanol 10 per cent blend (PC E10), which in turn is reported as a truckload disbursement of PC E10. To accomplish this, a BA disbursement (15B) of 9,000 gallons of CBOB (301), is reported. Likewise, the 1,000 gallons of Ethanol (E00) must also be reported as a book adjustment (BA) disbursement (15B). The resulting receipt of 10,000 gallons of PC E10 can then be reported as a BA receipt (15A), and the terminal can then report the truckload disbursement (15B) of PC E10.
EDI Segment | Description |
TFS~T3~15B~PG~301~94~BA\ |
<<Terminal disbursement book adj. for PC 301>> |
REF~55~1000000001\ |
N1~OT~~TC~T96VA6292\ | <<TCN where reclassification happened>> |
FGS~D~BM~513BA\ |
REF~55~2000000001\ |
DTM~095~20170128\ | <<Date reclassification took place>> |
TIA~5005~~~9000~GA\ | <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TIA~5006~~~9000~GA\ | <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TFS~T3~15B~PG~E00~94~BA\ | <<Terminal disbursement book adj. for PC E00>> |
REF~55~1000000002\ |
N1~OT~~TC~T96VA6292\ |
<<TCN where reclassification happened>> |
N1~ON~NMCA~24~123456789\ | <<PH name control and EIN of E00>> |
FGS~D~BM~514BA\ |
REF~55~2000000002\ |
DTM~095~20170128\ | <<Date reclassification took place>>> |
TIA~5005~~~1000~GA\ | <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TIA~5006~~~1000~GA\ | <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TFS~T3~15A~PG~E10~94~BA\ | <<Terminal receipt book adj. for substitute PC E10>> |
REF~55~1000000003\ |
N1~DT~~TC~T96VA6292\ | <<TCN where reclassification happened>> |
N1~ON~NMCA~24~123456789\ | <<PH name control and EIN of E10>> |
FGS~D~BM~515BA\ |
REF~55~2000000003\ |
DTM~095~20170128\ | <<Date reclassification took place>> |
TIA~5005~~~10000~GA\ | <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TIA~5006~~~10000~GA\ | <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TFS~T3~15B~PG~E10~94~J \ | <<Terminal disbursement via truck for PC E10>> |
REF~55~1000000004\ |
N1~OT~~TC~T96VA6292\ | <<TCN where disbursement originated>> |
N1~ON~NMCA~24~123456789\ | <<PH name control and EIN of E10>> |
N1~ST~VA\ | <<Ship To State for truck disbursement>> |
FGS~D~BM~51599\ |
REF~55~2000000004\ |
DTM~095~20170128\ | <<Date disbursement took place>> |
TIA~5005~~~10000~GA\ | <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TIA~5006~~~10000~GA\ | <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>> |
In this example, the two disbursements PCs 301 and E00 combine to provide the ethanol mixture using PC E10 and the total disbursement gallons (9,000 + 1,000) equals the total receipt gallons (10,000). The TCN then reports the disbursement via truck of the 10,000 gallons of E10.
It is acceptable to make a single book adjustment at the end of the filing period for the total amount of the ethanol (PC E10) blended at the rack and disbursed. The PC inventory of ethanol (PC E00) and can also be further blended with CBOB (PC 301) or RBOB (PC 302) to create other ethanol mixtures such as E05 or E15 for additional terminal disbursements.
Example for using the new natural gasoline product code to report book adjustment on product code 122
A terminal has been reporting its transactions and inventory of Natural Gasoline as PC 122 (Blending components, other). With the new PC 061 to define Natural Gasoline as a unique product, the terminal operator may convert their inventory from PC 122 to PC 061. For this example, 100,000 gallons of natural gasoline (PC 061) is included in the June 2017 ending inventory of 300,000 gallons of Blending components, other (PC 122) last reported to ExSTARS. In order to convert this inventory to the new PC, the terminal reports BA disbursements (15B) of 100,000 gallons from PC 122 to reflect a reduction in inventory. A corresponding BA receipt (15A) of 100,000 gallons into PC 061 is made to reflect the inventory of the new PC 061 for natural gasoline. The book adjustments are illustrated below.
EDI Segment | Description |
TFS~T3~15B~PG~122~94~BA\ | <<Terminal disbursement book adj. for PC 122>> |
REF~55~1000000001\ |
N1~OT~~TC~T96GR6292\ | <<TCN where reclassification happened>> |
FGS~D~BM~51564\ |
REF~55~2000000001\ |
DTM~095~20170701\ | <<Date reclassification took place>> |
TIA~5005~~~100000~GA\ | <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TIA~5006~~~100000~GA\ | <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TFS~T3~15A~PG~061~94~BA\ | <<Terminal receipt book adj. for PC 061>> |
REF~55~1000000003\ |
N1~DT~~TC~T96GR6292\ | <<TCN where reclassification happened>> |
FGS~D~BM~51564\ |
REF~55~2000000003\ |
DTM~095~20170701\ | <<Date reclassification took place>> |
TIA~5005~~~100000~GA\ | <<Net amount of gallons for transaction>> |
TIA~5006~~~100000~GA\ | <<Gross amount of gallons for transaction>> |
In this example, the total inventory decreases for PC 122 (300,000 –100,000) to 200,000 gallons and the total inventory increases in PC 061 (0+ 100,000) to 100,000 gallons.