Data Presented

Individual Income and Tax Data, by State and Size of Adjusted Gross Income.

Tax Year 2014: Historic Table 2 (SOI Bulletin)

Summary Statistical Tables

Data by State or Area

States or Areas A-K States or Areas L-N States or Areas O-W

Tax Year 2013: Historic Table 2 (SOI Bulletin)

Summary Statistical Tables

Data by State or Area

States or Areas A-K States or Areas L-N States or Areas O-W

Tax Year 2012: Historic Table 2 (SOI Bulletin)

Summary Statistical Tables

Data by State or Area

States or Areas A-K States or Areas L-N States or Areas O-W

Tax Year 2011: Historic Table 2 (SOI Bulletin)

Summary Statistical Tables

Data by State or Area

States or Areas A-K States or Areas L-N States or Areas O-W

Tax Year 2010: Historic Table 2 (SOI Bulletin)

Summary Statistical Tables

Data by State or Area

States or Areas A-K States or Areas L-N States or Areas O-W

SOI Tax Stats Historic Table 2: Index of Years